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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1976)
! Page 6 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1976 WANT AD RATES One day 1 Oc per word j Minimum charge — $1.00 Classified Display $1.65 per column inch each insertion ALL classified ads must be pre-paid. DEADLINE 3 p. m. day before publication BATTALION CLASSIFIED OFFICIAL NOTICE FOR SALE HELP WANTED OFFICIAL NOTICE AGGIELAND REFUND POLICY “Yearbook fees are refundable in full during, the semester in which payment is made. Thereafter no refunds will be made on cancel led orders. Yearbooks must be picked up dur ing the academic year in which they are pub lished. “Students who will not be on campus when the yearbooks are published,usually by Sep tember 1, must pay a mailing and handling fee. Yearbooks will not be held, nor will they be mailed without the necessary fees having been paid. “Refunds will not be made on books not picked up within one semester of the publica tion date (December 17, 1976 for the 1976 Aggieland).” This policy takes effect with the delivery of the 1976 edition of the Aggieland. OFFICIAL NOTICE TO TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY STUDENTS In the past, certain information has been made public by Texas A&M University as a service to students, families and other interested individuals. Under the "Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974,” the following director)' information may be made public unless the student desires to withhold all or any portion of it: Student’s name, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, and the most recent previ ous educational agency or institution at tended by the student. Any student wishing to withhold any or all of this information should fill out, in person, the appropriate form, available to graduate students at the Graduate College and to undergraduate students at the Regis trar’s Office, no later than 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, Sep tember 14, 1976. Edwin H. Cooper, Dean Admissions and Records Texas A&M University To comply with the requirements of the "Family Educa tional Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, ' Texas AAM University has adopted policies and procedures summar ized in the following paragraphs, which will be announced publicly periodically These policies and procedures are intended to implement the requirements of this Act and to clarify these requirements for all members of the Univers ity student body, faculty, professional staff, parents and other interested parties Any person desiring further clarification of this policy statement may request same from Mr Robert A Lacey. Registrar I According to the Texas A AM Student Records System, records will be maintained in a variety of administrative offices as outlined below The chief administrative officer in each office will be respon sible lor the records under his control and for the re lease of information in those records N»m* R A Lacey B G Lay Type of Records Academic and ad missions records Position Registrar Director of Admis sions Dean of the Graduate College Director of Academic Academic counsel Counseling Center mg and testing records J J Koldus III Chief of the Umver sity Police Controller of Accounts Director of Student Financial Aid Director of the Uni versity Health Center Housing Manager Disciplinary and personal counsel ing records Campus security records Financial obligatory records Financial aid records Medical records T R Parsons E Bellard Commandant Athletic Director W B Lancaster Address and hous ing records ROTC records Student athlete records Personnel records of employed stu dents l J Van Pell Director of the Job placement Placement Office records Provost of Moody College of Marine Saences A Mantime Resources Dean of the College of Agnculture Student records of Dean of the College the eleven aca- of Architecture A demic colleges Environmental Design Dean of the College of. Business Admmistra • F W R Hubert W D Maxwell The Seventy-two Department Heads Dean of the College of Education Dean ol the College ot Engmeenng Dean of the College of Geo saences Dean of the College of Liberal Arts Dean of the College ot Medicine Dean of the College of Science Dean of the College of Vetennary Medicine Heads of the Aca- Student records ot demic Departments the seventy-two academic depart ments Foreign Student Foreign student per- Advisor sonnel records items as grades, transcripts, financial aid and probation reports.) I Appropriate persons, if the knowledge of such in formation is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other persons J. Individuals requiring such informatidn by means of a judicial order or any lawfully issued sub poena. upon condition that the student is notified by the University of all such orders and sub poenas in advance of compliance V Student Rights to Challenge Records Students have the right to a hearing to challenge records and information directly relating to them The challenge is restricted to inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise inappropriate records and information. The following procedures shall be followed: A Any student wishing to challenge records or in formation directly relating to him must notify the individual responsible for maintaining the record of the wish to challenge The notice must be in writing and specifically identify the item chal lenged and the basis for the challenge This writ ten request must be filed in duplicate with the custodian of the challenged record B. All initial hearings will be informal and partici pants will be the custodian of the challenged records or information, the student and the au thor (it appropriate) of the material. C It any of the participants (record custodian, stu dent or author) are not satisfied with the results of the informal hearing, a formal hearing will be conducted under the procedures adopted and published below: 1 The hearing will be conducted and the re sults decided within a reasonable period of time (seven business days) following the re quest for the hearing 2 The hearing will be conducted, and the de cision rendered, by an institutional official or other party who does not have a direct in terest in the outcome of the hearing The ap pointment of the official or party will be made by the Vice President to whom the record custodian reports 3 The student will be afforded a full and fair opportunity to present evidence relevant to challenging the content of the educational records in order to insure that they are not in accurate. misleading, or otherwise in viola- ation of the privacy or other rights of stu dents The hearing also provides an oppor tunity for correction or deletion of any inac curate, misleading, or otherwise inappropri- , ate data contained in the record and/or to insert into the record a written explanation of the student respecting the content of the challenged record 4 The decision must be rendered in writing to all interested parties within a reasonable period of time (seven business days) after the conclusion of the hearing I. Release of 'Student Directory Information" Information on students, such as date and place of birth, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards re ceived. and the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended, is defined and re ferred to in this Act as "student directory information' (this is a category of information and does not refer necessarily to a publication known as a "directory' ) The information mentioned above will be released by various campus offices periodically or upon request unless the student requests in writing that specific information be withheld A publication known as the Texas AAM University Directory is one type of periodical containing data classified as student directory information It will contain the student s name, address, telephone listing, major field of study and classification unless the student requests that part or all ot the data be withheld Periodically the Registrar will publish official notice of the above policy so that students wishing to do so can make requests known to the Registrar /under graduates) or the Dean of the Graduate College (graduate students) After the official notice has been published, the Registrar will inform offices con cerned of the requests received Destruction of Records Texas A&M University constantly reviews educa tion records it maintains and periodically it becomes necessary to destroy certain records In no case will the University destroy records if the action is prohib ited by state and/or federal law Basic scholastic records are kept permanently in the Registrar s Office Beyond these, the various de partments and offices may determine their own pol icies regarding retention of records within existing law Letters of Recommendation A: Students have the right to review confidential recommendations used in applications for em ployment or for admission to any educational agency or institution, or information concerning honors awarded, except when the student waives, m writing, the pnvileges of examination B Under the Family Educational Rights and Pri vacy Act of 1974. the student does not have ac cess to confidential letters and statements of recommendation which were placed in the edu cation records prior to January 1. 1975. if the letters or statements are used fof purposes for which they were specifically intended Former Students These procedures apply to all persons formerly en rolled at Texas A&M University as well as to those currently enrolled AKC Irish Setters. Shots; Show and Obedience, Champion Pedigree, 693-3168 . 6t2 One hotel reservation for sale for Sept. 10 & 11. Call 693-4429. 6(2 Sorensens Retail Foliage Plant Sales, 3908 Old Col lege Road. 6t4 CFA Registered Siamese, Chocolate & Lilac Point $20-$50. (Inc. Shots) 779-6418. 6t3 Ever-blooming African violets for your room. 693- 3237. 2t9 IRISH SETTER PUPPIES. EXCELLENT PEDIG REE, SHOTS. 779-7438. 4 t4 Beautiful Persian kittens. 2 red males. AGFA regis tered. $50 each. 846-5325. 4t3 Sell your used air conditioned to White's Auto Store or trade on new Catalina home appliances. Ford Ranchero 302 V8, 2-door, automatic, 693- 2£i£: jts FOR RENT 2610 Texas Avenue. THE LA SALLE a resident hotel Faculty, Staff, Post-Grads, Stu dents. A quiet, dignified place to live & study. Rooms and Rooms With Board Monthly Basis La Salle Hotel 120 SOUTH MAIN BRYAN 713/822-1501 Pizza Inn HELP WANTED FULL AND PART TIME HELP ALSO WEEKEND HELP APPLY IN PERSON 413 S. Texas Ave. College Station Furnished 2 bedroom mobile home with large bath, kitchen and living room. Central air and heat. Located on large private lot. 1705 Cotton wood, Bryan. $150 per month. $50 deposit. No pets. Day and night, call 779-5724. Day, Wednesday - Satur day, 779-1731. 5tl MR. GATTI’S — the best pizza in town . . . honest! Mr. Gatti’s is presently accept ing applications for full and part time help. Starting im mediately. Above minimum wage, 15-40 hours a week. Call Greg or Ron 846-4809 for ap pointment. 4t4 2 bedroom trailer, $160. 693-4652 be fore 9 p.m. Large two bedroom apart ments. May have pets. Horse stalls available. Call 823-2870 or 846-8701. Sell Mums — Make Money Student Floral Conces sions needs Corps rep resentatives for sales men. Commission sal ary. Call Steve Wright at 845-3430. Student Access to Education Records AH students (and former students) of Texas A&M University have the right of access to their education records for the purpose of review, with the exception of those records prohibited by the Act (see Section III) THE GRADUATE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Hamilton, John Cihson Degree: Ph D. in Education (Educational Adminis tration) Dissertation: VANDALISM IN TEXAS HIGH SCHOOLS: NATURE, EXTENT, AND PRE VENTIVE MEASURES. Time: September 6, 1976 at 1:30 p.m. Place: Room 616-A in Harrington George W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College ROADRUNNER’S CAMPGROUND Fullhook-ups and Dump Station. Self-Contained only. Take Booneville Rd. Exit off East By-Pass. 1729 Booneville Rd., 823-7314. 414 ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES. One and 2 bed- room, furnished or unfurnished, apartments. Ready for occupancy. IVi miles south of campus- Lake for fishing. Washateria on grounds. Country atmosphere. Call D.R. Cain Co. 693-8850, or after 5, 846-8145 or 822- •6135. 124tfn High school or college student part time. Evening and nights until 10 p.m. and weekends. Housewives or men: day shift, full or part time. Can work from 20-46 hours per week, above minimum wage. Apply in per son only. 9:30-11:00 a.m. if possible. Whataburger, Bryan or College Sta tion. 138tfn Needed: Off campus student to fill dorm vac ancy, Utay Hall. Call 693-3082, ask for Luis. A Students have the right to obtain copies ot rec ords relating to themselves at the expense of the student The reproduction charge shall not ex ceed the actual cost to the University B The University will respond to all requests for ex planations and interpretations ot records or in formation, provided the response is not in viola tion of this Act C The Act provides that a student may waive his right ot access to confidential letters ot recom mendation in the areas ot admissions, job place ment and receipt ot awards. Students seeking employment through the University Placement Office may have signed such a waiver Intorma- tion concerning the status of such waivers may be obtained from the Director of Placement. Consent to release personally identifiable in formation, such as rank in class, personal con duct, grade point ratio, academic progress, etc . to non-authorized personnel (see Section IV) should be obtained from the student by individu als releasing such information. THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for fhe Doctoral Degree Name: Bartlett, William Thomas Degree: Ph.D. in Biochemistry Dissertation: THE ENERGY DEPENDENCE OF MUTATIONS PRODUCED IN ESCHERICHIA COLI BY LOW DOSES OF X-RADIATION. Time: September 16, 1976 at 1:30 p.m. Place: Room 214 in the Herman Heep Bldg. George W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College Rooms available for students at Aggie Hall. 1502 S. Texas. Stfn Horse stalls for rent. 693-5742. Boys only. Furnished apartment, $65, 14 utilities paid. 846-5132 after 6. 4t4 Five bedroom, five bath, older house, 107 Luther. Stove and refrigerator. $315. 846-5444 6tl III Records Not Accessible to Students A Instructional, supervisory, and administrative personnel records and educational personnel records pertaining thereto in the sole possession of the author and not revealed to any person other than a substitute (i e , grade books, notes of observation and notes for recollection pur poses). B Records ot a student in the custody of the Office of University Police, provided they are main tained solely tor law enforcement purposes, and are made available only to law entorcement officials ot the same jurisdiction. C. Employment records of a University employee who is not a student D Records and information on a student main tained by a physician, psychiatrist or psycholo gist employed by the University These records and information will be made available to a phy sician or other appropriate professional ot the student's choice E Financial records ot the parents ol a studem and any intormation contained therein IV Authorized Non-Student Acceee to Student Record* - Under fhe following circumstances and to the following people, educational records (or per sonally identifiable intormation within a record) may be released without the whiten consent of the stu dent A Officials, faculty and staff employed by Texas A&M University, if they have a legitimate edu cational interest B Officials ot other educational institutions in which the student intends "or seeks" to enroll, provided the student is notified of what is being released and given a copy if desired C Authorized representatives of fhe Comptroller General ot the United Slates: the Secretary ot Health, Education and Welfare, administrative heads of educational agencies: or state educa tional authorities D Individuals needing this intormation in connec tion with a student s application for. or receipt ot. financial aid E State and local officials to whom state laws (in effect on or before November 19, 1974) require information to be reported F Organizations like Educational Testing Service and College Entrance Examination Board in connection with developing, validating, or ad ministering predictive tests, administering stu dent aid programs, and improving instruction, but such organizations must not show the per sonally identifiable information to outsiders and the information will be destroyed when no longer needed for audit, evaluation, and/or enforcement of federal legal re quirements. G Accrediting organizations H Parents who certify a student is carried as a dependent for federal income tax purposes This certification must be ascertained by the Uni versity office concerned (If would include such THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Solomond, John Paul Degree: Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering Dissertation: OPTIMAL SYSTEM SPARE CON FIGURATION BASED ON THE PRESENT WORTH OF OPERATIONAL COSTS UNDER A POLICY OF CANNIBALIZATION. Time: September 17, 1976 at 10:00 a.m. Place: Room 337E in Zachry George W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College WANTED Female grad student desperately needs place to stay. Leave message at 845-3673. Someone to sublease in Scandia I. Has two bedrooms, 1V4 baths. Contact Karen, 693-0593 . 4t4 CHILD CARE A&M Methodist Day School, 2 and 3 day pre school programs. 846- 7298. HAPPY FACE CHILD CARE CENTER Licensed with 27 years experience. Home cooked meals. Will be open for all home football games. Call 846- 6501. aib Need 3 Aggies for night shift, 7-11:30 p.m. Baskin Robbins Ice Cream Store, 2500 Texas Avenue, 779-4024. Wanted: Students who enjoy working with people and enjoy making money. Apply in person 3-C Corral, 1808 Barak Lane, across from Bryan High. 137tfn Waitress needed any shift, full or part time. Apply in person, Mon. Fri. Denny’s Restaurant, 2712 So. Texas. Eusebio Munoz, Mgr. ’80. 2t8 JOB OPPORTUNITIES Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY- INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922/ 1411 Texas Ave.—823-8111 ^ SERVICES ACADEMIC RESEARCH PAPERS. Thousands on file Send $1.00 for your 192-page, mail order catalog. 11322 Idaho Ave., No. 206H, Los Angeles, Calif. 90025 (213) 477-8474. 5t80 ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac SALES - SERVICE W here satisfaction is standard e(/nii)nient" 2401 Texas Ave. 823-8002 ATTENTION VETERANS! Need extra cash? Naval Re serve Patrol Squadron Ninety-four has openings for qualified aircrewmen and flight engineers. For more in formation contact Lcdr. Bob Garrett, 845-3011. Waitresses, cooks, bus boys needed. Apply in person. In ternational House of Pan cakes, 103 N. College Ave. Radio-T.V. Shop Helper. Call Bryan Radio and T.V. 822-4862. Help Wanted. Housekeeper — general housework. 5 days a week. Call 846-2344. 4t4 Waitresses needed. University Pizza Hut. 846- 2512. 5t3 LOST TTrung. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds7822- Aggie Senior Ring Class of ’77 am desperate to find if know of whereabouts please call Sean at 693-4876. INSTRUCTION . I34t5 FuB time typln^'SymBols:-GaH-»29v?7*3. •pplrf TENNIS LESSONS. 693-5234 for Hal. AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 The Television Shop TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith Sales and Services TV Rental 713 S. MAIN BRYAN 822-2133 Bryan Pizza Hut is now accepting applications for part time cooks and waitresses. Apply Bryan Pizza Hut, Names in the news Compiled by DEBBIE KILLOUGH Doulas signs with Detroit pistons The Detroit Pistons of the National Basketball Association signed 6-foot-10 center Leon Doulas of Alabama, their No. 1 choice in this year’s college draft, to a four-year contract at an esti mated $125,000 a season. An opera singer from Virginia and a Texas woman who lifts weights to keep in shape now have a better shot at becoming Miss America 1977. Pamela Polk, 22, of Richmond, Va., and Car men McCollum, 19, of Odessa, Tex., took the talent and swim suit competition, respectively, on the first night of preliminary competition in Atlantic City, N J. Wednesday. Both women said they were pleased and surprised at their accomplishments. himself. Gernhart says his con cern over lack of a decent funeral for himself has caused him to hold 20 funerals in the past 25 years. Houston doctor files $1.1 million Couple may lose children — again Charles and Darlene Alsager, who won custody of their chil dren last Christmas despite a court ruling branding them “mentally deficient ”, are now fac ing the possibility of losing their children again. The Polk County Department of Social Services filed a custody petition Wednes day. The department said it feared for the safety of the seven children. Dr. Richard M. Hirshberj, chief of neurological surgery ai St. Joseph’s Hospital in Houston has filed a $1.1 million suj| against a former patient who ac cused him of malpractice. Hr shberg filed the suit Tuesday ia state district court in answertoa $325,000 malpractice action against him. Hirshberg said (lit malpractice suit has damagedliij reputation and has increasedliis medical malpractice insurance premiums. Farmer to hold his own funeral Jim Gernhart, a 99-year-old re tired farmer, who says he’s wor ried he won’t get a proper burial after he dies, will participate Sunday in his 21st funeral - for Lauda to enter race next Sunday Niki Lauda, Austria’s Formula One world champion who was se verely injured in a crash at West Germany’s Nuerburgring race track last month, announced he will definitely start at the Italian Grand Prix next Sunday. John Ehrlichman to serve jail term John D. Ehrlichman, formei White House Aide, must start serving by Sept. 17 a 2-montlijal term for approving a burglaryby government operatives against Dr. Lewis J. Fielding, a psychiat rist who once treated Pentagon figure Daniel Ellsberg, U. S. Dis- trict Court Judge Gerhard 1 Gesell said. The sentence is to be served in the federal prison atSaf ford, Ariz. By ;|os/ ‘Miss Kitty’ takes role of Cattle Sally netwo: ilofca By JAY SHARBUTT Associated Press LOS ANGELES — It was high noon. Amanda Blake, who rau the Long Branch saloon on “Gunsmoke" for 19 years, leaned on the bay at the Obd West parior in Stage 29 and watched the cowboys and ladies chat. The ladies wore only knickers. Apparently the laundry was late. A brief fight broke out. A cowboy and a lady went upstairs to play whist or something. Then the director said rehearsal was over. And the blonde actress millions know as a warm-hearted, straight- talking “Miss Kitty’ repaired to her dressing room to explain how it comes to pass she is playing “Cattle Sally,” a bawdyhouse operator. “It just happened, ” grinned Miss Blake, whose work will be seen this season in one episode of “The Quest, NBC’s new Western series. "When they called about the part, I about had a fit. They said she’s a madam and I said — her voice rose half an octave for em phasis — " No! I’ve done that number. They said, ‘Cool it, wait a minute, it’s not really that kind of thing at all.’ “They sent the script over and I read it and really liked it,” said Miss Blake, who isn’t playing an ordinary madam. The “Quest” job is only her sec ond TV role since leaving “Gunsmoke. ” Her Cattle Sally part is similar to Miss Kitty, but it’s much more explicit. Miss Kitty’s saloon ladies are painted, but whether they par- tied was deliberately left uncleii under orders from the censor. “We didn’t have as muchleew At <A\V Uowg bvAWth cYa on this show, ” Miss Blskeobssm “Then, we were on early intli evening when the fckfcfies were up and around. Not so here." Oddly enough, she said, slii wasn’t offered Miss Kitty jobs afts leaving “Gunsmoke.” She wasi fered other kinds of roles, ineludini one as head-mistress of boarding school. She was asked if that’s how she wants things to continue after sh °' eum finishes work at Cattle Sally’s pi ticular hoarding school. “Well, yeah,” she drawled twinkle in her eye. “I’ll be veit careful about the types of madansf play in the future.” INTER VARSITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP • SUNDAY, SEPT. 12, 4 p.m. - 7 p.m. • AT HENSEL PARK • MEET AT THE ALL-FAITH’S CHAPEL ATTENTION DECEMBER GRADUATES! Orders for Graduation Ai) nouncements will be taken be ginning September 6 thruOo tober 1 at the Student Finantt Center Office, Room 21 Memorial Student Centei Monday thru Friday, from81 to 4:00. [show on S lat’s Texaci a year tbeP irtmen iiesday ivision ition to libel elopme loom CKOSSWOBD PUZZLE UNITED Feature Syndicate Wednesday s Puzzle Solved: ACROSS 1 Dejected, of old 5 Short whips 10 Teasing remark 1 4 Arabian governor 1 5 French city 16 To leeward 1 7 Stupid 19 Greek letter 20 Vibrating movement 21 Pleasure craft 23 Irritates 25 Widgeon 26 Alcoves 30 Herons 34 Love to a signor 35 Destroy 37 Blind strip 38 High rock 39 Runs at top speed 42 WW-II initials 43 Airline abbrs. 45 Merit: Informal 46 Pokeweed 48 Strike out 50 Knight tors: Informal 55 Plant expert 59 Small sofa 63 Last word 64 Locals: 2 words 66 Fish 6 7 Very strange 68 Can. politician: Informal 69 Winter toy 70 Place upright 7 1 Long time periods R E C A P S P 0 T R A M P A D 0 R E P I L E E B E R L E N I N I N D E N T U R E E N D ■ D A T E ■■ 0 A s E S I M A G E 1 P I N K E S T R 0 M A N 0 ■ L A N C E A L E R T ■ T A R K E N T 0 N S I N ■■ S I T E S ■■ A p E H 0 T S E A T E R ■ S T R E W P A G A N 1 u T H A N T S P A R T A N 1 G R E E N T E P E E ■n C A N T 1 T A B E R R A N D B 0 Y S 0 U S A A C I D A I D E 0 R L 0 N M E L S B 0 E R N E A R S NEARLY NEW THRIFTSWf 711 S. Main Wednesday thru Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Ladies resale clothing. Quality clothes at buia prices. Clothes taken on consignment. 779-1731 52 Numerical prefix 54 Investiga- DOWN 1 Something owed 2 God of love 3 Possessive word 4 Can. province VIP 5 Dept, store employees 6 Estuary 7 Auto pion eer 8 Excuses 9 Deposited material 10 Talks foolishly 1 1 Margarine: Informal 12 record 13 Pressure: Slang 18 Hoofed mammals 22 Piano part 24 Junipero : Sp. missionary 26 Appraised 27 Overact 28 reef 29 Living unit 3 1 Chosen deliberately 32 Genghis Khan follower 33 Unemotional gl Blue grape 36 Sluggish pigment 40 Assumptions 4 1 Separating 62 A PP ox - 47 Theatrical direction 49 Sawbuck 51 Reposed 53 Water-bound land 55 Top executive 56 Ancient Greek coin 57 Roofing piece 58 The Pentateuch: Var. 60 Neophyte: Var. ☆ ☆ All initiated brothers of Alpha Tau Omega please contact Joe Hamrick at 693-7403 HD ] 3525 device 44 Quietened with drugs costs 65 Achieve by effort Jupfnamh m TI Eddie Dominguez i Joe Arciniega 74 Greg Price 1 2 14 17 20 26 27 28 34 38 43 46 If you want the real thing, not frozen or canned ... We call It “Mexican Food Supreme.” Dalles location: 3071 Northweet Hwy 352-8570