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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1977)
Page 2 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 1977 Opinion/Commentary/Letters Daycare center doesn't benefit all Editor: 'Hie Student Senate recently ap proved $41,000 out of student serv ice fees for the support of a daycare center that will accommodate 32 children. The use of student service fees for a project such as this is appal ling to all who understand the phi losophy behind these fees. The pur pose of the fees is to provide services which all students will or can benefit from. In the case of the daycare cen ter, only the students who happen to be parents can benefit from the serv ice and only 64 of them. We oppose the actions of the Student Senate on philosophical and financial grounds. The proponents of the daycare center argue that such a service will provide financial benefits to the par ents and educational benefits to the children involved as well as to the education majors that will operate the center. Since when has it be come acceptable to expect students to support other students financially or to educate their children? The fi nancial ramifications of supporting a family while undergoing the educa tional process should be considered before the creation of the family. Others should not be expected to bear the burden of a decision in which they had no voice. Another advantage that was claimed is that the center will al leviate the present shortage of day- care centers that allegedly exists. It is ludicrous to claim that a center that will accommodate 32 children will provide the solution to such a problem. The final argument posited by the supporters of the center is that finan cial support will probably be as sumed by the university within the next two years. However, they have no indication that this source of fund ing will materialize. This year they requested $41,203 in addition to $12,165 that will be paid by the par ents. Next year s expected request will be approximately $26,000 with an additional $18,000 coming from parent fees. If support from the uni versity does not materialize, it would be ridiculous to assume that the rev enue paid by the parents will more than double to cover their operating costs. They would have to return to the Senate for funding. And, as the Federal Bureaucracy has so aptly demonstrated, it is far easier to start a project than to end it. Even if fund ing is assumed by the university, the use of student service fees to provide the initial capital cannot be justified. The fact remains that we are being forced to pay for a service from which the vast majority will not and cannot benefit. — Jerri L. Ward Vice President for External Affairs — Robert W. Harvey Senator, College of Engineering Daycare center "pure socialism' the poor. Also, this promotes irre sponsibility and neglect on the part of A&M students. Some of us wait until graduation to get married and some of us have a home established before we bring children into the world. Yet we must pay for those who don’t. Am I cold-hearted, selfish, and cruel? No, just fair. What about the 33rd child, the minority person in Houston who can’t afford to go to school here, and the student who’s working his way through school? Why not let A&M students subsidize them? Let’s not forget to indoctri nate these youngsters as Aggies right away because we must remember young minds can easily be influ enced. The proposed daycare center is pure socialism and it’s absurd for A&M students to pay for it. It’s just a shame that our Student Senate fol lows the example of the big boys in Washington. Unfortunately, “like Father, like son,” is still true. — Dan Kaspar ’77 The letter will be signed by all of s - Cy-Chain Chem Right-to-lifer attacks column Editor: I would like to comment on the abortion article written by Phil Robinson and Terri Floyd (The Bat talion, March 9). Rather than bother ing with their sloppy and irresponsi ble journalism and their faulty logic, which should be pretty obvious, I will get right to the point. If not interfered with, the impregnated egg will develop into a being as human as you and I. Any conscious attempt to prevent this from happen ing is murder. Period. The right to life must not be subordinated to self ish expediency. — Leo A. Radovich ’78 1040 T^paHmert TthaTjasury- IMTemvLRateHi e5BK y loe Individual Income Tax Return ye/*. JMlUABy i - vts±Mi0>- H7&, ok UHOJafeg yai *cr<mw ia rr Name Last Name Second-fo Last Jnitial starch ? of •□VCSOno tefl GuarriiaiforAfonemaiT.oned^niess City, T5wn,Ffc>Stottioe, SHOE sizjiQio 12'^.) RESuesieppY OEpmMENTOF ASRICUtTVRE- tS HbURAPDRESSSREAIBSWAUUNE 41 ?n NO I OCC- 1 VmiPS If wy? s a. HowMwymxiMeona<&isEO)W(iww? 3. NW0E5 CDDANVOf W£M PIAYTNE 1 ii 1 □ Single □ Double □ Sacrifice Fly 2 □ Mamed Filing Singly joint return (even if srouse is wWtPsmfrTBu/') $ □ Joint married singly separate spouse (but FIUNS POt/BLE J&IWTCP) 4 □ Head of Household filing separate, but joint teiurn (if unmarwep suTroauny-siwsLE.) 5" □ Head of joint filinq single file scwse/s Separately. J 6. □ Widower) separate dependent filing out afjpinf mturn singly i» wu uve within 2 miles OF A KCENT PIZZA OACe? □ yeeDNoDt^C D. Have you Rstatiad \our Tires Lately ? r □ yes Ono ,§ I £i a RE6U1AR7□ yourself ?o Spouse o b Nan«scf Dependent children who Jived with you "Why? c just First names .Dummy ■F How many inches in a liter?_ io Presidential Ejection 0 Campaign Fund jo you wish TO TSSI6IJATE il OF youe TAXES TO THIS woewy cause ?, WHAT ABOUT. THE LITTLE LApy ? ..... 9 Wages, Salaries (Tips, Extortion poTysiwE^ FoKWEAP ^ 10 Remunerations • ■ . fif iass than sross reimbuesements then ple! J1 Gross Jnflpx .... ^ H of "Joy of dooKiKG")] IX Money you made. is. what about all that cash you stashed in thatjar under the gansge? • HOWWOULP you LIKE A SOOP 3001 IN WE PACE ? Qyes □]*> • IF UHElS IS BkSSEIZlWANABKEACBOX oCmdlZE, SOTb LINE43 V>F(6ue£ W Editor: Unless the Board of Regents has more common sense and a greater perspective of realism than we the students, then our Student Senate just spent $41,000 of hard earned student money on 32 children. That’s approximately $1,282.50 per child and an imposed tax of about $1.46 per student per year by our Student Senate. I’m talking about a proposed day care center for children of A&M married students who can’t go to school unless they have someplace to put their children. However, what’s worse than the money spent is the principle involved. In this case, it’s taking from the poor and giving to Chinese students protest ad Let’s extend spring break by a weel g poyou weigh more than last years tax-form? e Number ofUrakeets subtracted from Grass Rotated Income (PUis uNe 27—unless greater than twelve miles) .... 7 a Total Confusionfadd Jines^e wd f g, fold in eggs, b^t imlilfim’j. .> | lyesk |4. subtract 13 from h . .. / 5. (the answer to is is. 1) TAK KATESCHHXtE. X.y, orIZ id SeePaae 7INS CHECK. HERE r The Battalion C)))inions expressed in The Battalion are those of the editor or of the writer of the article and are not neces sarily those of the University administration or the Board of Regents. The Battalion is a non-profit, selj- supportinf!, enterprise operated by students as a uni versity and community newspaper. Editorial policy is determined by the editor. LETTERS POLICY tetters to the editor should not exceed 300 words and are subject to beinf' cut to that length or less if longer. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit such letters and docs not guarantee to publish any letter. Each letter must be signed, show the address of the writer and list a telephone number for verification. Address correspondence to Letters to the Editor, The Battalion, Room 216, Reed McDonald Building, College Station, Texas 77843. Represented nationally i>y National Educational Advertising Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles. the use for reproduction of all news dispatches cred ited to it. Rights of reproduction of all other matter herein reserved. Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. MEMBER Texas Press Association Southwest Journalism Congress Editor Jerry Needham Managing Editor James Aitken Associate Managing Editor Rusty Cawley Assistant Managing Editor Mary Hesalroad Features Editor John W. Tynes News Editor News Assistant Photography Director Sports Editor Copy Editor Reporters Debby Krenek . . Carol Meyer . Kevin Venner . . . Paul Arnett .... Steve Reis Paul McGrath, Lynn Mail subscriptions are $16.75 per semester; $33.25 per school year; $35.00 per full year. All subscriptions subject to 5% sales tax, Advertising rates furnished on request Address: The Battalion, Room 216, Reed McDonald Building, College Station, Texas 77843. United Press International is entitled exclusively to Rossi, Lee Roy Leschper Jr., Jan Bailey, Darrell Lan- ford Asst. Photo Editors Tracie Nordheim, Mike Willy Student Publications Board: Bob G. Rogers, Chair man, Joe Arredondo, Tom Dawsey, Dr. Gary Halter, Dr. John W. Hanna, Dr. Clinton A. Phillips, Jerri Ward. Director of Student Publications: Gael L. Cooper. Editor: On page 9 The Battalion of March 1, 1977, a “paid political announce ment” appeared among other com- merical advertisements, which ex pressed four false statements about Taiwan, Republic of China. We, a group of TAMU students from Taiwan who had been shown to and agreed upon this letter, want to express our strongest protest toward The Battalion and whomever made that advertisement: 1. The tragedy happened on Feb- ruary 28, 1947 was resulted from misunderstanding between two groups of people that newly came into contact. Both groups had lost lives and none of them should be blamed for the tragedy. We wish that you can reveal the truth about it. 2. A university newspaper should not interfere with the domestic affair in a foreign country and incite revo lution. 3. Taiwan in now under a steady progress and coherence. Any State ment like that is an attempt to de stroy the peacefulness and harmony in Taiwan. 4. A person who can afford an ad vertisement on newspaper is not necessarily a person who has the right to speak for 16 million people. We demand to have a satisfactory answer from those people who were responsible for that announcement. We, as a group of students without financial ability or support to make newspaper advertisement, sincerely hope that you would publish this let ter in The Battalion. This is a new proposal for the Board of Regents to consider: spring break should be extended from one to two weeks. The first week would be an ad justment period and the second a vacation. The following problems, obstacles and embarrassments could be al leviated by this action: V Trying to shut-off the alarm when the phone rings early in the morning. V Falling off the bed trying to answer the phone when you realize it’s not the alarm ringing. V Realizing that the short people around you are really little children and not your roommate shrunk even shorter. V Remembering that at A&M you get up on the right side of the bed, but at home, the right side is a wall. V Adjusting to a phone that con- Commentary ing all the cold water when the toilet is flushed. V Having to find clothes in your own closet instead of going through your roommate’s and the people down the halls. V Picking up a newspaper to read about something besides the GSSO or the housing shortage. AUS1 V Not answering late ii 'ereas ! phone calls from your dad's bos lelex; same way you answer lateniditi irt to i from friends at school. Maybe the Board should cot extending spring breaka Provide a week for re-a life at A&M. V It takes at least two days before you stop trying to adjust your little black and white television and enjoy the luxury of a full size color set. stantly rings, then to the fact none of the calls are for you. V Counting the hours before Thursday night’s venture to the Dixie Chicken and learning there isn’t a Chicken across the street from you. V The glares from across the table when you try to start a food fight. V Trying to explain to your date what you meant when you warned against being caught in the room “af ter hours.” V Being able to shower without someone yelling “crapper” and los- PIPES — CUSTOM BLENDED TOBACCO CIGARS — DOMESTIC & IMPORTED ir a g<i We now carry imported cigarettes: DUNHILL, BALKAN SOBRANIE & SHERMAI G< 3709 E. 29th St. Town & Country Center Sun Theatres 333 University 846-9808 Super-Grody Movies Double-Feature Every Week Special Midnight Shows Friday & Saturday $3 per person No one under 18 Escorted Ladies Free $3 With This Ad BOOK STORE & 25c PEEP SHOWS Battalion Classified Call 845-2611 6 OZ. TOP SIRLOIN DINNER lalprac issocia ak. The ' actor i anverg ission. actict last six lose p Spea gr T! *1 89 Steaks & Seafood 6 oz. Top Sirloin Dinner, Baked Potato or French Fiid Texas Toast. Tuesday 317 College Avenue 846-811 WANTED! GUYS AND GALS WITH FRIZZY, FRUMPY OR FRAZZLED HAIR. APPLY IN PERSON AT: TTkat Tfiace FOR THE BEST HAIRCUT! OF YOUR LIFE. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY, 707 TEXAS AVENUE 846-6933 Now Better Than Ever. You Will Be Pleased U These Carefully Prepared and Taste Tempting Fo Each Daily Special Only $1.49 Plus Tax. “Open Daily’’ Dining: 11 AM to 1:30 PM — 4:30 PM to 7 P MONDAY EVENING TUESDAY EVENING SPECIAL SPECIAL Salisbury Steak Mexican Fiesta with Dinner Mushroom Gravy Two Cheese and Whipped Potatoes Onion Enchiladas Your Choice of w/chili One Vegetable Mexican Rice Roll or Com Bread and Butter Patio Style Pinto Beans Coffee or Tea Tostadas ‘ Coffee or Tea One Corn Bread and Butter WEDNESDAY EVENING SPECIAL Chicken Fried Beef Steak w/cream Gravy Whipped Potatoes and Choice of one other Vegetable Roll or Corn Bread and i Coffee or Tea THURSDAY EVENING SPECIAL Italian Candle Light Spaghetti Dinner SERVED WITH SPICED MEAT BALLS AND SAUCE Parmesan Cheese - Tossed Green Salad Choice of Salad Dressing - Hot Garlic Bread Tea or Coffee FRIDAY EVENING SPECIAL BREADED FISH FILET w/TARTAR SAUCE Cole Slaw Hush Puppies Choice of one vegetable Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee SATURDAY NOON and EVENING SPECIAL “Yankee Pot Roast Texas Style” Tossed Salad Choice of one vegetable Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee “Quality First” SUNDAY SPECIAL NOON and EVENW ROAST TURKEY DM Served with Cranberry Sauce Cornbread Dressing Roll or Corn Bread - Butti Coffee or Tea Giblet Gravy And your choice of an] One vegetable