Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1977)
THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16, 1977 Page 5 to college Li S “lib, L souk. Dr. Arthur G. Cosli professor, also says that nd Deep South high Seats expect to go on to L the past, but that enc iyparents, teachers air s a significant factor in h spire to higher achieve! Cosby has been con [earch on factors that career decision maki Ijnce his graduate stud y, associate fewer Texas school stu- college than ouragement 1 classmates elping them nent levels. ducting re affect the ag process eht days at lingtot rssistaul! degree! freshmr ■mberstil i. jslationii ild caiiif trsity i | not goi ssrooms, t going!) ’orkloai ctics usd : teadii ineunlesi xperiente hileaidd ilso wodil m having nts tb| and teach moretla nt conlai Faculty. ue; s, it IM Corps d itionalefd ps has® instructed, place till ry guides, i structure irs into lie cloud da® awning. Is great, end to sci sometime ere it isnl assing arcs dams ah o bordi egionwo* :ing a as rain ''t nts beyond loads coi fm I rivers Canoes ureke Tenlt lacks I0E TRA |L ? , kayak, UPE Rli me to f ^ )r ninguez s cinieg 3 ' Mississippi State University in 1966. Since coming to A&M in 1971, he has received major support for his work from the Texas Agricultural Experiment Station and recently was awarded additional funds from Health, Education and Welfare (HEW’s) National Institute of Edu cation . His studies include long-term re views of the careers of people who were high school sophomores in 1966. Over the years, the research has expanded to compare high school students of the early 1970s and late 1960s; to examine the role of women in agricultural colleges (28 per cent of agriculture students are female); of urban students (half the agricul ture enrollment comes from cities); and of blacks (who have a dispro portionately lower percentage of students enrolled in agricultural col leges) . More than 200 papers, articles and book chapters by various researchers have been produced by the studies which cover thousands of students from 100 Texas and Deep South high schools. Forty Southern universities with agricultural programs, includ ing Prairie View A&M, also partici pate . Cosby says that the positive influ ence of encouragement in high school often stays with the students. ‘Those who wanted more education tended to get it.” A high sense of optimism also seems to he a factor. Youth in their mid-20s tended to retain the high achievement goals they had in high school, although attainment of the goals seemed realistically impossi ble. Research shows that youth in Texas and the Deep South increas- ingly prefer to reside in rural areas, said Cosby ■ * Knowledge is your best ! Now Open |I protection. Car 1 Bussells \ /Oiahond Room Aggieland | Harley- ij 3731 E. 29th 846-4708 ; Davidson Town & Country Center 801 Texas Ave. MEMBER AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY Bryan ij r Couple-Up (for Mother’s Day) Portraits of Couples — *29 95 3 - 8 x 10s in color for through March 18 (a regular $42.95 value) Call for an appointment . university studio 115 college main 846-8019 McCall’s COOKBOOK COLLECTION ON SALE THIS WEEK now on sale for • .v.-'.,.- Ft • LLF FW PIGGIY WIGGLY WHERE YOUR BUSINESS IS APPRECIATED . . . ALWAYS. Swiff ProterTHeavy Beef c* CHUCK ROAST Blade Cut ■> 58 RANCH STEAK 78 GROUND BEEF 68 Boneless Boston Style ROLL ROAST lb 99 Boneless Char-Broil STEAK > ■ Shoulder && ROAST Bordens Oven roast, broil, or braise. A tender, tasty proten beef roast molrAO o '‘Praiseworthy Meal." Guaranteed Tender every time you serve proten beef. ICE CREAM ” t 49 100% Natural Ingredients Puff 2-Ply Facial TISSUES Milky Way-Snickers’3 Musketeers»Mars CANDY BARS 6X79' PRESERVES * 69 4 Arrow Charcoal ^ ^ .BRIQUEIS.IO i 89* All Flavors KOOL-AID $ lOqtxan WE ARE OPEN SUNDAYS FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE SUNDAY 9*" 1 'til 7pm WE RE PROUD OF OUR SERVICE AT PIGGIY WIGGLY r H's not just an accident that the aisles are dean and uncluttered. r It's not just an accident that our checkers and baggers are so friendly. Texas Ruby Red GRAPEFRUtT $ H's not just an accident that you're treated with old fashioned courtesy. ★ H's not just an accident that the quality is kept high-whle prices are low. H's our way of showing you that your business is appreciated. TOOTHBRUSHES S' 1 ''"'. ? forf 1 TOOTHPASTE *9 SKIN BRACER 'tS. w *i«. *1” lotion . 99' STRAWBERRIES ^ steed . . MINI-DONUTS "2“ n iL S ; u r 8 ,69« pMS Btaekeyes » Kltiz. 5 | Crowder or p urV ie Hulls 9 pkgs. 1 PEPPERS 99* ★ 2700 Texas Awe. South ★ 4300 Texas Ave. ★ 3516 Texas 'Ave. ★ 200 East 24th St. ★ 9 Redmond Terrace COLLEGE STATION and BRYAN. TEXAS Quantity Rights Reseived with ^2 SO or more purchase. AnJ 0(h , f T , k , ce ,