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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1977)
Page 6 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1977 PROBLEM PREGNANCY? UNCER TAIN WHAT TO DO? ARE YOU SCARED AND CONFUSED? VICKKI AND JANE CAN HELP YOU BY TELEPHONE HOTLINE. CALL 454-1795 COLLECT. GIVE THE GIFT OF LIFE. Give Blood Oct. 11, 12, 13 Microfiche save space Serial holdings in Texas A&M University libraries are listed in a new format which provides several advantages. The serial holdings list was changed to microfiche in January. The microfiche edition has the same information as the previous paper version and it may be more frequently updated. The holdings list is produced in Computer Out put Microfiche, said director of lib raries Dr. Irene Hoadley. It is complete on 10 microfiche. compared to the former 3,000 page, four volume paper version. Hold ings of every serial in the libraries are shown, including inactive titles, reprints and series. Each entry includes title, hold ings information, location and call number. Numerous cross- references help locate a desired entry. Change from paper to microfiche allowed the library to increase the number of copies of the holdings list available in service areas. "W G.& Company STEAKS * SEAFOODS Let us cater your special party All You Can Eat $2 50 per person • Bar-B-Que Bee/ • Bar-B-Que Sausage • Cole Slaw • Pinto Beans • Bread • Pickles & Onions • Ice Tea Six (weekend) ways to keep from studying ku Ideal for that special event this fall 317 College Avenue There’s no yell practice, no football game, and you can’t find a ride home. So what can you do to keep from studying this weekend? First of all, the good ole’ Aggie Cinema is showing two Mel Brooks’ flicks. Blazing Sad dles and Silent Movie. If you think you can stand Yiddish speaking Indians, a chain gang singing Cole Porter songs, and Marty Feldman and Dom De Luise, simply bring your ID card and $1 to Rudder Theater at 8 p.m. (B. S. is playing Friday and Saturday, S. M. is Friday only.) If four hours of Mel Brooks will drive you stark raving mad, then you might want to stop off at the Manor East Mall (Texas At Villa Maria), where the 7th An nual People’s Festival is being held. The two-day exhibition of food, curios, displays and entertainment will begin Friday at 7 p.m. with a processional which will feature traditional dress and flags of the 32 coun tries being represented. The fes tival will continue through Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. Admission is free. If you’ve been to the rapids on the Comal River near New Braunfels and want to try some thing more daring and danger ous, high tail it to Marlin and The Falls, and be sure to bring an innertube. Go north on Hwy. 6, and follow the signs. Or, if you’d rather ride on water than swim in it, the Out door Recreation Canoe Trip down the Brazos River (near Hidalgo Falls), is scheduled to begin Saturday morning. A sign-up meeting is planned for 6:30 p.m. in Rudder Room 502. The cost of the trip is a mere $4 for canoe, paddle, and life jacket. The trip is a one-day af fair, so you’ll have to bring a sad lunch, and/or a cooler. When you get back fro™ your day in the country, you W j|| definitely want to rush over to Haus Edelweiss, 319 Universitv Dr., where they have authentic German food and desserts which are enough to tempt anyone oi their diet. They also serve “boots” of beer. (Yes, they’re ac tual glass boots.) Now, Sunday finally rolls around, and you say you’re still raring to go somewhere and 4 something?!?!?!? Well, our resi dent gourment tells us that a great way to spend an afternoon is to pack up hotdogs and cham pagne and take off to Lake Somerville. A carload of friends might be fun, but remember that you have classes on Monday! Co west on Hwy. 60 to Hwy. 36, turn left (south) and again, follow the signs. ere By T0UM or a chanj to curl u] y current 'ed by the collect appro "which 846-8741 UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL SOME PEOPLE PREFER TO HIDE THEIR HEADS IN THE SAND AND PRETEND THAT THINGS ARE ALL RIGHT AS THEY ARE. WE ARE NOT FOR PEOPLE LIKE THAT! But if you know that things are not as they should be ... if you would like to catch a new vision of what can be ... if you want to hold your head high and look to the heavens . . . WE ARE FOR YOU! WORSHIP SERVICES AT 9:15 A.M. AND 10:45 A.M. WORSHIP CELEBFIATION AT 6 P.M. 31 b N Main — 846-6637 Hubert Beck. Pastor LIMITED TIME OFFER Have an In-Dash 8-Track AM/FM Stereo Installed in your car for only ^ 129 95 10 children fight for education "Cost of speakers not incl. Model PE-618A Existing Stock Only TAMU TEXAS AVE. " SEARS | 1 8 P O & TOP 1000 S. COULTER - BRYAN - 823-5745 Store Hours: 9:00-6:30 Mon.-Sat. TIPT0P RECORDS 0 AND TAPES United Press International AUSTIN — Texas is going to create a slave class if free education is denied illegal aliens, the attorney for 10 children seeking admission to Houston schools argued Wednes day. “As long as they’re here without an education what you’re doing es sentially is creating an uneducated slave class,” Peter D. Williamson of Houston told the Austin Court of Civil Appeals. Williamson asked the appeals court to order 10 Mexican born children admitted to Houston schools without paying $90-a-month tuition. The class action lawsuit filed by the Houston Legal Foundation on You’re at home with Homestead. Homestead Savings Association is more than a new savings and loan. We're a new approach to financial services. Friendly. Professional. Concerned about your individ ual situation. That's why we say you're at home with Homestead. So look over our interest rates. They're the highest allowed by law, compounded daily. Then stop by Homestead Savings soon. Enjoy a cup of coffee while we discuss your financial future. We'll show you why Bryan-College Station's newest financial institution is the right one for you. TYPE OF ACCOUNT Passbook Accounts (Interest paid from day of deposit until day of withdrawal. No minimum deposit.) 90-Day Notice Accounts EFFECTIVE RATE ANNUAL RATE* 5.25% 5.75% 5.39% 3-Month ($1000 minimum deposit) Savings Certificates 5.75% 5.92% 1-Year ($1000 minimum deposit) Savings Certificates 6.50% 2V2-Year ($1000 minimum deposit) Savings Certificates 6.72% 6.75% 6.98% 4-Year ($1000 minimum deposit) Savings Certificates 7.50% 7.79% 6-Year ($1000 minimum deposit) Savings Certificates Substantial interest penalty required for early withdrawals on certificates. 7.75% 8.06% * Compounded Daily and Credited Quarterl Homestead Savings Association of Texas 1063 S. Texas Avenue (across from the main entrance to A&M) Phone: 693-1063 Your savings insured to $40,000 with the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation. FSLIC the children’s behalf contends it is unfair to bar from public school alien children who are unable to pay tuition. Several similar cases are pending across the state. Fifteen illegal aliens are attending school in Tyler tuition-free under a temporary court order while a federal judge consid ers their case. A state judge has or dered three children admitted to Austin schools tuition-free while the state education commissioner con siders their status. In 1975 the legislature amended the Education Code to limit state education funds to schooling of citi zens and legally admitted aliens. Houston school officials say it would cost taxpayers $5.3 million to $10 million a year to provide free education to the estimated 5,001 legal alien children residing in school district. The 10 children involved Houston lawsuit are 6 to 14 ye: old and have been in the. couiit!| three to four years. Five are stepchildren pf Aint citizens; their Mexican matin! brought them into the country tourist passes. When their motl became ill two were sent to Housli to live with a sister married to American. Jhe n’s Lease ”rs ..of [-sellers, dal proj jhe said t e fictioi lies, sciei business ik of the k Times 1: blisher’s [his will bt i,” Brown :hecked o can’t cht |e, nor car |m.’ litially, N [ary staff, is, Brown will be in [r input fi ’ staff, she Cards wil Indicate he >wn said, unpopula [h-interest jally in mi fhe popu ted in ear ;lved on vator lobb |he said b ssible by adjacent Frels said it would he disrupl to place the older children inb grade classes and would cost eil money to provide bilingu teachers. Wear it 73^ Brother It might help Q 12 S. Colli “SARG AGGIE CC D Ha Placerr Revers Federal decriminalization is coming. Ten states have eased off. Big Brother is real izing that a lot of little brothers and sisters are into weed. These days it doesn't hurt if people know you smoke -- it helps. A handsome way to show the world where you stand -- a finely crafted sterling silver marijuana leaf pendant accented by mosaic turquoise with matching earring (s). DEALERS INVITED Send check or money order to: HIGH STYLE Dept. AD P.O. Box 26658 Albuquerque, NM 87125 Pendant w/17" sterling chain Earring (1 only) specify post or dangle Earrings (pair) Set Pendant, Earrings (pr.) $ 9.95 $'5.95 $ 9.95 $17.95 Enclose $1.50 postage and handling per order. Please allow 4-6 Weeks for delivery. M The : Hassle Effic: Dri\ m haircuts for guys and gals by . . . Across from A&M 707 Texas 846-6933 S1REET D/\NC[ FEATURING AUGIE ME YE AND THE western HEAD BAN C S-'OO PM - 1:00 AM north gate behind dixie chicken $ 1.00 PER PERSO BEER AND refreshment I The ( °Pcned i ~~ the it The b ra ihoad The bui] ° n Harv "rated h Owne ""gaged Seating Don Ma tell wit! interior "All tl who m a rooms ai tor a bit 1,v e dim Ther room, a ? lar ge lrt ‘>ght ■ besic P*ete \ drape ri room ai tamily r Italian i Mrs. s 'sted i