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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1976)
IfHE THIRD installment board lyment for the 1976 Spring Semes- r is due on or before April 8, (76. The amount is $137.80 for the Day Board Plan and $123.45 for e 5-Day Board Plan. Please pay i either at the Fiscal Office, hard Coke Building or at the hier’s Office in the main lobby the Rudder Center to avoid Jty. Cbe Battalion Vol. 68 No. 101 College Station, Texas Tuesday, Apr. 6, 1976 THE FORECAST for Tues day is partly cloudy with a 30 per cent chance of showers this af ternoon increasing to 50 per cent Wednesday morning. High today,76; low tonight, 60; high Wednesday, 77. Imost anything goes: 0gs> mud or golf balls By GALE KAUFFMAN mid you like to be stuffed in a ©aid box, have mud smeared all over body, have raw eggs cracked in your h and golf balls thrown at you while B flying through the air? ese are only a tew things that the 144 st,mts of the Almost Anything Goes i game went through Sunday on the Ik&M Drill Field. B was sponsored by the Residence association in cooperation with Has- |ee, an information organization for pus students. re were 18 teams competing in the fttion obstacle course. Each team imposed of four males and four ft. The eight teams having the fastest Competed in the five major events, (event of the Triumphant Tramp fter the obstacle course. The object atch as many golf balls as possible in hile jumping on a trampoline. The ect was to keep from getting hit by son who was throwing the balls over >ot high ply-board sign. The RHA event on their second try by catch- Jialls. They had to do it over because ren t jumping high enough on their empt. They only caught six the first ling machine boxes, instead of re- Itor boxes, were placed over the jof the contestants in Ronnie’s Re- Jtor Run. There were no major colli- in the relay race, but there was a lot of ■ingand falling down. Moses III took vent, followed by Old College Main I Fowler Hall. By far the messiest event of the day was Tired of It All. Four tires were placed over a human axle and then rolled over a ramp into a mud hole. Each time the axle and tires came over the ramp to land in the mud, the crowd groaned. Keathley-Moore II crossed the finish line first with a time of :31.45. Old College Main I and Puryear Hall followed with times of :35.5 and :37.9 respectively. Peat moss and sand flew in the Great Confederate Confetti Bash. The eight members of each team had to dig through this to find eight poker chips. Fowler Hall’s team came in first, followed by Hughes Hall and the RHA. The contestants returned to the obstacle course for the Grand-Finale-Around- the-World-Tour. The team members had to run through tires, jump three hurdles, crawl under a low bridge and sprint about 20 feet, each with an egg in his mouth. If the egg broke, the contestant had to get a new one. They must have tasted good, be cause some people went back for seconds and thirds. Old College Main I came in first in this event. Fowler Hall took second place and Keathley-Moore II took third place. The team of Old College Main I took home the first place trophy for winning AAG. Fowler Hall representatives re ceived a second place trophy and Keathley-Moore II placed third. Toby Rives, assistant director of Student Affairs, presented the participation rftvard to Wal ton Hall. Walton’s team did not make any points. FDT wins again >a/ Vamp p scallop; ank. ie Texas A&M Fish Drill Team won itate of Texas Invitational Drill Meet ■ Saturday for the fifth consecutive lis is the team’s fourth win this year, ie team earned 918.8 points from a iMe 1,000. Even though they placed nd in inspection, first places in basic Fahey drill assured a first place overall, reshmen Christopher Craft and Glenn Jlaun placed first in the tandem drill. H an individual competition and does :ount toward the team’s meet points, e next meet is the Trinity University fleet April 24 in San Antonio. newly-formed Texas A&M Wo- s Drill Team placed second in the State of Texas Invitational Drill Meet. The University of Texas at El Paso, their only competitor, placed first. The Women’s Drill Team placed first in inspection and fancy drill and second in basic drill. — Linda Gilliam —Because of today’s campus election section, precinct results of last Saturday’s elections will be in Wednesday’s Battalion. Students to consider constitution revisions MStudents will consider student !|]B)dy constitutional changes during shident elections Wednesday and Thursday. The changes are as result of a con stitutional convention held in Feb- Jiary. The convention recom- jpDnendations were included in the re ferendum following approval by the Senate. (^■The purpose of the proposed |Hianges is to clarify, update and de- lete phrases that have been incorrect or misleading. Students will vote on each ad- endment separately and not on the tire constitution. The preamble changes from “to Jssume the privileges and respon- sibilities of self-government and to omote the welfare of the student dy.” The addition now outlines ie purpose of student government s the representative voice of the tudent to the administration and initiator of organization of stu- ent affairs. Article I, Section II would change tudent government’s role from gov- rning to representing the student. Article I, Section IV’s change eals with the separation of student ;overnment’s branches and forbids nyone to be in more than one of the ranches. Article I, Section IV adds the re- uirement that executive committee embers post a 2.0 GPR to remain i office. An executive committee andidate would have to get 100 sig- atures on his election petition in- tead of 50. . _ . Article II, Section II defines the ualifications and length of office for he student body president. The new requirement would be hat the candidate must have been registered in classes at A&M for at east three consecutive semesters efore filing. It also outlines the pro cedure for the appointment of a re placement in case the presidency is vacated. The replacement would be by Se nate selection from among the five vice-presidents five days after the of fice is vacated. The Article II, Section III changes require the president to announce when appointment recom mendations will be considered by the Senate. There are also some changes in the ordering of duties. Article II, Section IV outlines the president’s veto power, his ability to make contracts and his duty as cere monial representative for the stu dent body. Article II, Section V removes the sexual hodge-podge of he/she and his/hers from the present statement. Article II, Section VI will allow the Advisory Council to make rec ommendations on its own. Article II, Section VIII requires the student body president to give prior approval for standing commit tee chairmen recommended by the executive director. The director is also given the authority to remove any of these chairmen. Article III, Section I specifies the student Senate as the official policy- and opinion-making student group. Article III, Section II will require people on scholastic probation to leave office. Senators must file with 25 signatures for office. Their term of office is determined by the latest Se nate meeting or the election of a new senate, whichever comes later. Another change would provide for senate vacancies to be filled within 10 class days with a member of that constituency. There is also a change dealing with the recall of a senate member by his constituency. Ten per cent of the constituency must sign a petition and file it within 10 days of the com pletion of the election to the Student Government Office. The changes also affect the dismis sal of members for disciplinary con duct probation. Two amendments to Article III, Section IV remove powers from the Senate. One takes away the Senate’s power to override the Student Body President’s veto. The second re moves the Senate’s authority to rec ommend recognition to and with drawal of student organizations. An amendment to Article III, Sec tion V removes the Rules and Regu lations Committee’s power to review appointments which the Senate must approve. An addition to Article III, Section VI lowers the number of signatures necessary to call a referendum from 20 per cent to 10 per cent of the student body. That amendment also requires that the referendum be called within 10 days after such a petition is presented to Student Government. Article IV, Section IX is an additional section that would be added to the constitution. That sec tion would give the judicial Board the power to establish its own by laws and procedures. Photo courtesy of Carol Silverthorn Just rolling along The A&M Residence Hall Association sponsored obstacle courses and participated in such things an “almost anything goes” competition Sunday as a refrigerator box race, a confetti bash, and afternoon on the drill field. Competing teams ran a tire race, as shown in the photograph. MSC council By KAREN GERMANY The Memorial Student Center cele brated its 25th anniversary with a banquet and awards ceremony Saturday night in the MSC Ballroom. The event served as the climax of a re union of past MSC council and directorate members. “What we celebrate tonight is a con cept,” said John Nelson, chairman of the Silver Anniversary. “We celebrate the concept of student unions and students.” Former students presented Con gressman Olin Teague with a special award tor his continuing and immense contribu tion to the MSC and to the Student Con ference on National Affairs (SCONA). John Lindsey of Houston was recognized for his support of the MSC. Lindsey, foun der of SCONA and founding contributor to the President’s Endowed Scholars, hosts the Texas A&M leadership conference in Houston annually. anniversary The former students gave appreciation gifts to J. Wayne Stark, secretary-treasurer of the council and directorate; Olie Davis, worker at the MSC loading docks; Ann Bradley, accounting secretary; Faye Yates, finance secretary; Pat Ramsey, SCONA secretary; and Ruth Hewitt, Senior Secre tary of MSC. Twenty-eight students were recognized for their outstanding service during the 1975-76 academic year. Outstanding committee member awards were given to Ken Dimmick, Arts; Terence Cozad, Aggie Cinema; Bill Coady, Base ment; Wayne Paulus, Cepheid Variable; Michael Buben, Great Issues; Ann Chenoweth, Outdoor Recreation; Kathy Oeffinger, Political Forum; Roberta Britsch, SCONA; Susan Clark, Town Hall; and Mike Cox, Travel. Class awards recipients were freshman Peggy Mitchell, Basement; sophomores Greg Martin, Black Awareness; Marie Sohner, Recreation; and Barbara Michaels, celebrated junior. Town Hail. Student distinguished service awards were given to John Nelson, council; Michael Riewe, Aggie Cinema; Gordon Bruner, Basement; John Oeffinger, Politi cal Forum; John Morlock, Outdoor Recrea tion; David McKissack, Arts; Mark Probst and Daniel Fette, Town Hall. Distinguished service awards for non students were presented to Dr. Robert Chenoweth, MSC council; Dr. Vaughn Bryant, Political Forum and Great Issues; Dr. Merrill Whitburn, Arts; and Dr. Mur ray Milford,, Political Forum. John Oeffinger received the first “Bo” Lee award. The award serves as a source of funding and financial help for MSC direc tors. Mrs. Gertrud Adam was the recipient of the Lawrence Sullivan Ross Award. Jane Logan, 1975-76 MSC Council and Directorate President, was given the Thomas Rountree award. The Rountree award is given to an outstanding leader. Billionaire H. Hughes dead at 70 Associated Press Howard Hughes, the phantom financier who ruled a business empire valued at more than $2 billion from a series of secret hideaways, died Monday en route to Methodist Hospital in Houston for treat ment. He was 70. The aviation pioneer died aboard a char tered ambulance jet from Acapulco, Mexico half an hour before it landed in Houston. In Los Angeles attorney Greg Bautzer, who said he had represented Hughes for 25 years, said the billionaire died of a stroke. The hospital spokesmen said Hughes died at 1:57 p.m. Customs agent Nancy Carney caught a glimpse of the body as it was carried off the plane. She reportedly said he looked thin and aged. “He looked much older than 70,” she said. Funeral services for Hughes are pend ing. The disposition of Hughes vast for tune is still a public mystery. Hughes wealth was built on wizardry in aircraft manufacturing and in oil drilling tool de sign. Five polling locations set Polls will be open at five locations on-campus for the Student Govern ment general election tomorrow and Thursday. Polling places will be located at the first floor of the MSC and Zachry Engineering Center, the Commons, the Guard Room and outside Sbisa Dining Hall. The polls will be open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. each day. Students must present a univer sity activity card and a student ID card when voting. Voters will elect Student Gov ernment executives and senators, RHA and class officers, yell-leaders and Graduate Student Council members. Student Government constitu tional revisions and a referendum on the football ticket distribution sys tem will also be considered by vot ers. In the football ticket referen dum students will choose between first-come, first-served and random distribution methods. Run-off voting for undecided races in the election will be April 15. Revision results uncertain By STEVE GRAY Contributing Editor Newly-elected College Station Mayor Larry Bravenec appointed a three-member committee last night to study the validity of Saturday’s city charter referendum elec tion results. Bravenec had been mayor for only about five minutes when he told the College Station council that he had re ceived complaints from voters who said they had difficulty in understanding the charter change proposal as presented on the ballots. Voters approved a change from the present at-large system of election to a ward system by 29 votes. Councilmen James Dozier, Jim Gardner and Gary Halter were appointed to study possible discrepancies in the wording of the ballots at the six polling places in the city. Bravenec’s appointments came shortly after the old council officially approved the results of the charter election by a 3-2 vote. Then-Mayor O. M. Holt cast the tie- Callaghan heads G.B. Associated Press LONDON — Aides say the main foreign policy aim of Britain’s new prime minister will be to strengthen Western Europe’s partnership with the United States. James Callaghan, who succeeded Harold Wilson yesterday as the Labor govern ment’s leader after two years as foreign minister, is a dedicated Atlanticist. He be lieves, with U.S. Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger, that the time has come to recast the Atlantic relationship on political, economic, and defense issues. But Callaghan’s more immediate con cern, to be tackled in a budget message to parliament today, is the home front and the state of near bankruptcy that threatens the nation. Callaghan will get a chance to press for closer European-American cooperation next January when Britain becomes presi dent of the nine-nation European Common Market for six months. Meanwhile, infor mants say, Callaghan, who would like to visit Washington before then, will visit soon if the American election campaign permits. breaking vote in favor of approving the charter election after Councilmen Dozier and Halter voted no. Councilmen Adams and Gardner voted in favor of the results. Dozier, an opponent of the ward system and chairman of the Charter Revision Committee, which submitted the ward proposal to the council earlier this year. See related column, page 2. said he was not sure the results of the re ferendum were legal. “I felt that the council was a little prema ture in approving the charter change re sults. I wanted a little more time to check out those complaints,” he said. Halter said he also received some com plaints from voters about the way the re ferendum was presented. “Apparently, there were some discrepancies in the word ing of the ballots at several of the precincts and the voter? became confused,” Halter said. Nearly all of the council expressed sur prise that the proposal was approved. Adams had been the council’s only propo nent of the ward system. Bill McLeod, president of Texas Voting Systems, Inc., said yesterday he felt that the proposal, as it appeared on the ballots, was worded in such a way that it would probably be approved by the voters. “I was not at all surprised that it was approved,” he said. “As long as I’ve been in this business I’ve found that most voters won’t read more than the first few sen tences of a proposition. They won’t read their ‘instructions.’ Texas Voting Systems was responsible for the printing and tabulation of the ballots from the city and school board elections. The proposed charter change was drawn up by the Charter Revision Committee, City Attorney Neeley Lewis said. City Manager North Bardell said McLeod told him before the election that the wording of the proposition was confus ing because of the number of legal terms included. The proposal appeared on the ballot in' the form of a city ordinance. The revision committee has been study ing possible changes in the city charter for about a year. Although the ward proposal was not favored by most of the committee members, Dozier said, they submitted it to the voters figuring that it would probably fail. Since the ward proposal was approved, additional charter revisions cannot be made for two years. “It was the backfire of the century,” Gardner commented. Jeff Dunn vetoes GPR reductions An election regulation bill was vetoed yesterday by Texas A&M Student Body President Jeff Dunn. The bill, passed last Wednesday by the Student Senate, would have changed the grade point requirements for class officer candidates from 2.5 to 2.25, effective im mediately. Student elections are to be held Wed nesday and Thursday. Several persons have been staging write-in candidacies since the passage of the bill by the Senate. Filing for the election closed on Monday, March 29. This is the first time the president has used the veto, a power given to the office in 1973. Dunn said he did not veto the bill be cause he disagreed with the grade point ratio established. “I question whether the major intent was the grade point ratio change or to allow certain major individuals to run in this elec tion,” Dunn said. “I feel the passage of this bill has violated the concept and purpose of establishing election regulations.” The Senate, which meets tonight at 7:30 in Harrington 204, can override the veto with the approval of two-thirds of the members. “I think the timing of the bill is an injus tice to the student body because the Stu dent Senate changed the regulations dur ing elections,” Dunn said. “The proper time to make changes is after the elections. Allowing this would set precedent for future senates to change rules during each election,” he said. Staff photo by Jim Hendrickson New city council College Station’s new mayor, Lorence Bravenec, was sworn into office last night by former mayor O. M. Holt. Five city council- men were also sworn in after having been elected Saturday.