Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1978)
SAFEWAY Chunk Light Tuna Sea 2J1 Chicken of the Sea SPECIAL! limit 2 with *7.50 Purchase or More, Less Beer, Wine and Tobaccos. OPEN 24 HOURS EXCEPT 201 N. TEXAS OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT. EXPRESS CHECKSTAND OPEN TILL MIDNIGHT. We Accept USDA Food Coupons! DAIRY-DELI FOODS! Egg Noodles Town 16 0z. House, Wide Pkg. Jr Tuna Helpera^Ier Ml 63* Long Grain Rice T H 0 .:. n . 7 £J3* Spaghetti 59< Fried Chicken Manor House Town 24 Oz. House, Thin Pkg. Colby Cheese Safeway Longhorn Colby Midget Cheese Spread Breeze Imit. 2 Lb. Processed Box Party Dips!::"",, 3?.» Lucerne Yogurta*" .4S£:M ’■so.. 49, *1.39 3c£*l Cinnamon Rollswnghts o„< Grade'A'Large Eggs Lucerne Ea. Brand. Doz. 74’ Diet Cola Cragmont Carbonated Shoestring Potatoes 69’ 2 Lb., Scotch Treat Bag Cut Corner X29< Green Peasw 1 !...., 1 Treat Frozen Pkg. .Sunfreth O 10 0*- 1 Strawberries *ozen h 3 ^ $ 1 Orange J uice Zllt Treat . 6 c 0 n, 30 c Honey Buns , 0I Bel-air, Frozen Pkg. Whole Fryers /a/ /Regular C*f< \ ^ Cut Up Fryers .. lb. 3 f ^ J Canned Milk Lucerne 13 Oz. Evaporated Can Salad OilXSC "?i:*1.25 Mrs. Wright's 14 Oz. Regular, Taco or Nacho . Tortilla Chips ita i Pinata SPECIAL! Soft Drinks Cragmont Carbonated Plus Bottle Deposits Sandwich Cookies Ovenjoy 24 0z. Brand Pkg. Marshmallow Pies!::!. ,, ,S:59‘ Crackers S’ '.“ 39’ Soft Drinks Cragmont 12 Oz. Carbonated Can 13 lOOCt.^t Tea Bags Piedmont Chocolate Drink Mix 79’ Instant . . Can i Town House 44 Ot., Spanish Peanuts PHd7 u £ n 93* Grapefruit Juice Pink Unsweetened .Con45 Yellow Popcorn Grape Juice 49* =»-" “.“W Town 2 Lb. House. Bag SAFEWAY GUARANTEED MEATS! Chuck Roast USDA Choice Beef, Blade or Neck Pot Roast Dill Pickles Del Dixi. 48 Oz. . . Jar 89 Frosting Mixes Creamy . . . . Pkg! 59* Brownie Mix w”ght» M : pS: 69* Shortening All Purpose Can 99* Cake Mixes 45* White Magic Bleach 53* Mrs. Wright's White, 18.5 Oz. Yellow, Lemon or Spice Pkg. Ripe Olives ‘£49* Tomato Catsup!".!?. . 3, »°«:69* Sandwich Spread^'*" 3 »! 79* Salad Dressing 59* 32 Oz. Piedmont Jar Toaster Pastries Town House FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES! Fabric Softener XS! ,6 « 0 .' $ 1.85 SuPurb Detergent "£ 89* Liquid Detergent X" “ S 1.99 Dishwashing wA, ”.£*1.19 Deodorant Soap Truly Both 004 Fine Bar A A Liquid DetergentS.. . 32 Si. $ l .09 Bathroom Cleaner m^c -'En69* Cleanser!^ "&23< Shampoo Marigold B 0 ti $ l .49 Creme Rinse Marigold Btl. Hand Lotion MOz.^^ ( Peanut Butter Russet Potatoes Sur low Lc! 5 ^g 49* Carrots (2 ib N BaJ. 45*) ..'teg 23* Russet Potatoes Su S r low pncei 8 ^ 79* Raisins Hre .! 5 p£:89* Green Onions U Ea 15* A Rsd or Golden AppieS Delicious, Extra Fancy .. ib. 39* Radishes Bananas 60Z.1 C< Cello Bag ■ 4^ Everyday Low Price! 5 ..*1 SAFEWAY FLOWER SHOPPE Neanthebella Mums Palm Safeway Low Priced! 6" Pot Foil Wrapped Potting Soil Green Thumb. Alka Seltzer 69 SPECIAL! 25 Ct, Effervescent Tablets Btl. Alcohol Rubbing, Gear • • • ,6 S:33* Bath Oil LSI I MorfWly. 32 Oz. Btl. Vaseline Lotion, Extra Strength Safeway '• 0, :*1.73 Toothpaste Mint, Fluoride Contac Btl. .',£79< Cold Capsules, 10 Ct. SPECIAL! Pkg. *1.09 Listerine Antiseptic Mouthwash SPECIAL! Ground Beef Patties, Frozen Lb. , Choice *1.09 Arm Pot Roast Beef Chuck ... lb. *1.19 Beef for Stew Boneless Lb. *1.29 . u, 89‘ Short Ribs 69 Choice Beef Plate Lb | $mok A Romo. . . Pkg.*l .38 Sliced Bacon stT ur p£: $ 1 -58 Sliced Bacon Fryer Thighs Pinwheel Pack Bologna £; , .£ , .' s “" d ”£*1.H Lunch Meat Safeway Sliced [■Hi [Mnal Beef Bologna, Salami, Spiced, Olive, or 6 Oz. [B ^ » P Pickle Pkg. Chuck Steak 7 Bone or Blade \|^l| Steak, USDA [^H Choice Beef Lb. Meat Weiners Pork Loin Chops ,b ^1 09 $1 18 or Beef Weiners, Safeway . Pkg. I • Jr Assorted, Family Pack Lb. ■ • ■ V Turbot Fillets c..,..- u. *1.39 Sausage ik *1.59 Bologna b^Z'Jnk *1.29 Smok-Y-Links«k.d. "’pS *1.15 Round Steak $| qq Crown Roast QC4 Calf Chuck » •r Sirloin Steak $| qq Chuck Steak $| nq T-Bone Steak Calf Loin Lb. 1 Beef Brisket Boneless, Choice Beef, i | |Q Whole Packer Trim Lb. 1 • w 7 Canned Hams Safeway 3Lb. QQ Brand . Can • JF © Leg of Lamb New Zealand, Whole Frozen ^ i (Half Lamb Leg .. Lb. *1.59). . Lb. 1 • *■ 7 Round USDA Choice Beef, 1 jsFjl ^Rill Cut, Bone-In . . . .H Premium r-XX! Ground Beef ■%. :i.i9 iO'il mo si I li.ii Green Beans — Star Short Cut Blackeye Peas BAKERY TREATS! Town House/Fresh 4 15 0z.$| Cans 1 g©T Peas isoz.iff East Texas Fair Can ^ Cream Style Corn Ti English Muffins Mrs. Wright's Town 17 Oz. House Can Town House iClO.5 OzJ Soup Cream of Mushroom. Cans 29* $1 Mrs. Wright's Buns Hot Dog or Hamburger IbP Pkgs. Safeway Service Center SPECIALS! Jumbo Color Prints From Slides! Prices effective on nogotive* loft February 13 thru 19, 197S at your Safeway Courtesy Booth. EACH D65ERTST0NE DINNERWARE Complete your set today! This Week’s Feature: SALAD PLATE N/— ^Funk^ndWagnallT" 1 ^^^ Family Library of Great Music This Week's Feature Alburn: No. 7 $ GRIEG y Each Pork & Beans 4 16 0z.$li Cans Town House Tomatoes 3 16 0z.$1 Cans Gordenside. New Potatoes Town House \ Help our Wheat Farmers $ Enjoy more ^ . products made \jg' with wheat! Y Prices Effective Thurs., Fri., & Sat., February 16, 17, 18, 1978 in Bryan-College Stalion — Quantity Rights Reserved — SAFEWAY Copyright 1960, Safeway Stores, Inc. ef nc