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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1978)
Page 4 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1978 The Battalion Classified FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR RENT HELP WANTED FOR SALE Furnished apartments 415 Main. Two bed room $170. One bedroom, all bills paid, $145. 779-3700, 822-3700. 154t2 For Summer: Furnished, two bedroom du plex. $160 per month. 693-3255. 153t2 5 blocks from campus. Almost new 4-plex apartments; furnished and unfurnished, 2 bedrooms. Immediate occupancy. 822- 7341. 154t20 2 bedrm-1 bath duplex, 1422 Hillside, South- wood Valley, large fenced- yard, pets ok, tv cable, water, yard service provided. $225. 845-7420, 693-2304. 15H6 NEW APARTMENTS. Efficiency $135 month, tine bedroom from $150 month, two bedroom from $175 month. All bills paid except electric ity. Villa West Apartments, south of Villa Maria. Lorraine Peterson, Manager. 822- 7772. 75tfn Efficiencies. $105 monthly, bills paid, no pets. Before 1:00 822-3078. ' I50t3 Sublease apartment Sundance. One bedroom furnished $90 month. Call Donna 693- 0256. 152t3 Cheyenne Apts. Summer Leases SAVE! Beautiful, new, 825 sq. ft., re frigerator, dishwasher, fully carpeted. 2 BR, 1 Bath, fur nished or unfurnished, on shuttle bus. Summer Lancaster Place 303 Dexter, one-half block south of campus. Rooms, fully equipped kitchens, laundry facilities, utilities, local telephone. Vacancies for sum mer. Both male and female students. Call 846-5286. isots $185.00/mo. unfurn. Fall $244/mo. (insert map) 693-6893 or 846-2426 141120 LEASE NOW It pays in convenience and price Summer Lease 9 or 12 month lease CASA BLANCA 4110 College Main 2 bdr. turn, or unfurn. Pool, washateria, tv, cable provided. 846-1413. SCHOLAR’S INN 401 Cooner 1-2 bedroom furnished, quiet residential area. 846-7414 15Qt5 IMMEDIATE OPENING For secretary, De partment of Urban and Regional Plan ning. Good typing skills, and pleasant personality a must. For further informa tion contact the Per sonnel Office - YMCA building. Equal Op portunity Em ployer. 154,2 FAIRWAY APARTMENTS 3300 S. College Summer Rates $149 large 2 bedroom unfur nished $169 large 2 bedroom furnsihed Now leasing for fall. (860 sq. ft.) Swimming pool, washateria, near university and on shuttle bus route. 822-4964. urtn Waitresses, waiters, cocktail waitress, front office clerks. All shifts available. Apply in per son. Ramada Inn. College Station. isots DIRTY WORDS! French, German, Spanish, Russian, Swedish, and more. International Guide to Profanity. $4.00. Oiler restricted to persons 18 years of age and older. Send to: Words-035, P.O. Box 12441, Denver, Col orado 80212. 150(3 3-Way speaker cabinets. $15 a piece. Call 693-7993. 15411 HELP WANTED WANTED Secretary receptionist. Must have good typ ing skill. 60 words/per/minute minimum. Must be able to work well with others. Must lhave excellent telephone manners. Short- thand preferred but not required. Call 846- .4713 for interview or appointment. 15213 Mobile Home 14x70 3 b.r.-2 bath, partially furnished or unfurnished. 5 acres, bam, fenced for horses, garage, out buildings, 10x40 porch, trees. Lease $300 month. Available June 5.1-463-4083, 1-658-0306. uatio Immediate openings for at- tractive cocktail help. Wait ers, waitresses, bus help and kitchen help. Top salaries. Call Joyce Dixon, 693-2200 14916 FULL TIME EMPLOYMENT Woodframing CONSTRUC TION WORK. Carpentry ex perience helpful. Call 693- 4442 after 7 p.m. isots f 1977 Monte Carlo LandaiTj I Air, power, AM FM stereo,! (21,000 miles. Call 846-| ( 9249, after 5:00 846-j 9477. i47tsj The Houston Chronicle has im mediate openings for route carriers. Salary ranges from $300-$550 per month. Applicants must have after noons free from 1-5 p.m. and de pendable transportation. Also taking applications for summer and fall semesters. Call Julian McMurray 693-2323 or 846-0763. i29ttn TRAVIS HOUSE APTS. Now leasing for summer and fall. Come by and check our great summer rates! (From $160) All bills paid. 693- .7184. 14718 THE CRUSE CORPORATION . . . SPRING SPECIAL . . . COLLEGE STATION—3 bedroom, 1 bath with carport, some with washers & dryers and fejiced yards. Lawns are main tained for you. Rent now and save . . . $235 per month. Larry Cruse 693-3047 Reservations for fall accepted now Offices (8-5) 693-2800 Evenings & Weekends Thelma Costa 846-7318 Luxury furnished duplex. Very large bedroom. Built-in kitchen with all appliances. Refrigerator with icemaker. Country atmosphere. Lo cated off Dowling Road across from Bohanan Stables. $215 per/mo. & utilities. No pets. 693-8534. Summer only. i33t36 Summer Jobs Cleaning Home with Other Students $2.80/hr. Full or part time HOME CARE SERVICES 693-7844 Dependable students for morning paper routes near the campus. Must be available now and during fall semester. Excellent income for part-time job. 822-4351 or 846-8648. Part time bookkeeper needed for small but thriving business. Will discuss salary and bene fits. HOME CARE SERV ICES. 693-7844. 15312 THE NEW VILLAGE GREEN APTS. 401 University Oaks • College Station —— Now Leasing *pool • Efficiencies - 1BR - 2BR, 1B - 2BR, 2B tennis courts - club room •furnished or unfurnishedl • on shuttle bus route 693-5432 MONOCO/ POSADA APARTMENTS Special Summer Rates from $150 - $220 Fall Rates from $210 - $350 “ALL BILLS PAID” 306 Redmond Dr. 693-2614 CHILD CARE NEEDED First United Methodist Church of Bryan needs students to care for children every Sun day from 8:30-12:00 and oc casionally during the week. $2.65/hour, good working conditions — other students. Call 779-1324. 15413 3-C Corral on Barak Lane, across from Bryan High, is looking for a few good waiters and waitresses. Great sum mer cash. Hours between 4:30-10:00. Work 2-4 nights per week. Part time openings during the day also available. Preferred that you come by between 2-5 p.m. 148,7 Manager Trainee $8000+ 1 i ! i Rapidly expanding statewide corporation ] has immediate opening due to promotion, i |$8000 plus while completing one-year | |training. Should double upon assuming | manager status and increase rapidly from j.there. Excellent working conditions and | | complete company benefits. Must be able j i'to handle responsibility for an administra- | I f tion of all aspects of retail sales operations, i jlExperience helpful but not required. Educa- | jltion given preference. Apply in person, 712 J - • - f (Villa Maria Rd. A NEW CONCEPT IN STUDENT STORAGE SAFS • COWVfVT . M£xP£JV3t VC ‘ wt u.'mr p*op* ssiomals 30 CUBIC FT. fir*ODD VAULTS For: BOOAC^ Reports projects STEREO'S OR JUST , PLAltt CALL 822-6618 ZZO& FiHFEATH £ R RCy FtR. MCNTU HELP WANTED: Aggies wanted to sell subscriptions to the Brazos Val ley’s number one newspaper, The Eagle. Salary and commissions plus bonus arrangements. Flexible hours. Work dates - August 21 through September 26. Send letter detailing your experience and including summer address and phone number to Roy Nelson, The Eagle, P. O. Box 3000, Bryan, Texas 77801 . 139116 Wanted Fast Food Personnel FREE FOOD PAID VACATIONS ROOM FOR ADVANCEMENT. EXCELLENT WORKING CONDITIONS. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Part & full time positions available for the following shifts: 11 a.m.-2 p.m. 7 p.m.-2 a.m. 5 p.m.-2 a.m. Starting pay $2.65/hr. Apply in person at Der Wienerschnitzel 501 S. Texas Ave. Between 2-5 p.m. daily 14817 FOR SALE ’76 VW Scirocco, all extras included. Evenings 846-0993. 15213 Full Time Summer work available for High School or college students who will desire part time work with us this fall. Start $2.75 hour. Must be neat and dependable. Apply in person only. I Mobile home. 14x60 unfurnished 2 br, 1 bath, window ac, central heat. Excellent condition. 822-5609. $7500. 152(3 i HANUUN BMP APARTMENTS ATTENTION APARTMENT HUNTERS! SUMMER LEASES “30% DISCOUNT” You can SAVE up to $374.00 when you sign a summer lease. Please come by today and see how much we can help you save. We are now leasing for Fall & Spring semesters. A » o Furnished & Unfurnished Efficiency, 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments All Utilities included No Escalation Clause or Fuel Adjustment Charge 24 Hour Emergency Maintenance Service Two Swimming Pools Tennis Courts Party/Meeting Room Health Spas, including Saunas for Men & Women Three Laundry Rooms Rental office open Monday through Friday 9-6 Saturday 10-5 Sunday 2-5 693-1110 1501 Hwy. 30 693-1011 WHATABURGER ! j Bryan ! 1101 Texas Ave. L College Station 105 Dominik ! Two Blocks From A&M House for sale. Two bedrooms, one bath. Great yard — completely fenced. Central a&h, trees! Well main tained. Good investment at $27,900. Tell your parents about this, Ags. 846-1619. i49tio MAKE THIS SUMMER COUNT And Return To School With A Fat Bank Account During the summer months our clients turn to our temporary division to provide secretaries, typists, receptionists, keypunch operators, accounting clerks and general office personnel. If you have any training or exposure to office work and would like to have a fascinating summer in the business world—we want to talk with you. There is no charge for our service (companies pay our fee) and you wilt receive top hourly rates. Complete and mail the form below. We will contact you with more details. NAME. DATE. ADDRESS. CITY. .STATE. TELEPHONE (AC SCHOOL .or (AC ). SKILLS TYPING. SHORTHAND. KEYPUNCH. OTHER. DATES AVAILABLE FOR WORK IN HOUSTON FROM ffl. David Lowe TEfnPORARlEJ P.O. Box 27445 Houston, Texas 77027 (713) 784-3880 *(Code:) FURNITURE SALE Sofa $45, sofa $30, hassock $10, coffee table $6. Call 693-2260 after 5. 15213 Luxury 14x70 3 bedroom 1 V2 bath mobile home, in excellent condition. Central air and heat. Has skirting, dryer and also some furniture in cluded. Large lot. $7500 or best offer. 822-4426. Will negotiate. isit4 SERVICES Experienced tutoring in mathematics. All levels. Call Jacque 846-4224. 147(8 Service For All Chrysler Corp- Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. , Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 KEYPUNCHING & VERIFICATION Software Support Call Sort Data processing 822-7080 i4£ LOST Lost near Fairway Apts. Male cat, nine months. White with orange paws, tail, ears. Left ear notched. Answers to Rusty. Reward. Syl via or Jlonka 779-4946. 15312 ROOMMATE WANTED Female roommate needed to share two bed room apt. $90 all bills paid. After 5:00, 846- 3067 Laurie. 153(3 To share trailer. $50/mo. 1-825-2602. 150(5 Roommate needed for summer, 2 BDR studio apt. $88/mo. All bills paid. 845-4374 or 845- 6794. i54n Free puppy. Almost a black Labrador. First shots. Eleven weeks old. Paper trained. 846- 2425. 153(2 External frame backpack, 7X binoculars. 693- 2284. 151(4 4 new 40,000 mile European steel belted ra- dials. B-70-13 Cheap. 693-3384. 151(3 ROOMMATE NEEDED To rent one bedroom in a new house for summer only. Air- cond., on bus route, near campus. Call D.J. 693- 3029. 15213 Roommate needed for first and or second summer session. Large furnished house close to campus. Have own bedroom. All bills paid, $140 month. 846-9114 after 2:00. isots Roommate summer and or fall. Next to campus. Male or female, own room. $58 month plus utilities, furnished. 410 First Street, Apartment 4. 846-4995 Mike. 15312 FOUND Found: P.A. amplifier. Call 693-7993. 154(1 JOR OPPORTUNITIES \ • a • . . ^ ...v.v.v:v. / ■V ^ - »*»Y*ViYrY , Y. © For employment information at Texas A&M University dial 845-4444 24 hours a day. Equal Employment Op portunity through Affirmative Action. Texas A&M University WANTED Park lad expandin 145 acres Ry GREG PROPPS The big and little kids ofOj Station are in luck. They not more places to play. By making use of capili! provement bonds, federal mr land and money dedicatias local real estate developers,(hi of Collge Station is keeping system abreast of the growth. Using a recent $1.81 mi improvements bond, the purchased a new 50-acre trad; mg its total park land to 183,(fi The new tract is located intki east section of the city near! Road and the East By-Pass.!(-, used primarily for athletic fields. Another 50-acre pun be used for athletic playing! being planned for the Valley area. THE PURCHASE Off other park sites, totalin|(i acres, is also being planned! ance the city’s park space growing population. Thesepl acquisitions, totaling 92toSi will boost the city parklandloi 278 acres. The $1.81 million parks! part of a $9.165 million approved by the voters l allocation to the parks syslet this bond is broken downlol million for land purchaet $525,000 for developing lit land. ANDY CZIMSKEY, inler rector of parks and recreali College Station, said some system funds could be eli| federal matching from the Bt Outdoor Recreation. Czimsl plained that before these hi granted, environmental imp archeological studies musth of the site to assure that best use of the land. He add federal matching funds have already been grantedfoi the Thomas and Oaks parks A city bond election in lif cated $423,000 to provem ents. Approxi $347,760 of that amount has# spent. The remaining cask fund is earmarked to be spent proving Wayne Smith, Beef ; Cali At be all sessii the: ores i 9,80 Ft fresl the t durii sents ing ( Mi Sumi is ho The i tivitn budg noun an mi The 1 spon Alt at the of tin Sti card schoi char; to sh miss: child In this soft! sing] com hanc Entr June H ingt rese men mite Asto will R fc a A: impi sign imp< vers A socn Anderson, Thomas, Oaks; coin Center parks. Q Text Playing fields, bleachers, high and parking areas have already upgraded in Wayne Smith Far Creek Park has received neid fields, a picnic shelter andj court improvements. Renii work in Bee Creek include! tennis courts, roads and park provements. ANDERSON PARK SCHEDULED to have newf fields, playgrounds, parking picnic sites and an exercisf Thomas Park is awaiting mf tion of a swimming pool, Mj courts and a picnic shelter, Oaks Park, which will be mainly for student use, nil have new tennis courts, gronfi shelters, a frisbee golf cons new restrooms. Lincoln Ceil already had its buildings s fields improved. The remainder of the 13d plus the $184,000 in fedefil leaves the city with spend on these improvement Real estate developers* quired by a city ordinance Id donation of land or cash to lk system when they develop 1 housing area. Section 2 oflk nance reads, “One acre oft pro-rated part thereof, cated to the public for parks k 133 dwelling units. Section 4-A of the states, “If either the city orlk owner responsible for the deft elects, the requirementsofSi 1 ' shall be met in whole or inp» cash payment in lieu ofland SINCE NOVEMBER Of the city has received almostk in park dedication money. Pond Park, Longmire and K. Fitch parks have cated by area developers in 1 two years. City Planner Al Mayo said housing projects generallyt*k of their dedication require® 1 ' the form of cash, as their ® ment usually is not enou| suitable piece ofland. Headk m Full time typing. Symbols. Call 823- 7723. ' . 392tfn Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds. 822-0544. 119(8 Typing. 823-4579. the cash “goes into an e# fund to buy new land for pad* area close to the developmfk improve existing parks in Including the money fr bond elections and the 1 * grants, the city has more that' lion to use in upgrading itsp- tern. Czimskey said that bf' 1 the city’s rapid rowth to slo» and allow the parks to co®t catch up with the city’s de® 1 T TEACHERS WANTED • West and other states. ! Placements since 1946. Bonded, Southwest Teachers j Agency, PO Box 4337, Albur- j uejTjue^ N. M.J374j96 131118 j AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction standard equipment 2401 Texas Ave 823-8002