Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1978)
Page 8 THE BATTALION ATTENTION JUNIORS with 3.25 GPR or above You are eligible to apply for membership in Cap and Gown, senior honor society. Orientation meeting Thursday, Feb. 16, 7 p.m., MSC 226. If unable to attend, ap plications will be available in YMCA 108. For more info, call Becky Thurmond at 846-1123. CASINO GIRLS Iyoung, aspiring females, who live on campus,! JAND WHO DESIRE TO PARTICIPATE IN RHA CASINO IAS SALOON GIRLS, SHOULD ATTEND ONE OF THESE (MEETINGS FEB. 15TH. (Wednesday) 7:00 MOSHER COURTYARD 8:00 KRUGER COURTYARD 9:00 SPENCE (LOUNGE) 9:30 KEATHLEY, FOWLER, HUGHES A-1 LOUNGE I PARTICIPATION WILL COST 1.00 . IFOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT YOUR DORM PRESIDENTSJ OR CALL KAY DAVIS AT 845-5055. Women's workshop set Texas A&M University, with support from the National Science Foundation, is sponsoring a science career workshop for freshmen and sophomore women Feb. 28-March 1. Karen Switzer, Texas A&M s stu dent development coordinator, said candid information about career op portunities will be provided at the workshop by prominent women sci entists in the fields of biochemistry, genetics, educational pyschology, planetary sciences, engineering, ag ricultural sciences, geosciences and medical sciences. More than 200 women students from throughout Texas are expected for the two-day session. Switzer said applications are still being accepted from freshmen and sophomore women at Texas A& M University. Registration is free. In terested persons should con.* Switzer at 845-1741 or gotyil Student Affairs office, 108II|| Building. Pix contest announce! Salon ‘78, a contest for collegiate photographers, has been announced by the Memorial Student Center Camera Committee at Texas A&M University. The contest is open to student photographers of universities and colleges across Texas. Winners last year included entries from Odessa College, East Texas State and Tar rant County College. Sliced 1/4 Pork Loins PORK CHOPS I Contains All Normal g portions of End | Center & bin | End Chops % lb - 7-Bone Cut Swift Proten CHUCK ROAST » Swift Proten Heavy Beef RANCH STEAK * Swift's lazy Maple . i, SLICED BACON* Fresh Water Bone In CATTISH STEAKS ■ bne Star All Varieties LUNCHMEAr 0 pks Neuhoffs Oinnertimer d MEAT FRANKS ^ 00*1 Fresh Fryer . LIVERS si.*” 79 Armour Star Mira Ciifd 449 SLICED BACON V 7 US DA Grade A Oft, FRVER BREAST * W Family Pack CUT-UP FRYERS 2 brettt pMtwn •flrti beds 2 Uq portion* •rirti bads Piggly Wiggly Cream Style GOLDEN CORN rKltK Homel's W Sausage fM% e l LITRE SIZZLERS * 99 Piggly Wiggly MIXED VEGETABLES Liquid Diet Drink $EGO '° K ca„ Welch's Grape JELLY 20 Piggly Wiggly BEANS Cut Green 16 oz. Nabisco Chips-A—Hoy COOKIES' 4 ^ 69 *1 79 COTTAGE CHEESE large egos Piggly ^giv £ J§| Grade 'A' flPJFO Or LIMIT 2 , dozen d#2 « n 0? Economy Pock 20 L RUSSET POTATOES i 5 ’ SALAD TOMATOES B9 us *i : us H i ■ VALENCIA ■ ORANGES 4 |k - ^ 99* 5 US # 1 Texas Ruby _ ! GRAPE- ^ e&OQ* I FRUIT 3^. r ^ ^*■■1 ai ■■ ■* m a ■§ an a n an FROZEN FOOD Banquet Cherry 20 oz. "wat. pies 1*9... 79* HEALTH & DEPT. PiSSV Wisjly WhoU 20 BABY ORKA.. >9. 69* BEAUTY SPECIALS AIDS Extra Fancy Washington GOLDEN ** DEL APPLES . 9 . US ^ t Califomia PASCAL CELERY « 100 Tablets List *2 49 EXCEDRIN Hair Tonic 7 oz. bH. VITALIS... list ♦i". ★ 2700 Texas /We. South ★ 3516 Texas Ave. ★ 200 East 24th St. ★ 9 Redmond Terrace COLLEGE STATION ami BRVAN, TEXAS Double fi&H Green Stamps every Tuesday vvHfi^2.SOor more purchase. The entry deadline is and judging will begin M Awards will include Best of SB plaques and a $50 prize inbollit«Co] and black-and-white. First, set;,Conn and third place ribbons wi||lMono awarded in 11 categories. |ewu Entries will be accepted intoo la and formal portrait categoiiM-1 photojournalism, sports, tiatijCorps still life, human interest, comnM^ cial, architecture, landscapeanj.|i , peri mental. Winning prints will be ex March 5-25 at Texas A&M. Committee Chairman MoJ Wilkins said preliminary juM the morning of March 4 will bej to visitors. Three professional* tographers will judge the com which has been an annual evejj Texas A&M for more thanf Information and entry f available from the Camera Coma 'tee, Memorial Student CntJ Texas A&M University, Station, Texas 77843 or by pk 713-845-1515. campus activities Wednesday (][\M Agricultural Communicators of Tump row 7 p.m., 003 Reed McDonald Bridge Club. 7:15 p.m., 212MK Pre-ljiw Society, 7:30 p.m.,5Wiyj der Collegiate FFA, 7:30 p.m., rington Management Society, 7:31) p Rudder r g nan, [ila, leri Lai |io ( •kei Thursday Bie Water Ski Club, 7 p.m., 601 Mi!H) R .| Cap and Gown Senior Honor to. p.m., 226 MSC I Brazos Ornithological Sociely ' y p.m., 112 Oceanography-Metewj jp. Building , frUJ Dance Arts Society, 7:30p.m,«lsi L jazz, 266 C Rollie White t College of Medicine Open H(W|» ^ 3! spective and interested students irs fclat « O/A sTI tr A Imnl Industries Builfl R,],,,.. Off Campus Students OCSA wants to help yt plan parties for you &y« neighbors. Organizational Meeting Feb. 15 Rm. 1« MSC 7:30 p.m. my, bra fisy (UNIVERSITY SQ. NEXT TO SKAGGS) SUN - CLOSED: OPEN FOR PRIVATE PARTIES (CALL 846-2415) MON. - NO COVER ,25c BEER TUES. - NO COVER FREE DANCE LESSONS WED. - LADIES NIGHT GUYS-1.00 GIRLS-FREE & GIRLS RECEIVE 3 FREE BAR DRINKS. THURS. - DRINK & DROWN GUYS-3.50 GIRLS-2.50 FREE BEER, WINE & COKES ,25c BAR ,50c CALL FRI & SAT. - BOOGIE TIME MON.-THURS.-7:30 p.m.-12:00a1 FRI.-SAT.-7:30 p.m.-3:00a.c SOMETHING NEW (STAY AFTER HOURS EVERY T SAT. TILL 3:00 A M. FOR DANCW] LIQUOR) & BREAKFAST BUFFET /upfnad ec roi If you want the real thing, not frozen or canned . .. We call It "Mexican Food Supreme." Dallas location: 3071 Northwest Hwy 352-8570