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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1978)
$ Chafi W. H‘ clmu unie \f/ooi / eschP' Paul.' ;arol 1 .sty Cl KW . th ai na ■k F>' l! Cf as A uely 11 JiteJ i res" 1 ■*77* THE BATTALION Page 3 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1978 I Crown to go back; Dole’s efforts fail l United Press International WASHINGTON — Efforts to block return of the crown of St. Stephen to Hungary have reached the Supreme Court and failed, virtually assuring scheduled delivery of the 1,000- year-old relic to Budapest Friday. Supreme Court Justice Byron White refused Tuesday to issue an emergency order blocking Carter administration plans to re turn the symbol of Hungarian sovereignty held at Fort Knox for 32 years. Sen. Robert Dole, the Kansas Republican who asked the Su preme Court to intervene, called it quits. “There are no more appeals we can make to the courts,” Dole said. “It now rests solely upon President Carter who still has time to reconsider his unfortu nate decision to return the crown of St. Stephen to the communist government of Hungary.” Dole contended the transfer was “a matter of such interna tional significance that it may only be accomplished pursuant to a treaty. ” Approval by two-thirds of the Senate was required for the transfer, Dole argued. White gave no reason for deny ing Dole’s application. Chief Jus tice Warren Burger on Dec. 21 turned down a similiar request from 17 members of Congress. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance plans to break away from the pres idential trip in Paris to hand de liver the crown to Hungary Fri day. U.S. possession of the relic has been an impediment in im proving U.S.-Hungarian rela tions. Dole had requested an order barring the president and all other agents of the United States “from disposing of the crown.. .until the underlying con stitutional conflict... is resolved by the judiciary.” The crown, a scepter, orb and a robe were delivered to U.S. troops in 1945 by Hungarians try ing to keep the national symbols out of the hands of advancing Soviet troops. Carter’s November an nouncement of plans to return them came on the 21st anniver sary of the Hungarian revolution and produced an outcry by anti- Communist Hungarian- Americans. YOU DON’T KNOW WHERE TO EAT OUT? Check the Battalion ads! Sadat wants Carter to put pressure on United Press International CAIRO, Egypt-President Anwar Sadat Tuesday said President Carter should put pressure on Israel to make additional concessions for Middle East peace, especially on the deadlocked Palestinian issue. But Israeli Prime Minister Menahem Begin said such pressure would be “inconceivable.” Sadat said he would ask Carter at their meeting in Aswan Wednesday totake a more active role in mediat ing the deadlock between Egypt Hid Israel over the Palestinian is sue. Carter arrived Tuesday in Saudi r - vrabia where much the same posi- £ ion was expected to be expressed l.jl Saudi Arabian leaders. The 'kludis have given Sadat’s peace ef- ^jrts only quiet support, preferring v.j maintain their role as mediator Cmong the various Arab factions. s <i “With friendship and respect, I ^vould like to say that I never asked < he United States government to : ise pressure on Egypt,” the Israeli j irime minister said. “Therefore, I Day ask President Sadat not to ap- leal for American pressure on Is- |el, ’ Begin said in Jerusalem. “Pressure is inconceivable to turn aimess into unfairness,” he said. Sadat, in statements published by !]airo newspapers Tuesday said, America should mount pressure on srael, particularly regarding the 'alestinian question, which is the ore of the problem.” FBI looking u- -hr*-}*' c for fugitive in Colorado GLENWOOD SPRINGS, Colo. - FBI officials Tuesday issued a fugitive warrant charge for escaped murder suspect Theodore Bundy. They said the former Utah law stu dent may have fled from Colorado. Authorities said Bundy might be trying to flee either to Utah or to Washington where he formerly lived. His mother is a resident of Tacoma, Wash. Two men were ar rested by law officers in the two states during the weekend, but both were released after officials con firmed they were not the wanted man. Bundy, who was scheduled to be tried Monday for the 1975 slaying of a Michigan nurse, fled from his Gar field County jail cell Friday night or Saturday morning by squeezing through a small hole in the ceiling. An FBI spokesman said his office was called into the case Monday after local authorities failed to locate Bundy and it appeared he no longer was in the area. “We think he is gone from the area,” a sheriffs department spokesman said. “We have no re ports of anyone sighting him around here, and he has had plenty of time to move out of the area. ” Bundy, 31, is charged with first degree murder in the death of Caryn Campbell of Dearborn, Mich. Authorities said Bundy, who fled earlier this year from an Aspen courtroom, was recaptured in six days, apparently had been planning the escape for some time since he lost about 30 pounds in order to fit through the hole. “It is possible that he was losing weight for the escape,” said Under sheriff Robert Hart. “He had lost a lot of weight. And in the last few days he was here, he claimed he was feeling poorly and didn’t eat break fast.” Authorities said Bundy weighed only about 140 to 145 pounds when he fled. He was described as 5-foot-Il with blue eyes, brown hair and a medium complexion. He also had a bushy moustache. After climbing through a hole that had been cut to accomodate a light fixture, he inched 30 feet through an 18-inch high crawlspace, dropped into an unoccupied jailer’s apart ment and walked out the front door. Sheriffs officers also discounted reports of two Grand Junction, Colo., doctors who thought they might have picked up Bundy as he hitchhiked outside of Grand Junc tion on U.S. 50 Saturday. They drove the man to Thompson, Utah,, and then returned him to his car,, which he said had run out of gas. “It definitely was not the right man,” a sheriffs spokesman said. THESE PRICES GOOD THURS., FRI., SAT., JANUARY 5-6-7, Milder then Ever IVORV LIQUID B2oz.hfl. IJANUARYI JAMBOREE 98 Heavy Duty \ ^ LIQUID ; ERA m j^ m Ploy rhe oil New Series ‘3 Ai tf D*m»W K>. 1977 ^ • ^ $HM kc»tt4 m Ntrfkmi Tint Smkirn ArimtH. 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