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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1977)
Page 8 THE BATTALION TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 20. 1977 Closer to A&M smi |uto I I to serve you better. Embrey’s Jewelry Pro-family, pro-work We Specialize In Aggie Rings. Diamonds Set — New welfare plan Bicycles & Accessories — TVs Electronics — Appliances — Tires Batteries — Sporting Goods Garden Supplies 3511 College Ave. 822-7707 "at the triangle" Reoxidizing — All types watch/jewelry Repair Aggie Charge Accounts I0 846-5816 Now Better Than Ever. You Will Be Pleased With These Carefully Prepared and Taste Tempting Foods Each Daily Special Only $1.59 Plus Tax. “Open Daily” Dining:” 11 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. — 4:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M MONDAY EVENING SPECIAL Salisbury Steak with Mushroom Gravy Whipped Potatoes Your Choice of One Vegetable Roll or Corn Bread and Butter Coffee or Tea TUESDAY EVENING SPECIAL Mexican Fiesta Dinner Two Cheese and Onion Enchiladas w/chili Mexican Rice Patio Style Pinto Beans Tostadas Coffee or Tea One Corn Bread and Butter WEDNESDAY EVENING SPECIAL Chicken Fried Beef Steak w/cream Gravy Whipped Potatoes and Choice of one other Vegetable Roll or Corn Bread and Butter Coffee or Tea United Press International W ASHINGTON — HEW Secre tary Joseph Califano urged Congress today to scrap the nation’s welfare system and replace it with a ‘pro- family and pro-work program of jobs and income for the poor. President Carter has proposed the first major revision of the welfare sys tem since the Great Depression, a $31.1 billion package of jobs and supplemental income for the poor. The plan represents $2.8 billion in new welfare spending. Opening the administration’s con gressional testimony on the Carter plan, Califano said welfare as it exists is intolerable. “The' time is now for welfare re form because most Americans agree that we simply have to scrap our present welfare system and build a better one, Califano testified. He was the first witness at a series of hearings before a special House welfare reform subcommittee. Rep. James Corman, D-Calif., subcommittee chairman, said he supported welfare* reform and urged both the* House and Senate to re spond creatively to the welfare prob lem. Congressional action on the welfare proposal is not expected this year and a fully operating welfare re form is not anticipated until 1981. The plan would create up to four million public service jobs for par ents and guarantee a minimum in come for families and persons unable to work because of disability or age. Corman was not as prompt as Califano to dismiss the present wel fare structure. “It distresses me greatly when people speak of the present income-support system as a total failure,” Corman said in an opening statement. He said it would not be enough to “tinker with the present irrational structure” because welfare now provides incentives for families to split up and discourages work. ( X\ THURSDAY EVENING SPECIAL Italian Candle Light Spaghetti Dinner SERVED WITH SPICED MEAT BALLS AND SAUCE Parmesan Cheese - Tossed Green Salad Choice of Salad Dressing - Hot Garlic Bread Tea or Coffee FRIDAY EVENING SPECIAL BREADED FISH FILET w/TARTAR SAUCE Cole Slaw Hush Puppies Choice of one vegetable Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee SATURDAY NOON and EVENING SPECIAL “Yankee Pot Roast Texas Style” Tossed Salad Choice of one vegetable Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee SUNDAY SPECIAL NOON and EVENING ROAST TURKEY DINNER Served with Cranberry Sauce Cornbread Dressing Roll or Corn Bread - Butter - Coffee or Tea Giblet Gravy And your choice of any One vegetable Chancellor s United check Chancellor Jack K. Williams makes the first contribution 1) Texas A&M's fund-raising efforts which officially bejt Monday in support of the College Station United Fu Bryan-Brazos County United Way. Looking on are Homu) Perry (right), the university' s associate \ ice president for* dent services and 1977 campaign chairman, and Bruce associate director of the Texas Forest Service and can coordinator for the System Administration Building. screi foot Oswald s widow talk Serving Luncheon Buffet Sunday through Friday I LOO A.M. to 1:30 P.M. $3.00 Top Floor of Tower Dining Boom Sandwich N Soup Mon. thru Fri. $1.75 plus drink extra “Quality First” PROPOSICIOIS ISo. 1 EI\ LA BOLETA (S.J.R. 18) S.J.R. 18 propone una enmienda a la Constitucion de Texas que requiere el aumento del numero actual de cinco jueces en la Corte de Apelacion Criminal a nueve y que permite la Corte sesionar en paneles de tres miembros. La. terminologia de la enmienda jrropuesta como aparecerd en la boleta es como sigue: La enmienda constitu- cional aumentando el nu mero de miembros de la Corte de Apelacion Crim inal a nueve jueces, y permitiendo que la Corte sesione en paneles de tres miembros. PROPOSICiOiS ISo. ETS LA BOLETA (S.J.R. 13) S.J.R. 13 propone una enmienda a la Constitucion que suministraria 20() mil- lones de dolares mds en bonos u obligaciones del Estado de Texas para el Fondo de Tierras de Veter- anos y que permitiria a vi udas de veteranos comprar terrenos bajo ciertas circunstancias. La terminologia de la enmienda propuesta como aparecerd en la boleta es como sigue: La. enmienda eons tit u- cional para suministrar 200 millones de dolares mds en bonos u obligaci ones del Estado de Texas para el Fondo de Tierras de Veteranos y para, per- mitir que viudas sobre- vivientes de veteranos compren terrenos bajo ciertas circunstancias. fera despues de haber sido probada culpable de un de- lito mayor previo. La terminologia de la enmienda propuesta como aparecerd en la boleta es como sigue: La enmienda constitu- cional permitiendo dene- gacion de fianza a una persona acusada de un. delito mayor que ha sido probada culpable dos veces previas de un delito mayor, o acusada de un delito mayor cometido durante el tiempo que dicha persona estaba li- bertada bajo fianza por procesamiento de un deli to mayor previo, o acusa da de un crimen impli- ca.ndo el uso de una arma mortifera y cuando hay evidencia que tal persona ha sido probada culpable de un delito mayor pre vio disponiendo un limi ts de sesenta (60) dias de encarceladon sin jui- cio de tal persona; y disponiendo el derecho de apelacion de dicha per- aparecerd en la boleta es como sigue: La enmienda constitu- cional autorizando la for- macion de asociaciones agricolas o marinas que podrdn asignar por man- dato la coleccion de impli es to s reembolsables pava el mejoramiento de la produccion, venta y com- pra, o uso de sus produc- tos. PROPOSICIOIS So. ES LA BOLETA (S.J.R. 49) sona. S.J.R. A9 propone una enmienda a la Constitucion de Texas que permite la legislatura autorizar bancos estatales y nacionales para ejercer privilegios de banco mediante el uso de aparatos electronicos o mdquinas situadas en tales lugares como podrd disponer la ley y que autorizaria los bancos repartir tales aparatos elec tronicos o mdquinas de un mo do razonable no distin- tivo. La. terminologia, de la enmienda propuesta como aparecerd en la boleta es como sigue: La enmienda constitu tional para dar a la legis latura el poder de auto rizar a los bancos esta tales y nacionales para ejercer privilegios de banco y descuento me diante el uso de aparatos electronicos o mdquinas. PROPOSICIOIS 1S 0 , 3 El\ LA BOLETA (S.J.R. 3) Bnjo las leyes actuales de Texas se le puede negar fianza a una persona acu sada de un delito may or q ue previamente ha sido pro bada culpable de dos delitos may ores. La S.J.R. % pro pone. una enmienda. a f a Constitucion de Texas que tambien acabaria en ( lene- gacion de fianza, durante un tiempo limitado y sU jeto a apelacion, a una persona acusada de cometer un f j e . lito mayor mientras estaba bajo fianza por un delito mayor previo por el cual la persona ha sido acusada por gran, o acus fu j a p e un delito mayor impli can do el uso de una arma morti- PROPOSICIOIS ISo. 4 EIS LA BOLETA (S.J.R. 5) S.J.R. 5 propone una en mienda a la Constitution de Texas que autorizaria la legislatura conceder exen- ciones u otros remedies de impuestos ad valorem sobre propiedad designada para la preservacion de recursos culturales, historicos o de historia natural. La terminologia de la enmienda propuesta como aparecerd on la boleta es como sigue: La enmienda constitu- cional autorizando una baja de impuestos con fines de preservar ciertos recursos culturales, his toricos o de historia natural. PROPOSICIOIS ISo. EIS LA BOLETA (S.J.R. 30) S.J.R. 30 propone una enmienda a la Constitucion de Texas que cambiaria el nombre de la Comision Estatal de Capacidades Ju- diciales a la Comision Esta tal Sobre Conducta Judicial y haria varies cambios con respecto a sus poderes y procedimientos. El cambio mds significativo autori zaria la Comision para suspender de cargo los jueces bajo procesamiento. La terminologia de la enmienda propuesta como aparecerd en la boleta es como sigue: PROPOSICIOIS ISo. 5 EIS LA BOLETA (S.J.R. 19) S.J.R. 19 propone una enmienda a la Constitucion de Texas autonrizando la formacion de asociaciones autorizadas para colectar ciertos impuestos reembol sables de product ores de aves de corral, ganado, y otros product os crudos agri colas o marivos y validando la ley de 1967 con respecto a la formacion de tales asociaciones. La terminologia de la enmienda propuesta como La enmienda constitu- cional cambiando el nom bre de la Comision Esta tal de Capacidades Judi- ciales a la Comision Estatal Sobre Conducta Judicial, y perteneciendo a la comision y a los poderes y actos de la comision, con un oficial judicial nombrado por la Corte Sujvrema, y la Corte Suprema, o los jueces de la Corte de Apelacion Civil sirviendo en hi gar de la Corte Su prema, para la suspen sion, censura, deposicion, o retiro involuntario de un juez, o juez de paz bajo ciertas circunstan cias. Open to the Public^ ::a "A ’QI AUTY FIRST" er_& <■/* ^ & vr United Press internatimiiil NEW YORK — Lee Harvey Os wald's Russian-horn widow. Marina, says she locked him in a bathroom and persuaded him to give up plans to kill Richard Nixon seven months before he assassinated President John F. Kennedy. The ((notation was contained in a copyrigiitcd. prc-publication ex cerpt tarried by the Ladies Home Journal from a book entitled “Marina and Lee. written by Patricia Johnson McMillan. Ms. McMillan based her book on interviews with Marina Oswald Porter. Oswald s w idem. Marina said Oswald decided to make an attempt on Nixon’s life after reading a news story on bis demands that the Russians be {breed out of C .’uba. Throwing down the April 21. 1963. edition o( the Dallas Morning Yews Oswald tucked his gun i belt and told his wife Marimk going to “have a look at Nism w as “coming to town.” The former Mrs. Oswali did w bat she had done bdim* off be atings by her hiisbani tric ked him into going totlicl worn and U\v\\ hvacvd WnsU foo.. Mjff W ( r\ mg. Marina said slicpH^ PUBLIC NOTICE SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS GENERAL ELECTION NOV. 8. 1977 “The constitutional amendment authorizing the formation of agricul tural or marine associa tions which may mandate the collection of refund able assessments for im provement of production, marketing, or use of their products.” NUMBER ONE ON THE BALLOT (S.J.R. 18) S.J.R. 18 proposes an amendment to the Texas Constitution to provide for expanding- the Court of Criminal Appeals from its cui'rent membership of five judges to nine judges and to permit the court to sit in panels of three judges. The wording of the pro posed amendment as it will appear on the ballot is as follows: “The constitutional amendment increasing- the size of the Court of Crim inal Appeals to nine judges, and permitting the court to sit in panels of three judges.” NUMBER TWO ON THE BALLOT (S.J.R. 13) S.J.R. 13 proposes a con stitutional amendment to provide for an additional $200 million in bonds or ob ligations of the State of Texas for the Veterans’ Land Fund and to allow surviving widows of veter ans to purchase tracts under certain circumstances. The wording of the pro posed amendment as it will appear on the ballot is as follows: “The constitutional amendment to provide for an additional $200 million in bonds or obligations of the State of Texas for the Veterans’ Land Fund and to allow surviving widows of veterans to purchase tracts under certain cir cumstances.” a deadly weapon after be ing convicted of a prior felony. The wording of the pro posed amendment as it will appear on the ballot is as follows: “The constitutional amendment permitting denial of hail to a person chai-ged with a felony of fense who has been there tofore twice convicted of . a felony offense, or charged with a felony of fense committed while that person was admitted to bail on a prior felony indictment, or charged with a crime involving the use of a deadly weapon where there is evidence such person has been con victed of a prior felony offense; providing for a 60-day limit to that per son’s incarceration with out trial; and providing for that person’s right of appeal.” NUMBER SIX ON THE BALLOT (S.J.R. 49) S.J.R. 49 proposes an amendment to the Texas Constitution to permit the legislature to authorize state and national banks to exercise banking privileges by use of electronic devices or machines located at such places as may be provided by law and authorizes the sharing of such electronic devices or machines among banks on a reasonable, non- discriminatory basis. The wording of the pro posed amendment as it will appear on the ballot is as follows: “The constitutional amendment to give the legislature the power to authoidze state and na tional banks to exercise banking and discoimting privileges by use of elec- tronic devices or ma chines.” ipan he ( : rol rymg through the door: “Howcan® to me alter you gave me you || W ]j] Y<>u promised me you’d new' any one elseand licreyouaresli in all over again Tm pregnant. I can’ttaleili timt I could lose the h;th » P f 1 svonhin 1 i ven v,>yv. sl\y wfc'l® VV . Q as saying. ()s\\ aid relented, tlu'emipf when she protested againlii could lose the hahy. He gave up his gun and'I tucked it under the niattriS then got him to strip dim I under" i ar to insure that k* not leave. 0”\ hols XI Briscoe appoin Central Texas district judge n iDr. Je |lingu p, wi i herd loom /illi; lanil iR. NUMBER THREE ON THE BALLOT (S.J.R. 3) Under current Texas law a person charged with a fel ony offense who has pre viously been convicted of two felony offenses may be denied bail. S.J.R. 3 pro poses an amendment to the Texas Constitution which would also result in the de nial of hail, for a limited time and subject to appeal, to a person accused of com mitting a felony while on bail for a prior felony for which the person has been indicted, or accused of a felony involving the use of NUMBER FOUR ON THE BALLOT (S.J.R. 5) S.J.R. 5 proposes an amendment to the Texas Constitution authorizing the legislature to grant exemp tions or other relief from ad valorem taxes on property designated for the preserva tion of cultural, historical or natural history resources. The wording of the pro posed amendment as it will appear on the ballot is as follows: “The constitutional amendment authorizing tax relief to preserve cer tain cultural, historical, or natural history re sources.” NUMBER FIVE ON THE BALLOT (S.J.R. 19) S.J.R. 19 proposes an amendment to the Texas Constitution authorizing the formation of associations authorized to collect certain refundable assessments from producers of poultry, livestock, and other raw agricultural or marine products and validating the 1967 law regarding the for mation of such associations. The wording of the pro posed amendment as it will appear on the ballot is as follows: NUMBER SEVEN ON THE BALLOT (S.J.R. 30) S.J.R. 30 proposes an amendment to the Texas Constitution changing the name of the State Judicial Qualifications Commission to the State Commission on Judicial Conduct and mak ing several changes in its powers and procedures. The most significant change would authorize the Com mission to suspend from of fice judges and justices under indictment. The wording of the pro posed amendment as it will appear on the ballot is as follows: “The constitutional amendment changing the name of the State Judicial Qualifications Commis sion to the State Commis sion on Judicial Conduct, and relating to the com mission and the powers and proceedings of the commission, a master, and the supreme court, or court of civil appeals jus tices serving in place of the supreme court, for the suspension , censure, re moval, or involuntary re- tii-ement of a justice, judge, or justice of the peace under certain cir cumstances.” United Press Intmiatid ACS TIN — Gov. Do]® | Monday appointed V. dan ol Brady to be adistridjiti F (Tc Bandera, (atnefio, K<_ McCulloch and Menan\ Ionian fiad been disfnchfA'rf the area. Tlic governor named Ruff Sutton ol | unction to replan as prosecutor. Jordan is tail judicial post resigned ki jk' Allison ol Kern die. Brisrnci app<>in t ments vv ill be etledwl SOLID WOOD - SOLID WOOD-SMI UNFINISHED FURNITURE Bookshelves, Barstools.CN Tables, Desks, ChestsSli. 1 More Items to Choose Fur Downtown Bryan 314 N. Main 822- SOLID WOOD - SOLID W00D-SM mm