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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1977)
Page 4 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1977 Trade Your Books for Christmas Gifts — Aggie-Style! We Buy All Books UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE “AT THE NORTH GATE” 409 UNIVERSITY DRIVE — COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS TEXT BOOKS CALCULATORS SCHOOL SUPPLIES AGGIE GIFTS & SOUVENIRS Come by the Super Scoop 317 Patricia Behind Loupot’s Bookstore THE BEST cones, malts, shakes, sundaes HOT FUDGE TEXAS INSTRUMENTS Has The Latest In Programmable Calculators Check Loupot’s Bookstore for Complete Selection TIP TOP TliC ii/vIE AITAIC RECORDS 1000 S. COULTER AND TAPES BRYAN — 823-5745 Mens & Womens Hair Design — Now featuring BRENDA WILLIAMS GIVE THE GIFT OF MUSIC THIS CHRISTMAS TAPES • STEREOS • MUSIC BOOKS • NEEDLES We now carry “Rolling Stone” magazine IN THE RAMADA INN COLLEGE STATION PRODUCTS COMPLETE SERVICE DEPARTMENT INSTALLATIONS 846-1441 Store Hours: 9:00-6:30 Mon.-Sat. TAMU TEXAS AVE.. UNIV. DR t COULTER ★ TIP TOP The Battalion Classified OFFICIAL NOTICE OFFICIAL NOTICE FOR RENT FOR SALE OR SALE FOR SALE OFFICIAL NOTICE The College of Liberal Arts Cooperative Education Program is cur rently interviewing qualified Liberal Arts majors for co-op place ment for the spring semester. If you are enrolled in the College of Liberal Arts, have a Sophomore or higher status and have a 2.5 GPR, we would like to interview you for placement in the following jobs. Corps of Engineers Statewide Corrections Internship Brazos County Probation Office Houston Post Newspaper Soph, or Jr. status (Economics majors) Soph, or above Soph, or above Soph, or above $675/mo. 2 full-time positions $2.50/hr. 2-4 half-time positions $3.00/hr. 3 full-time positions $900/mo. 2 full-time positions Contact: Mike Cunningham 801 Harrington Tower 845-5141 Must sublease apartment. Large efficiency at Plantation Oaks. All trills paid, shuttlebus, fur nished or unfurnished, lease through May 13, 25% discount from present rate of $195. Call 693-7250. 66t8 1 Bedroom house off Cavitt needs refinance. $12,000. 846-0838. 70t3 1974 350 Kawasaki motorcycle. Low mileage. Good condition. $500. 846-4376. 70(4 Good condition used copier. $300. See Lin Lentz at the Steakhouse on Texas Avenue. 779-7500. 6«t5 Room for rent. $70. Two blocks from campus. 846-1901. Male students. 7<)t3 For Sale: 4 Bluebonnet Bowl student tickets. Regular price. Call 693-6672. Ask for Pete or Tommy. 7014 '74 Mazda station wagon. Good mileage. Talk price. Excellent condition. Call 846-5378 or see at 201 Timber, College Station. 7014 SUBLEASE APARTMENT SCANDIA I 693-6395. 67t4 Attention Students. Two bedroom, furnished or unfurnished apartments. Ready for occu pancy. 1 -1 Vi miles south of campus. Lake for fishing. Washateria on grounds. Country at mosphere. Call Joe Courtney Inc. 846- 5796. 68t6 1972 Toyota Corolla. Good body, interior. Needs rings. Selling cheap. 846-0319, 845- 2047. 66t5 14’xl8’ olive green shag rug. Very good condi tion. Phone 846-0152. 7ot4 Need to sublease one bedroom one bath apartment. $190 a month, Sevilla. Call 693- 8496 for more information. 67tf 1977 Monte Carlo 28.000 mi. Red w/wlritc Landau roof, AM-tape, bucket scats, console cruise. 693-7559. 66t5 One bedroom house near campus. Available December 21. $125 per month. Call 846- 5378. 70(4 73 VW fast back extra clean $1,675. Blue 73 VW Bug extra clean, yellow, $1,600. Caldwell. 567-3698. 69(3 New Gastons For Moving, Packing, & Storage. Moisture-Proofed, Strong, Re-Usable, Medium Size. .50 Cents Each. 608 South Bryan In Bryan. ™2 STEREO DISCOUNTS: Com plete systems and stereo com ponents at 20-40% discount. Also high-end audio, P.A. equipment, guitars, and t.v.’s. Call Jimmy Spalten-846-5360. All quality name brands in fac tory sealed cartons-fully guaran teed. 57114 IRISH SETTER PUPS AKC and FDSB. Bred for hunting.. 846-3946, 823- 8086. 6516 SPECIAL NOTICE WANTED Barcelona apartment. 1BR/1B. $240/month. Near pool, mailroom, campus, 693-3813 after 5. 63t8 DIRECTORY REFUND POLICY DIRECTORY FEES are refundable in full dur ing the semester in which payment is made. Thereafter no refunds will be made on cancel led orders. Directories must be picked up during the academic year in which they are published. I I am moving from California to Col lege Station and need housing. I’ll split costs or work my share of ex penses. Write: Susan Edens, 3009 Huntington Rd., Sacramento, CA 95825. 67t6 Sublease two bedroom, two bath apartment in Sundance. Phone 693-0746. 7014 2 Bedroom, unfurnished apt. Central air and heat. Wall to wall carpet. No pets. Northgate 512 1st Street. 70t3 One day WANT AD RATES 10c per word Minimum charge — $1.00 Classified Display $1.85 per column inch each insertion ALL classified ads must be pre-paid. DEADLINE 12 noon day before publication Sublease for spring semester. Scandia I. One bedroom, one bath. 693-0356, 70t4 Typing: IBM Selectric correctable. Symbols. 846-1619. 57tl9 Horse pasture and stall. 846-7015. Typing 823-4579. Typing done after 6:00 P.M. 693-0267. 60t AGGIELAND REEUND POLICY "Yearbook fees are refundable in full during the semester in which payment is made. Thereafter no refunds will be made on cancel led orders. Yearbooks must be picked up during the academic year in which they are published. "Students who will not be on campus when the yearbooks are published, usually by Sep tember 1, must pay a mailing and handling fee. Yearbooks will not be held, nor will they be mailed without the necessary fees having been paid." This policy took effect on October 22, 1976. Full time typing. Symbols. Call 823-7723.392tfn Typing. Experienced, fast; accurate. All kinds. 822-0.544. 83tfn CHEYENNE APTS. Brand new attractive apartments. 2 bdrm., 1 bath. All modern appliances. Washer, dryer connec tions. Central air/heat. About 1 mile fromfeamps. 693-4758. sstie Typing. 846-3491. PERSONALS Serving You 21 Years Andy Anderson U-HAUL RENTALS 2010 S. College 822-3546 22,10 Ornamental Plaster and Supplies THE PLASTER NOOK 2010 S. College 822-3546 22110 Congratulations STEVE HAMMERLE! ’77 We love you, Carol, Pam, Christy and Kathy. 70t1 SINGLE? Meet sincere members of the oppo site sex. Call DATELINE toll-free: 800-451- 3245. 52t20 NEW APARTMENTS 1 bdrm. furnished or unfur nished. 2 bdrm. studios, furnished or unfurnished. MARK XII APTS. 401 Lincoln St. College Station Call anytime 846-7380 eats FOUND Calculator. Contact Lt. Col. McFall. Irigon Rm. 105. 846-1776. 70t3 SERVICES MASTER IN PUBLIC POLICY HARVARD UNIVERSITY Application Deadline: Jan. 15, 1978 Interdisciplinary pro gram — economics, quantitative and ana lytic methods, political analysis, and public management — as preparation for a career in public service. Academic rigor plus real-world applications. Outstanding academic credentials required. Write: Kennedy School of Government Harvard Univer sity Cambridge, Mass. 02138 69,7 Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 MONACO AND POSADA APTS 1, 2, 3, Bedroom apart ments from $170 and up or ask about our room mate plan. 70-80-90 per month. 693-2614. eeno The Best Pizza in Town (Honest) Part-time nights at $2.65 per hour Mr. Gatti’s is presently accepting applications for part-time evening help. 15-25 hours a week. $2.65 per hour. Apply in person between 2-7 p.m. or call 846-4809 for appointment. 63(11 FULL OR PART TIME HOUSEWIVES OR STUDENTS Help wanted, both day or night shift and weekends. Housewives work while children are in school. Stu dents nights 5 p.m. - 10 p.m. & weekends. COUNTER AND CASHIER WORK $2.60/hour Bryan 1101 Texas An Equal Opportunity Employer APPLY IN PERSON ONLY WHATABURGER ' College Station 105 Dominik Antiques For Christmas Bargain Discount Sale Now Thru Dec. 24 Antique High Back "Granny" Rockers of Oak. Maple Wicker. Oak Dressers. Washstand, Chairs, China Cabinet, Tables, Swivel Chair, Sidearm Chair, Dining Table, Parlor Table, Buf fet. Walnut Desk, Bed, Pedestal Table. Mahogany 3-Pc. Vanity Dresser Set. Ladies Small 3-Pc. Desk Set, French Sofa, Turn of Century Fainting Couch, Antique Walnut Pump Organ. Victrola, Brass Clock. Cedar Chest, Wardrobe Closet, Highboy Chest with Mirror, Jewelry Chest, Pie Safes, Trunks, Ice Box. Clawfool Bathtub, French Doors. Wood Shut ters, Pair Old Barroom Doors with Brass. Round Iron Ice Cream Chairs, Iron Bench, Round Iron Patio Table. Iron Ornate Fern Stand, Brass Light Fixtures, Andirons, Firescreen, Black Iron Washpots, Old Bottles, Glassware, Brass. De pression Glass, Silver, Pewter Pitcher, Crank Country Telephone, Hand Carved Wood Pieces, 1,000 & 1 Iron & Wood Decorator Items. & etc. Hurry on Down to My Greatest Sale! Master Charge & Visa Cards. Checks, or Cash. Grandpa s Basement 608 South Bryan in Bryan 7012 HELP WANTED Male-female help wanted, full time and part-time. Light man ufacturing and packaging. No experience required. Easy to learn. Come by College Main at Clay. eitio C&S Transit Co. is presently accepting applications for waiters and waitresses. Call 693-7623 and ask for man ager. 60tfn LOST Apple shaped diamond ring in vicinity of Rud der Theatre. Reward! 779-6488. 69t4 Lost: Watch in area of Francis Hall on Tues. around 4 p.m. Call 845-2508. 69t2 FOR RENT NOW TAKING DEPOSITS Lexington Apartments and Motor Inn “A day or a lifetime” . . . 216 Dominik 693-1220 ♦One & Two bedroom furnished apratments. ♦All bills paid. ♦No required lease. ♦Total security system. eotao WORK BETWEEN SEMESTERS FT. WORTH-DALLAS METROPLEX Earn next semester’s tuition, rent, car pay ments, & other ex penses at home during holidays. Full or part time. $4.75 per hour. Call Metro (214) 251- 1781 Ext. 110 between 12-4 p.m. only. 6913 ROOM M AT E W A NT ED Beginning January. Three bedroom house, ga rage, fenced backyard, dishwasher. Prefer graduate student. Available Dec. 17. 846- 0319, 845-5027. 66t5 Need to sublease one bedroom bath apart ment. $190 a month, Sevilla. Call 693-5971 for more information. 67t6 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group .3400 S. College 823-8051 ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE "Where satisfaction is standard equipment" 2401 Texas Ave. 823-8002 THE LA SALLE Attention Co-op Stu dents. A quiet, dignified place to live & study. Monthly Rates 120 SOUTH MAIN BRYAN 713/822-1501 Female roommate wanted. Call Melinda A. at 846-0044. Country Place Apartments. 68t5 FOR SALE FEANTaTiAN AMS APARTMENTS ATTENTION APARTMENT HUNTERS! LIMITED HOLIDAY SEASON OFFER TO HELP YOU SAVE c* #?|* c* C* a* ■T* »TB mT^ rnlj Tvi wjl mT> »rl A 20% DISCOUNT’ WILL BE GIVEN TO YOU OFF OUR REGULAR RENTAL RATES! (NOTE: THIS OFFER IS APPLICABLE TO LEASE TERMS OF 4 MONTHS OR MORE.) Furnished & Unfurnished Efficiency, 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments All Utilities Included No Escalation Clause or Fuel Adjustment Charge 24 Hour Emergency Maintenance Service Two Swimming Pools Tennis Courts Party/Meeting Room Health Spas, including Saunas for Men & Women Three Laundry Rooms Rental office open Monday through Friday 9-6 Saturday 10-5 Sunday 2-5 693-1110 1501 Hwy. 30 693-1011 Part time warehouse supervision. 846-7231 for further information. 68(3 Male-female help wanted. $2.65/hr. to start. Full-time and part-time. Light man ufacturing and packaging. No experience necessary. Easy to learn. Come by Col lege Main at Clay. 7018 REGISTERED NURSES FULL-TIME PSYCHIATRY 23 bed Pyschiatric Inpatient Unit has pos itions available. Experience not required. Contact Director Hospital Service, 822- 7326, Ext. 33, 9 AM to 5 PM. Bluebonnet Psychiatric Center Equal Opportunity Employer through Affirmative Action Program 7014 The Houston Chronicle needs a route carrier for a good paying motor route December 1. Must have dependable transportation and afternoons free. Route runs over $400 per month and takes 2 1 /2 hours a day. Also looking for a carrier for next semester and relief carrier. Call Julian McMurrey at 846- 0763 or 693-2323. 53tfn No use driving and hunting — just see Cow an’s White Auto Store, North Gate. We have it: auto parts, home appliances, bikes and re pair, home needs and lawn mowers. Pair Old Bar-room Doors With Brass, French Doors, Many Used Wood Doors, Colonial Wood Windows, Brass Lights, Clawfoot Tubs, Ornate Door Locks, Antique Hand-Hewn Cedar Beams, Gas & Wood Heaters, etc. 608 South Bryan in Bryan. 70,2 HAVE LUNCH ON US! Everyone who leases an apt. through A&M Apt. Place ment Service will be given a FREE Lunch at T.J. s. Our way of saying, “Thanks Ags.” LEASING NOW FOR SPRING ’78 Call for appointment A&M APT. PLACEMENT SERVICE 'iff/ A Free Service MB 693-3777 ^ JFK file tell ston • ani To work at Pooh’s Park during holidays. Come by office between 8 and 5 or call 693-5737. 6915 United Press Inlemiliotj WASHINGTON - 0n« FBI files yield nothingtp the Warren Commissionsjuij that Lee Harvey Oswald life F. Kennedy — alone, tniai “moved by an overridinglioslj his environment. But the half-ton of raw 4 tains enough accounts tigative starts and intrigniti solved clues to feed—ra quench — a multitude oft theories. Even J. Edgar Hooverfon considered the possiblity itj wald was the agent ofaToitj subversive con spinet, cautioned the White House issuing a statement calegoit denying this. That was20its] the assassination. Although the files arevaj what changed his mind, h 1964 the late FBI director, ing to the Warren Conn swore he could not find a tilla of evidence show® foreign conspiracy or any i conspiracy that culminated assassination of President! nedy. The FBI documents gi world an intimate glimpse exhaustive investigation inti 25,OOO interviews undertaktu moment of national despairanl iet\ . Every tip, no mattert drunken or bizarre, was tala riously and run down Hoover s testimony- awesome investigation the commission to concludes that a “perpetually disojtildj Oswald alone killed Kenned), The commission saidjaelt enraged, was unassisted«[« killed Oswald. Oswald s Russian wife under FBI questioning, offeie own theory, the FBI records She sajd her husband“hadani sion to get his name in'rastat Memos by FBI agents when Oswald was intermill questioned for two dais “frantically denied shootiiii! Kennedy or Dallas Patrolmai Tippet, who tried to arrestliiit the assassination. That picture clashes will) rm Commission accountofi| and defiant Oswald. Incredik: stenographic or phonograph ords of his questioning were Oswald, 24, was well k the FBI. The bureau keptbl him to see if he had been trail a Soviet agent. Me had deserts Marine Corps, lived sought to renounce his Ai c itizenship, returned to die States and — only weeksM: assasssination — tried to Russia. The FBI files testifv bureau's ponderous, follow-up to every possible Ik show how total was Hoovers: vision. Agents reported that wife, Marina, had her cleaned, her mouth X-rayw! three teeth pulled on one in 1962 and two pulledojt And when Diane Fleddenta- young schoolgirl from St wrote the FBI for iniornulw Oswald for her civ ics class prov ided it — and then opts file on her. The files also show Hoover a handwritten order to "tell 1W keep his mouth shut agent James Hosty was quoit saying the FBI knew before! Oswald was capable of nedy. The bureau failed to warnil* cret Service of Oswald s prese# Dallas the day Kennedy open ear by the sc; warehouse where Oswald work The FBI receiv ed help froin unusual places as the Sovielf bassy and American Nazih commander George Lin Rockwell. The Russian embassy proa translations of correspond,ence Oswald and his wife — inch letters reflecting their effortst turn to Russia. i rets 0s« Until bered it Peace C gotten c; The c America underde natives hunger Acclaim as voh young, i Today ceives I the Pem organize some h as an a ment, i the fe agency, longer ; as it out Whih of 15, (X numbe Howevi A&M s sentativ increas practice interest In c Peace 1 just the willing college Linsley chance one un Skill til' cep ted come ii areas s ture. “We said W cruitin “Most the Pe college Snyc Peace the Co degree entome second busine tion. Lins people as wel handle he see more I ers, a before skill-o years. Sny cluing change dents gradut previo terest said. 77-78 consci their 1 Lin teer i 1972, “scare This Peace sentat Pea A&M years that i eently the in tion intern Wh want Grad them come Most imme newly taut v Lit the F ence positi than start! ness ' Tit NEED CASK Lou gives cash now I* used books & gives t more in trade. Loupot’s Bookston Northgate-Across from the PoslO* 1 PIZZA HUT Waitress and Cof Applications being accepted at & lege Station Bryan Pizza Come in or callfc tween 10a.m