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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1977)
/ Viewpoint The Battalion Monday Texas A&M University November 28, 1977 The riot that almost happened Well, it almost happened. The riot that Texas A&M had never had, almost happened. Not because the draft was reinstituted or in opposition to some war or even over race problems, but because some people from Austin walked on Kyle Field. The real fireworks in Saturday’s A&M-Texas football game came before the game. Something of a conflict of traditions. It seems that while the University of Texas band (yes, that is the school’s correct name) plays “The Eyes of Texas’’ before each game, a group of students unfurl a massive Texas State flag on the football field. Now the Aggies also have something of a tradition in not letting anyone other than yell leaders and football players step on Kyle Field before a football game. Obviously there lies the potential for a pretty strong confrontation, especially when emotions run as high as they were Saturday. Members of the UT band. Cowboys spirit group and the “flag-bearing” student group all promised Head Yell Leader Joe Reagan before the game they would remain off the field, Reagan said last night. But apparently the “spirit” of the moment got to be too much for some of them; when the Longhorn band started their school song, the flag-furlers got ready for their dash across the field. One thing stood in their way — a group of rather determined senior Corps members. While the seniors were standing their ground, some of Longhorn fans began coming onto the field, apparently to support “their side.” After encouragement from Corps “officers of the day” assigned to keep people off the field, and assistance from law officers in one or two instances, those folks left the field and Yell leader Reagan told the senior Corps members to do the same. No longer blocked, the flag-furlers rushed onto the field but quickly found themselves beset by Corps members coming onto the field from all sides to request their prompt departure. And after a moment they did leave the field, amid shouts of anger from Aggies and of support from Longhorn fans. To add flavor to the general riot atmosphere a small army of photgraphers decended like a swarm of bees, snapping photos of anything and everything that might look violent. Somehow, after all that it was still possible to hold a football game, without any blood having been spilled. So whose fault was it? Perhaps nobody’s, perhaps everybody’s. Certainly, the Longhorn fans were asked courteously enough before the game to respect that Aggie tradition and stay off the field. That doesn’t seem too much to ask of a visiting opponent. Now that tradition has a practical side. If somebody doesn’t maintain control over fans and spectators before a game, there could be all kinds of delays in starting the game, not to mention the kind of fracas that resulted Saturday. The only difference is that crowd control here is controlled by students, not police officers. But in this particular case, wouldn’t it have been less trouble and less dangerous to just let the Longhorn fans display their flag and then get off the field, without the near riot instead? But the main point is, nobody was hurt. Anytime hundreds of blood- crazed Longhorns and Aggies can be in such close quarters and so ready to tear each other apart, with each side sure they’re in the “right,” and nobody gets killed, somebody did something right. In this case it was the yell leaders and Corps members who did control most of the crowd and the Corps, and the Texas Cowboys, who controlled almost all of the Longhorn fans. The one fist-fight that broke out was quickly stopped. Most anywhere else that confrontation would have had as many casualties as a minor war. So we commend the gentlemen on both sides who kept that “almost” riot from happening. L.R.L. Oldest Senate committee showing age By NICHOLAS DANILOFF l niled Press International WASHINGTON—The prestigious Sen ate Foreign Relations Committee will be 161 years old Dec. 10. The oldest commit tee of the Senate, it has begun showing signs of feebleness. Over the years, its prestige grew from the fact that from its ranks came six presi dents, nine vice presidents, T& secretaries Washington window of state and countless ambassadors. It has approved and perfected much legislation, including such far-reaching measures as the Marshall Plan after World War II. Part of its problem today appears to be the loose hand with which Sen. John Sparkman, a distinguished, 77-year-old Alabaman, runs the panel. Known as a de cent and courtly man, Sparkman seems to radiate no very clear sense of direction. Nor does he exhibit any compulsive drive to rally votes and advance the adminis tration’s foreign affairs legislation. The State Department, which has worked intimately with a number of Sparkman’s predecessors, has not leaned on the Alabaman since he succeeded J. William Fulbright in 1975. Nor have other Senate committees de ferred to the Foreign Relations commit tee. An Armed Services subcommittee under Sen. Henry Jackson, D-Wash, moved in to rival the committee in review ing a new U.S.-Soviet strategic arms treaty. Recently, Sparkman has oceassionally yielded to Sen. Hubert Humphrey, D-Minn., in the arduous task of managing complicated bills on the Senate floor. But Humphrey, now terminally ill with cancer, is no longer able to provide the leadership. Sen. Frank Church, Dddaho, has tried repeatedly to step into the breach and as sume some leadership duties. But accord ing to aides, he has irritated Sparkman, who believes he is doing a good job as chairman and resents being upstaged by a junior colleague. Church, according to another commit tee staffer, is biding his time awaiting Spar km an s departu re. Meanwhile, Sen. Dick Clark, D-Iowa, is moving quietly to generate new dynamism. Clark has worked industriously from the fringes of power, showing a knack for making much out of small pickings. When he first joined the committee, Clark was offered the African subcommit tee, a panel which had been quiescent for years. Clark used it to probe the deepen ing Soviet involvement in Angola in 1975. Now Clark has immersed himself in Soviet affairs. He gave a speech this fall calling for federal help for Russian studies. He would like to counter the impressive influence Jackson has built up in the de tails of strategic arms control. But for the moment, Jackson has the upper hand with Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, who pays close attention to Jackson s arms control subcommittee. The Armed Services Committee has no formal jurisdiction over the strategic arms treaty, but Vance knows Jackson’s incisive criticisms could doom any SALT 2 accord if they are not taken into account. A pivotal issue for the Foreign Relations Committee will be the Panama Canal treaties. Committee staffers do not feel the th ree weeks of hearings held in September and October educated the public, or that the State Department provided sufficient support. Committee Chief of Stafl Norville Jones is now planning for more hearings in January, and possibly an informal commit tee trip to Panama. Such a visit would supplement the trip Senate Democratic leader Robert Byrd led to Panama. The panel, looked on by some senators as being too liberal, does not now have the automatic influence which might lead the Senate to ratification of the treaties. Diplomatic strategists believe that un less it becomes clear that two-thirds of the Senate will support the controversial treaties, it would be better to let them ex pire in committee than die a slow death on the Senate calendar or go down in a nega tive Senate vote. Tetters to the editor Different points of view on bonfire Editor: This letter is in response to City Editor Rusty Cawley’s article College Station Surrenders to Bonfire, and what we feel is his unsympathetic attitude. Safety is a must, but we also feel bonfire must remain where it is. Why cannot Aggies work with the City Council to insure the safety of the city’s residents? Maybe students could pay the cost of fire protection themselves. A little imaginative thinking can solve the problem, if it does exist. All the complaints about the expense of maintaining fire protection for the Aggie Bonfire do not consider the income the city receives due to the influx of thousands of Aggie fans to see it. It is a small price to pay for the economic benefits the city reaps from the 30,000 Aggies that put Col lege Station on the map. Another point. No matter where you put bonfire, fire protection must still be provided. Grass burns too. So you gain no thing economically as far as the city itself is concerned. The close proximity of bonfire inspires all Aggies to work on it. No matter if they are c.t.’s, non-regs, off-campus or on- campus. Out of sight, out of mind. It should remain by the campus, the heart of Aggi eland. Mr. Cawley does not seem to realize the things that make Aggie Spirit. We want to see recognition of the many factors that nourish it and build Aggie Spirit in each incoming class. We are concerned about the danger of fire, but it is a problem that can be solved. We are tired of negative attitudes. Unfortunately, Mr. Cawley’s at titude is perhaps more appropriate for the pages of the Daily Texan. The stack should stay. —Gib Hafernick, ’76 Randy Hohlaus, ’76 Patrick D. Choyce, ’80 Editor’s note: Gentlemen, nowhere in Mr. Cawley’s column will you find any suggestion to move the bonfire. What you will find is the truth about a very real problem. The income College Station re ceives from students doesn’t mean a thing to the resident whose house burns to the ground. We’d like to know as much as you why the University and the city can’t work together to find a solution. By the way, Mr. Cawley’s ‘limited point of view’ may be broader than yours. He’s watched the bonfire just about every one of the 20 years he’s lived in this community. Drivers need love Editor: Last week when I was on the shuttle bus, this guy got on the bus and started yelling at the driver. He accused him of purposely being late and not doing his job. Though the driver said he was right on schedule, the student kept right on mak ing accusations against him. Apparently, the student was in a bad mood because he was late for a class. Some students just don’t realize that the drivers are doing the best they can. Many times the drivers are plagued by driver- relief problems or “When can I eat lunch?” problems. Another frequent prob lem is the mechanical breakdowns of the buses. So you see, it’s not always the driver’s fault if the bus is not there when you want it. You impatient students are going to have to learn that if you want to get to class on time, you will have to be out at the bus stop 30 minutes early. Sure you will be mad is the bus is late, but you don’t have to take it out on the driver. —Lilli Gustainis, ‘81 Hello operator? Editor: I am presently sitting by the phone in my dorm room, wondering how it would feel to be able to place simple phone calls with consistent success. All too often, when I reach for the receiver, there is no dial tone. Even when a dial tone is at tained, the battle isn’t over. I then must cross my fingers when trying to get an out side line and when placing long distance calls. Supposedly, the fault lies in the com pany’s lack of phone lines available for use. What’s wrong with installing some sup plemental lines? Just because the phone company maintains a monopoly doesn’t mean we have to take the poor service. : How about it, General Telephone? —Alan Ratterree Credit long overdue Editors: I would like to take this opportunity to recognize the Battalion staff for the excel lent work put into the daily publication of the Battalion. It is always out early in the mid-afternoon in accessable convenient locations for most students. The paper itself is super. It has a section for everything, which keeps students in formed on all the latest happenings on and off campus. I especially enjoy the sports section be cause of the fine coverage of Southwest Conference followings. The sports writers contribute commendable efforts to the Battalion. They keep the students up to date with the latest information from the Aggie locker room, reports from Coach Bellard, and excellent coverage of the games. I believe the Battalion is also a part of A&M tradition. The student body should -recognize it’s staff' for the hard work put into each issue. Keep up the good work staff, and let’s give credit where credit has been long overdue. —Sherri Marino Ag spirit still alive Editor: We are writing this letter to express our deep appreciation to all the good Ags that helped us on our trip to TCU. Our car broke down in Hearne Friday night, and four cars of Ags guided us in a caravan to Dallas, making sure we would get there safely. Over the weekend, we had to jump our car every time we wanted to start it, and many other Ags aided us in our efforts. We would especially like to thank the freshman and juniors of F-l, the juniors of Sq. 6, and the sophomores of D-l. If these Ags would not have helped us, we would not have been able to attend the TCU game. It’s nice to know the tradition and spirit of the Good Ag is still alive at TAMU. Thanks ya’ll. —Debi Sobotik, ‘79, Kathy Whitty, ‘79, Sonia Jerez, ‘80 Top of the News Campus Calendar deadline set Deadline for entries on the 1978 Spring All-University Calendaris 5 p.m. November 30. Any recognized student organization with spe cial events planned may submit dates. The January-Februarv monthly activities calendar will includes dates from January 22 to February 28. The deadline for entries on the monthly calendar is December 9. Request forms are available in the Student Activities Office, Room 221 of the MSG. For more information, call 845-1134. Student 1 applications 430 p.m- 3< A&M Ba Texas Sout White Col is State, 7:30 iseum I Reereatic members, 7 Delta Y p.m. H5 M Great Iss p.m.. Rudd State Minorities march About 200 blacks and Mexican-Americans silently marched through downtown Dallas Saturday to honor minority victims of al leged police brutality throughout the state. Organizers of the demon stration said the march was the beginning of organized resistance to civil rights violations in Texas. Many of the marchers were young, wore black armbands and carried signs bearing the names of five victims: Santos Rodriguez of Dallas, Juan Veloz Zuniga of Hudspeth County, Richard Morales of Castroville, Joe Campos Torres of Hous ton, and Michael Morehead of Dallas. FBI investigation promised A U.S. attorney has promised an FBI investigation into the death of East Texas civil rights leader Frank J. Robinson, according to the Anderson County Voters Defense Fund in Palestine. Robinson was found shot to death in the garage of his home Oct. 14, 1976, a shotgun lying across his legs. The death was originally ruled a murder by local police but after a long, expensive and controversial inquest, a jury ruled Robinson had committed suicide. At a joint press conference Saturday with the committee, Robinson’s wife said she had receiveda telephone threat from a man who claimed to have killed her husband, a retired school superintendant active in civil rights work. Nation Louisiana pulls in $1.5 hillion Louisiana’s Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism re leased a report during the weekend saying 3.6 million people have visited Louisiana so far this year and pumped $1.5 billion into the economy. According to the study, most of the out-of-state visitors were from Texas and most travelled by car. In a survey taken in July, tourists said they enjoyed visiting the French Quarter, plantation homes and Louisiana restaurants. Among the dislikes were mosqui toes, humidity, seedy shops on Bourbon Street and the high cost of motels. 10-mile parade moves along A 10-mile long parade of 1,950 tractors, combines, pickup tnicks and semi-tractor trailers Sunday moved along U.S. 183 in support of the American Agriculture movement’s proposed nationwide strike. The march ended at Gross Memorial Coliseum in Hays, Kan., where 4,500 persons attended a meeting. Organizers had hoped for as many as 7,000 farmers and their families to attend the rally. Many wounded in shotgun fire A police investigator was killed and 24 persons injured Saturday night in Omaha, Neb. by a “casual,” well-dressed gunman who sprayed shotgun fire into a supper club crowd waiting for a puppet show, officials said. A suspect was arrested later. Capt. Charles Gruber said the suspect had made a statement. It was believed the anrest was made after authorities staked out an area in north Omaha, about five hours after the shooting at Club 89 in west Omaha. “We thought it was part of the stage act, ” said Kenneth Joos of Omaha, whose wife and two daughter-in-laws were wounded in the incident. Vise Al t pm., Rudd Student rlngton Political I p.m., 601 F Aggie < ii 8p.m., Rn« MSC Art p.m.. Rudd Political Chief Justii 201 MSC Political 7:30 p.m., Batt Irw want hnj, not It toned... texlcan F lupreme." lilies loca 1071 North' 152-8 5 70 ILA workers may be back Two International Longshoremen’s Association locals have reached tentative contract agreements and the president of one said members may be able to take a back-to-work vote by Tuesday. Wilfred Daliet said Saturday night in New Orleans contracts for checkers, clerks and freight handlers still were unresolved, but another negotiating ses sion was scheduled Sunday and he said he was optimistic and “very controversial” local issues still to be worked out could be resolved. World Paperwork may stop release American prisoners Sunday charged bureaucratic bungling could leave 72 prisoners eligible for the U.S.-Mexico prisoner exchange program trapped by red tape in Mexican jails. The prisoners said that of 290 American prisoners declared eligible for the exchange by the U.S. State Department, 72 may not be home by Christmas because of missing documents. A U.S. Embassy spokesman said the prisoners’ figures do not coincide with those of the embassy. Donny Gregg, 32, of Santa Cruz, Calif., serving a six-year drug sentence, said Mexican officials told him he would not be on the list because his papers are not in order. Weather Cloudy and mild today and tomorrow with easterly winds 5-10 mph shifting to northerly 15-25 mph tonight. 30 percent chance of rain today increasing to 60 percent tonight. High today mid-70s. Low tonight low 50s. High tomorrow mid- 60s. The Battalion Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the editor or of the writer of the article and are not necessarily those of the University administration or the Board of Re gents. The Battalion is a non-profit, self-supporting enterprise operated by students as a university and com munity newsjmper. Editorial policy is determined by the editor. LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor should not exceed 300 words and are subject to being cut to that length or less if longer. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit such letters and does not guarantee to publish any letter. Each letter must be signed, show the address of the writer and list a telephone number for verification. Address correspondence to Letters to the Editor, The Battalion, Room 216, Reed McDonald Building, College Station, Texas 77843. Represented nationally by National Educational Adver tising Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles. The Battalion is published Monday through Friday from September through May except during exam and holiday periods and the summer, when it is published on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Mail subscriptions are $16.75 per semester; $33.25 per school year; $35.00 per full year. Advertising rates fur nished on request. Address: The Battalion, Ro Reed McDonald Building, College Station, Texas United Press International is entitled exclusively use for reproduction of all news dispatches credited Rights of reproduction of all other matter herein re! Second-Class postage paid at College Station, IX MEMBER Texas Press Association Southwest Journalism Congress Editor Jamie Managing Editor Mary Alice W( Editorial Director Lee Roy Leschp^ Sports Editor Paul A j News Editors Marie Homeyer, CarolM ' City Editor Rust) Cl* Campus Editor Kimf? • Copy Editor BethO Reporters Glenna Wl Liz Newlin, David Boggan, Mark P*^ Photographer KenH^ Cartoonist DougCf Student Publications Board: Bob G. Rogers, Choi* Joe Arredondo: Dr. Gary Halter, Dr. John W. //** Robert Harvey: Dr. Charles McCandlcss: Dr. Cliil 0 Phillips; Rebel Rice. Director of Student Puhlirf?, Donald C. Johnson.