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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1977)
* smart shoppers “eat up” these meat savings Beef Chuck ..Roast Boneless, US DA Good Beef Chuck Roast Blade cut USD A Good Rg&iLLar,, Qmu JKl Roef .59 lb* \ *Ahy size package. Serving SugRection Beef T—Bone Steak Loin Cut, USDA Good 1.69 Beef Rib Eve Steak USDA Good 2.39 Porte Loin Rib Chops 1.47 lb. Beef Chuck Roast 7-Bone, USDA Good ib. EMijliced Bacon 95 llb All of your favorite cuts of beef are also available at FedMart in the USDA Choice grade. Avocados., Florida, large. Tangerines, 1st of season. Rath Breakfast Sausage Reg. or hot, 1 lb. •*>2? EM Premium Pancake Mi v 4 lbs. .79 V'i «T WT. 4 LBS. “Inothor F»dM«r( Quality produt * J M. M. uoc Buttermilk Biscuits Pkg. of 10 7i oz Imperial Whipped Margarine 1 lb. .49 <g',rg> imp&nat 12 glazed doughnuts 'll gver Fresh Gjag.^.d, PQ,Ug.toU.iS.. Pkg. of 12 , 14 oz . .65 iQZ Cabin Syrup 24 oz. .99 Wishbone Italian Dressing 16 oz. FM Non-Dairv Whipped Topping 9 oz . 45 Nabisco Cookie Break Vanilla. Cookies. jjis oz. FM Pineapple Chunk, crushed or sliced ^20 oz each .49: Rami No-Bake Cheese Cake Mix 1«. oz. .69 . FM Evaporated Mashed Milk 13 Potatoes 36 oz. lo oz . 0 '- > uz.. _ .29 1.39 C.ri.nltX0 Cut R..&iat,o,e,s [® 1 Er.inglgg P£?..tM,p Chips Reg., 9 oz., Ripple, 8 oz. .69" B.u.d,dig Smoked Sliced Meats 3 oz. >\Cpj .43 FM Brand. 2 lbs. J65 Ql&. Xda 2 lbs. .69 Hab.Ls.g..Q.....Qr i e,Q gliQg.QXate. Sahdwigh Cooking. 19 oz. w _ # . ^oor« ‘"thtuZa .99 -fl.sto, . 1rr 10^ Off Label Sg.i.s. & Span 54 oz. Comet Liquid 5 oz. 1.39 .17 HiO&AjCSNI* S&lmiL B.x„n.e. • Shampoo Reg., dry or oily 8 oz. 2.79 ! 7 oz. v deodorant t or i 8oz. anti- perspirant 1.39 Toting’s ciassic Pizz.a.c„Qmbina.t.i,pn 1 70 00 4kW 22^ oz . FedMart Hie spot for College Station :7Q1University Drive East (at Tarrow St. ) Food stamps gladly accepted. H»sA/csfiMB Prices subject to change Monday, December 5, 1977. THE BATTALION Page 5 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1977 Saving gas by bubble, toil and trouble United Press International NEW YORK — The car you buy in 1985 will have to weigh nearly 2,000 pounds less than pre-1973 models in order to meet the gov ernment’s edict of 17.5 miles to the gallon, and Detroit is counting on air bubbles to help. The auto makers already have begun the swing to smaller, lighter autos. General Motors has taken nearly 1,000 pounds off the average weight of its full-size models; Chrysler estimates it has shaved an average of 300 pounds off its entire line. The weight saving is being ac complished in many ways, with a big contribution coming from high- strength, comparatively low-density plastics being substituted for metals to lighten such auto parts as gas tanks’ front end panels, hoods, roofs, doors, instrument panels and seat frames. Plastic drive shafts and axle housings, as well as parts for engine, transmission and electrical systems are planned. Even lighter plastics are needed, however, and this is where the air bubbles come in — tiny, low- density, hollow glass bubbles, called microspheres, developed by 3M company. While air bubbles in a metal cast ing or forging invite disastrous wear and breakage, plastics can be air- bubbled without loss of strength. According to 3M, adding eight per cent of the hollow glass beads to the plastic mix produces a 30 percent reduction in weight. This single item will save only about one tankful of fuel over the five-year life of a ear but, multiplied by the many mil lions of cars on the roads, it makes the potential fuel saving significant. Accordng to 3M, the value of the microscopic hollow balls in plastic mixes was discovered several years ago when they turned up as defec tive glass beads in the manufacture of 3M‘S Scotchlite reflective sheet ing. They spoiled the retro- reflectivity of the sheeting. Setting out to prevent their occurrence, 3M engineers accidentally discovered their high strength in relation to weight and their potential useful ness in other plastic mixes. This probably wasn’t a big sur prise. Hollow glass spheres have had many uses almost since the be ginning of the glass industry. Fishermen have used millions of them, for example, to float nets be cause they are strong and don’t be come waterlogged like cork floats. So the 3.M engineers set to work to make the hollow glass beads in tentionally in a number of sizes and densities.' Their use in sheet molding com pound that goes into many parts of automobiles may be just the begin ning of the use of these air bubbled plastics, 3M stud. They have a low heat transfer rate so they appear to be especially suited for insulating vessels to handle such substances as liquid nitrogen, which liquifies at 325 below zero, and liquid oxygen. But their use to save weight and fuel in vehicles already is significant and revolutionary. Until the hollow beads were studied and improved the very idea of an air bubble get ting into a plastic mix horrified chemists and engineers. Allergy to mate creates dilemma for young couple United Press International YORK, England — Pity Janette Tate. She’s allergic to cats, dogs, horses, dust , grass, pollen, feath ers, some kinds of flowers — and her husband. Mrs. Tate, a 21-year-old dressmaker, wheezes and itches during close contact with people. When her husband kisses her, she tends to break out in red blotches around her mouth. Allergy specialists at York District Hospital said her case was unusual but not unique and that injections and pills should help her. ‘The more people there are around me, the greater the discom fort,” Mrs. Tate said. “I get blotchy, start to itch and feel generally ill. It is ruining my social life. ” But the person she feels most sorry for is her husband Steve. “We’ve been married 2Vfe years and even now kissing can be a prob lem for us,” she said. “If it’s too passionate, the area around my mouth gets bright red and can stay like that for some time. It is so embarrassing to know that I can’t kiss my husband properly without my friends knowing about it.” Steve, 23, said, “It’s a difficult situation but I try to be understand ing. I’m only human but, as Janette says, that’s the problem.” TEXAS INSTRUMENTS Has The Latest In Programmable Calculators (-hot k Loupot’s Bookstore f nr f .nmploto Soloc tinn ARTS and CRAFTS FAIR Dec. 1 - Dec. 2