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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1977)
THE BATTALION Page 3 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1977 V$ Job seniority safe )n childbirth leave <le able in up the fchase, fficein •ved to s need tng :ed stu- pplyto in the insight ' and to mester i-credit ‘Pplyat limited xabk ?al and aday in Jersey tuation ance is ed that sidered non ist year i ballot, es to be McCar- ind the mrthy’s ased to icials in written ed. nee ian An- golden gle was ? killed irt Antono slander ition of nue to car ;hington ic viola- ic court ‘any re- s actions ssenters court is dividual )ke any S. Kansas ; an, 88, Monday rospital r pains ments. was no i upset British ibby of ord he ht and . High a/70s. :a> no; United Press International WASHINGTON — The Supreme wrt ruled Tuesday that employers not take away women’s job niority while they are absent for ildbirth, but that denial of sick iy during that period is not neces- ily illegal. The opinion by Justice William ihnquist came in a case filed by jra Satty against the Nashvill enn.) Gas Co., which placed her maternity leave in 1972 without dtpay. When she returned she was at the ittom of the seniority list. Another case involving the jehmond, Calif., school district returned to the Ninth U.S. Cir- it Court of Appeals for further oceedings. Under Nashville Gas policy, an nployee with a different type of in-occupational sickness or injury juld have been allowed leave with iy and would have retained job- dding seniority, which affects an nployee’s entire future. Rehnquist said the situation is dif- rent from the 1976 General Elec- iccase, where the court held that iegnancy may be excluded from a ivate employer’s disability insur- ice program. The opinion Tuesday said there as no showing in that case that GE forded men more benefits than omen. "Here, by comparison,” Reh- juist said, the company “has not erely refused to extend to women benefit that men cannot and do not tceive but has imposed on women isubstantial burden that men need it suffer.” Rehnquist said the 1964 Civil ights Act, .which forbids job dis- imination on the basis of sex, does )t “permit an employer to burden male employees in such a way as (deprive them of employment op- irtunities because of their differ- it role. ” But he said businesses may find it ecessary to adopt sick leave olicies applying to all employees in particular group, including denial pregnancy leave, and this does )t violate the law even though omen employees may suffer from As for sick leave pay, Rehnquist id the general situation cannot be stinguished from that in the GE se. But he noted Satty’s contention (at even in the GE case, the court eld that distinctions involving regnancy cannot be mere pretexts esigned to produce an invidious iscrimination against members of ae sex or the other. Rehnquist said the trial court Campus Yule ervice slated or Thursday Texas A&M University’s Student community Christmas service is [lanned for Thursday at the Uni ver ity Center Fountain. The 8 p.m. service will feature ruling with the Century Singers, eason’s greetings from President irvis Miller and the Christmas lessage by the Rev. Bob Waters of ie A&M United Methodist Ihurch. Hopefully the community as ell as our campus family will join the service,” said Logan Weston, ampus religious life coordinator. Community churches have partici- ated in the past and we would wel- ame them.” In case of inclement weather, the ervice will be moved into the lemorial Student Center lounge. ^ocal magazine procures grant Quartet literary magazine, edited nd printed at Texas A&M Univer ity, has received a $930 matching [rant from the Coordinating Coun- il of Literary Magazines. English professor and editor- 'ublisher Dr. Richard Costa said be award is as large as any given bis year but is nearly $500 less than year ago. Funds will go toward the next ssue of Quartet, a 1977 summer-fall louble issue that will be out in late anuary. never made such a finding in Satty’s case and it is up to lower courts to say whether she is in a legal position to pursue this argument further. The court was unanimous on the seniority issue. On sick pay, Justices Lewis Powell, William Brennan and Thurgodd Marshall said Satty should be given a chance to show that the combined policy yielded less net compensation for female employees, as a class, than for males. Speeding car kills one, injures twelve United Press International NEW YORK — One pedes trian was killed and a dozen others were injured by a speed ing car driven down a sidewalk in Times Square Monday night, police reported. The driver, 19- year-old Harvey Collins of Man hattan, stole the car from a hon eymooning Vermont couple. Witnesses said the auto reached speeds of 60 miles per hour as it meandered down West 42nd Street from Eighth to Seventh Avenues, along the south sidewalk — past a row of X-rated movie theaters and mas sage parlors — striking unsus pecting pedestrians in its path. Police arrested Collins as he tried to escape from a vengeful crowd of 100 persons who gathered around the car once it came to rest against a fire hy drant. Officials said he would be charged with grand larceny and vehicular homicide. The dead man was identified as R.A. Whitmore, 70. Six men and six women were injured. Among the injured taken to St. Clare’s Hospital were four teen age girls from Lodi, N.J., who had come into Manhattan to see the Rockefeller Center Christ mas tree lighting. Police identified the Vermont couple as 26-year-old Jerry Jen kins and his bride of about 12 hours, Marlene, 21, of Bur lington. The couple had come to Man hattan after their wedding at 8 a.m. in Vermont, and Jenkins left his wife in the car while he went to see if they could get a room for the night at the New York Sheraton Hotel. Collins walked up to the car, a 1970 green-blue Buick, drew a gun, and told the woman to get out, police said. She did as she was told, and Collins drove off, authorities said. The car jumped the sidewalk at 42nd Street near Eighth Av enue, and began hitting pedes- trains, police said. St. Clare’s Hospital said seven persons were taken there while Roosevelt Hospital had three victims and Bellevue Hospital two others. Whitmore’s body was taken to Bellevue. One pedestrian in the busy street, Stephen Brown of Brook lyn said, “This guy takes off up the street. He goes up on the sidewalk doing 60, maybe 70 miles an hour. He hit people at one end and when he gets near Seventh Avenue, he hit a lady who flew up in the air and he hit her again when she came down. ” Sandor Maraczi, who was working at a newsstand at the corner of 42nd and Seventh said, “I heard screaming and I heard the car hit the hydrant. If it hadn’t hit the hydrant it would have run right into our news stand.” fiOOPl lattali® - ^ atch<3 Station. hon tongi eJS Jamie A Ail" W Alice wHt ... R" 1 ’'™ Kii" 1 - . . . Glenn* . Don? udenl YOU DON’T KNOW WHERE TO EAT OUT? Check the Battalion ads! GIVE THESE PRICES GOOD THURS.,FRI.,&SAT. / DECEMBER 8, 9, &10,1977 (kino \ GIVE JIIIIU W Wjsrt ALUM. 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