Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1976)
Students explore 4ggie catacombs By LISA JUNOD My hands gripped the cold steel rungs as slowly lowered myself down the ladder idintothe darkened tunnel. Soon my foot inched the ground, and I relunctantly re- ased my death grip on the ladder, uart SpeiKs; [pthed in an over-sized dark green swea- director, tol §, a pair of battle-scarred blue jeans and a iroon bandana, I was about to embark ponone of the strangest adventures of my featTexas A&M: a trip through the steam 'esidentlulj major stateij a Florida tol ction. California, t| mnels. )t be word Rumors as widespread and ancient as the nderground system of tunnels have an overstas rompted my nocturnal mission. My prim- Presidentni y task was to search for an underground e and with jlroad that many old Aggies claimed ran always lui etween Sbisa and Duncan dining halls. “They used to run food back and forth on nderground railroad tracks,” one former indent reminisced. Another claimed that was not railroad tracks, but trolley tracks at transported the food. One Maggie pre- ntly enrolled at A&M boldly stated that ider the campus lay “open tunnels frig iiough to drive a truck through.” But I found neither railroads nor trucks I slipped down into the tunnels on that idly evening: 1 found instead a unique S J art of the A&M campus that is seldom I sen by present day students, and I disco vered an Aggie tradition older than calling oil at Silver Taps or kissing after [ouchdowns at football games: the lost art of nnnel ratting. The tunnel floor was firm beneath my as I backed into the darkness to allow companion, Will Anderson, to climb pwn the ladder. The moonlight, still shin- E JJ Ig brightly through the tunnel entrance, as abruptly extinguished when Will slid "le manhole cover hack over the hole. A |w pebbles clattered down the walls as dropped to the floor beside me, and ien—near silence, punctuated only by lie rhythmic ticking of my watch. We had entered the tunnels near the arms on the north end of the campus, so fewanted to head southeast toward Sbisa. turned my hack on the tunnel entrance id took a confident step forward— only to lunge my foot ankle-deep in mud. Will I fckeci the switch on his flashlight and a (\ ( nghtbeam of light shot down the expanse iftunnel in front of us, illuminating a seem- tigly endless stretch of muddy earth. He tepped past me and began sloshing down he tunnel, and after screwing up my cour ge and hitching up my pants, I followed im. The tunnel was larger than I had ex erted, nearly six feet high and wide plough to walk through comfortably with- nit bumping into tlm sides. It seemed to tretch on forever: an uninterrupted pas- ffieway of blackness lined on one side with luge heating pipes and on the other side ih dim, dusty light bulbs spaced about wry 30 feet. Although the outside temperatures were y, e or take# are ...1.2 ...1.2 ..$1.2S in the lower fifties, the air inside the tunnel was warm and I soon began to perspire under the weight of my sweater. The air was also quite still and a bit steamy, and felt like College Station after a good rain. The air was still, but not as silent as I had first imagined. The steam tunnels have their own peculiar noises — traveling down the passageways I heard pressure valves hissing gently as they released tiny rivulets of stem into the warm moist air. I could hear the faint sound of generators whirring in the distance and pipes clanging and banging as the loads they carried changed. I became so engrossed in the tunnel sounds that I nearly ran over Will, who had stopped to stare at some markings on the walls. He aimed his flashlight at a group of them: I could barely make out the words, “Animal Eight — Best Damn Outfit on Campus. As our eyes became accustomed to the darkness we began to notice more markings on the dust-covered concrete walls, most of them names of Corps outfits and students written in paint, felt-tip marker and even dried mud. In the older tunnels we found, “SDQ 5 ’68”, “Filthy Fifth”, “Salvation of the Corps - D.B.”, “Devil D-l” and “Beat the Class 75 Hell outa t.u.” I was staring intently at some initials and a “’61” carved in a wooden beam when Will called to me from further down the tunnel. He pointed his flashlight toward a hole in the wall, and exposed a pipe as wide as a coffee can teeming with giant roaches, some of them peering through the eye soc kets of a cleanly-picked rat skull. I shud dered and drew back instinctively, but Will simply laughed. He had been through the tunnels before and had already seen the gargantuan roaches and spindly-legged spiders that inhabit the darkened depths. Nocturnal insects abound in the tunnels, but there is a noted scarcity of rats and snakes. Will suggested most of them are in the Administration Building. That is prob ably because no such creature could exist for long in such a steamy, hot environment. We grew painfully aware of the intense heat as we trudged on through the tunnels that run underneath the front of the chem istry building and the library. One Aggie wrote on the wall, “Hot in Here,” an obser vation any tunnel rat would agree with. Once under the biological sciences building, we came to a crossroads in the tunnel, and turned toward an archway adorned with a “Welcome to the Pit sign. We cautiously crawled through the entr ance, and found ourselves staring through a wall of pipes at a small room. Empty except for various valves and pipes, the room opened on one side into a smaller an teroom, and in one corner into a ragged staircase. The anteroom was devoid of fur nishings and filled with graffiti from more recent year — “WE STOLE BEVO ’6 NOV 72” written in large, bold strokes. Staff photo by Kevin Venner The writings indicated that the secret room must have been deserted for years, but what was it doing there in the first place? Was it the hidden lair of some long- forgotten maniacal biologist, a madman who performed sex change experiments on frogs? Or did he concoct secret potions, perform Frankensteinian experiments or hold captive a lovely damsel in distress??? Whatever its cause for existence, the room reeked of the past and I shivered as I tiptoed toward the staircase, a structure that rose ten or twelve feet in the air, then ended abruptly. A staircase leading nowhere, that at one time must have step ped up into some mad professor’s office or into some secret storeroom. Slowly I left the stairs and climbed back over the pipes and into the tunnel. Will tried to jiggle the staircase door loose, but it was wedged tightly into the cement and soon he gave up and followed me. After leaving the room, we reversed di rection and headed across campus toward the Corps dorms, to find some of the older writings and see if we could find any traces of the rumored Sbisa-Duncan railroad. By this time my legs were aching and my shoulders permanently stooped from bend ing over to fit through the low passageway. The older steam tunnels have much lower ceilings than the new ones, sometimes only about five feet high. This particular tunnel was flooded, and I found myself sloshing through long stretches of the black muck on the tunnel floor. But all the slime and clammy mud left my thoughts when Will turned his flashlight to the wall, and we came face-to- face with a historical marker: an Aggie cen tennial ring imprinted on the tunnel wall in sealing wax. One tunnel rat had written on the wall, “PIG CAN GO ME,” proof that Aggies are couth even in steam tunnels. , THE BATTALION Page 3 THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1976 Steam tunnels had many uses i By LISA JUNOD » (Note: Entrance into the university’s J steam tunnels is strictly prohibited by • paragraph 48, part b of the University ! Rules and Regulations which warns \ against “the willful and illegal entry of any ] University property, including dormitory ; basements, utility tunnels and utility* chambers between floors and in walls.” I Offenders may be punished by expulsion, dismissal, suspension or other disciplinary \ action.) « The steam tunnels, reputed home of the ; legendary Gigags, are narrow under-* ground passageways designed to allow’* maintenance workers easy access to the university’s heating pipes. These tunnels; now house pipes that carry hot and cold; running water, steam heat, telephone- lines, and power and television cables. , < The tunnels are reinforced concrete • structures buried about ten feet under-' ground. Three main tunnels radiate out! from the university power plant and, aided; by nearly a dozen smaller branches, reach • into the basements of nearly every heated building on campus. Despite their utilitarian purposes, in past years the tunnels have served as a rather unusual recreational area for stu dents at A&M. One Old-Army Ag claims that during the 1950s on any given Satur day night the tunnels were a beehive of activity, so busy that “they could have used a traffic cop down there. There were guys wandering all over.” In those days when Corps membership was compulsory and no women lived on campus dorm rivalries were stronger, and many Aggies used the steam tunnels to gain access to other dorms. Sometimes the in vaders would climb up inside the dorms and awaken their sleeping enemies with buckets of cold water; other times they would paper their rooms or try to flood the halls. Often the attackers simply turned the pressure valves in the steam tunnels, cut ting off the heat leading into the dorm and freezing students out of the building. University records don’t show how old the steam tunnels are, but they date back to at least the 1920’s when cadets lived in tent city (now the site of Law and Puryear Halls) and sought refuge from the chilling College Station winters in the steamy tunnels. The main tunnel system now in use has been here since 1939, when branches extended down Military Walk and to the north dorm area, the systems building and the biologi cal sciences building. Modern-day tunnel rats can find re mnants of past Aggie civilizations etched on the walls; students’ names, classes and sometimes even phone numbers. The ear liest date found in the tunnels, “1920”, was scratched in the concrete wall of a tunnel beneath the biological sciences building. Above the date a “Welcome to the Pit” sign enticed brave Aggies to enter the steamy lair. Bookmart will be open from Monday May 10 — Friday May 14 from 9-5 daily, and will be located in room 137 of the MSC. Due to limited funds we are able to buy only the books listed here. We are selling quite a variety, however. We will open again for the first two weeks of fall semester to sell and will buy for the last two weeks of the fall semester. Hopefully at that time we will be able to buy all books which will be used in the spring of ’77. We re sorry we can’t buy more books at this time, but we hope this will help us to better serve you in the future. Any questions, please call the Student Government Office at 845-3051. EE! I ► Building Construction 253 Schmidt 335 McGinness 336 Egan 427 Crowley AISC 427A MFPATS 428 Ferguson ACI 453 Clough 470 Labor Relations Re 489E Walker 617 Dagosino Auntington Construction Principles 3ed. Mech and Elec Equipment 5th ed. Concepts in Thermal Comfort Steel Building Design Manual Steel Construction Manual Wood Construction Data 1-6 Reinforced Fundamentals 3ed. Building Code rev. Reinforced Construction Construction Contracting Primer for Labor Relations Building Estimates Reference Book Methods and Materials of Comm. Const. Building Construction Landscape Architecture 140 Newton Design on the Land 220 McHarg Design with Nature Ching Architectural Graphics Environmental Design Art 111 Mendelowitz 112 Ching 149 De La Croix 212 Goldstein Accounting 327 Meigs 329 Horngren 409 Benjamin A guide to Drawing Architectural Graphics Art through the Ages Figure Drawing Intermediate Accounting Cost Accounting Financial Accounting Aerospace Engineering 201 Dommasch Airplane Aerodynamics 301 Kuethe Foundations of Aerodynamics Agricultural Economics 105 Snodgrass Ag Eco and Resource Mgmt. Agricultural Engineering 102 Beakley Engineering 201 Jones Farm Gas Engines and Tractors Animal Science 107 Campbell 108 Berry Anthropology 225 Cambell Brown 301 Garbarino Biology 107 Keeton 113 114 114 Bold 201 Porter Reeves 204 Haynes Business Analysis 217 Donald 304 Dauten The Science of Animals that Serve Mankind 2ed. Basic Animal Science Lab Manual Human Engineering Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee Native American Heritage Biological Science The Plant Kingdom Texonomy of Flowering Plants Flora of South Central Texas Botany Computers in Business Business Cycles and Forecasting Chemical Engineering 204 Hougen Chemical Process Principals 304 McCabe Unit Operations Chemistry 101 O’Conner 227 Morrison 227A Streuieser Civil Engineering 201 Herubin 201C Moffitt 204 Jensen 301 Clark 302 Smith 306 Seely 205 Popov Fundamentals of Chemistry Organic Chemistry Introduction to Organic Chemistry Principles of Surveying Surveying Statics and Strength of Materials Water Supply and Pollution Control Fortran IV Programming Advanced Mechanics of Materials Mechanics of Materials 2ed. Economics 203 McConnel Bingham Educational Psychology 101 Funk Electrical Engineering 201 Sears 214 Huelsman Roth Engineering Technology 105 Groneman 106 Walker 207 Patton Computing Science 201 Kennedy 203 Cress 204 Kuo 205 Hill English 231 Abrams Entomology 201 Little Forest Science 203 Preston 204 Zimmerman 302 Spurr 305 Smith Geography 201 Carter 202 James 203 Muller 204 Thoman Geology 101 Press 202 Ordway 203 Mason History 105 Current 106 ” Industrial Education 109 Zook 205 Feire Institute of Statistics 211 Wonnacott 301 Schefler Journalism 102 Sandman 203 Fedler Baskett 204 Hohenberg 310 Crowell 315 Rhode 325 Zettl 330 Head Marketing 321 McCarthy 314 Mandell 325 James Management 211 Corley 312 Anderson 363 Albanese Mathematics 102 Keedy 103 Keedy 104 Wade 121 Clarke 130 Salas 165 Smith 230 Whipkey Economics Study Guide to Accompany Economics (McConnel) 30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary Electricity and Magnetism Basic Circuit Theory with Digital Computation Use of the Oscilloscope Technical Woodworking Modern Metal Working Materials in Industry Ten Stmt Fortran plus Fortran IV Fortran IV with WATFOR and WATFIV Assm. Lang, for Fortran COBOL and PL-I Prog. An Introduction to Programming Norton Anthology of English Lit. General and Applied Entomology North American Trees Trees Forest Ecology The Practice of Silviculture Man and the Land One World Divided Physical Geography Today Geography of Economic Activity Earth Earth Science Elements of Mineralogy American History — A Survey 4ed. Construction/Manufacturing Wood Products General Metals Introductory Statistics Statistics for the Biological Sci. Media: An Introductory Analysis Reporting for Print Media The Art of Editing The Professional Journalist Creative News Editing Introduction to Photography Television Production Handbook Broadcasting in America Basic Marketing Advertising Retailing Today Mechanical Engineering 101 Beakley 112 Hibbeler 213 222 Van Vlack Meteorology 203 Battan 301 Neiburger 305 Byers Modern Languages Spanish 105 Da Silva 206 Welberte French 101 Vail 102 German 103 Vail 104 Nuclear Engineering 101 Murray 323 Wylie Petroleum Engineering 305 Gatlin 306 Amyx Philosophy 201 Kohl 211 West 240 Copi Physics 201 Miller Political Science 206 Prewitt 207 Dye Poultry Science 201 Card Psychology 107 Zimbards Nation 203 Ferguson Engineering Engineering Mechanics Elements of Materials Weather Understanding our Atmospheric Env. General Meteorology Beginning Spanish Nosotros Somos Dias Decouverte et creation Modern German Nuclear Engineering Advanced Engineering Mathematics Pet. Eng. Drilling and Well Completion Pet. Reservoir Eng. Beneficent Euthanasia Introduction to the Old Testament Introduction to Logic College Physics An Introduction to American Govt. Politics in States and Communities Poultry Production Psychology of Life Programmed Achievement Statistical Analysis Range Science 102 Bell 301 Satterland Branson Hewlett 302 Harrington Leithead Rangeland Mgmt. for Livestock Prod. Wildland Watershed Mgmt. Rangeland Hydrology An Outland of Forest Hydrology How to Identify Plants 100 Native Forests in 11 Southern States Recreation and Parks 201 Carlson 301 Lewis Recreation in American Life Land and Leisure Concepts Sociology 205 Cole Henslin Demmerath 205 Zito Broom The Sociological Orientation Down to Earth Sociology Sociology Perspectives and Applications Sociological Concepts Sociology: A Text with Adapted Readings The Legal Environment of Business Business Law Management Soil and Crop Science (Agronomy) 105 Jules Brockholt Plant Science — An Intro to World Crops World Food and Fiber Crops College Algebra Trigonometry Contemporary Analytic Geometry Calculus and Analytic Geometry Precalculus Nature of Modern Mathematics The Power of Calculus 2ed. Horticulture 201 Janich 203 Beny Wildlife and Fisheries Science 201 Dasmann Leopold Horticulture Science Flowers: Tree form Wildlife Biology A Sand County Almanac