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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 2, 1976)
I ! Page 4 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1976 downstown i i 'Look,bill, if ue'regoim© TO BE ROOMMATES THIS SEMESTER .THERE'S SOMETHING TOU SHOULD KNOU ABOUT ME. l' tJHATs THAT, BOB? /uEiL... THfrriS... \ look, bob, I’M AN EASY GOING GUY. I KNOU OJE HAUEOUR IDEOLOGICAL DIFFERENCES, BUT I'M SURE UiE CAN WORK THEM OUT. GO AHEAD ... TRUST ME. UJE LOST EVERY 6AME THIS SEASON ! MAYBE WE'RE SUILPIN6 CHARACTER Bugge Canoe Sales & Rental Grand Opening Special on Canoes & Equipment Student Discounts on Rental Rates 2702 Villa Maria 823-7839 After 5:00 p.m. or leave message EEOC files to be opened Associated Press AUSTIN — Government files of affirmative action complaints and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reports must be opened upon request, Atty. Gen. John Hill ruled Wednesday. His open records opinion went to Houston City Attorney Otis H. King. Hill said government bodies must disclose upon request the names, sex, ethnicity, salaries, job titles, and dates of employment of em ployes and officials. The attorney general said results of complaint investigations com pleted by Houston’s affirmative ac tion office also are subject to man datory disclosure. WANT AD RATES day 10c per Minimum charge—$1.00 Classified Display $1.65 per column inch each Insertion ALL classified ads must be pre-paid. DEADLINE 3 D.m. day before publication officl^lTndtice AGGIELAND REFUND POLICY “Yearbook fees are refundable in full during the semester in which payment is made. Thereafter no refunds will be made on cancel led orders. Yearbooks must be picked up dur ing the academic year in which they are pub lished. “Students who will not be on campus when the yearbooks are published,usually by Sep tember 1, must pay a mailing and handling fee. Yearbooks will not be held, nor will they be mailed without the necessary fees having been paid. “Refunds will not be made on books not picked up within one semester of the publica tion date (December 17, 1976 for the 1976 Aggieland).” This policy takes elfect with the delivery of the 1976 edition of the Aggieland. SPECIAL NOTICE BATTALION CLASSIFIED FOR SALE FOR SALE OR RENT HELP WANTED 1963 Chrysler Crown Imperial. Good con dition. $500. 846- 4296. 1(3 Mirrors. Cheap, All Shapes and Sizes, Beer Pitchers and Lamps. 693-3909, Scandia 1, Apt. 3-G. BELAIR Mobile Home Park 5 minutes from campus Swimming pool, TV cable, all city utilities, large lots.' 822-2326 or 822-2421 Get the Best lor [..ess 394tfn INSTRUCTION Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY- INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922, 1411 Texas Ave. —823-8111 Two forward seat English saddles, 19” seat Knoud brand, excellent con dition, $100 each, 693-3204 after 7 p.m. or Diane at 693-9255. 138t4 5-string banjo lessons. $4 per lesson given at my home. Call, write or send smoke sig nal. 823-8460. ns LOST High school or college student part time. Evening and nights until 10 p.m. and weekends. Housewives or men: day shift, full or part time. Can work from 20-46 hours per week, above minimum wage. Apply in per son only. 9:30-11:00 a.m. if possible. Whataburger, Bryan or College Sta tion. 138tfn Sell your used air conditioner to White’s Auto Store or trade on new 'Catalina home appliances. WANTED Interested in purchasing political memorabilia such as buttons, posters, etc. Contact Joe Feist in History Dept. 138t4 ’72 Yamaha road bike, nice condition, low miles, $500. 845-1131. 138t4 1974 Kawasaki 175, $450; 1975 Kawasaki 100, $400, excellent condition, low mileage. 693-3204 after 7 p.m. 138t4 Radio-T.V. Shop Helper. Call Bryan Radio and T.V. 822-4862. 138t8 Diamond cluster tie-tack in general area of A&M campus. $25 reward. Call 846-2274. 1972 Yamaha 350-R5, $450, complete. 846-1339. It4 ’71 Vega 4-speed, Hatchback, 73 engine, 30 mpg., $550. 779-7478, 4-6 p.m. It5 HELP WANTED COMIC BOOKS WANTED Top dollar paid for many comics and collections. Call 846-1207 or write Jim Cer- rato, 301-B Front Street, Col lege Station, TX 77840 212 House of Antiques, 2212 Truman, Bryan. FOR RENT ROOMMATE WANTED Male student needs roommates to share two bedroom apartment. Tanglewood 224. Call 693-4594 eve nings and weekends, or 845-3141 ext. 27. Ask for Don Karell. 2t4 FOR SALE LOOK!!! HOW ABOUT GREAT TRANS PORTATION & EASY PARKING? 1975 Suzuki 750; only 10 months old; EXCEL LENT condition!! 3,000 miles; windjam mer; luggage rack & backrest; CB mounts & antenna! Completely outfitted! Call LES at 846-7027 or 693-3374. It5 1973 Honda 750, Windjammer, lug gage rack, backrest, 4-into-l Honda Sport exhaust. Recently overhauled. Looks sharp, runs good. After 5, 846-5397. 13816 1973 Triumph 500cc motorcycle. Absolutely perfect condition. Set Wilson 1200 Irons. Cameras and telephoto lenses. Call 823-0826 after 6 p.m. THE LA SALLE a resident hotel Faculty, Staff, Post-Grads, Stu dents. A quiet, dignified place to live & study. Rooms and Rooms With Board Monthly Basis La Salle Hotel 120 SOUTH MAIN BRYAN 713/822-1501 134tfn Two bedroom large apart ments. May have pets. Horse stalls available. Call 846-8701 or 823-2870. 138t3 2 bedroom trailer, $170. 693-4652 before 9 p.m. Pizza Inn HELP WANTED FULL AND PART TIME HELP ALSO WEEKEND HELP APPLY IN PERSON 413 S. Texas Ave. College Station MR. GATTI’S — the best pizza in town . . . honest! Mr. Gatti’s is presently accept ing applications for full and part time help. Starting im mediately. Above minimum wage, 15-40 hours a week. Call Greg or Ron 846-4809 for ap pointment. I35t6 Need afterschool babysitter with transportation daily, Monday- Friday, preferably South Knoll area. 845-2581 (day); 693-6334 (evenings, weekend). 2tl Ever-blooming African violets for your room. 693- .3237. 2(9 ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES. One and 2 bed room, furnished or unfurnished, apartments. Ready for occupancy. I'A miles south of campus. Lake for fishing. Washateria on grounds. Country atmosphere. Call D.R. Cain Co. 693-8850, or after 5, 846-8145 or 822- 16135. 124tfh Wanted: Students who enjoy working with people and enjoy making money. Apply in person 3-C Corral, 1808 Barak Lane, across from Bryan High. 137tfn ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac- SALES - SERVICE U lu re satisfaetion is standard rf/Hipau'ut 2401 Texas Ave. 823-8002 Furnished apartment for one. Half utilities paid. $80. 846-5132 after 6. 138t4 Horse stalls for rent. 693-5742. 2tl0 Furnished three bedroom home close to campus. Fenced yard, $90 monthly, 846-4217. 2t2 Apply in person at Pizza Inn, 413 S. Texas. Many positions open. Duplex, two bedroom, fully furnished, close to cam pus, $125 monthly, 846-4217. 2t2 Cashiers and waitresses needed. Apply in person. Monterey House. 1816 Texas Avenue. 137t5 The Television Shop TV & RADIO SERVICE Zenith Sales and Services TV Rental 713 S. MAIN BRYAN 822-2133 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 Bryan Pizza Hut now accepting appli cations for part time cooks and wait resses. Apply at 2610 Texas Avenue. 138t4 EXPERIENCED CASHIERS Excellent pay, flexible hours, apply Skaggs Albertson’s, 301 South Col lege Avenue, College Station. 2t4 Spotlight operators for Town Hall shows. Report to G. Rol- lie White Coliseum. 7 p.m. Thurs., Sept. 2. 138t3 Laboratory technologist. X-ray technician, and 11-7 Ward Secretary. Grimes Memorial Hospital, Navasota. Contact Jean Mahnke. 825-6585. nst? Waiters, Waitresses, Line- workers, Bus boys, and Dis hwashers. Apply in person at 3C Barbeque, 810 S. Main. 13615 Waitress needed any shift, full or part time. Apply in person, Mon. Fri. Denny’s Bestaurant, 2712 So. Texas. Eusebio Munoz, Mgr. ’80. 2t8 GROCERY STOCKERS Hard work, excellent pay and bene fits. Night shift. Apply Skaggs Al bertson’s, 301 South College Av enue, College Station. 2t4 Waitresses. Gabe and Walkers BBQ. Full and part time. Experience helpful. Call 846-4121 or 846- 5123. 137t5 Baskin Robbins “31” has openings for night shift from 7-12. 2500 Texas Avenue. 779-4024. 137t5 JOB OPPORTUNITIES ATTENTION VETERANS! Need extra cash? Naval Re serve Patrol Squadron Ninety-four has openings for qualified aircrewmen and flight engineers. For more in formation contact Lcdr. Bob Garrett, 845-3011. 114 WORK WANTED Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds. 822- 0544. 134t5 fHIEIiNGI . IIHIDHLED THURSDAY Traffic Appeals, Club, MSC 224, 7 p.m. Campus Crusade for Christ, Rudder Tower 510, 8 p.m. Physics colloquium. Prof. Gisbert zu Putlitz (University of Heidel berg), Physics Bldg. 146, 4 p.m. Campus Crusade for Christ, Rudder Tower 510, 8 p.m. Traffic Appeals, MSC 216 T, 4 p. m. Aggie Cinema “The Return of the Pink Panther,” 8 & 10 p.m., “Nashville,” 12 midnight, Rudder Theater. Traffic Appeals, 216T MSC, 4 p.m. Campus Crusade for Christ, 510 Rudder Tower , 8 p.m. FRIDAY Class of 77, Howdy Dance, Grove, 8 p.m. Admission 75 cents. Aggie Cinema “The Return of the Pink Panther,’ 8 & 10 p.m., “Nashville,” 2 midnight, Rudder Theater. Electrical Engineering Wive s Club, Get-Acquainted Meeting, Zachry 115B, For information call 846-8106, 7:30 p.m. Class of 77, Howdy Dance, Grove, 8 p.m. Admission 75 cents. Aggie Cinema “The Return of the Pink Panther,” 8 & 10 p.m., “Nashville,” midnight, Rudder Theater. MONDAY Junior Class Welcome Back Dance, Lakeview Club, 8 p.m. Ad mission is $1.50 for juniors and $2for other students. Alpha Phi Omega, Pledge rush, MSC 205, 8 p.m. TODAY’S CROSSWORD FVZZU UNITED Feature Syndicate Wednesday's Puzzle Solved: ACROSS 1 Admission ticket: Slang 6 Arabian Sea gulf 10 House foundation 1 4 stew 15 Card game 1 6 African nation 1 7 Sleuth Philo 18 Patriot 20 Away from the wind 21 Came together 22 Circus ring 23 Intimate 25 Inorganic substance 27 "Fiddle 30 Alcove 3 1 Fabled monsters 32 Auras of majesty 33 Mentally depressed 36 Framework of bars 37 Pretend: 2 words 38 Renown 39 Deplete gradually 40 Stupid person 4 1 Gives an edge to 42 Neighbor of Nevada 44 Feel angry toward 45 Expunged 47 Undersized animal 48 Insect's adult stage 49 Perception 50 Hence 54 Signaling by gestures 5 7 Advocate: Suffix 58 Harrow's rival 59 —— code 60 Tooth: Comb, form 6 1 Whey 62 Fruit skin 63 Lawn tool DOWN 1 Lily Pons, for one 2 Russian river 3 Motion picture 4 Went up 5 Article 6 Volunteer 7 Grain used in brewing 8 Textile screw pine 9 Egg drink 10 Looks fixedly Q u U N A D D O MAT ABO H 0 R 0 U N T ■ P S 0 o N S T H I 0 N D Y H S T R Ufl U C R E Pi N R I A Tl T R 0 B S OS ■ A D E 5 S I A At ■ SUP! 1 P LEI TOTAL I R I R E CIS T E I OR! T C LE E I ONI R E RSI A N t T D S E I I S D A N C E 1 1 Popular night spot: 2 words 12 Centaurus star 13 White astringent powder 19 Declines 2 1 Feminine name 24 Raised R.Rs. 25 Fruit 26 Ending with lex and sil 27 Blurs 28 Taj Mahal site 29 Coffee maker 30 Betray: 2 words 32 King of Judea 34 Portent 35 Compass point 37 Theater box 38 Nurtured 40 “I'm in!": 2 words 4 1 Bird 43 Saskatche wan's capital 44 Move rapidly 45 Coins 46 Be theatrical 47 Of a king 49 Leg region 51 Small circular band 52 Means ot access 53 -- — about: Approximately 55 Doze briefly 56 Wrath 57 Hoosier fabulist "GUITARS" 20% Discount Top Quality Guitars Gibson, Martin, Gretsch, Alvarez, Ventura, Yamaha, Epiphone, Dorada & Sigma. Lange Music Co. 1410 Texas Ave. Bryan, Texas I 5— T~ 4 5 u 17 20 ■ 23 74 27 128 129 31 36 39 .VM4P 822-2334 JOB TRAINING FOR QUALITY MEN & WOMEN WHO WANT RESPONSIBILITY ARMY R0TC 845-2814 Man always pays In 1883 Prof. William Grab Sumner of Yale said, “Such is I forgotten man. He works, he votes generally prays, but always pays The phrase was made popularh Franklin D. Roosevelt. WELCOME BACK AGGIES! @Ts- Am Full time typing Symbols. Cat! '829*7723. as&fn IF YOU WANT EVEN BETTER GAS MILEAGE FROM YOUR IMPORTED FAMILY SIZE CAR Michelin ZX steel-belted radials roll more easily than conventional bias ply tires. You go further for longer and use less gas on the way than with conventional tires. The steel-belted radial construction of the Michelin ZX reduces rolling resistance, making it easier for your car’s engine to push you along. Less power is needed so less gas is used. You get measurable gas savings. Michelin’s steel-belted radial construction also provides stabilized tread distribution so tread wears evenly — lasts thousands of miles longer than conventional bias ply tires. There’s a lot in it for you with Michelin ZX. Stop in today and have a set installed. Think radial... and look to the leader MICHELIN Come by and visit us. We can take care of ALL your car needs . .. Align ments, Balances, Tune-Ups, State Inspections, and more. We strive to satis fy- PILGER’S TIRE & AUTO CENTER 400 E. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE STATION 846-1729