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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1978)
Page 4 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5. 1978 The Battalion Classified SENIOR RING ORDERING PROCEDURE For Students Completing 92 Hours at the End of the Spring ’78 Semester To be eligible to order the Texas A&M Senior Class Ring, an undergraduate stu dent must have at least ninety-two (92) semester hours, with 30 hours at A&M and be in good standing with the University. To order at mid-semester using mid-semester grades to fulfill the above requirements, please note the following instructions: 1. Leave your name, major and I.D. number with the Ring Clerk, Heaton Building, prior to Spring Break if possi ble, or at least one week in advance of ordering. This may not be done by phone. 2. Bring Mid-Semester Grade Report along when ready to order to verify passing hours. 3. Anyone having failed to leave their name in advance and fail to bring their Mid-Semester Grade Report along when ready to order will be asked to return later to allow time for records to be checked. 4. All rings must be paid for in full when the order is placed. Senior Ring Loans are available through Student Financial Aid in the YMCA Building. 5. Mid-Semester orders wilt be taken only from March 22nd until April 28th, 1978. 6. Students who do not place their order during this period may order after final grades are posted. (Whenever 92 hours have been completed and are on rec ord, there is never a dead-line, except a monthly mailing date on which we send orders to the factory). 7. The Ring Clerk is on duty from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day, Monday through Fri day. However, in order for other duties to be carried out, Absolutely no orders will be taken between 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. or between 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. 8. All rings ordered, regardless of whether on March 22nd or April 28th, will be de livered on the same day which will be approximately June 29, 1978. SERVICES Professional Typing Services 846-9109. 119tl8 KEYPUNCHING VERIFICATION Software Support Call Sort Data Processing 822-7080 128112 Weight Watchershas new simplic ity, more flexibility ahd many new foods. College Station class meets Thursday 5:15 p.m. Luthe ran Student Center, 315 North College Main. For free booklet and further information call 822- 7303. Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 INSTRUCTION Dog obedience classes April 8th at 1:00. $20. 779-6372, 779-3412. I28t5 FOUND White dog found on campus Monday. Please identify. Call Dave 845-4278. 129t3 Men's watch. 845-2183. WANTED Typing. 823-4579. Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds. 822-0544. 1 19t8 Full time typing. Symbols. Call 823- 7723. 392tfn Typing 75c page. 846-7577. Looking for a 72-77 Grand Prix with body and interior in good condition. Not concerned with condition of engine or transmis sion. 846-6014. ipgts PERSONALS Wanted: One wild and crazy kind of girl to accompany a wild and crazy kind of guy to the Steve Martin show. Call Jim 845- 3484. - 129ti ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE "Whrr c satisfaction is standard equipment" 2401 Texas Ave. 823-8002 s/ssyy/s/y.i.- •$>vW:W For employment information at Texas A&M University dial 845-4444 24 hours a day. Equal Employment Op portunity through Affirmative Action. Texas A&M University FOR RENT Mobile home. 2 bedroom, 2 bath. On shuttle bus route. 822-5147 after 5 p.m. I26t6 NEW APARTMENTS. Efficiency $135 month. One bedroom from $150 month, two bedroom from $175 month. All bills paid except electric ity. Villa West Apartments, south of Villa Maria. Lorraine Peterson, Manager. 822- 7772. 75ti'n Sublease summer furnished 3-bedroom 2 bath duplex. Carport, fenced yard. 693- 6839, 693-2729. i29te Monaco/Posada Apartments Now Leasing for summer and fall. Come by or call and ask us about our SUPER summer rates, fall rates, and our spe cial year rates. Apartments for $140 and up! (All bills paid!)! 693-2614. 124123 Part-time Jr. or Sr. accounting students or full-time accounting graduates for CPA firm in Brenham. Call (713) 836-5643 or write P.O. Box 671, Brenham, Texas 77833. 125t12 APARTMENT FOR SUBLEASE Doux Chene efficiency apartment. Lease runs May 15-August 15. $180/month all utilities paid. ^Contact Kathy at 846-6006 after 5:30. i «>»»•:••••: 12515 l— One-bedroom apartments, un furnished. All bills paid except electricity. $160/mo. 700 Bur nett, Bryan (behind Ford Motor Co.) 822-3751; after 6, 822- 0485. 12715 COUNTRY LIVING Mobile home spaces. Huge lots and garden space. All pest welcome, in cluding horses!! 6 mi. from A&M $40/mo. Call 693-3190 or 822-4029. Also: Rich pasture, horses. $20. mo. 127120 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY AND PRELEASING FOR SUMMER AND FALL SEMESTERS 1 & 2 BEDROOMS Furnished & Unfurnished 1824 WILDE OAK CIRCLE Bryan $160.00 to $235.00 LONGMIRE HOUSE 2300 Longmire Drive Southwood Valley - Off FM2818 College Station $175.00 to $245.00 Quality Typing & Editing. From 75c. 693- 9877 or 846-1.360. i 2 2tlo CALL 693-8850 For appointment OR Free information sheet with floor plans and additional information to be mailed to you. No obligation. Evenings & weekends Call 693-1884 - 846-8145 D. R. CAIN COMPANY 3002 S. Texas Ave. College Station 12 6t2i HELP WANTED Part-time help wanted. Flexible hours. Apply in person only at Pepe’s, 3312 S. College Ave., Bryan or 107 Dominik, C.S. Interviews between 2-4 only. 128t4 Person to keep books part time. Flexible hours. 846-1148. 127tl0 Philco air conditioner. 11000 BTLb 115 volts. Very reasonable price. Phone 846-0783. 127t3 Male and female full time help wanted. Inter views at 4109 College Main at corner Clay St. 122110 OVERSEAS JOBS - Summer/year-round. Europe, S. America, Australia, Asia, etc. All fields, $500-$1200 monthly, expenses paid, sightseeing. Free information-Write: BHP Co., Box 4490, Dept. TO, Berkeley, CA 94704. 129120 For Sale. 1 pr. senior boots. 1 yr. old. Holicks 845-5950. $150. 12913 FOR SALE Before spending $900 or more on a new 125CC motorcycle check my 500CC Triumph in perfect condition for $750. Call 845-3514, 823-0826 after 7 P.M. 119115 Mathematics Department will take applications for student employment for Fall 1978. Apply at Math Office, 102 Milner Hall, March 27 through April 7. 119113 1972 Kawasaki 90. Some extras. Top shape. $250. 846-0779. 12715 10-speed, like new, Austrian-made top line Free Spirit, silver frame 846-5097. 12814 Moving Sale: Washer and dryer, living room chair, queen size mat tress and box springs, 10 speed bike, golf clubs, and tools. 693- 5442 after 5. 12913 Have a summer job? Earn $880 per month. Must be hard worker! Inter views in Rudder Tower 704. Interview schedules: Wednesday - 3:00, 6:00, and 9:00. Thursday: 12:00, 3:00, and 6:00. 12912 ’73 Kawasaki 900. Engine has 600 mi. Metalic silver with new headers. Call 846-0127. 12814 ’67 Electra 225. $495, negotiable. 845-7987 (Boh). 128t4 1973 Suzuki GT 380 very good condition, sev eral accessories included $500. 693-7913, 846-9235. 122110 Start Your Summer Job Now — Cleaning Homes with Other Students $2.80/hr. Full or part time HOME CARE SERVICES 693-7844 693-1088 12915 Honda 500CB-T for sale. Low mileage, windshield, crash bar, excellent condition, $950. Call 845-2682. I29t2 ’73 Cutlass Supreme 70,000 mi. A/C needs work otherwise excel lent condition. One owner. AM/FM/CB, silver, maroon top and interior. $1900 or will talk. 693-0019 call til 10 p.m. 12514 Tremendous savings on Minolta, Ni kon, Canon, Vivitar and most other major brands. Call Peter 693-8062 after 3 p.m. 12911 ROOMMATE WANTED The Houston Chronicle has im mediate openings for route carriers. Salary ranges from $300-$550 per month. Applicants must have after noons free from 1-5 p.m. and de pendable transportation. Also taking applications for summer and fall semesters. Call Julian McMurray 693-2323 or 846-0763. i29tfn ATTENTION - Senior Army ROTC Cadets - Graduating? FOR SALE 1 Custom-tailored, Officer's, life wt., green, class A uniform, 39R, $75; 1 Custom-tailored, Officer's, Dress Blues, with accessories, 39R, $125; 1 Regu lation, Officer's, lite wt., green, class A, 39R, $60; 1 Wool, green, class A uniform, unbraided, 38R, $25; 1 Raincoat, lite wt, taupe, 38R, $10; 5 Trousers, suntan, 3 pr., 34x31; 2 pr., 32x31, $10 ea.; 4 Shirts, SS, suntan, 3M; IS, $5 ea.; 13 Fatigue, blouse, 14V2X33, $4 ea.; 11 Fatigue, trousers, 3 pr., 32x31; 8 pr., 32x33, $6 ea. Call 822-7749, evenings. 12815 NEEDED Summer roommate - studio Country Place Apartments. $95 plus utilities. Call Barbara at 846-2317,845-3451. 12912 Female roommate needed for beautiful Sundance Apt. Only $200 pays for entire summer rent. On shuttle bus route. Call 693- 7110. 12913 WANTED Male counselors for CAMP FERN summer camp for boys & girls. Interviewing 10th floor Rudder Tower, Monday April 17, 2-5p.m. 12813 The Denver’s Opportunity Part-time help wanted. Flexible hours. Apply in person only at Carter’s 1800 S. Texas Ave., C.S. Interviews between 2-4 12814 HOURLY EMPLOYEES We are looking for warm, friendly attractive people to become an important part of the delightful difference of DANVER’S These full or part-time positions are ideal for students and housewives who would like to dictate their own working hours. Day or night shifts. Applications will be accepted Mon.-Sat., 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., at DANVER’S Restaurant located at 201 Dominik St. College Station (near Holiday Inn South). J RKSTAl'RANT J 3-C Barbecue #3 is now accepting appli cations for summer for all positions. Apply in person March 29-30 and April 3-5 between 2:00 and 4:00 Cul pepper Plaza. HELP WANTED FULL OR PART TIME Day Shifts (10-3 p.m.) (11-3 p.m.) (10-5 p.m.) Night Shifts 5 p.m., 2 or 3 nights a week and weekends. Also have full time work. Ideal position for mothers with children in school or students, we will arrange hours to fit your needs. COUNTER AND CASHIER WORK $2.75/hour Brvan apply in person only „ 1101 Texas WHATABURGER College Station ac ,^ as 105 Dominik An Equal Opportunity Employer 75tfn . . . SPRING SPECIAL . . . COLLEGE STATION 3 bedroom, 1 bath with carport, some with washers & dryers and fenced yards. Lawns are maintained for you. Rent now and save . . . $255 - $265 per month. THE CRUSE CORPORATION Offices (8-5) 693-2800 Evenings & Weekends Thelma Costa 846-7318 Larry Cruse 693-3047 127120 APO bowlers to $180-8480 WEEKLY stuffing envelopes. On Campus Information. Rush stamped ad dressed envelope. Southern Publishing, Box 171802-TX, Memphis, Tenn. 38117. 118t20 trie set vou* aot '' S U OO^K oat »£^ * ^3\\ seree ste -^ase. d'^ cu and nN ^ " orit trifee ri' 0 A2 Aurora Gardens Scandia Sevilla Taos 693-6505 Sundance Sausalito 693-4242 in ii By PAM ABBE Alpha Phi Omega service frater nity is recruiting people to bowl for dollars. But these dollars will be do nated to the Muscular Dystrophy Association. APO is sponsoring a Jerry I.ewis Bowlathon to be held Saturday, at the MSC bowling lanes. Bowlathon chairman Greg Krause said anyone interested in bowling may come by the APO table on the first floor of the MSC to sign up and get a sponsor sheet. Each bowler will be responsible to get people to donate a certain amount of money for each pin the bowler knocks down. “Last year we made $3,000 but we weren’t very well organized. This year we are expecting around $10,000,” Krause said. Each bowler will have to pay an entry fee of $1.50 to cover the cost of renting the lanes. “But the bow lers will get more than their money s worth, Krause added. “We are getting businesses in the community to donate prizes to give the people that collect the most money. We also plan to give door prizes each hour during the eve ning,” he said. “First prize will he a stereo, second prize a black and white TV and third prize a cal culator. The bowlathon will begin at 2 p.m. and last until all howlers have completed three .games. “(J we went until 4 in the mom 1 Krause said. MAMOR EAST 3 THEATRES Harold Robbins’ “The Betsy” “Saturday Night Fever” “Annie Hall” Winner 4 academy awards including Best Picture Skyway Twin Plus Deadly Hero I HENRy WINKLER - ! THE ONE I AND ONLY iSi [PQS Plus Lifeguard fCampUS 846-6512 |] COLLEGE STATION Smokey and The Bandit” “We also hope to giy e aw a , to groups such as dorms J,- M outfits who have the lareeshM * pation," Krause said A they ga APO will he cospon S oriniu« y ! ces -III.n I )\ s tn >ph\ I >.mceathj n,vers Omega Phi Alpha servi^J"’ T on April 22 in which the aS , 1 hope to raise $5,000. ^■volve busines! We would like to raise money to he able to senrl, Jess is i to Las Vegas on Libor Day to® P rovi cut the money to Jerry person on the National TekS 8 ** 15 ’ Krause said. will the A&M l develop We int cap the Un Walker velopnv made fr pany’s would i erty or More than 400 units ofbloodH Asset been eolleeted Irom studentsMr rant ulty and stall at Texas A&MUl donor r sit\ inhowing one and a halSiBsets r the annual Aggie Blood Drive strust \' began Monday. come. ii "Mu< Adams says the blood IBard si committee set a goal of l.OOOAnserv for the three-day i vent whidBeir es today Be Un ing taxi The blood driv < . started iaM^e t 0 prov ides about 2,000 unitsoljB'phe annually lor cancer, hemoplB se t s , and leukemia patients. B? e n( l|j an e arned Annual blood drive nears its gt( AUTO INSURANGEL ()vicl , FOR AGGIES: Ich a ( all (.eni jji \\ ehb B 1 * 115 ’’ ^ for spei 3400 S. (.ollege Fanners Iirsorancc Crimp I I Am) Stjr, the the mo: fit ofT Our $100 m )lE]TMW_, k5l UNIVtKSlTY SQUARE SHOPPINGCF n <UKt I amount build r Ijcan pr {^monies Last ' sets of Adults uoo CtitW *LJ« n WALTER MATTWlfo final ' >1 chidiny House-sf* Calls’^ Ennflo i — . This crazy mixe family doesn’t a chance of wi M niIIionbucto| un( J £ bet being i Univer strueto Asse mrestr the Ur ^ °A Ysiy Wanna FALTER MATTHj dXTIIXLlTXX EARN EXTRA CASf as a Blood Plasma Donor at Plasma Products Inc. of Texas The charte: mer tees of the iatir The EPtive 186,0< 'esidi 'alkei :velo] Dr. hon rsity tees d busy, i Iperati dion PF'vid HCeoun BNkk junda i the (sets k n 313 College Main in Northgate College Station Relax or study in our fortable beds while you d< great atmosphere. Bring this coupon & rec< $2 Bonus on your first tion. Effective til April 17, Tom M arde moi an jur ivei nvo< The ay °ug] int aden pOOs ( Reel vard drigi, atior ichat Ten ew t ban, fence !n of Dr. Pxas )ainr e. ,v P! Nan Call for more information 846-4611 fmng las c link! |eshn r. Vi ®e or r e an Tunk< I The faitati jlaqu he h appe