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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1977)
Page 16 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1977 Ags need victory for third place finish By DAVID BOGGAN Battalion Staff It seems like the Aggie football team is involved in another grudge match every time you turn around. They went to Lubbock this year in a vindictive mood after Texas Tech gave A&M its first of two de feats in 1976. There has been no love lost between the Aggies and Arkansas over the past few years, either. And, of course, the Texas rivalry is always big. The game against Houston Satur day will be no exception. The Cougars defeated A&M 21-10 last year and the Aggies will be out for revenge. Revenge will not come easily for the Aggies. The Cougars are ranked fourth in the conference with a 4-3 record, right behind the third place Aggies. The Aggie-Cougar series is only 15 games old, with each team hav ing won six games while there have been three ties. A Houston win Saturday would leave A&M and Houston tied for third place in the final conference standings. So, even though it is a young rivalry, it will be an emotion-filled game. The Cougars run a balanced of fensive attack with Delrick Brown at quarterback. Brown, a sophomore, replaced Danny Davis who is out for the year after being injured in the Cougar s second game of the season against Penn State. “We re going to have to play an inspired defensive football game,” Aggie head coach Emory Bellard said at his Tuesday press confer ence. “Brown is a quick quarterback and a great passer.” Since Brown got the starting job, he has completed 57 of 113 for 873 yards to become the fifth best passer in the conference this season. “Houston has a great threat in their tight end,” Bellard said of senior tight end Don Bass. Bass is Houston’s leading receiver with 505 yards and seven touchdowns on 35 catches. He is fourth in the conference in receiving this season. Bearing in mind that the Aggie defense allows an average of 164 yards passing per game and gave up 172 yards and four touchdowns pass ing to Texas last week, the Houston air attack could be very important in Saturday’s game. But if the Cougars passing game fails to be effective, they can always depend on “Moose’ and “Juice” to move the ball on the ground. “Moose” is a 6-foot-2, 211-pound senior fullback Dyral Thomas. Thomas gained 104 yards and scored one touchdown on just 14 carries in the 1977 Cotton Bowl. He is the perfect compliment to his partner in the Cougar backfield, “Juice.” “Juice” is a 5-foot-ll, 193-pound senior running back Alois Blackwell. “Blackwell is just a great running back,” Bellard said of the confer ence s fourth leading rusher. Blackwell, who was named the Out standing Offensive Player of the 1977 Cotton Bowl, has gained 1,009 yards on 184 carries this season. While Blackwell and the rest of the Cougar offense is on the sideline, the Houston defense will be fighting to improve its record and trying to keep the Aggies from breaking the many records that they have a chance of breaking on Satur day. The Cougars are third in the con ference in rushing defense, but it will be hard to stop Aggie fullback THURS.,FRI.,SSAT.,DEC£MBE(f1,2,&3,1977 25* Off 0XVD0L DETERGENT 99 King Size box 10* Off LIQUID JOY GIVE Ploy rhe oil New Series oamerama PRIZE REMAINING ODDS FOR ODDS FOR ODDS fo <■ VALUE * OF PRIZES “ » 1 Hdr 9 Rote 18 ?*or« 1 000 00 100 00 20 00 5 00 2 00 1.00 si "Of PRIZES 32 2,S43 8.02! 53.339 65.022 207.193 23.021 to 1 I 11.511 to | I8.i624 ,0 1 I 2069 >0 1 I 1,035 »o I 9^070 1 I 1.008 to 1 | 504 ‘o 2*607 '0 I ( 290 I 145 1o 827 '0 1 [ 7 92 to 1 J 46 to 124 to 1 ] 14 to . 7 »o 102 to 1 I 11 to I j 5.5 to This qame -s be«q ployed * the eqMy two portiwptftinq Pqqly Wqqty Stores locoted ot Northeast Te*as, Southern Athana Arkansas Western Mississippi and Loutsena Hormels YOUR CHOICE SAUSAGE SPECIALS “Chub cotto salami * Tangy Summer Sausage * Viking Ceivalat ^ oz 'Old Smokehouse Thuringer pkg. Beefy Summer Sausage 1 39 *1000 *100 Winners Winner Lavada Rhodes I Mrs. R. G. 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Dickey and Woodard, who already has 1,1 yards, will then become only eighth backfield duo in NCAAfe] tory to both gain 1,000 yards ii single season. So even though the conferen#! title is already decided, goals, reo ords and pride will be on the when the Cougars come to Kvle W Field. d Vol. 8 Pi If B Rockets end 1^ losing streak 120-103 win I'nited Press International HOUSTON — Rookie Rol Reid, starting his first game in NBA, shot the Houston Rocketsinlu WAS HI diciary lived a hi nost 30 }■ I to appc edecessc The bill posed I an early lead and guard Calvin it court Murphy got the hot band early the fourth quarter to help H end a six-game losing streak 120-103 victory over the New fori Knicks Tuesday. Murphy, hampered by an injury much of the season, I scorers with 23 points. He 1 first four shots in the fourth quarter to boost the Rockets to an inw mountable 13-point lead. Reid and Rudy Tomjanovicheid chipped in 22 points. Reid Houston to an 11-point first halfM by hittingsix of seven field goals two free throws. jit year nel addt amendi lections Another lalified \ her mil ompted suggest ape whe osecutor Rep. Jac ling D< of the c cl ianee to t Boh McAdoo scored 20 points fe:|h’n it ad the Knicks, but the closest histealdill afte pulled in the second half was Sul |“This is points with one minute left inf third quarter. CROCKEH’S VICTORY GARDEN [logrollin Senah is and ( Jiis wouli Inity for 1 the has Korating iBrooks s Hanging plants $1.95 to $9.95 T ropicals-Shrubbeiy Hwy. 6 2 mi. S. of K-Mart ngress apter on The spo ip. Rom lepresic lowing 1 intment The pro] idelines be (UNIVERSITY SQ. NEXT TO SKAGGS) SUN. - CLOSED: OPEN FOR PRIVATE PARTIES (CALL 846-2415) MON. - $1.00 COVER ,25c BEER TUES. - NO COVER FREE DANCE LESSONS WED. - LADIES NIGHT GUYS-1.00 GIRLS-FREE & GIRLS RECEIVE 3 FREE BAR DRINKS. 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