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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1976)
,e 12 THE BATTALION 1 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1976 phonic plague feared 4rmy makes war on ground squirrels Fever kills many A yellow fever epidemic in Philadelphia in 1793 killed an esti mated 5,000 persons. Associated Press iT. ORD, Calif. — The Army is daring war on millions of Califor- ground squirrels because of con- n that the animals may spread bonic plague. The problem involves two ilities near Ft. Ord: the 166,000- e Hunter Leggitt reservation and ,000-acre Camp Roberts. Both posts are overpopulated by Beechey ground squirrel, one of species of ground squirrels, which )k like chipmunks. Army officials claim they have an emergency on their hands because the population of squirrels, which may harbor fleas that carry bubonic plague, has jumped from 1 million to 10 million since 1972. No cases of the plague have been reported, but the Army said the ground squirrels still are a problem because they have undermined the land so seriously that an earthen dam collapsed. Army officials say farmers also complain that the ground squir rels eat their crops. “They have even burrowed into a road junction, through asphalt pavement,” Maj. Dan O’Brien, pub lic information officer at Ft. Ord, said Tuesday. “It gives you quite a startle to see their heads sticking up in the middle of the road.” Army officials originally said they wanted to use sodium fluoroacetate, also known as Compound 1080, in the obliteration campaign, which cannot be launched until spring be cause the animals are about to go into hibernation. The Army had announced it would seek an exemption from a federal order issued in 1971 which bans use on federal land of poisons, such as Compound 1080, that could be passed from one animal to another. This plan drew opposition from environmentalists and reached the halls of Congress. The chairman of the wildlife committee for the Sierra Club’s local chapter, Betty Davis-, said Com pound 1080 had been banned for the “good reason that it is not only highly effective in killing ground squirrels but is violently toxic to other wildlife as well, both directly and indirectly, both game and nongame.” SPEED READING Classes Forming Free Lectures Aggieland Inn Learn To Read 1000 Words Per Minute See article on Page 2 LAKEVIEW CLUB 3 Miles N. on Tabor Road Saturday Night: Jim Ed Brown and The Gems From 9-1 p.m. - s - TA -|vj PEXf E - DANCE Every Tuesday and Thursday Nights Ladies $1.00 Men $2.00 All Brands, Cold Beer 40 Cents 8-12 Battalion Classified Call 845-2611 U.S.D.A. Grade “A” FRYERS whole & lb. THE PRICE OF BEEF IS 00WN! YOU NOT ONLY SAVE MONEY. YOU GET A LOT OF GREAT EATING, THE FLAVOR AMERICA UKES BEST. PLENTY OF HIGH QUALITY PROTEIN WITH ALL THE ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS. GOOD NUTRITION THATS A JOY TO EAT. CHECK YOUR FAVORITE PIGGLY WIGGLY STORE YOU'LL SAVE ON VIRTUALLY EVERY CUT OF BEEF. SEE IF YOU D0NT AGREE. Family Pack Baby Beef Sale Chuck Steak ... Crown Roast Rib Steak Brisket Stew... Round Steak. .. Sirloin Steak... T-Bone Steak... b. 79c b. 79c b..79c b. 49c b. I 09 .. ib. 99c 119 ISHND9BK lb. FULL CUT HEAVY BEEF Mi NUEHOFF'S SHANK PORTION COUPON SAVINGS THIS COUPON WORTH 100 FREE S&H Green Stamps with $10.00 purchase or more. Coupon expires 9-19 Bone-In UMP ROAST Ib. |08 Rggly Mm*/ Vac Pale fib. *430 SLICED BACON.** V 9 Nuehoffs German Famfr mik rfin, FRANKS.. ..'^ ^78 10* Off Potato Chips Coio^yp FROZEN FOOD DEPT. SPECIALS Bonus Pack GROUND BEEF 6lbs. or M 0^ T. .... to* VO Nuehoffs Butt Portion Heavy Beef SIRLOIN STEAK Ib. nuenotts putt romon SMOKED HAM.98' Hormels Center Cut Smoked * 40Q PORK CHOPS, .t • m Hormefs Corned Beef BRISKET. ^ . * * Nuehoffs Whole or 1/2 PRINGLES.. 9., twin pack TOWELS ... .49 Tree Top Apple 32oz. bH. ' ;/ m m m m + m PITT HAMS Boneless. Ib.^ Sunshine CHEEZ-fT * • * lOoz. box dr PHIsburv Hurwjiy Jack POTATOES., ml 19 Heavy Beef J-B0NE STEAK I 38 I 68 B0l0GNAd&:S . 69' Oscar Mayer Sausaqe *840 PORK LINKS- ^1 59 Pfflsbuiy Best FLOUR 5 Ib. bag Del Monte #21/2 PEAR HALVES «. Diet Food Liquid Wfe SEG0..... 5 Swift’s Luncheon Meat PREM 12 oz, can 89 100Z. cao$ 1 COLONIAL limit 1 please with d 50 or more - • purchase. . . COKES Dr. Pepper, Sprite, Tab, Fresca Limit 3 with $5 purchase Plus deposit Of South All Varieties COBBLER Banquet 10 pieces FRIED CHICKEN Banquet Mexican DINNERS Ore-lda Crinkle Cut POTATOES Old Milwaukee Ib. ctn. 2 2 1b. i box t6oz. ctn. S Ib. bag 99 |79 49 *159 HEALTH AND BEAUTY AIDS Rod On Deodorant ARRID I.Soz. can lisHt 49 99 Johnson's Baby POWDER 24oz. can list *2 85 *|89 Mennen Sion BRACER 6oz. bH. list *1 85 99 Colqate 6* Off j 02 TOOTHPASTE list 78 ' 49 Esprit WINE Magnum Btls. Arrow CHARCOAL BRIQUETS BANANAS ORANGES TOMATOES LERY - - ^ 29 ONIONS. us "' M0NS s “ Ms ! . 79 CABBAGE * nrpfii) 4 FINE STORES TO SERVE YOU * 4300 TEXAS AVE. * 3516 TEXAS AVE. * 200 E. 24th ST. A *9 Redmond Terrace COLLEGE STATION BRYAN TEXAS Double 2Green fitamps every Tuesday wrfh^2. 5 °or more purchase. Pm WE