Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1976)
THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, MAR. 31, 1976 Page 13 |'s ten said that 10 per cent of lermen catch 90 per cent of and that’s about right. The isn’t because 10 per cent have bait, but that they fish in the at the right time. Lockamy, Bryan Bassmas- last week that if you’re cast- to i shoreline, 90 per cent of the I b behind you. Lockamy, like uccessful tournament fisher- concentrates on deep-water I lire. cture, simply defined, is any I in the normal bottom contour. | se bass arc completely object t d, they will always he around ind of structure. A bass’ idea cture is something different | fisherman’s. rmen tend to think of struc- s a sharp rise or drop under A tree stump, a six-inch-deep i ditch or an old fence row structure to a fish. hotobyljii practh ■a Lockamy said the key to successful structure fishing is to keep a close watch on the depthfinder. His sys tem is to study contour maps, pick a certain area, then fish it until he catches one. If he doesn’t catch another fish there quickly, he goes over and finds out exactly how deep the first fish was. He then tries the same depth water all the way around the particu lar structure. If he still hasn’t found a concentration, he tries the same thing around similar structure in another area. What he looks for is a pattern. The reason you catch a few fish in one place and then don’t catch any more, Lockamy explained, is that the fish have moved, not that they have quit feeding. He compensates for moving fish by fishing the migration routes. A migration route can be a contour line, a creek channel or an old fence Batt sports ans vote Sonny S arker to elite team al meet I tennii hesital nd of idsavtk )th. /as By MARLA GAMMON ■sareinj ketball fans nationwide pro- ley know a good player when cedliri see one when Texas A&M’s week Parker was selected to play in ywootl th annual Pizza Hut Basketball intil A c. ker, a senior at Texas A&M, ngeriiu "d third in nationwide ballot- laid, 1i nducted by Pizza Hut. Parker tureJti Saturday for the Las Vegas rtandu :ntion Center where he will ‘ry year' even other members of the team for the Monday night 1 looking forward to playing in irker said. “It’ll help me with ) ire. There’s supposed to he a ro scouts there and that’ll help ker and Rick Bullock from Tech will represent the iteresti west Conference at the game. g them on the West Squad will j 0 | 0 Q illie Smith from Missouri, Ed I goto ifrom Utah State, Barry Sabas Qjjtm Colorado State, Jim Hearns nteres'if Marymount, Terry Bailey from Texas State, and Ron Lee from yytheOl 'I 11 ' me ] - excis ods,[ shad 1 ’ | rent on leason lip inj! to thtii over i< eAssta clays pens iSTIN Associated Press — Eleven Olympic de al hopefuls, including some liege performers, opened the annual Texas Relays today ir a revised format. irmally open only to collegians iad mid choolboys, the meet for the first ven i® 1 will include individual perfor- saiil out of college to give them a ;ofn»* le to qualify for the Olympic hisW tryouts. | le decathlon was split into five JFL 1 ^ its today and Thursday. The s Rat* 110-meter run also will be held was* rcday, with other events Friday ayer 1 Saturday, ily trad mm Many of Parker’s 349,100 votes came from his hometown Chicago area. A&M yell leaders organized voting at the Aggies’ home basketball games this year and Parker feels a good many of his votes came from people who saw him play in tourna ments at the beginning of the season. Ken Denzel, a lawyer friend of Parker’s, helped him some with pub licity in the Chicago area. “Well, no one specifically or ganized it for me (voting in the Chicago area),” said Parker. “It was mainly because I was from Chicago and people knew me. My lawyer friend helped me with my public ity.” Parker, better known as Sonny P., led the Aggies to two consecutive SWC crowns during his stay at A&M. He was twice voted All-SWC and was named the Most Valuable Player in the conference both years. He attended Mineral Area Junior College in Flatonia, Mo., where he was All-America and Player of the Year two years. He was also the lead ing scorer in junior college Region 16. Sonny P. was the Aggies’ leading scorer this year with a 20.8 game average. He was the mainstay of a team that fought back after the sus pension of two starters to win the SWC crown. For his efforts he was named Most Valuable Player of Dis trict 6 for the 1976 season. Aggie assistant coach Norman Reuther was pleased with the fans selection of Parker. “We re tickled to death about it,” he said. “I feel like anyone who pul led that many votes nationwide has got to be of all-America standing in the fans’ point of view. “I’m glad he’s representing the conference along with Rick Bullock. He won’t be just a filler. He’ll be one of the best ones there.” Sonny P. plans to play pro ball and has already been contacted by sev eral pro scouts. “I’m letting my lawyer friend take care of that,” he said, “so I can con centrate on getting out of school.” Touted by Aggie coach Shelby Metcalf throughout the year as “the best player I’ve seen in the confer ence in my 18 years here,” Sonny P. will be missed by the Aggies next year. He proved he’s a good one, and the fans know it. row. When the moving fish reach a break in the migration route, they will usually stop again. Pattern-fishing structure the way Lockamy does is the systematic way to find concentrations of fish. You may pick up scattered fish beating the shoreline to death with a spin- nerbait, but the real payoffs come from establishing a pattern and stick ing to it. The requirement for structure fishing is a good depthfinder. These little gadgets, which work like SO NAR, have revolutionized bass fish ing. Once you’ve fished using one, you won’t understand how you ever got along without it. They cost from $50 to $500, but you can pick up a pretty good one for about $100. Besides physical structure, oxy gen structure is getting recognized as a big factor in finding fish. The bottom structure might be great but if there’s no oxygen, there won’t be any fish. An oxygen monitor costs about the same as a depthfinder and is a useful tool. By correlating good bottom structure you locate with the depthfinder with a 6 to 12 parts per million (ppm) oxygen reading, you have found the ideal place for fish. In addition to depthfinders and oxygen meters, there are instant readout thermometers and light in tensity meters on the market. By the time you’ve correlated the data from the depthfinder, the oxy gen meter, the thermometer and the light intensity meter, you have a PhD. in Environmental Engineer ing and have found the one cubic foot of water in the lake with all the fish in it. The point is, the conditions don’t have to be perfect. Sure, we’d all like to find an area with a roadbed that runs into a farm pond next to a creek channel with 8 ppm of oxygen at 72 degrees and a light intensity of .05. We’d also like to have free beer wait ing at the dock. Fish are going to be in the area that comes closest to being perfect. That doesn’t mean that fish in the Jungle at Livingston are going to move to the dam because the water is five degrees cooler there. They’re going to make do with what they have. My system is to pick an area, then ilaces that being perfect. Then I work them hard. I won’t give up on a good-looking area just because I didn’t catch any the first pass. I’ll change baits or colors and try it again and again. Then I quit. There’s no sense being a damn fool about it. Scientific fishing is based on one principle and one principle on ly: fish are cold-blooded beasts gov erned entirely by their environ ment. Remember that and you’ll catch more of those “smart” bass. EuFRLlMfN LAKE Do You Support THE PRESIDENT? Come to an Organizational Campaign Meeting Thurs 1976 April 7:30 Rudder Tower Sponsored by Young Texans for President Ford Pol. Adv. paid for by The President Ford Committee, Howard H. Callo way, Chairman; Robert C. Moot, Treasurer. If the concentration of fish is at point A and they want to get to the feeding grounds at point F, they have several possible migration routes. They can follow the creek channel all the way up, stopping at points B, C, D and E. They can go from A to B, then follow the fence line to the shoreline and up to the moss beds, or they can just cut across the flats from A to F. They’re most likely to follow the creek, so you should concen trate your efforts on points A, B, C, D, E and F, moving from one to the next as the fish move. look it over to find the pi come closest to being perfe< Baseball men in negotiations Associated Press NEW YORK — The baseball owners, once calling for fastballs but now signaling for the slow stuff, get back to the bargaining table Wed nesday with the Players Association. It’s the 34th negotiating session between the two sides. The bargain ing for a new contract has been in limbo for the past week since the owners had turned their attentions toward an internal matter- expansion. During the one-week layoff, the Players Association said it was will ing and able to meet every day, but the owners’ minds apparently were elsewhere. Both the American League and National league were racing to get an expansion team into Toronto. The American League got there first, but the official results haven’t been posted yet because, on Monday, the National League appealed to the chief steward, Commissioner Bowie Kuhn. We’d like to take you for a ride Hey, Mr. suave and sophisticated . . try this on for size. It’s the Raleigh Sports. Think bikes are for kids? Think again! This one’s spe cially made for the guy who’s a mover. Three speeds, safety- quick brakes, genuine leather saddle, touring bag . . . every thing you need to travel in style. See your Raleigh liealer, he’s got a set of wheels waiting for you. Come on along! CENTRAL CYCLE & SUPPLY Sales Service Accessories 3505 E. 29th St. — 822-2228 — dosed Monday Take East University to 29th St. (Tarrow Street) q free demon/tration on block/mlthlnq technique/ pre/ented tue/. hOOpm march.30 rudder mall In/tructor joe peho/kl 0. 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