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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1978)
Page 4 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1978 The Battalion Classified OFFICIAL NOTICE FOK KENT SENIOR RING ORDERING PROCEDURE For Students Completing 92 Hours at the End of the Spring ’78 Semester To be eligible to order the Texas A&M Senior Class Ring, an undergraduate stu dent must have at least ninety-two (92) semester hours, with 30 hours at A&M and be in good standing with the University. To order at mid-semester using mid-semester grades to fulfill the above requirements, please note the following instructions: 1. Leave your name, major and I.D. number with the Ring Clerk, Heaton Building, prior to Spring Break if possi ble, or at least one week in advance of ordering. This may not be done by phone. 2. Bring Mid-Semester Grade Report along when ready to order to verify passing hours. 3. Anyone having failed to leave their name in advance and fail to bring their Mid-Semester Grade Report along when ready to order will be asked to return later to allow time for records to be checked. 4. All rings must be paid for in full when the order is placed. Senior Ring Loans are available through Student Financial Aid in the YMCA Building. 5. Mid-Semester orders will be taken only from March 22nd until April 28th, 1978. 6. Students who do not place their order during this period may order after final grades are posted. (Whenever 92 hours have been completed and are on rec ord, there is never a dead-line, except a monthly mailing date on which we send orders to the factory). 7. The Ring Clerk is on duty from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day, Monday through Fri day. However, in order for other duties to be carried out, Absolutely no orders will be taken between 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. or between 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. 8. All rings ordered, regardless of whether on March 22nd or April 28th, will be de livered on the same day which will be approximately June 29, 1978. APARTMENT FOR SUBLEASE Doux Chene efficiency apartment. Lease runs May 15-August 15. $180/month all utilities paid. Contact Kathy at 846-6006 after 5:30. 12515 CHEYENNE APTS. New 4-plexes 2 bedroom, 1 bath Washer/dryer connections, refrigerator, dishwasher Fully carpeted 825 feet We pay water & cable Lease now - Aug. $188/mo. unfurn. $230/mo. furn. Cheyenne Apt. 846-2426 693-6893 UNIVERSITY ACRES APARTMENTS We now have 2 bedroom apts. available for immediate occu pancy. Located off Wellborn Road, 1 /2 mile past 2818 on FM 2154. New washateria, many new improvements. All bills paid except electricity. Rates begin at $155.00 to $170.00. Get country atmosphere close to campus. Duplexes available. CALL TOM CLEMENTS at 846-5796 or 846-6189 weekends and after 5 p.m. Joe Courtney, Inc. 108(19 SPECIAL NOTICE THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Saveli, Jeffrey Wyatt Degree: Ph.D. in Animal Science Dissertation: EFFECT OF ELECTRICAL STIMULATION OF QUALITY- INDICATING, PALATABILITY AND HISTOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF BEEF Time: 10:00 a.m. on April 10, 1978 Place: Kleberg Center, Room 300 G. VV. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College SERVICES Professional Typing Services 846-9109. 119tl8 Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 LOST Gold bracelet lost. Sentimental value. Re ward. Ph. 846-5422. 123t4 FOR RENT 2 BR furnished mobile home. C/A & heat on 4 acres. 12 miles from C.S. $200 per month. 822-4235 or 822-1207. I26t3 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY AND PRELEASING FOR SUMMER AND FALL SEMESTERS 1 & 2 BEDROOMS Furnished & Unfurnished 1824 WILDE OAK CIRCLE Bryan $160.00 to $235.00 LONGMIRE HOUSE ^ 2300 Longmire Drive Southwood Valley - Off FM2818 College Station $175.00 to $245.00 CALL 693-8850 For appointment OR Free information sheet with floor plans and additional information to be mailed to you. No obligation. Evenings & weekends Call 693-1884 - 846-8145 D. R. CAIN COMPANY 3002 S. Texas Ave. College Station Mobile home. 2 bedroom, 2 hath. On shuttle bus route. 822-5147 after 5 p.m. 126t6 NEW APARTMENTS. Efficiency $135 month. One bedroom from $150 month, two bedroom from $175 month. All hills paid except electric ity. Villa West Apartments, south of Villa Maria. Lorraine Peterson, Manager. 822- 7772. 75tfn Galveston summer rental, 3 BR furnished house, fully equipped, large fenced yard. Available May 1 - Sept. 1. $400/mo. plus utilities. 713-744-7861. I23t5 WANTED Typing. 823-4579. 116(40 Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds. 822-0544. 119t8 Full time typing. Symbols. Call 823- 7723. 392tfii Typing 75c page. 846-7577. 117(30 1 large bedroom downstairs for the summer-all privileges-private kitchen efficiency. In upstairs apt-2 rooms- available for summer and fall. 5 min from campus-$87.50 per mo.-bills paid. Call 846-3824 after 5:00. 12613 HOUSE WANTED Faculty couple seek home to lease. June 1978-May 1979. 779-4426 12315 Walk to campus 703 Cross. 3 bedroom home. Couple or responsible stu dents. $285/mo., $150 depo sit. 846-7268. 12413 ROOMMATE WANTED Nice quiet house close to campus. Cheap. 846-0119 after 5 p.m. 125t2 FOUND Monaco/Posada Apartments Now Leasing for summer and fall. Come by or call and ask us about our SUPER summer rates, fall rates, and our spe cial year rates. Apartments for $140 and up! (All bills paid!)! 693-2614. 124123 Found: Lost brown and tan spotted dog. Maybe a Leapord Cross. Please call Joe at 845-1070 or Dave at 693-4553. 125t2 ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE "Where satisfaction is standard equipment' 2401 Texas Ave 823-8002 THE BATT DOES IT DAILY Monday through Friday AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: (-'all: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 FOR SALE HELP WANTED HELP WANTED '75 Celica. Great condition. AM/FM, air. Must sell! 845-4779. 12413 1974 Honda CB125, lift- new condition, low ■mileage, $295. 693-3441. 124IS Good practice piano $475. Call 846-7669. I24t5 '73 Norton 750. Excellent condition, plus fair ing. Large tank $895. 693-6297. I24t5 Photo enlarger Omega B-600. Brand new. 846-4366. 125t3 Regulation size pool table $150. 846- 0930, 12512 1973 Suzuki GT 380 very good condition, sev eral accessories included $500. 693-7913. 846-9235. I22tl0 '68 VW Beetle. Excellent condition. Call 846-9627 after 5. 12315 Before spending $900 or more on a new 125CC motorcycle check my 500CC Triumph in perfect condition for $750. Call 845-3514, 823-0826 after 7 P.M. 119115 ’73 Cutlass Supreme 70,000 mi. A/C needs work otherwise excel lent condition. One owner. AM/FM/CB, silver, maroon top and interior. $1900 or will talk. 693-0019 cal! til 10 p.m. i26t4 ALL DAY GUN GARAGE SALE Rifles, pistols, shotguns, scopes, reloaders, and more. 200 North Ave., 846-0650. 12611 Must sell 1973 Suzuki 380 GT. Good condition. Luggage rack and travel box. $600 or best offer. Call 845-4394. 12513 GARAGE SALE A&M Presbyterian Church, 301 Church Street. Many families. Saturday, April 1 8-4. , HELP WANTED The Houston Chronicle has immediate openings for route carriers. Salary ranges from $300-$550 per month. Appli cants must have afternoons free from 1-5 p.m. and de pendable transportation. Call Julian McMurray 693-2323 or 846-0763. i24t5 3-C Barbecue #3 is now accepting appli cations for summer for all positions. Apply in person March 29-30 and April 3~5 between 2:00 and 4:00 Cul pepper Plaza. i2 4t 6 PiZ£a -Hut Part Time Positions Open We are in the “People” busi ness and if you enjoy working with and serving People, we possibly have a position for you as a cook, waiter, or wait ress. Excellent Wa^eS for those employees who are product ive and have a positive at titude. Other Benefits Include: • Furnished Meals. • Furnished uniforms. • Paid vacation for full and part time employees. • Pay raises for achievement. • Advancement opportunities within the corporation. If you are dependable, well groomed, and have a friendly out going personality, come to the Pizza Hut at 102 E. Uni versity and make arrange ments for an interview. Equal OpPurtuffty Employer 12414 Male and female full time help wanted. Inter views at 4109 College Main at corner Clay St. 122110 $180-$480 WEEKLY stuffing envelopes. On Campus Information. Bush stamped ad dressed envelope. Southern Publishing, Box 171802-TX. Memphis, Tcnn. 381 17. 118(20 Part-time Jr. or Sr. accounting students or full-time accounting graduates for CPA firm in Brenham. Call (713) 836-5643 or write P.O. Box 671, Brenham, Texas 77833. 125t12 Students & Housewives Part-time & Full-time positions available for following shifts: 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. 8 p.m. - 2 a.m. 5 p.m. - 2 a.m. Starting pay $2.65/hr. Apply in person to Der Wiener- schnitzel 501 S. Texas Ave. between 2 & 5 p.m. daily. 12413 HELP WANTED Female afternoon bartender. Also male night bartender. Call for appointment 846- 9390. Sonny’s 3606 South College Avenue, Bryan. i25ttn NEED IMMEDIATELY Sitters from 8:30 - 12.00 on Sunday a.m. Call for appoint ment, ask for Bettie Clapper. 779-1324. 126.2 Help wanted to work part-time lunch hours. 6 days per week. Refail experience required. Start at $2.65/hr. Farmer’s Market 2700 Texas Ave. Bryan, 822- 6417. 124tfn Mathematics Department will take applications for student employment for Fall 1978. Apply at Math Office, 102 Milner Hall, March 27 through April 7. 119U3 Opening Soon Dominos Pizza needs delivery people. Part time, full time. Must have own car & insurance. $2.75/hr. & tips and commission. Apply 214B Richards, C.S. or call 693-7501. 124(5 STUDENT MANAGER GROVE SUMMER MOVIE SERIES Must be enrolled as a stu dent for both summer terms. DATES: June 1 through August 18 DEADLINE FOR APPLI CATION: 5 p.m., today. Application forms and job description available at the secretaries’ desk in the Student Programs Office, Room 216 in the MSC. mo HOURLY EMPLOYEES We are looking for warm, friendly attractive people to become an important part of the delightful difference.of-^ANVER’S. These full or part-time positions are ideal for students and housewives who would like to dictate their own working hours. Day or night shifts. Applications will be accepted Mon.-Sat., 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., at DANVER’S Restaurant located at 201 Dominik St. College Station (near Holiday Inn South). . .^ .-VYV, . . . SPRING SPECIAL . . . COLLEGE STATION — 3 bedroom, 1 bath with carport, some with washers & dryers and fenced yards. Lawns are maintained for you. Rent now and save . . . $255 - $265 per month. THE CRUSE CORPORATION Offices (&-5) 693-2800 Evenings & Weekends Thelma Costa 846-7318 Larry Cruse 693-3047 HELP WANTED FULL OR PART TIME Day Shifts (10-3 p.m.) (11-3 p.m.) (10-5 p.m.) Night Shifts 5 p.m., 2 or 3 nights a week and weekends. Also have full time work. Ideal position for mothers with children in school or students, we will arrange hours to fit your needs. COUNTER AND CASHIER WORK $2.75/hour Bryan College Station 1101 Texas WHATABURGER 105 Dominik An Equal Opportunity Employer 75tfn Shake to give concerto] By AVA KING several bands in his hometov,:, .p Things will be shakin at the MSC this weekend as the Basement Cof feehouse presents Shake Russell and his band. The Houston-based group is scheduled to give a two-night per formance at 8 p.m. today and tom- morrow. The coffeehouse is located at the southwest entrance of the Memorial Student Center. Russell is gaining popularity in Houston as a dynamic singer, songwriter and performer. His band consists of drummer Jim Alderman, lead guitarist Michael Mashkes, Buddy Duncan on sax and other wind instruments, and Peter "Goriseh on bass guitar and cello. Russell and his band have received favorable reviews for their Houston performances at the Steamboat Springs Club and the Texas Opry House. Russell has been involved in music since receiving his lirst trom bone at age 8. He was in and out of Kansas City, Mo., moving fro® J \ tn tllP miKi/J t 42 juniors receive company comman rock and roll beat to the miisy Woody Guthrie and Elizabeth O'!' ten. S From 1971 through 1974, Hui was a member of the EwingSiB j Times band with John Vandker®' and guitarist Mashkes. After $pkB xas ting with that group, RussellniodL w j to Houston and struck out on |JL or j. own to develop his style. Kjjp J Most of the progressive conn-L|(; e i music performed by the band! written by Russell or his close Irka ^|p is Dana Cooper of San Franciso, RusseH s first album, SongsuBL a the Radio, is to be released in tj^its weeks. The title song was wrillenl em l) e r Cooper Other cuts on the aim D to include "Pretty as a Picture, "D(f| * in the West and "You Woul^'i Know Me all written by and Cooper. Tickets for today’s or Satiirtj performance may be purchatfljj ft cau advance at the Rudder box offiiff Jtiivers $ 1.50. Admission at the doorwfll|joyee, $2. irece jjjlied David ijdfrc | have |eca iplie ISS. of Company-level commanders Texas A&M s 1978-79 Corps Cadets have been assigned. The 42 junior cadets recom mended by Commandant Col. James R. Woodal round out leader ship for next year s Corps. Corps commander Robert J. Kamensky of San Angelo, regiment, wing, brigade, battalion and group com manders were named earlier. Company and squadron com mands involve direct leadership with underclassmen and are the most coveted. Most of tlve 42. ew.dets will head the units of which they were members in their first three years in the Corps. Many are com pany and squadron first sergeants this year. K-2, Vincent Godinich, Galvetit | M-2, Will iam Nees, Graham S-2 Ernest Lashua of Oak Hark Wash. An additional Air Force squadron was created to accommodate the in creased number of women cadets in the Corps. Squadron 14 joins Com pany W-l as a coed outfit. In the Army brigade: Compa A-l, Kevin Troller, ThousandOjl Calif; C-l, Jere Swatzell, Clebtfelan 1-1, Michael R. Thompson,!® 01 ' 1 ; 11 " Pleasant; L-l, Mark Smits,IiletiBr'l 1 ' B-l, David Rutledge, Edinb F-l, David Hyde, Killeen and! fcdysse; Luther Tankersley of Gran Pnintpkngli Jditoi Also, Company M-l. Thomasifesi j T aylor, Timpson; E-l, KfrbertlwAM row, Dallas; W-l, Sharon Milfl Waco; V-l, John Vilas, Bryan;! John Verstegen, Sau Antonio;!) James Harris, Germantown,T«J P'-2, Jerry Holditch, Flint andL!| Michael Mever of Mt Pleasant The new commanding officers, by unit in the Navy-Marine Corps re giment: Company H-2, Stephen Morgan of Midland; P-2, Keith Mitchell, New Braunfels; C-2 John Schmid, Houghton, La.; D-l, Larry Warren, College Station; N-l, Richard Vogels, San Antonio; F-2, Herbert Vanderberry, Del Valle; laddf Jjslral Hi Ce Keath In the Air Force wing: SqiM« ea th 1, Jessy Jones of Texas Cit);ftp. Stephen London, COrsicantBpe Richard Adams, San Antonio, Bradford Woods, Houston; 5,Ci ory Nicholas, Bryan; 6 JR \\ ur/.bach, Medina; 7, JamesHi Marshall; S, David Clapp, 9, Thomas Woollett, San Anl* 10, Kenneth Kerr, San Antonio; Michael Frey, Abbott; 12, D® ( eat | W. Jackson, Alice; 14, Charlata Fort Worth and 15, Dana Hans Mam Marshall. TAM Ouse Arbor S Pre Medical-Pre Dental Society Spring Banquet Speaker John Henry Faulk Texas Aggie Band: “A" Ronald Greemvade, Refugio; Battery, John Hallaron, Katy; Company, Connie Williford,! raves and B’ Company, Ramirez, Houston. TAM a!tfP''T “All-American Story-Teller’’ Tickets Available 325 BSB thru April 6 Members — $5.00 Non members — $7.00 CAREER SALES Excellent future for reeponeible salee-orlented Individual who enjoye active contact with public. For per manent resident only, no travel. Ex penses paid at home office training school plus training locally. Position offers stable career with substantial income and managerial opportunity. Call Frank Novak At 846-2426 or 693-8754 ro° nt ...vtT a MV'" i\W W''-' winO' 1 tVivee rci Aurora Gardens Scandia Sevilla Taos 693-6505 Sundance Sausalito 693-4242 801 WELLBORN RD COLLEGE STATION 846-4188 Announcing HAPPY H0U®» 4:00 - 6:30 1/2 Price Drinks Peel your own shrimp 10c each OYSTERS ON THE HALF SHELl Open for Luncli Monday-Friday 11:30-1:30 Including our Hors d'oeuvres Crepes French Dip Sandwich Chicken Dijon