The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 28, 1976, Image 1

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^ Mostly cloudy and mild today with a
high in the high 70s. Low tonight in the
[high 60s. Winds from the southeast at
12 to 16 miles per hour. Continued
cloudy and mild tomorrow with a high
in the high 70s. Precipitation probability
20 per cent today, 40 per cent tonight
and tomorrow.
Cbe Battalion
Vol. 68 No. 114 College Station, Texas Wednesday, April 28, 1976
Union foes stunned
wins 7th contest
Associated Press
PHILADELPHIA — Jimmy Carter has
virtually wiped out his active opponents for
the Democratic presidential nomination,
and now he is ready to confront Sen.
Hubert H. Humphrey if it comes to that.
It may not, if Carter can keep rolling at
the rate he managed in Pennsylvania’s
presidential primary election. He won
Tuesday’s popular vote with 36 per cent
and a landslide margin over Sen. Henry M.
Jackson of Washington.
News Analysis
And he held a surprising lead today as
the ballots were counted in the separate
election of national convention delegates.
Carter beat the field, and he also beat the
union leaders and organization Democrats
who had tried to stop him for Humphrey’s
It was his seventh primary victory in
nine tries, and it may have been his most
important because it came against the odds
and the organizations. Furthermore, it
gave him new momentum to carry into a
hectic six weeks in which 22 states will hold
their primary elections.
Carter is running again Saturday in the
Texas primary, and he hopes the Pennsyl
vania outcome will bolster his cause there.
He is entered in four states next Tuesday.
This is not to say that Carter has the
nomination won; he acknowledges there is
a long way to go, and he said in advance that
a Pennsylvania win would not make him
But everybody who has tested him so far
has lost, and if the former Georgia governor
is going to be stopped now, it apparently
will have to be done by challengers who
have not yet been in the arena.
Jackson can’t do it. He had everything
going for him in Pennsylvania, but he ran a
distant second. He chose the state for a
major test against Carter, and got beat on
his own territory.
Rep. Morris K. Udall of Arizona ran
third. Udall’s campaign is heavily in debt,
and he is still looking for his first victory
against major competitors.
Nonetheless, Udall, like Jackson, said he
means to keep running and will campaign
all the way to the convention.
With 85 per cent of the 9,638 precincts
counted, the Pennsylvania vote read:
Carter 417,344 or 37 per cent.
Jackson 316,542 or 25 per cent.
Udall 241,344 or 19 per cent.
Alabama Gov. George C. Wallce
143,443 or 11 per cent.
Antiabortion candidate Ellen McCor
mack had 3 per cent. So did Pennsylvania
Gov. Milton J. Shapp, who quit the presi
dential campaign. Sen. Birch Bayh and
former Sen. Fred R. Harris, two more
dropouts, had one per cent apiece.
In the delegate competition, the vote
counting was slower. Two districts weren’t
even tallying ballots until Friday. But the
partial count showed a surprising pattern in
Carter’s favor.
With 72 per cent of the precincts
counted, would-be delegates committed to
Carter led for 61 national convention seats,
uncommitted Democrats for 44. Udall was
ahead for 24, Shapp for 17, Jackson for 17
and Wallace for 3.
Crash kills 37
in Virgin Islands
Council studies to improve
bond issue utilities systems
Battalion Staff Writer
Revenue bond-issue proposals totaling
),|37,000 were discussed by the College
tation City Council at a special meeting
eld Tuesday afternoon.
Gary Halter, chairman of the Capital
mprovements Committee, presented the
d proposals. Revenue bonds are bonds
ced from utility revenues and do not
affect the tax rate. The council took no ac
tion on the proposals.
General obligation bond proposals will
be discussed at a meeting of the council on
Monday, May 3 at 2 p.m. General obliga
tion bonds are financed from tax revenues
and will require tax increases.
The first revenue bond proposal calls for
an addition of 2 million gallons per day
raps ruled legal
:o halt drug sellers
Associated Press
WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court
led Tuesday a person may be convicted
elling drugs illegally even if an under-
er agent supplied the contraband and
ther bought it.
|1ie justices divided three ways in their
' decision.
ree justices said a defendant who is
disposed to commit a crime can never
scape conviction by pleading police en-
rapment of this kind.
‘Justices Lewis F. Powell Jr. and Harry
llackmun, however, refused to go that far,
saying such a rule would permit a high
school student selling drugs to classmates
tope convicted despite “the most outrage
ous conduct conceivable” by government
I Powell and Blackmun nevertheless
Reed to uphold the conviction of Charles
Hampton of St. Louis, who testified a gov-
piment informer supplied him with he-
Bn which he sold to undercover narcotics
||ustices William J. Brennan Jr., Potter
Stewart and Thurgood Marshall dissented,
saying the government was “doing nothing
less than buying contraband from itself
through an intermediary and jailing the in
■Speaking for the three justices who
signed the court’s plurality opinion, Justice
William H. Rehnquist said Hampton was
not entitled to claim his constitutional right
to due process of law had been violated.
“If the police engage in illegal activity in
concert with a defendant beyond the scope
of their duties, the remedy lies, not in fre
eing the equally culpable defendant, but in
prosecuting the police,” Rehnquist said.
Joining him in the opinion were Chief
Justice Warren E. Burger and Justice
Byron R. White.
The decision in the contraband case
marked an extension of a doctrine which
the court established in 1973, when it up
held the conviction of a man who had been
supplied by government agents with a leg
ally obtainable chemical used in the man
ufacture of illegal drugs.
In that 5 to 4 decision, the justices in the
majority were the same ones who voted to
uphold Hampton’s conviction. They left
open in 1973 the possibility that conduct of
law enforcement officers in some future
case might be “so outrageous” that it would
require reversing a conviction on constitu
tional grounds.
Justice John Paul Stevens did not vote on
the case, on which the court heard argu
ments Dec. 1, before his appointment. Jus
tice William O. Douglas, whom he suc
ceeded, voted with the dissenters in the
1973 case.
capacity to the present sewage plant. The
proposal would cost $1.6 million.
Halter said there is money available from
the Environmental Protection Agency to
pay for part of the construction. However,
he said it would take over three years to get
the necessary funds.
A proposal to provide the city’s share of
new water and sewerage lines would cost
$165,000. Halter said the money would be
used when the city requires developers to
install lines that have a greater capacity
than what is required to serve the subdivi
sion. This policy prevents the city from
later having to install larger lines.
Halter said that the city must also make
improvements in the electrical utility sys
tem. The proposal to provide the necessary
improvements has two alternatives. If the
city chooses to stay with the city of Bryan as
its source of electricity, improvements will
cost $1 million.
If the city goes to an alternate source of
electricity. Halter said improvements
would cost about $5.2 million.
A proposal for the construction of a Car
ter Creek sewage line will be listed sepa
rately, because Halter said it concerns de
velopment in a certain area of the city. The
line would put the North Gate area on the
city’s system. The area is presently on the
Bryan and University systems.
The Carter Creek sewage line would cost
The fifth proposal in the revenue bonds
is for construction of the city’s own water
system. The present contract with Bryan
will go up 25 per cent on a proposed con
tract. Halter said the city is now in a posi
tion where it can build its own water sys
tem and still sell water below the rate pro
posed by Bryan.
The $2.4 million for the proposal in
cludes 40,000 feet of pipe for $1 million,
valves and control equipment for $39,400
and two 3 million-gallons-per-day wells
and controls for $600,000. The proposal
also includes a 500,000 gallon ground stor
age tank for $125,000 and a pump station
for $200,000. A protective 20 per cent rate
of inflation was built into the proposal.
Council members have taken no action
on the proposals yet. A bond issue election
is tentatively scheduled for sometime dur
ing the summer.
U.S. blames Soviets
for visit cancellation
Associated Press
KINSHASA, Zaire — The government
of Ghana has called off Secretary of State
Henry A. Kissinger’s visit to it tomorrow
and Friday, and U.S. officials blame Soviet
One number of Kissinger’s staff said a
formal protest to Moscow was con
“We know for a fact that the Soviets have
been agitating with the Ghanaian govern
ment and with Ghanaian students over the
visit,” he said.
U.S. Ambassador Shirley Temple Black
sent a telegram Tuesday from Accra saying
Ghanaian officials had requested cancella-
Army investigation reports
Drug experiments violated rules
Associated Press
/ASHINGTON — Intelligence-
oriented experiments with the mind-
Tecting drug LSD violated Pentagon rules
land disregarded moral and ethical
|tendards of conduct governing the use of
jjimans in research,” Army investigators
iThis judgment is contained in a 259-page
report by the Army inspector general’s of-
ince on its investigation of Army experi
ments using LSD and other hallucinogenic
[drugs on soldiers and others, dating to the
||: The Army last summer suspended test-
Hng of all chemical compounds on human
Ivolunteers after disclosure of LSD experi-
rments conducted with 585 officers and en-
llisted men between 1956 and 1967. A
Ispokesman said the suspension still is in
I A censored section of the report focused
three experiment operations between
jiid-1958 and early 1963 by U.S. intelli
gence and chemical corps teams, which
dso included medical officers.
“The intelligence community was well
vare of psychochemical drug interest in
the early 1950s by potential enemies of the
United States,” the report said.
“Moreover, the intelligence corps was
continuously striving to improve their own
interrogation methods as well as attempt
ing to better understand the methods and
means used by other nations.”
The experiments, conducted at the Ar
my’s Edgewood Md. Arsenal, in Europe
and in the Pacific, involved between 48 and
53 Army men and foreign nationals.
Virtually all of the 32 to 37 U.S. military
officers and enlisted men were volunteers,
the report said, but none of the 16 foreign
nationals volunteered to take part.
In most cases, even those involving vol
unteers, LSD was given surreptitiously in
drinks, the inspector general’s report said.
One man thought he was getting truth
There was no indication in the report of
any adverse emotional, mental or other
None of the U.S. or foreign participants
was identified, and all references to nation
alities were censored before the report was
made public.
One Pentagon source said identification
of the nationalities of the foreigners given
LSD “could create or increase interna
tional tensions because it was done without
the consent of their governments.”
According to the inspector general, all of
the subjects in the experiment reportedly
were picked “on the basis of their being
critical cases which were considered to be
unresolvable through conventional in-
terogative or investigative techniques.”
Ford names
to commission
University President Jack K.
Williams has been named to the
Presidential Commission on Per
sonnel Interchange by President
Gerald Ford.
The commission deals with pro
moting cooperation and give-and-
take between the government and
the private sector.
tion because the chief of state. Col. Ig
natius Acheampong, was sick.
The cancellation was the second for the
secretary’s first African tour. Nigeria was
dropped from the schedule before Kis
singer left Washington because of the
Nigerian government’s recent hostility to
ward the United States over Angola.
Officials said Kissinger might ask Mrs.
Black to meet him Friday in Liberia for a
report on the situation in Ghana. He had
expected to discuss a commodity agree
ment with the Ghanaians to protect their
cocoa crop from fluctuations in world
Arriving in Zaire Tuesday from Zambia,
Kissinger appeared cheered by a reception
featuring hundreds of dancers performing
to the rhythm of drums.
He was scheduled to meet today with
President Mobuto Sese Seko.
“The history of Zaire is closely linked to
that of its friendship with the United
States,” Kissinger said on his arrival. He
said America has always supported the in
dependence of the former Belgian Congo.
The secretary said a major problem for
Africa was the attempt by “external pow
ers’ to divide the continent into hostile
blocs. He made new promises of U. S. help
for the uncertain economic situation, the
search for racial justice in Africa and the
need for African peoples to gain true inde
Kissinger’s demand for black majority
rule in Rhodesia within two years, made in
a policy speech in Lusaka, Zambia, Tues
day, was condemned by Rhodesia’s white
rulers and aroused no enthusiasm in its
black nationalists.
Dr. Edward Gabellah, vice president of
one faction of the African National Council,
said the statement was an “anticlimax.”
Kissinger pledged “unrelenting opposi
tion” to Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian
Smith’s regime. He said the Ford adminis
tration would ask Congress to repeal its
authorization for the import of Rhodesian
chrome and would offer $12.5 million in aid
to Mozambique, which is suffering eco
nomically because it closed its border with
Associated Press
Virgin Islands — American Airlines today
reported 37 persons dead or missing in the
crash of a Boeing 727 jetliner on a runway
that officials say is dangerously short.
The Knud-Hamsen Hospital said it
treated 57 persons injured in the crash
Tuesday afternoon. There was still some
confusion, but it appeared that 51 of the
injured were aboard the plane and six were
standing on the ground.
The hospital said it was holding 19 of the
injured for further treatment. Two others
who were badly burned were flown to
Puerto Rico.
The airline said there were 81
passengers and a crew of seven aboard the
plane, including three infants. It said the
dead or missing included 35 passengers
and two flight attendants. It withheld their
home addresses, but, the Knud-Hamsen
Hospital made public those of the injured.
The big jet was arriving on a flight from
Providence, R.I., and New York. Most of
the passengers were vacationers from the
East Coast.
Eyewitnesses said the plane overshot
Classified advertisements. Page 8.
People in the news. Page 4.
Congress is going to investigate the
bank regulatory agencies. Page 5.
The financial aid office offers their
service to students. Page 8.
The presidential candidates com
ment on the Pennsylvania and
Texas primaries. Page 10.
The Aggie rugby team ends a suc-
cessfrd season. Page 11.
the landing mark at the Harry S. Truman
Airport and tried to regain full power, but
failed to get in the air again.
They said it hit a four-foot embankment
at the end of the runway, skidded 300 yards
across the road that connects the airport
and Charlotte Amalie and slammed into a
Shell gasoline station and the St. Thomas
Bay Rum factory.
The tail section ripped off and turned
over. The fuselage skidded several
hundred yards further. Its nose smashed
into a palm tree. The right wing and land
ing gear were thrown 50 feet.
A huge ball of fire shot hundreds of feet
into the air. Heavy black smoke covered
the scene as survivors scrambled from
emergency exits.
The wreckage burned for nearly two
hours. Firefighting efforts were hampered
by a lack of water, and private water trucks
responded to an emergency call.
The plane also brought down telephone
and electrical lines, blacking out a third of
Charlotte Amalie for several hours.
Pilots have complained for years that the
airport’s 4,650-foot main runway is too
“We have a very short runway,” Fire
Chief Rudolph Jennings said.
Federal Aviation Administrator John
McLucas inspected the airport April 13,
and the Virgin Islands Ports Authority gave
him a $50-million improvement proposal.
FAA officials and airline representatives at
the time described the airstrip as marginal
in terms of safety.
FAA officials began an immediate inves
tigation of the crash. Three inspectors ar
rived from San Juan, Puerto Rico.
William R. Haley, who heads a nine-
member National Transportation Safety
Board team, was expected in St. Thomas
The pilot, Arthur Bujnowski, 53, of Hun
tington, N.Y., his first officer, and flight
engineer were among the survivors who
were released after treatment. They re
fused to talk with reporters.
Staff photo by Jim Hendrickson
The Student Lounge was filled with students yesterday as pre
registration for the fall semester began. Preregistration will con
tinue through Friday.