Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1978)
THE BATTALION P«fl« 15 WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 11. 1978 scored ‘gle by & iniella »ppy at tl 'Ut that's au have a MiiBaaiasaBWiiiiiirg iim iwi tali rminiwi pe notes Softball team in state tourney Texas A&M womens softball coached by Bill Galloway, .a jts regular fall season 23-4, Ur times to Texas Womens rsitv. The Aggies travel to Ho Friday for the TA1AYV Champions h ips where th ey , e ded second behind TWU. three mile race with 28 points while the Aggies had 33. Texas A&M’s Martha Sartain ran for her third first place finish with a time of 17:04. Lorie Scott came in third followed oy Sandra Brown in fourth. Teammates Debbie Cocke finished 10, Kim Mallory 15, Keress Hawkins 16, Adelaide Bratten 24, Julie White 28, and Barbara Col- linsworth 31. The team and Coach David Williams travel to Carbon- dale, Illinios Saturday for the Saluki Invitational. Competition was tough for the Texas A&M women’s golf team in the William H. Tucker Invitational in Albuquerque, New Mexico last week. The Aggies placed 12th be hind teams that finished in the top 20 at nationals last season. Texas A&M’s Kim Bauer placed fourth. A ’ J' 6 ?' A&M received a first round d , 0(! n the tournament and will ngthemli the winner of the Trinity Vs. Stage game at 12 noon Fri- Aggies defeated Baylor in a ■header Wednesday. The Ag- ,n6-l in the first game but had squeeze in the second game n 7-6 in the 10th inning, lexas pitcher Sami Evans led the to a victory in the first game elieved freshman Shannon iy in the nightcap game after ^^linings to lead the Aggies to a. Newtod cmnd win of the night. iatNewYod on continued for the women < at LosA^ogdoches Friday and Satur- B en Stephen F. Austin hosted [robin tournament. The Ag- |ok 2nd behind undefeated iiVomen’s University. On Fri- lexas defeated West Te xas -v > .0-0, the University of Texas ^ pgton 4-3, and SPA 2-In Sat- ^ [the Aggies met TWU and lefeated 7-0. The team then named U Ed Baylor 5-0 and Sam I Ions - * Weekbd Ete 4-2. rd South*! I he Weeb I fejoj A&M women s cross Eteam finished second Friday ense, w<Bj n iv er sity of Houston Invita- r touchdo^j| ouston ran f or a |', rs t jn tin ed up 22i sailors win first in regatta in the tfc on nine a is A&M and Willard moved into the consola tion finals of flight three. These rounds were played Sunday. Sissom (flight 2) and Guerra (flight 6) ad vanced to the semi-finals of consola tion but were defeated. Schilling and Hinkle were both defeated in first round matches. Texas A&M tied Clemson for 10th place in the Jim Corbett Classic golf tournament in Baton Rouge, La. last week. Oral Roberts was the team winner. Dave Ogrin led the Aggies with 70-68-73—211. The next actio forthe men will be in the Braswell Intercollegiate in Shreveport, La., Oct. 16-17. Qbc) INTERSTATE /AcaS-tct ' UNIVfRSlTY .OUAPF SHOPPING CINTIR 844-67U & 84GIIS1 PUTT THEATRE GROUP SALES TICKETS WILL 8E ACCEPTED [ ETEnBD The Texas A&M women’s tennis team traveled to Baton Rouge Friday for the Louisiana State University Lady Tiger Invitational. First round double winners Kath leen Sissom and Su - m Schiling were stopped in the second round by LSU. Other first round champoin-' ship matches proved unsuccessful for the Aggies and the players moved into consolation. Maylyn Hooton and Judy Willard advanced to the semi-finals of consolation but were defeated by LSU. A pair from TCU defeated Ferol Hinkle and Mary Guerra. In singles action, Hooton reached the consolation finals of flight one DRESS CCTICAIA.! I TOGA IMGT REQUIRED! -IF YOU Kt IN HIGH SCHOOL IF tOtFRt IN COLLEGE. IF YOU NE OUT OF COLLEGE IF YOU VE EVER HEARD h OF COLLEGE A NATIONAL LAMPOON FAN A SATURDAY NIGHT UVE FAN MANOR EAST 3 THEATRES THE END FOUL PLAY 7:25 9:45 7:15 9:35 INTERNATIONAL 7:20 VELVET '9*0 IT.'LA-nTT'JI,^ WEST SLITHIS PLUS LEGEND OF SLEEPY HOLLOW EAST SWARM PLUS SQUIRM novedtkel Bellarda lillo opped us! We just A is much in n play iti on who to was plain e ball fix her have) rtis, that's University ’s sailing ion first place Saturday in the Invitational regatta by Rice University in Sea beating Tulane University, h-ranked nationallv, and 11th the seem University of Texas. ngfirst in the A division were [Terry Gough of Bedford and Mark McCreary of Hous ton. Greg Schcrtz of Bryan ti>ok first place in the B division with crew Donna Payne of Houston. Competitors included Tulane, Rice, Baylor and Texas. L’pcoming events for the team in clude the Baylor regatta Oct. 21 and the Baldwin Wood regatta in New Orleans, Oct. 28-29. Aggie bowlers lead conference llexas A&M Men’s and Wo- ..I Bowling team traveled to SOU inn last weedend to compete in meet of their 1978-79 sea- t Rice, Texas Southern and the Aggie men took a coqi- lead in the conference, Ig57 and one half out of a pos- runningk 12 points. Hay Cuester took ? injured it I ry Brims cut in pr> 1 pot on I u red a fc f ver the ^ j| day. ess Intel ['he Dallas individual honors in the meet by av eraging 204 for nine gameshq a high game of 267. The Aggie women bowled them selves into a virtual tie for first with a very strong Texas Southern team. Joy Lloyd was high scorer averaging 163 and recording a high game of 185. SAVER SALE ■% Wm FOR GUYS ’N GALS LEVI’S OVERALLS xjroy m Q Q lx/ a CLiirr^ CORDUROY FRE-WASHED DENIM LEVI S FASHION JEANS CORDUROY PRE-WASHED BRUSHED DENIM ii 88 Values to $22.00 LEVI’S FASHION JEANS ASSORTED STYLES $ R R ASSORTED FABRICS ^ Values to $20.00 | All Sale* f Final THREE BIG DAYS! TIIURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY OCTOBER 12, 13, 14 1 7()r> I I X AS A VE.-CULPEPPER PLAZA 373 M . 2!Mh Su* 4 Town & Covintry Cente Charlie Daniels brings out the best in people. On the new double live album. Volunteer Jam III and IV, Charlie brings out his very talented friends: Wet Willie, Sea Level, Grinderswitch, The Winters Bros. Band, Willie Nelson, Mylon LeFevre, Bonnie Bramlett, Papa John Creach and from The Marshall Tucker Band, Toy Caldwell and Paul Riddle. On Jan. 8, 1977, and Jan. 14, 1978, they all got together in the great volunteer state of Tennessee to provide their neighbors with much needed musi cal relief. Their accomplishments are talked about wher ever good citizens gather. "Volunteer Jam ID and XV" The Charlie Daniels Band with special guests and friends. They make America great. On Epic Records and Tapes. EnlUf some good friends and see the movie" Volunteer Jam "at a theatre near Y ou - Exclusive Film Distribution: Roger Grod Productions Inc. Management & Direction: Joe Sullivan. [t*i] ''Epic'.’ “ are trademarks of CBS Inc. ffi 1978 CBS Inc. AT THE INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF PANCAKES MIDNIGHT MADNESS WED., OCT. 11, 1978 ALL THE: PANCAKES YOU CAN EAT!!! •f 49 Just And while you’re stowing ’em away. . . Meet the new owner, Mike. International House of Pancakes ’ 103 N. College Ave. College Station [I] llSiS&{l!l ) . ..for many good reasons TM Inttnutlmul Hnuxt of Pancakes* iH[ ® \ 9^/ rte LurvcVi U'Wr’ol chick® 0 - * P t®shVved*°" “nd cot® sta* Expires OcU Avenue iClip Coupon