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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1978)
tuura!Hl2iBH3BSi8awBSd8aSI BHHBuBBBHHnMHKmBDBBHHHBmBIHIBHUHiMUllUVlJEUHaEXil Tony Jones—city council, place 4 THE BATTALION Page 9 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 29, 1978 T. Jones Tony Jones, 31, 1905 Comal, owner of Tony Jones Construction. Are you in favor of the continued requirement of a conditional use permit for fraternities and sororities to build their own house? The only types of construction that do not require the conditional use permit at this time are the single family residences and duplexes. I would be open to discussion of con sideration of alternate methods in these areas. What roles should students of -* Texas A&M University play in city government? All registered voters of the age of 18 and over have equal rights and responsibilities in city government. Are you in favor of allowing the city to expand in an eastward direc tion even though that area lies in a flood plain? I assume that you are referring to the recently annexed property lo cated on the east side of the by-pass. The flood plain property that was in cluded within that annexation was intended to control and limit any and all construction within those flood plain areas to eliminate any type of blockage or restrictions that would cause a water back-up within the city ^Thermodynamics revised r The sixth edition of a ther modynamics textbook used at Texas A&M University for more than 40 years has been released by MacMil lan Publishing Co. f Revisions were done by Clifford M. Simmang, a former Texas A&M mechanical engineering professor. “Thermodynamics” was first pub lished in 1935, and was based on materials prepared for Texas A&M courses by the late Dr. Virgil M. Faires. Contributing to subsequent revisions and a second volume, . . . Hecox (Continued from page 5) I am in favor of us trying to get a versal in the participation of state oney and local money. And the ay I understand it, we have the majority of the burden right now. And if your evaluations were prop- rly placed, and you do whatever ieeds doing, you can reverse this dhave the state having the major ity of the burden, which I think yould be real good because a lot of other school districts are doing this. In fact, I think 75 percent of them in the state are doing this, and I don’t know why we shouldn’t be doing the same thing. Either we’re spending too much money, or we’re not ap plying for our appropriations prop erly, one or the other. But they are trying to just railroad some people onto the school board to achieve their specific purposes, which I don’t think is proper. The band gets its news from the Batt. I Town Hall is now accepting applications for membership for 1978-79 Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors are eligible. Applications available in Room 216 MSC March 20-31. Something O 69 * ShEw*. MBn 2 95 Resta Dinner | IpCHILADA -f"! Dinner A WEDNESDAY ONLY “Problems on Thermodynamics,” were Alexander Van Brewer and Simmang. The Faires-Simmang “Ther modynamics” was considered the best thermodynamics textbook for the last 20 years. It has been used more than all other texts on the sub ject combined. Aggie Blood Drive April 3, 4, 5 i itself. All other properties are capa ble of being developed. Are you in favor of the ward sys tem? If so, what merits does it have? If not, what merits does the at large system have? I think the ward system could be improved with a possibility of having a couple of at large positions instead of six wards. Will you encourage further build ing of apartment complexes for stu dents and how do you think this will affect the city in the next five to ten years? Apartments are not built just to house the students, but to facilitate the growth of the city. At the present time, the City and University have possibly reached a leveling point as far as growth, and the apartments should only complement the needs of the people. Do you think College Station needs a property tax increase? Would you consider construction of more recreational facilities? These questions can possibly be answered together. Parks and recre ational facilities are included within the proposed bond election of 1978 Aggie Blood Drive Sign Up Dates ' March 28, 29, 30 and were in the bond election of 1976. These facilities are to benefit all citizens of our community, and to have this benefit, some expenses are going to be incurred. Do you see any problems with the current zoning code? Would you consider new areas for construc tion? A strict control of zoning must be maintained to secure and preserve personal privacy and safety along with the regulation of a good traflic flow, and to create a livable commu nity for the future. Kan- 1 . MA/M ! >. SUPERTEAMS The football team gets its news from the Batt. ' tfjiimnjnn vvv^ Applications: March 20-29 in MSC, ^ COMMONS, SBISA ■ $5 per teams All proceeds donated VOTE APRIL 1st Homer Adams Ward 2 College Station City Council Pd. Pol. Adv. Mae Holleman, Treasurer, 201 Timber College Station, Texas 77840 Winter’s Over! $050 Coats Cleaned Clean now & forget ’til Fall University Cleaners 112 College Main — Northgate & University Cleaners 2 West Bypass at Southwood (Next to Doux Chene Apts.) Offer Good Thru April 8 mmm Loose! Loose! Loose! DIAMONDS! at Last Year's Prices Set one in your Aggie ring or in the mounting of your choice. Embrey's Jewelry 415 University Drive College Station 9-5:30 Mon.-Fri. 9-5:00 Sat. Yon’re at home with Homestead. Homestead Savings Association is more than a new savings and loan. We're a new approach to financial services. Friendly. Professional. Concerned about your individ ual situation. That's why w r e say you're at home with Homestead. So look over our interest rates. They're the highest allowed by law, compounded daily. Then stop by Homestead Savings soon. Enjoy a cup of coffee w^hile we discuss your financial future. 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