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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1976)
■t 11C.S. :ed. L»j United Fund gets campaign head THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1976 . Page 5 Dr, George W. Kunze, dean of Texas A&M University’s Graduate li * i JCollege, will head the 1976 fund- ee e(li l ra j s i n gcampaign for the College Sta tion United Fund, said A.C. Vinzant, United Fund board chair- forms manner, y to than will md fiirtlj traditioi :inue ies are 4 i will mi s more Dean Kunze’s gracious ac ceptance of this big job means that we are oil to a good start in our en deavor to provide financial assis tance to the highly deserving agen cies that depend on the United Fund for support in carrying out their pro grams benefitting various segments of our community,’ Vinzant said. The dean said he is currently con tacting individuals to serve in key positions for the community-wide drive and soon will announce the ap pointments. Dates for the campaign will be coordinated with similar activities in Bryan, he said. ‘We’ve got our work cut out for us, but I have the utmost confidence that if we properly organize and ex plain the need to the citizens of Col lege Station, we will have no trouble providing the necessary funds,” he said. The goal for this year’s drive will be set at a board meeting in early July- Kunze came to College Station in 1941 as a freshman majoring in ag ronomy. After service in the Air Force during World War II, he re turned and received his B.S. degree in 1948, stayed to study for a master’s degree in soil chemistry, which he received the following year. He be came a permanent resident here in 1952 when he joined the faculty after earning a Ph. D. in soil mineralogy at Pennsylvania State University. He was named dean of the Graduate College in 1968 after hav ing served a year as associate dean. He also is a professor of soil and crop sciences. Dean Kunze has long been active in civic and community affairs, as well as serving in various capacities on the state and national level. He is a member of Bethel Lutheran Church and was president of College Station Little League in 1966-67. He is immediate past president of the Association of Texas Graduate Schools and was appointed earlier this year to the blue-ribbon Federal Advisory Committee on Affirmative Action in Employment at Institu tions of Higher Education. Sun Theaters 333 University The only movies in town. 846-9808 LAKEVIEW CLUB 3 Miles N. on Tabor Road Saturday Night: Tony Douglas and The Shrimpers From 9-1 p.m. Ladips si oo STAMPEDE Every Thursday Nile $ (ALL BRANDS BEER 40 cents) LADIES $1.00 Every Tuesday Nile All Brands Beer 40c 8-12 Dance every Tuesday and Thursday MEN $2.00 Clipper docks in Halifax ilitiesJL -A. „ , when & The Lone Star sailors of the TS ds Airtui Texas Clipper were to arrive rwoodii Washington D.C. today as a part of the ship’s official bicentennial cruise. Last week, ship’s officers re flight ii ime the!) >1 tower, le newca Ex-Regent honored 311 Guv, | feet tj| and t. Hied illy trui llingtonl o help ill t Bryan! j p orc ] py Albritton Jr., a former eventsl robber of the Texas A&M Uni- tist Chin F st y System Board of Regents and 1943 A&M graduate, was given honorary faculty status in the month-long American Economy In- 7 stitute conducted at the University. Ctl i Albritton appeared on the list of j scheduled speakers for the institute, r l ] aspecial seminar designed to assist teachers to fulfill recent mandates that public high schools teach free enterprise system essentials. Albritton resides in Bryan but has y’sCenk ^widespread business interests. He is ilandisj [chairman of the board and executive ported, via satellite, that Texas A&M University’s Texas Maritime Academy training ship and the crew of 173 men and women had docked at Pier 31 at Halifax, Nova Scotia. The first port-of-call was Boston, where 76 members of the A&M Former Students Club of Boston met the ship. Fred Thomas, a member of the club, represented the mayor of Boston and accepted the satellite greeting of Galveston’s mayor. Galveston is the home port for the ship. The ship left Galveston on June 6, on its twelfth annual summer train ing cruise. Students aboard repre sent Texas, 18 other states, the Canal Zone, Colombia, and Hong Kong. The Texas Clipper has been des ignated an official Texas bicentennial activity and is representing the state, the city of Galveston and Texas A&M University. Special Midnight Shows Friday A Saturday $2.00 per person No one under 17. Escorted Ladles Free ALL SEATS $3. $1 off with this ad. Qbc) INTERSTATE CINEMA The Bacardi Driver. Zippier than a screwdriver. Easy as 1,2,3* ;er history er, diredi ibmitted iVorld R« officer of Tipperary Corp., of M id- land, and Ashbrook Corp., of Hous ton. Albritton is past president of ighted n both the Association of Former Stu dents and Texas A&M Research Foundation. The institute is sponsored by the Texas Bureau of Economic Under standing and the Invest-in-America National Council, Inc., (two non profit groups) and the A&M Eco nomics Department. Dr. John Allen is institute director. Pour 1 Vz oz. Bacardi light rum over ice in a tall glass. Pour on ice cold orange juice. 3 Squeeze and drop in a lime • or lemon wedge. Now you’re ready to sip some zip. Because Bacardi and that hint of lime or lemon really turn on theOJ! Ill-1^ ij BACARDI^ rum. The mixable one. ontainsl and art, about la e 1975 ei gest Tes centennii ® 1975 BACARDI IMPORTS, INC., MIAMI, FL. RUM 80 PROOF. "bacaroi" and the bat device are registered TRADEMARKS OF BACARDI & COMPANY limited. UNIVERSITY SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER 846-6714 & 846-1151 DAILY 3:15,5:25,7:35,9:45 STARTS FRIDAY IN CINEMA II WHO IS HE? WHAT IS HE? IS HE THE BEGINNING OF THE END? IS HE ™ E €MEN MIDNITE SHOW sean connery in "zardoz" FRi & SAT (R) All^ Seats $1.25 llALFRED HITCHCOCK’S CINEMA RAMIlYPlOr KAREN BLACK • BRUCE BERN • BARBArYiTaRRIS WILLIAM DEVANE • xw* i< >n.\ williams-ernest lehman| ENDS THURSDAY! 3:00,5:10,7:25,9:40 P(. PUtnftl U1KUHKE SUWESriD-fl I havkd hv ALFRED HITCHCOCK- ^ivHCvVMiuM^raiN^iiMje FREE WATERMELON!! To the first 200 peoplel JULY 4th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AMERICA!! ookcansii!| II LEVI STRAUSs &co nt Pul McDoi SAN FRANCISCOCAL. nraii m m Startia 122-2 QUALITY CJcpFhijaG XX ■MARK BIG BELLS, FLARE LEGS, BOOT CUTS & SHRINK- TO-FIT ... All from Levi’s in 100% Cotton Blue Den im. TOM’S PANTS 800 VILLA MARIA 823-8213 Across from Manor East Mall AMCRICAS FAVORITE PIZZA FREE PIZZA CINEMA BRING THIS COUPON PXzxaJLem With this coupon, buy any giant, large or medium pizza at ‘ " regular price and receive one pizza of the next smaller size with the same ingredients as the first FREE! One coupon per visit, please. VALID THROUGH Tuesday, July 6 lOWwvwvw LWVWWW W WV ww, MOZZARELLA CHEESE ONION NOT JALAPENO GREEN OLIVE BLACK OLIVE GREEN PEPPER MUSHROOM PEPPERONI BEEF SAUSAGE ANCHOVY CANADIAN BACON DOUBLE CHEESE BEEF A CHOPPED ONIONS PEPPERONI A MUSHROOM PEPPERONI* A GREEN PEPPER SAUSAGE A MUSHROOM PIZZA INN SPECIAL {EACH ADDED INGREDIENT Share a today... PIZZA INN OF BRYAN 1803 Greenfield Plaza Next to Bryan High PIZZA INN OF COLLEGE STATION 413 Texas Avenue S. DAILY 2:45,5:00,7:15,9:35 PAUL NEWMAN AMS THE DIN0 DE LAURENTIIS presents PAUL NEWMAN The DAVID SUSSKIND Production ol a ROBERT ALTMAN Film “BUFFALO BILL AND THE INDIANS, or SITTING BULLS HISTORY LESSON’ and BURT LANCASTER Screenplay by ALAN RUDOLPH and ROBERT ALTMAN , |PGl PARBfTAL GUIDANCE 5U66ESTED1 Starts FRIDAY! United Artists A Transamenca Compar rrrrr 1111 n 111111111x7 PM :ial sing Butter. fany WELCOME FRESHMEN RESERVE OR PURCHASE YOUR FALL SEMESTER NEW OR USED BOOKS NOW & BEAT THE RUSH NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED TEXAS A&M BOOKSTORE IS OWNED BY THE UNIVERSITY AND ALL DISPOSABLE PROFITS ARE RETURNED TO STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS. cf tocpfionfo. 'Tpxct, TEXAS A&M hOOKSTODE IN THE MEMORIAL STUDENT CENTER Battalion Classified Call 845-2611 MANOR EAST 3 THEATRES MANOR EAST MALL HAPPY HR. TILL 7:00 ALL THEATRES 6:50-9:25 R family film by joe camp also Starring JAMES HAMPTON • CHRISTOPHER CONNELLY starring SLIM PICKENS • DENVER PYLE • GENE C0NF0RTI MIMI MAYNARD and JACK ELAM as "Bad Jack Cutter” co-starrmg LEE de BROUX • HERB VIGRAN ftHS A SHORT SUBJECT : BENJI’S LIFE STORY 6:10-8:00-9:50 WALTER MATTHAU TATUM O’NEAL 'THE BAD NEWS In Color A Paramount Picture 7:05-9:35 11711 Capture You! Walt Disney presents XUHowlMIe, WALT DISNEY'S IVEJEI AN ALL-CARTOON FEATURETTE ©Walt Disney Productions |Qj STARTS FRIDAY WELCOME TO THE 23 rd CENTURY. The only thing you cant have in this perfect world of total pleasure is your OOth birthday Logan is 29. METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER presents A SAUL DAVID PRODUCTION “LOGAN'S RUN" starring MICHAEL YORK • JENNY AGUTTER RICHARD JORDAN ROSCOE LEE BROWNE FARRAH FAWCETT-MAJORS & PETER USTINOV Screenplay by DAVID ZELAG GOODMAN Based on the novel'LOGAN'S RUN'by WILLIAM F NOLAN and GEORGE CLAYTON JOHNSON Produced by SAUL DAVID ' Directed by MICHAEL ANDERSON r : , Filmed in TODD-AO and METR0C0L0R [NOW A BANTAM BOOK 111 ^ »v«'Xlnl A MOM RtCUHQS | pgTpmb<t>l sur dance suscestio MGM United Artists A IrATMmef >c* Comoen, Call For Times Campus >us 846-6512 COLLEGE STATION Call For Times JAYiS Starring: David Kelly Directed by Perry Dell In Color Adults only Film 4° cov© *o see; The Mermaids are coming! MANUEL S. CONDE PRESENTS: A T.F.C. 1 PRODUCTION West Screen at Dusk Skyway Twin f East Screen at Dusk “Missouri Breaks” & ‘Hearts of the West” (PG) “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest” & “Thunderbolt & Lightfoot” <R)