Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1976)
d nenk Professor explains methods for soaping oil from ground ie, It Ming!* )0 r od 'TE. N A Texas A&M University profes sor tells of new methods to soap oil out of the ground. More than a dozen new oil recov ery methods have been proposed for getting oil out of the ground, Dr. Paul B. Crawford (who is also assis tant director of the Texas Petroleum Research Committee) told the Desk and Derrick Club of Wichita Falls this week. “These new oil recovery methods provide some hope of increasing the nation’s oil recovery,” he said. “Some of these new oil recovery methods have strange names such as low tension flooding, micellar flood ing and soluble oil slug process. But, these are simply names of very high quality soapy-like so- Fever claimed lives MADRID (AP) — Yellow fever claimed 80,000 lives in Spain in lutions which will wash the oil right off the rock,” Crawford explained. “In the laboratory they are effective, but expensive. “Thermal oil recovery methods, which include steam drives, the huff and puff process and fire-flooding are designed for heavy oil,” he con tinued. “The miscible type oil re covery processes using high pres sure gas, liquefied butane and pro pane and high pressure carbon dioxide are for light crudes. “These many oil recovery methods must be used and other oil recovery methods must be con ceived if our nation is to develop energy self-sufficiency,” Crawford contended. 40,000 thunder storms daily MADRID (AP) — In the whole world it is estimated there are at least 40,000 thunder and lightning storms a day. >s»c>e»ctc; A glass of class. counln ? fedei itrumei upnl >r I ordaiJ avoidinj ip ising i* unr ouldt;- P wen is I in row i Pabst. Since 1844. The quality has always come through. SCHAFFHAUSER DISTRIBUTING CO. 101 Luther W. 846-7231 500 yards South of Kyle Field on the Old Wellborn Highway. mm xm AGGIES! Douglas Jewel ry offers Student ID Discounts! 15% off of $ 50 00 or more 10% off of under $ 50 00 CASH PURCHASE ONLY 212 N. MAIN 822-3119 DOWNTOWN BRYAN folll" 0lcam Top of the Tower Texas A&M University Pleasant Dining — Great View SERVING LUNCHEON BUFFET 11:00 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. Each day except Saturday BankAmericard $2.50 DAILY $3.00 SUNDAY Serving soup is sandwich 11:00 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. Monday - Friday $1.50 plus drink Available Evenings For Special University Banquets Department of Food Service Texas A&M University “Quality First” NASA officials to lead panel Two NASA executives will high light a two day conference on remote sensing at Texas A&M University next Tuesday and Wednesday in the Rudder Center. The speakers will be Bradford Johnston, associate administrator of applications in Washington, D.C., and Stanley Freden, NASA Landsat project scientist for the program en titled “Remote Sensing for Land and Resource Management in the South and Southwest,” according to con ference director Dr. Robin I. Welch. The meeting, expected to draw state officials from at least six states, is hosted by the Remote Sensing Center at A&M. The cotiference will be addressed to state agency officials who want to use remote sensing systems such as observations from aircraft, satellites and techniques in their land and re source management activites. The symposium will emphasize practical applications rather than sophisti cated technology. Welch said they will use case studies describing the successful ap plications of remote sensing in par ticipating states. States sending rep resentatives include Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Missis sippi and Oklahoma. Speakers will be invited from state and federal agencies involved in supporting re mote sensing applications. FARMERS NEEDED PEACE CORPS ON CAMPUS OCT. 4-7 Placement Office Interviews: 10th floor Rudder Tower INFORMATION TABLE: STUDENT UNION THE BATTALION WhaVs wronq vit\V\ we? Page 3 Tfl f SUNDAY 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m. BIBLE CLASS 9:30 a m. C Jutode of That in prettg fair SOc BEER EVERY NIGHT ■ ; • ;\r.■ • ALSO LUNCHEON SPECIAL IN THE STATION! Sandwiches of the day $*| 50 UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL 315 N. Main — 846-6687 Hubert Beck, Pastor Maybe if Sunday went better even Tues days, Thursdays and Saturdays wouldn’t he quite so bad! Try it! And Cup Homemade Soup AGGIE HALL (Formerly Aggieland Inn) NEED EXTRA CASH? Become a Plasma Donor at Plasma Product Inc. 313 College Main, College Station Cash given with each Donation. BE Lb ■ 3901 S. TEXAS AVENUE • BRYAN INVITES THE AGGIES TO JOIN US FOR 1 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1976 4:00 - 7:00 FREE DRINKS FROM 4:00 - 7:00 DRAWINGS FOR ALBUMS AND 45 S TACO CERTIFICATES GIVEN AWAY HOUSTON ASTROS TICKETS -“WATCH THE AGGIES WIN” BUMPER STICKERS WTAW REMOTE WITH LIVE CUSTOMER INTERVIEWS BETWEEN 4:00 & 7:00 WARNER BROS. CARTOON CHARACTER GLASS SET GIVEN AWAY EVERY HOUR . . . AND MUCH MORE! NO PURCHASE NECESSARY! MMMtm [Cl VALUABLE COUPON & Friday & Saturday 10:30 a.m. - 2:00 a.m. TACO BELL CERTIFICATE COUPON ENTITLES BEARER TO ONE FREE TACO WITH ANY PURCHASE AFTER GRAND OPENING DAY. One per Customer. Void After October 31, 1976 Good Only at Taco Ball 3901 S. Texas Ava. In Bryan £3 a TACO BELL Jl