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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1978)
Page 6 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1978 Liquor Gallery Coors $1.62 3908 OLD COLLEGE RD. Party Hrs. Beverages 3:30-9:00 If you have calculator problems We carry a full line of calculators & accessories. Troopers association president say^pt Rother’s Bookstore 340 Jersey — At the Southgate Small Ads... Big Results! CLASSIFIED ADS! UNIVERSITY REFRIGERATORS SUMMER RENTALS 846-8350 lack of organization caused deaths' United Press International CHICKASHA, Okla. — A lack of organization in the hunt for two prison escapees last month contrib uted to the deaths of three Highway Come to Texas Mobile Home Outlet Saturday June the 17th and enjoy our HOME SHOW Featuring TED »d tn. NEW SOUNDS FREE COKES & TEXAS CHILI Come by See our Finest Quality Home for the Best price anywhere. Sandpoint MOBILE HOMES ® Texas\ Mobile Home Outlet, me AT THE INTERSECTION OF TEXAS AVE. & HWY. 21 Across from Weiners Phone 822-9140 IISIIESS CtllECf Inquire About Our Term Starting March 28 Phone 822-6423 or 822-2368 For more information call 822-6423 Patrol troopers, the Oklahoma Troopers Association president said. “Every report we’ve had indicates there was nothing but chaos down there. Not only was there no agency in charge of the overall operation, we were completely outmanned and outgunned from the time we ar rived,” said Ealmer Klippel, an 18- year patrol veteran assigned to the H.E. Bailey Turnpike. The three troopers, Lt. Pat Grimes and troopers Billy G. Young and Houston F. “Pappy” Summers, died May 26 in shootouts with es capees Michael Lancaster and Claude Eugene Dennis, who also MANOR EAST 1 THEATRES MANOR EAST MALL OPEN MON.-FRI. 9:30-9:30 SAT. 9:00-9:30 WED., THURS., FRL, SAT. SALE 164 gj 4 Days C0PPERT0NE® 4-OZ.* OIL OR LOTION TROPICAL BLEND® OIL Fast-tanning lotion or deep-tan oil. NOXZEMA® SKIN CREAM REGULAR OR GOLDEN® SEA & SKI SEA & SKI " DEEP SUN TAN OIL Dark tanning Cools, softens suntan oil by sunburned skin. Coppertone® . 1 4 oz. Lotions for the sun tan you want! Tropic Sun 1 *, enriched with healing aloe. sunburn sc, 4d« t»'' Ea 8-FL. OZ. SUNTAN OIL OR LOTION Contains rich, moisturizing cocoa butter. BLOCK OUT® CREAM LOTION Blocks out harm ful sun rays. 3.5 oz. 7-FL. 0Z. BEFORE SUN® LOTION 177 77* Blended lo tion protects from the sun. S0LARCAINE® SPRAY FOR SUNBURN Medicated for relief of sun burn. 4-oz.* UNGUENTINE® 9-OZ. SPRAY For fast relief for burn. pain sun- Copyright ® 1978 by Kmart Corporation MYSTERMHIS TRAVELED! FROM ▲MOTHER WORLD. 2:10 4:00 5:50 7:40 wnrffrom WATT DfflMEY KNnxiucttom ngWRr/mw utjmfAQOfWurf starring Bette Darts. (HrtstfoffttseffEee Rtlcased by BUENA VISTA DISTRIBUTION CO INC 01978 Walt Disney technicolor® ffa isney Productions n IVJ] *' His skmj will have you singing, laughim - ■ cheering and stomping your feet. & crymg, THE s 9:50 buddy HOLLY STORY [PGks* «N STEREO Pictures Skyway Twin ...Catch it PLUS "GREAT SCOUT AND CATHOUSE THURSDAY" Jerry Reed and Peter Fonda have found something more Fun than Truckin' PETER FONDA JERRY REED "HIGH-BALLIN’ ^ Color punts by MOVIEIAB • An AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL Release Campus ms 846-6512 COLLEGE STATION FRI.-SAT. MIDNIGHT - ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW “THE GOODBYE GIRL” WINNER OF ACADEMY AWARD - BEST ACTOR ALL SEATS-$1.50 were killed. Most of the troopers who took part in the manhunt were not issued bul letproof vests or highpowered rifles, he said. “Any rifles they had were their own and these people knew that Lancaster and Dennis were heavily armed and that Dennis was a crack shot,” Klippel said. Patrol officials said recently bul letproof vests would not have helped Grimes and Young because they were shot in the head. Summers was shot in the stomach and may not have been helped by a vest either, they said. Klippel said the troopers still should have had the option of wear ing the vests. “Not only did they not have them (the vests), there were some of those troopers out on roadblocks Thursday night who couldn’t even get batteries for their flashlights. They were just out there in the dark,” he said. He also said most of the troopers assigned to the search were not fic troopers used to hazaril)i duties.” “They were service personneltj they aren’t trained or p that kind of an operation. FortJpALL matter, none of us are,” he said Mer Jo He also said all but three me: jflays i: of the patrol’s three five-man ck teams, who are issued M-16' ia jd it to and bulletproof vests, were ooiH leag terstates 35 and 40 “handing Bgestit placemats” during the search | “They were taking part in tion CARE, a nationwideprogmi help enforce the 55 mph limit,” Klippel said. He also said the lack ofacome structure led to the breakdow radio traffic that preventedGti ,’ and Lt. Hoyt Hughes fromk: w( 1S warned about the presence oil nnis and Lancaster. Grimes was killed and Heji wounded when they drove 4: Caddo street and were ambusM the escapees. Weight officers train to protect themselves Tin orm to ei open nten entei team: 3.1-n able DeW United Press International BATON ROUGE —Truck weight enforcement officers in a three- parish area of west Louisiana are rid ing with state police escorts and tak ing firearms training to protect themselves from intimidation by marauders armed with pipes and clubs, a state official said Tuesday. “It’s almost unbelievable that in this day and age we still have vigilante-type people who go around threatening people who are just try ing to do their job,” Transportation and Development Secretary George Fischer said. “They’re unhappy with the (truck weight limit) law and they ought to come up here (to the Legis lature) to try to change the law.” The marauders are in the logging industry and the Legislature already has passed exemptions for timber trucks, but those exemptions cannot take effect until Sept. 12. Fischer said troopers began riding with the unarmed weight officers last week after several incidents of harassment in Allen, Sabine and Vernon parishes. “Since we put the state troopers with them, we’ve had no more prob- olj lems,” Fischer said. _ Although threatened, nonedi f officers was injured. The first serious incidentoccc , last month on U.S. 165nearOiH ^ when six or seven meninapitl truck stopped while two ole | P er were weighing a truck. “They were armed withcluk® 10113 pipes and told the weight oil ents ’ that they were going to get theml they were going to run themout^ so forth,” Fischer said. The group remained at the«| after the officers sought their locked cars and callethi police. They cursed andi obscene gestures while circtoCount cars and one of them told theot p re ]j that a killing could be arrangedhMpen, little as $50 in that area. Bh S ] A state trooper arrived butt:* p] a] no weapons. The men leftafephid trooper talked to them. M es tc On another occasion the diwfYork am empty concrete truck threatejdrawr to leave it parked on a portablei&eers to immobilize the device, Wveyinj eventually grew tired andi sive i away. re Florida cattle rustlin qmi Bol • lant to fiv Ballet more sophisticated United Press International TALLAHASSEE — Cattle rustl ing in Florida these days rivals the Old West folk tales — but they don’t hang the rustlers anymore. Rustlers don’t simply cut the fence and herd the cattle out anymore. Modern day bands of thieves use pickups and tractor-trailer trucks equipped with CB radios and police scanners to get in and out quickly. “Cattle rustling, everybody thinks, probably went out horse and buggy,” state Rep, Morgan said. He pushed a appropriations bill througl Florida Legislature to fight thieves. “It’s just more sophisticatedtl days,” he said of the rustling big business.” Any increase in beef pricesff prompt a new round of th Florida, one of the nation’s cattle producing states. Qbc INTERSTATE /%eaJu UNIVERSITY SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER 846-6714 & 846-1151 LAST l OArsT CINEMA 2: 15,4:05 -5:55,7:45 i & 9:35 I! StarringTOny CUftiS THE BAD NEWS BEARS GO TO JAPAN f22322JFAi.»"9 LIVES OF FRITZ THE CAT" When you’re discussing something as important as your future, it’s urgent that you get the straight facts . . . and that you understand them. Air Force ROIC can be an important part of your future. We would like to outline some of the facts and invite you to look into gathering more. It’s a fact: the Air Force needs highly-qualified, dedi cated officers. . . men and women. It’s a fact: we need people in all kinds of educational disciplines. It’s a fact: we’re prepared to offer financial help to those who can qualify for an Air Force ROTC scholarship. Get together with an AFROTC representative and discuss the program. We’ll give you all the facts. It could be one of the most important talks you’ve ever had with anyone about your educational plans. 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