Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 19, 1976)
•age 6 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1976 Author revises Panhandle history An informal history of the Texas ’anhandle. Between Sun and Sod, urs been published by the Texas University Press. The 200-page book ($12.50) by Millie Newbury Lewis is a revised md expanded version of a volume irst published in a small edition in 1938 and unavailable for many years. Included in the book are reprod uctions of H. D. Bugbee’s original pen-and-ink illustrations. Mrs. Lewis explains in the preface that the book began as a desire to preserve for her children a perma nent record of their father’s early life on the Panhandle Plains. “As my interest and understand ing of the subject increased, I came to realize that the story of my hus band and the story of the region were closely related, and that, for the sake of coherence, his story should be preceded by the story of the land that produced him,” she said. Mrs. Lewis, who was reared in Dallas, went to the High Plains with her rancher-husband as a bride in 1912. The frontier had passed by then, but she knew many of the oldtimers and observed firsthand what re mained of an earlier way of life. Her account of the civilizing of the region is based largely on personal inter views and correspondence with some 50 of the men and women who made it happen. Introduction is by Fred Rathjen. NOW OPEN in NEW LOCATION TOM’S BARBECUE Formerly ARNOLD’S BARBECUE in College Station Catering Service Now Located at Orders to / \ 4613 S. TakeOut / * \ Texas Ave. Mon.-Sat. j ] T Vz Blocks 10 am-8 pm \ / North of (713) 846-4275 University Drive Tom Beltrand, Prop. Slow Cooked Pit Barbecue Sculptor needed The City of Lubbock, Texas, is seeking applications from sculptors in the Southwest Region of the United States who are capable of executing a major work to be placed in the environs of the new Civic Cen ter currently nearing completion in the city. This project is supported by a matching funds grant from the Na tional Endowment for the Arts of Washington, D.C. Available funds for the work and related expenses are budgeted at $50,000. Brochures and photographs of completed works by the sculptors will be used in preliminary selection procedures. It is anticipated that a minimum of four artists so selected will be invited for personal inter views. Open Daily 9:30-9:30; I CLOSED SUN. WED., ... y/tvj ff/t/Y/yS SAT. BIG 14’ SALE Limit 4 Limit 2 .•vV/.-v'-y.J.'. A SOFT TERRY WASHCLOTH Our Reg. 210 Limit 2 fcr a BOXED CRAYOLA' CRAYONS Our Reg. 26C N0RS KIPPERED SNACKS Our Reg. 28c 11x11” cotton. In solid colors. Save. E, ’ght brilliant, non- toxic colors. Slightly smoked herr ing fillets. Limit 1 Box Net wt. 3 1 4-Oz. Net Wt. Produc t of Canada Limit 6 Limit 2 CRACKER JACK® WITH SURPRISE Our Reg. 180 Candied popcorn and peanuts. 1 oz.* BR UNSW | CK‘ herring ° Ur Reg. 20 0 natural 5if rrin 9 in Limit 2 SOX OF 50 MATCH ROOKS Our Reg. 240 20 matches per book. Total 1,000. m 5ALL point p EN RY R|C® °ur Reg. 210 B!ue or black Medium point. WAFFLE WEAVE DISHCLOTH Our Reg. 210 Multi- striped cot ton. 13x15”. Limit 2 DYNAMINT BREATH MINTS 4 Days Only Refreshing breath mints. Flavors. 2700 SOUTH TEXAS AVE. ROTC cadets travel far for summer orientation The commissioned work is to be contemporary in design and specifi cally executed for the Civic Center project. Already completed works cannot be considered. The selection committee will con sist of three Lubbock citizens and three persons appointed by the Na tional Endowment. This committee of six will select the sculptor and re view preliminary designs. Supervi sion of the execution of the work will be in the hands of the local commit tee. Inquiries, brochures and photo graphs should be directed to Mr. Larry Dyer, P. O. Box 2000, Lub bock, Texas 79457. Expendable submissions are preferred, but at the artists’ request, mailable material will be returned. Army, Air Force and Navy- Marine Corps programs at Texas A&M University will send almost 300 cadets to summer field training this year. In four- to six-week sessions, cadets will train in military units and assignments that help prepare them for commissioning as U.S. armed forces officers. Col. Thomas R. Parsons, com mandant, said summer training meshes with individual program work and Corps of Cadets experi ence. It has a record of success in officer production at Texas A&M that goes back over many years. Naval ROTC cruises, at ports and bases around the world, account for 46 percent of the trainees. Col. Jack Ivins, professor of naval science, said 130 midshipmen will be assigned throughout the U.S., and on ships operating out of the Philippines, Ja pan, Scotland and Hawaii. Two cadets will be on foreign exchange cruises, in West Germany and Swe den. Air Force ROTC field training will involve 57 Aggies. They will be; bil leted at McConnel AFB, Kan.; Lack- land and Dyess in Texas; Dover, Del.; Holloman, N. Mex., and Van- denberg, Calif. The professor of aerospace studies, Col. Robert El kins, said basic orientation of cadets will be at a variety of installations. Pilot contract cutbacks have limited the program. Army summer camp at Fort Riley, Kan., will involve 88 A&M cadets. Another five will go to Ranger School, at Fort Benning, Ga., in lieu of the regular Third ROTC Region camp. Five of the Riley- and Benning-bound cadets will also at tend Airbone School. Diego and Camp Pendleton, Calif; Corpus Christi and Charleston, S.C, They get surface orientation on de stroyers, amphibious warfare, Naval aviation flights and submarine orien tation. The program will have 20 seniors at Quantico, Va., for ‘ Bulldog Marine officer basic. It is a six-weeli camp starting June 28. Senior NROTC cruises offourto six weeks will put Aggie midshipmen on vessels in the Far East, Hawaii and various West Coast ports. Sev eral will also he on the East Coast They will take part in a 20 ship Bicentennial Naval Review off Nor folk. NROTC summer assignments are more complex due to the dual nature of the program for Navy and Marine Corps officer candidates. Cadets in the Navy segment make two sum mer cruises, for orientation and more specific training. Forty-seven juniors are headed for career orientation cruise, which will involve one week each at San Seven seniors will lie on nuclear powered ships, of which six will he submarines operating off the East Coast and from Holy Loch, Scot land. Two women are due summer cruises. One will he at the San Diego Naval Station and the other will he attached to a suh-command of the U.S. Atlantic Fleet in Virginia. CS cat trap for loan By C. E. COWART Want to catch a cantankerous coon or cat? The City of College Station has a “cat trap” available to any citizen with a small animal problem. The cat trap is about four feet long and a foot high. The trap door is triggered by a sensitive balance lever in the center of the trap. The borrower must check out the trap from the College Station Police Department any day between 8 a. m. and 5 p.m. He must also provide his own bait for the trap. The police will Sun Theaters 333 University The only movies in town. 846-9808 Special Midnight Shows Friday A Saturday $2.00 par parson No one under 17. Escorted Ladles Free ALL SEATS $3. $1 off with this ad. obc) INTERSTATE STARTS FRIDAY AT 8:00 ONLY! UNIVERSITY SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER OPEN AT 7 :15 SAT. & SUN.AT 2:00 5:00 8:00 EVERY ONE WEARING A FIRE MAN’S HAT WILL BE admitted FOR JUST - 50C- FRI-sUN ONLY! PAUL STEVE NEWMAN McQueen william HOLDEN IRWIN ALLEN’S FAYE DUNAWAY IbJ^INC inferno FVUED SUSAN RICHARD JENNIFER O.J. ROBERT ROBERT ASTAVIE BLAKELY CHAMBERLAIN JONES SIMPSON VAUGHN WAGNER Produced ty Orecledby Screenpfcyty AAccty IRWIN ALLEN JOHN GURJJERMM STBMJMG SKJJPHANT JOHN WILLIAMS Mm4 m A* IWTRH TIN Tvww hr IUCMAAO MAATM STERN TM bait lalara* hr THOMAS N. SC OR T1A m4 [PGlyoiii rUfNIU CWMCf SKHSIEO-i WNNM wtHNI~WOIMU 0* ■ JLMhl iftHflJ O H QE5 •DR. STRANGELOVE" W/PETER KELLERS ENDS THURSDAY ONE SHOW ONLY ' AX 8:00 Adventure in all its glory! Sean “ ^ ^ y ‘ . ** Caine Christopher Plummer “•"Hiefllan Who Would Be King^ 7 :45 ONLY FRIDAY 7 :05 9; 40 OPEN 6:45 SAT & SUN . 2:00 4:30 al so 7- REDFORD/HOFFMAN “ALL THE PRESIDENT SIREN” then pick up the trap and “trapee when notified by the borrower. The police take the cats and other domestic animals to veterinarian Sam P. Scainardo. The animals are kept at the Anderson Ridge Clime, 1101 Anderson, for three days. If an animal is properly tagged, the owner will he contacted. Unclaimed ani mals are sent to the AdVM Veterinary School where they are held for a week. The animals are then usedfor research. Racoons, opossums, and other wild animals are released at the city dump. There are three traps available to citizens. If a citizen does not know how to use the trap correctly, Humane Officer L. L. Fitzgerald will demonstrate the proper set up. The traps are most commonly placed in back yards and near gardens. Tuna, fruit, and boiled chicken are used as bait to catch cats, coons, skunks and opossums. Fitzgerald says there is no possi- hility of a child’s wandering into one of the traps because the cages are too small. Radio device invented Embrey’s Jewelry We Specialize In Aggie Rings. Diamonds Set— Sizing — Reoxidizing — All types watch/jewelry Repair Aggie Charge Accounts 9-5:30 846-5816 /uptnamkr 9# Eddie Dominguez 66 Joe Arciniega 74 Greg Price If you want the real thing, not frozen or canned . . . We call It “Mexican Food Supreme.” Dallas location: 3071 Northwest Hwy 352-8570 SW WACO mger an ions try t< by and Sa lest Coni meet at th Defendh _ _ y fa ' lice and T o score hi ntrants vi elay even The me< Ip.m. Fri sisatlp.i iminarie: ithedule c m. and t In all, tl tered inch who failed hvo-time Texas sin heavily fas row. In pos; vidual fie entrants i milers in miler; sec vault springs; a: and javeli Arkans; tentative! and mile, best in S\ the all-tir lion of e morning. His te: has a 13:2 and Rice’ champioi holds fou mile rao Te Al Two Texas A&M electrical en gineering faculty members, Dr William L. Beasley and Dr. John? German, have invented and mar keted a radio noise detector. The device has brought money to them, the Texas A&M Research Foundation that found the market and the Texas Engineering Experi- ment Station, a part of tne Texas A&M System. Beasley and German began work ing on the detector several years ago. It allows power company workers quickly to pinpoint powerline dis turbances causing radio noise, most noticeable as television interfer ence. Under Texas A&M System Board of Regent guidelines, the Research Foundation can inquire into the po tential success of any inventionbyan A&M employe at no cost to the in ventor. Any resulting money is di vided among the foundation, TEES and creators. DALLi outfieldei Longhon Wortham Southwe team sel coaches. The de honghor SWC ba placed foi most of Wortham choices c eluded tl fielder at Eight were rep Texas Te Texas ir players e , Ark; fiirnishec A rect earned ’ win, a P 1 competit fireballei for the st average lay, his ond in 1 1.87 str Pitched. Prosk finished with a gue ii ) and sively, through making The o to A&M Alan Ra with a shutouts wins. Et conseci ffamires strikeou with 13( 30 hits i Jerry Purpose an all-c after to 442 ave SWC ir pies wi both hit Gary As son wit it