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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1978)
IF Page 4 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1978 OFFICIAL NOTICE TO TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY STUDENTS In the past, certain information has been made pub lic by Texas A&M University as a service to students, families and other interested individuals. Under the "Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974," the following directory information may be made public unless the student desires to with hold all or any portion of it. Student's name, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized ac tivities and sports, dates of attendance, de grees and awards received, and the most recent previous educational agency or in stitution attended by the student. Any student wishing to withhold any or all of this information should fill out, in person, the appropriate form, available to graduate students at the Graduate College and to undergraduate students at the Regis trar’s Office, no later than 5 p.m., Tuesday January 31, 1978. Edwin H. Cooper, Dean Admissions and Records Texas A&M University TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY STUDENT RECORDS POUCY January, 1975 To comply with the requirements of the “Family Edu cational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974," Texas A&M University has adopted policies and proce dures publicly periodically. These policies and pro cedures are intended to implement the requirements of this Act and to clarify these requirements for all members of the University student body, faculty, pro fessional staff, parents and other interested parties. Any person desiring further clarification of this policy statement may request same from Mr. Robert A. Lacey, Registrar. I. According to the Texas A&M Student Rec ords System, records will be maintained in a variety of administrative offices as outlined be low. The chief administrative officer in each office will be responsible for the records under his control and for the release of information in those records. Dean of the Gradu; College Directof of Academ Counseling Centi R Clark Oiebel Robed M Logan Claude B Goswtd Ronald E Basse ROTC records vironmental Design Dean of Ihe College of Business Admimslra- Dean of Ihe College c Education Dean of Ihe College c Engineering Dean of Ihe College c Dean of the College c Dean of the College c ihn B Beckham Milton C Sandel Foreign Student Foreign student pe Advisor sop net records Student Access to Education Records All students (and former students) of Texas A&M University have the right of access to their education records for the purpose of re view, with the exception of those records pro hibited by the Act (see Section III). A. Students have the right to obtain copies of records relating to themselves at the ex pense of the student. The reproduction charge shall not exceed the actual cost to the University. B. The University will respond to all requests for explanations and interpretations of records or information, provided the re sponse is not in violation of this Act. C. The Act provides that a student may waive his right of access to confidential letters of recommendation in the areas of admis sions, job placement and receipt of awards. Students seeking employment through the University Placement Office may have signed such a waiver. Informa tion concerning the status of such waivers may be obtained from the Director of Placement. Consent to release personally identifiable information, such as rank in class, personal conduct, grade point ratio, academic progress, etc., to non- authorized personnel (see Section IV) . should be obtained from the student by individuals releasing such information. Records Not Accessible to Students A. Instructional, supervisory, and administra tive personnel records and educational personnel records pertaining thereto in the sole possession of the author and not re vealed to any person other than a substi tute (i.e., grade books, notes of observa tion and notes for recollection purposes). B. Records of a student in the custody of the Office of University Police, provided they are maintained solely for law enforcement purposes, and are made available only to law enforcement officials of the same jurisdiction. C. Employment records of a University em ployee who is not a student. D. Records and information on a student maintained by a physician, psychiatrist or psychologist employed by the University. These records and information will be made available to a physician or other ap propriate professional of the student's choice. E. Financial records of the parents of a stu dent and any information contained therein. Authorized Non-Student Access to Student Records — Under the following circum stances and to. the following people, educa tional records (or personally identifiable infor mation within a record) may be released with out the written consent of the student: A. Officials, faculty and staff employed by Texas A&M University, if they have a "legitimate educational interest.” B. Officials of other educational institutions in which the student intends “or seeks” to enroll, provided the student is notified of what is being released and given a copy if desired. C. Authorized representatives of the Comp troller General of the United States; the Secretary of Health, Education and Wel fare; administrative heads of educational agencies; or state educational authorities. D. Individuals needing this information in connection with a student’s application for, or receipt of, financial aid. E. State and local officials to whom state laws (in effect on or before November 19, 1974) require information to be reported. tion Board in connection with developing, validating, or administering predictive tests, administering student aid programs, and improving instruction, but such or ganizations must not show the personally identifiable information to outsiders and the information will be destroyed when no longer needed for audit, evaluation, and/or enforcement of federal legal re quirements. G. Accrediting organizations. AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 H. Parents who certify a student is carried as a dependent for federal income tax pur poses. This certification must be ascer tained by the University office concerned. (It would include such items as grades, transcripts, financial aid and probation re ports.) I. Appropriate persons, if the knowledge of such information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other persons. J. Individuals requiring such information by means of a judicial order or any lawfully issued subpoena, upon condition that the student is notified by the University of all such orders and subpoenas in advance of compliance. V. Student Rights to Challenge Records Students have the right to a hearing to chal lenge records and information directly relating to them. The challenge is restricted to inaccu rate, misleading, or otherwise inappropriate records and information. The following proce dures shall be followed: SPECIAL NOTICE ATTENTION MAY GRADUATES! You may begin ordering your Graduation Announcements January 9, 1978 through February 17, 1978 in the Student Finance Center, Room 217, Memorial Stu dent Center from 8:00 to 4:00, Monday thru Friday. 75t26 SERVICES Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standa,rd equipment" 2401 Texas Ave. 823-8002 A. Any student wishing to challenge records or information directly relating to him must notify the individual responsible for main taining the record of the wish to challenge. The notice must be in writing and specifi cally identify the item challenged and the basis for the challenge. This written re quest must be filed in duplicate with the custodian of the challenged record. B. All initial hearings will be informal and par ticipants will be the custodian of the chal lenged records or information, the student and the author (if appropriate) of the mate rial. C. If any of the participants (record custo dian, student or author) are not satisfied with the results of the informal hearing, a formal hearing will be conducted under the procedures adopted and published below: 1. The hearing will be conducted and the results decided within a reasonable period of time (seven business days) following the request for the hearing. 2. The hearing will be conducted, and the decision rendered, by an institutional official or other party who does not have a direct interest in the outcome of the hearing. The appointment of the of ficial or party will be made by the Vice President to whom the record custo dian reports. 3. The student will be afforded a full and fair opportunity to present evidence relevant to challenging the content of the educational records in order to in sure that they are not inaccurate, mis leading, or otherwise in violation of the privacy or other rights of students. The hearing also provides an opportunity for correction or deletion of any inaccu rate, misleading, or otherwise inappro priate data contained in the record and/or to insert into the record a writ ten explanation of the student respect ing the content of the challenged rec ord. “OFFICIAL NOTICE” SUBJECT: Filing Deadline Dates for Financial Aid TO: All Students, Texas A&M University The College Scholarship Service Financial Aid Form serves as the financial aid application at this University. To insure that financial aid funds are available at the beginning of the academic periods below, the following deadline dates for filing the Financial Aid Form are announced for your information and appropriate action: *Last Date Financial Last Mailing Date for Need Analysis Reports Financial Aid Form Period Will Be Accepted Summer Session (12 weeks, only) January 1 January 15 An Academic Year Fall Semester, Only April 1 April 1 April 15 April 15 Spring Semester, Only September 1 September 15 The Financial Need Analysis Report is provided to this office by the College Schol arship Service and is based on information contained in the Financial Aid Form. Normal processing time for a Financial Aid Form at College Scholarship Service (including mail time) is about two (2) weeks. Therefore, you should mail your Financial Aid form to College Scholarship Service to allow sufficient time for proper processing and mail time. Applicants for financial aid from Texas A&M University have to compete for limited funds. Deadlines are established so that all applicants are treated fairly and equally, without last minute haste. Financial Aid Forms submitted after the dates shown above will be processed only if time permits and funds are available. ' 74130 Attention Students. Two bedroom, furnished or unfurnished apart ments. Ready for occupancy. 1-1 Vz miles south of campus. Lake for fish ing. Washateria on grounds. Coun try atmosphere. Call Joe Courtney Inc. 846-5796. 75t6 I I FOR SALE FOR RENT THE LA SALLE Attention Co-op Stu dents. A quiet, dignified place to live & study. Monthly Rates 120 SOUTH MAIN BRYAN 713/822-1501 DORM REFRIGERATOR EXCELLENT CONDITION! $75 846-3827. 8012 Folk guitar (like new) $45, Sony open reel tape deck $135, 8-track car tape deck $45. 846- 6235. 80tl NEW APARTMENTS. Efficiency $135 month. One bedroom from $150 month, two bedroom from $175 month. All hills paid except electric ity. Villa West Apartments, south of Villa Maria. Lorraine Peterson, Manager. 822- 7772. 75tfn For Sale: ’65 Dodge, low mileage, $400 or best offer. 845-4593 ask for Mike. 78t4 Needed young people for phone work and light filing. Call 846-0144. 8013 Golden Retriever pups. Shots, wormed, 693- 0536. 78t5 Speed Queen gas diyer excellent working con dition. $100. Call 822-1233 after 6:00 p.m.76t5 4. The decision must be rendered in writ ing to all interested parties within a reasonable period of time (seven busi ness days) after the conclusion of the hearing. VI. Release of “Student Director Information’’ 1974 Pinto wagon, very good condition. One owner, 35,000 miles. $1,850 or best offer. Home 846-6272 all hours. Busi ness 846-8949 8-5:30. CHEYENNE APTS. Brand new attractive apartments. 2 bdrm., 1 bath. All modern appliances. Washer, dryer connec tions. Central air/heat. About 1 mile from campus. 693-0285. 76tf Secretarial position. Apply in person. Ken Martin’s Steakhouse. 8017 Information on students, such as date and place of birth, participation in officially recog nized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of atten dance, degrees and awards received, and the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended, is defined and referred to in this Act as "student directory information” (this is a category of information and does not refer necessarily to a publication known as a directory "). The infbrmatibn mentioned above wilt be re leased by various campus offices periodically or upon request unless the student requests in writing that specific information be withheld. A publication known as the Texas A&M Uni versity Directory is one type of periodical containing data classified as “student directory information". It will contain the student's name, address, telephone listing, major field of study and classification unless the student requests that part or all of the data be withheld. Periodically the Registrar will publish official notice of the above policy so that students wishing to do so can make requests known to the Registrar (undergraduates) or the Dean of the Graduate College (graduate students). After the official notice has been published, the Registrar will inform offices concerned of the requests received. VII. Destruction of Records GOLF SUPPLIES Pro line, name brands at discount prices. X Out Top Flight, $5.26 per dozen. 846-2031 after 5 weekdays, 9-6 on Saturdays. 78t3 For Rent: One bedroom fur nished duplex. Quiet neighborhood. South of A&M campus. Married couples only. No pets. 846-6281. ROOMMATE WANTED Female to share 2 BR/2 BA apartment. $240 month + bills. 2Vi miles from campus. Call Linda, 846-4713/0 ; 779-7311/H. 77t5 MONACO AND POSADA APTS. 1, 2, 3, Bedroom apart ments from $ 170 and up or ask about our room mate plan. 70-80-90 per month. 693-2614. Child care needed. Transporta tion necessary. Sunday 9:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. and midweek mornings. Call First Methodist Church, Bryan 779-1324. 75te DARKROOM TECHNICIAN. Half time position available at Remote Sensing Center. Darkroom color experience pre ferred. Call Dr. Benton at 845-5422 or come to room 325A Teague Building. 75t6 Dependable student for Houston Post route near campus. Early morning hours, excellent income for part time job. Call 846-0396 or 822-4351 76t5 Female roommate wanted. 2 BR, 1 Bath at Plantation Oaks. Rent $99. Call Gayle, 693- 5198. 79t6 Roommate Wanted: Male pre- vet student has new house with one room for rent. Close to cam pus or shuttle bus route, and all conveniences. Call D.J. 693- 3029. 76t5 CLOSE TO CAMPUS New Apartments 2 bdr, 1 bath $195 per month plus utilities. Call 846-8014. Texas A&M University constantly reviews "education records" if maintains and periodi cally it becomes necessary to destroy certain records. In no case will the University destroy records if the action is prohibited by state and/or federal law. Basic scholastic records are kept permanently in the Registrar's Office. Beyond these, the various departments and offices may deter mine their own policies regarding retention of records within existing law. VIII. Letters of Recommendation A. Students have the right to review confi dential recommendations used in applica tions for employment or for admission to any educational agency or institution, or information concerning honors awarded, except when the student waives, in writ ing, the privileges of examination. B. Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, the student does not have access to confidential letters and statements of recommendation which were placed in the education records prior to January T, 1975, if the letters or state ments are used for purposes for which they were specifically intended. IX. Former Students These procedures apply to all persons for merly enrolled at Texas A&M University as well as to those currently enrolled. WANTED Typing. 846-3491. Full time typing. Symbols. Call 823- 7723. 392tfh Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds. 822-0544. 83Hii LOST Lost six month old German Shorthair pointer on Cooner Street. Grey with brown spots. Call 846-0717. 80t5 NOW TAKING DEPOSITS Lexington Apartments and Motor Inn “A day or a lifetime” . .. 216 Dominik 693-1220 ♦One & Two bedroom furnished apratments. ♦All bills paid. ♦No required lease. ♦Total security system. eotao RESTAURANT $3.00 hr. and up, plus convenient schedul ing when you work with us. Call 822-3588 between 1 p.m. and midnight for an interview appointment. — — 7613 The Houston Chronicle has an opening for a carrier on a good motor route. Three hours per day net $400 per month plus $125 a month transportation allowance. Applicants must have after noons free from 1-5 PM. Call Julian McMurrey at 846-0763 or 693-2323. Lost: Female Irish Setter. Brentwood subdivi sion College Station. 693-6139. Reward. 78t3 JOB OPPORTI NTTIES SUMMER JOBS GUARANTEED OR MONEY BACK. NATION’S LARGEST DIRECTORY. MINIMUM FIFTY EM PLOYERS/STATE. INCLUDES MAS TER APPLICATION. ONLY $3. SUM- CHOICE, BOX 645, STATE COLLEGE, PA. 16801. 7517 COLONY OAKS APTS. 1&2 Bedroom 1 1 / 2 Bath From $200 a month Bills Paid 822-5752 7515 FOR RENT New 2 bdr. apt. walking distance from A&M. $195 unfurn., $225 furn. 846-5034. Bills not included. 80t8 HELP WANTED Sublease 1 bedroom apartment. Sevilla. $185/mo. 822-7527 days; 693-0829 nights. 76t5 Two private, furnished rooms in quiet, spa cious 14x70 mobile home. $80 and $105. 822- 4426. 77t4 Trailer 10x55; 2Vfe bedroom. $ 125/month. 693-9291. 79t7 WEEKEND RETREAT form house available for lease. Needs repair. 4 miles North Brenham. Phone 713-491-1766. 74t8 FREE RENT. Unfurnished house 4 miles North Brenham. Married agriculture major to care for cattle of owner. Phone 713-491- 1766. 74t8 3-C Barbecue #3 now hiring for all positions including bar tender. Apply in person between 2-4 p.m. Cul pepper Shop ping Center. HELP WANTED FULL OR PART TIME Day Shifts (10-3 p.m.) (11-3 p.m.) (10-5 p.m.) Night Shifts 5 p.m., 2 or 3 nights a week and weekends. Also have full time work. Ideal position for mothers with children in school or students, we will arrange hours to fit your needs. COUNTER AND CASHIER WORK $2.75/hour apply in person only WHATABURGER Bryan 1101 Texas An Equal Opportunity Employer College Station 105 Dominik 75tfn LOOKING FOR THE RIGHT PLACE TO LIVE? WE’VE GOT IT! Can you believe a brand-new 3-bedroom house with all appliances including washer and dryer, a carport and fenced yard if you want it. Located five blocks from TAMU. $270 per month with tenant paying all utilities. We have sev eral lease plans to suit your needs. THE CRUSE CORPORATION Offices 8-5 693-2800 Evenings and Weekends Approximately 12-15 hours weekly. Drive-in grocery. For appointment 846-4141. 75t4 For Battalion Classified Call 845-2611 Species extinction topic of prof s tal The Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences will present Dr. Joseph J. Hickey, professor of Wildlife Ecology at the University of Wisconsin at Madison as their first speaker in their 1977-78 lecture series. He will speak on “The Ecology of Recent Vertebrate Extinction” on Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in 226 MSC. This lecture will deal mostly with birds and mammals and give exam ples of four general natural extinc tion phenomena. They are competi tion, climatic change, geological change, and trapped insular popula tions. The possible extinction of modern species will be examined in terms of their overspecialization, contactabil- ity and association with man. Hickey has been an outstanding researcher in the fields of popula tion ecology, environmental con tamination relating to bird life, and rare and endangered species. He has published more than 100 papers and articles on wildlife and is best known for writing articles, editorials and the book, “A Guide to Bird Watching. For his contributions he has received the prestigious Aldo Dr. Josephy J. Hickey Leopold Award and the Arthur | Allen Medal. He has been a Guggenheim! low, President of the Linnaeans ciety, and member of the boards! number of national conservati* ganizations. Oregan ex-governor will speak on pollutii itild sa Beer cans by a beautiful stream bother you? Burned out forests burn you up? Pollution put you in a panic: io? The Future of Man’s Environ ment: Earth, Space, and Seas’ will be the featured topic of former Ore gon Gov. Tom McCall’s speech presented by Great Issues Commit tee on Thursday at 8 p.m. in Rudder Theater. The program is an over view of Great Issues’ spring semes ter lecture series on “Man s Expand ing Environment. McCall is recognized as a leading spokesman for restoration and pres ervation of a quality environment. He has continually shown his con cern for the surroundings through the creation of the Department of Environment Quality and through the development of state bicycle and hiking trails. He has also sup ported the nation’s first “bottle bill requiring a deposit on all beer and carbonated soft drink containers, and the protection of Oregons beaches from commercial and resi dential development. In addition to his devotion to a quality environment, McCall has also been a strong advocate of ele ments that make up what he terms “the quality of life. These eleni even include economic growth ■t’s on encouraging development of the industry in Oregon and by fostJmen economic trade. McCall haswy lool ceived awards ranging froir blicerru American Scenic and HistoricF*et sa ervation Society’s “Medalofthfljjniine ciety Award to the “Coni®ne r< vationist of the Year’ award Jhas b ented by the 3-million-membeiBrant tional Wildlife Federation. Ber saic Kntil t Patrol Year’ by the National Associa J'* Z j‘ Environmental Education. His*f| presentation “Pollution in Pared® ^ was named outstanding tele\is* documentary by Sigma Delta C the Society of Professional Jo nalists. In 1974, he was “Environmental Educator (tree oi E. They bermai McCall graduated from thetrought versity of Oregon with a bachel I degree. During World War 11 tCO served as a Navy enlisted coi [ spondent and later became an I broadcaster and political analyst®*' C a Portland television station. Mt® is a national figure both in ^ nalism (his career vocation) and* environmental and educational|An ev sues (his political avocations), pn Me efCa American Nazi call for v against non-whites legal United Press International HOUSTON-An American Nazi Party telephone message urging race war against “Jews and other non-whites” is offensive but cannot be banned, a Texas appeals court has ruled. The three justices of the 14th Court of Civil Appeals ruled Wed nesday that television personality Marvin Zindler, who sought the ban order, had failed to show that he would be personally injured by the messages. Zindler contended that beci; exas A; he is Jewish, the messages mighlgf 1 ’ a F fluence an unstable person to L him. ■ ” A lower court had agreed*: Zindler and banned part of thelf phone messages. After the hearing, atton Michael Maness said the Nazis! a $87,()()() suit against Zindlen the company owning the televis station for which the works. ^ Batik Creations /\ / J INDONESIA & MALAYSIA IMPORTS Unique Batik Apparel • Batik Fabric Arts & Gift Items 20% - 50% OFF CELEBRATE YEAR END SALE Hours 10:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Mon.-Sat. 3910 OLD COLLEGE ROAD Triangle Terrace UN. - c AON. - 5 UES. • VED. ■ i RI.& 846-' (1 Block West of Triangle Bouill fTAY SAT. ^ (NO Aggies Stay Informed With the only daily in Brazos County which gives you all thesi features: What & when it's on the Boob Tube and the Big Screen. All the news-world, nation, state, city, and A&M. Where to go for specials,bf it food, clothes or those special wheels. Doonesburu and Peanuts. The best Joel coverage in the area. Spring Semester „ $7 o ° j| Circulation Department 822-3707 The Eagle Oh N toes;