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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1978)
Page 6 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1978 Redeem this money-saving coupon Cream Cheese Dole Chunk Pineapple m Juice 20 oz. .53 fuhifao UmtI I 5ygj5J3 Oscar Mayer Jubilee Canned Ham 3 lbs. 6.69 Fed Mart' KBifflffliii Large, AA FM Eggs,1 Dozen 19 WITH THIS COUPON REDEEMABLE AT FEDMART By adults ohly/Limit one dozen FM Large AA Eggs per family at this price. Coupon good through Sunday, Aprii 27l978 18l|’ > v/ vj U WTTTT'U ^ l 'T^-xyn-TTr’rrT~'^*^v-(y vr-vr-v/-c/ V 'O” U V V VT - !? VT'T7*VT?'Lf'U 1 ' V L/ U _.j ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ To speed checkout, clip coupon apart and present coupon items to cashier first. ($> Brand ‘the spot for smart Easter shoppers Closed Easter Sunday, March 86th FedMart's meat prices will do wonders for your budget New Zealand Frozen Leg of~Lamb 1.49 lb. Beef Chuck Beef FOast USDA Good Roegelein. WuHy Coolced Boneless Ham Small size USDA Good 1.57 Your favorite cuts of beef are also available at FedMart in the USDA Choice grade. Pork Shoulder Picnic cut Fill your basket with grocery and produce savings Rath Black Hawk Brand f Vegetable I 4 |R j ' Margarihl' § I Quarters IW' • .29 ^ '' , C' RomanfMea! pkg. of 8 „ .. JLBEN CUM Golden Gulf Hand Breaded ! Shrxnrp strmMP y A Gourmet or nuggets, 1 lb. 2.69a. \ y Pineapple Plantation ripe, large size .69 " v Central American lb. each Serving N Suggestion Kraft Tartar Sauce 9 oz. CCS Icelier^ I«ettuse Large ? crisp Leads each. (J) Brand Non-Dairy 9 oz, Coffee Cakes Pecan 11% oz. or Streusel ^- 11% oz. (i tth'4‘ C each 1.19 I ,5 > Coca Cola 2 liter ” non-returnable bottles 2 lbs. .89 Dish Detergent FedMart *the spot for smart shoppers College Station: 701 University Drive East (at Tarrow St.) : Ip Cascade Automatic Ivory Liquid fe 65 oz. 22 oz. /. 1.99 .84 Food stamps gladly accepted. Prices subject to change Monday, March 27, 1978. Students merit hearing before suspension 1 j United Press International WASHINGTON-The Suprt, Court said today two students pended without a hearing entitled to damages of up to$l because school officials violated^ rights. The court said the students collect “nominal damages’’ evei their suspensions were justified they did not suffer specific pens: injury as a result. But it said to collect larger i,. pensatory damages, students prove actual injury — such as fits cial loss or “emotional distress' from an unjustified suspension, “By making the deprivatioi such rights actionable for non; damages without proof of actail jury, the law recognizes theiirif me tance to organized society that4 rights be scrupulously observe said J ustice Lewis Powell, writing the court. "But at the same time it re® true to the principle that substu damages should be awarded oil) compensate actual injury orii case of exemplary or punitivei > us ages, to deter or punish maliii deprivations of rights.” The court ruled on console civil rights cases filed in be youths — one suspended for su ing a curious-looking cigarette, other for wearing an earring. Silas Briscoe was suspended!;! days in 1973 from fifth gn at Barton Elementary School wearing an earring, denoting re bership in the “Boss Pimps B pies street gang. Jarius Piphus, a student Chicago Vocational High Set was suspended for 20 days in 191! smoking an "irregularly shaped arette the principal suspected marijuana. U.S. District Judge R.VV. Mi ren declined to award damages, ing school officials had not acted lieiously. He also refused “coi satory damages.” The 7th U.S. Circuit Court* peals, however, said those#! civil rights are violated mayreci general compensatory damage! herent in the nature of them even if they fail to establish vidual injury or financial loss. Powell disagreed. “Rights, constitutional and wise, do not exist in a vacuum, said. “Their purpose is to pt persons from injuries to parts interests." no< ric; ma ne me (W co op A f ing An $1 otl Rii ag< ^ '846-6714 & 846-1151 _ UNIVERSITY SQUARE SHOPPING OA I LYj 7:45| 9:45 WALTER MATTHAU ADULT GLENDA JACKSON $3.00 ART CARNEY CH I LDRICHARD benjamin $1.50 "House Calls” lUi PIUliRI • Iti.H l"Casev r s Shade DA | LY 7:20 9:25 ADULT $3.00 CHI LD $ U 50 NOMINATEDF0t 5 ACADEMY AWARD! rrrrwiNNcq of 4 golden globesJ