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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1976)
Cancer treatment The preparation of a patient for “fast neutron therapy” is demonstrated in the treatment room known as the “cave”. There are four “caves” in the Cyclotron building. Photo l>y Y'alorie Lyng n yclotron treats ancer patients $(JI JTexas A&M’s Cyclotron is giving peer patients a look at the future y thought had ended. Fast neutron therapy has been d to treat patien ts at the cyclotron Since 1972. Patients who, under any Bier conventional treatment, would Be only three to six months, now Bi live up to five years longer. |Thecancer treatment program is a iint effort of Texas A&M and Hous- msM.D. Anderson Hospital. The' Sogram has treated 300 patients pee its beginning and is expected to jeat an average of 100 patients in the ext two years. | T he average age of the patients is About the same number of men as women are treated at the cyclot- li. All types of cancer are treated. It certain cases are more frequent, lead and throat patients are treated le new therapy because [rgery would cause extensive disfi- Irement. Breast, cervix, and lung Incer are also treated. B A patient who could be treated jth a reasonable probability of cure Jth any other accepted method is |t treated at the cyclotron,” said . James Smathers, one of the ini- I members of the program. “Only bents with a very poor prognosis | cure are accepted. ” Patients may come to the program ■two ways. A patient may be refer- to the program directly by a ysician or a cancer organization, or )e may go to one of the clinics at M. D, Anderson and then be sent to the Cyclotron. jTwo different sets of patients are Currently being treated under the [jbgram. JEvery Tuesday and Friday a imousine arrives from Houston with lie patients from M. D. Anderson. Hiey are accompanied by a staff of Ictors and nurses. About seven pa rents out of 20 come from the Hous ton area. They are treated for six weeks. iOther patients are housed at Sweetbriar Nursing Home in Bryan. lese patients are treated four times Iweek on Monday, Tuesday, Thurs- E if day, and Friday. They are also in therapy for six weeks. A patient under conventional therapy is is treated five days a week for 30 weeks. The housing in the cyclotron is basically a research facility, but ef forts have been made to improve the atmosphere for the patients com fort. The patient lounge is painted bright yellow and is furnished with a color television set, comfortably padded chairs, and a game table. A clinical nurse is on hand at all times to see to the patients’ special needs. Patients are served a lunch supplied by St. Joseph’s Hospital in Bryan. Efforts to keep the patients com fortable are extended to the treat ment room, commonly called the “cave.” The walls here are also painted yellow. There are four caves but only one is in constant use. The walls sur rounding the cave are four feet thick. The patient is placed in a dentist like chair, a special stand for upright positions, or a table, depending on the type of tumor being treated. The patient is then positioned by a nurse and a medical physicist in front of a tube with a window in it. The win dow is sized for the specific section and size of the tumor. The location of the tumor is marked on the patient with a blue dye. After the patient is positioned, a strip of masking tape is placed across his head to remind him to stay in the exact position. The patient is then left alone, the four-foot thick doors are closed and the room is darkened. Treatment is started from the con trol room adjacent to the cave. In the control room are two physicists and a radiotherapy nurse. A resident doc tor and aclincal nurse are available at all times. “Fast neutron therapy is painless and fast,” said Dr. Jess B. Caderao, M. D. Anderson radiotherapist. He added that the actual treatment lasts only one to two minutes. But the patient must be set up and the cor rect tube placed for the beam direc- See cyclotron, page 5. Wednesday, Feb. 4, 1976 Revision to be considered By LEE ROY LESCHPER JR. ' Battalion Staff Writer Student Government will consider pos sible changes in its constitution this weekend during a constitutional conven tion. Discussion will include possible changes in Student Government’s name and its method of electing senators. The convention begins at 9 a.m. Satur day in the Student Programs Conference Room. Amendments approved by the conven tion will be presented to the Senate next Tuesday. The Senate will vote on the amendments Feb. 25 and those approved will be scheduled for a student body re ferendum about March 11. Amendments ratified in the referendum will go into effect immediately. Any elec tion changes will affect the Student Gov ernment general election April 7-8. Senators elected by colleges The convention is primarily an effort to get student input on the amendments. Student Body President Jeff Dunn said. Most preliminary work on the amendments has been done by several Student Gov ernment vice-presidents. Under one proposal student senators wovdd be elected strictly from each college within the University. At present 40 senators represent colleges and 30 repre sent A&M living areas. Five freshman senators are elected at-large. The proposal would set Senate member ship at 50. The idea of living-area representation is that each senator represents one geog raphic area, Dunn said. In recent years all student body growth has been off-campus and fewer senators have been required to cover on-campus students. Eight senators now represent all on- campus students. Dunn said this requires each senator to represent several dorms and makes it impossible for a senator to poll his constituents. Off-campus senators have an equally dif ficult job, and most seem to wind up living in the same general area, Dunn said. Tenure, promotion guidelines proposed By LILLIAN FOREMAN The Academic Advisory Committee on Faculty Evaluation Procedures at TAMU has been working for the past year and a half devising a new set of faculty evaluation guidelines for tenure and promotion. The proposed guidelines have been submitted to Dr. John C. Calhoun, Vice President of Academic Affairs, for approval. To be granted tenure, a faculty member must begin his teaching career at the rank of a full-time instructor or a higher rank. Then a probationary period of not more than seven years of service must be com pleted. If service has been at another in stitution for more than three years, then the faculty member is subject to a prob ationary service period of not more than four years at A&M. The proposed evaluation form condenses abiguous evaluation terms, said Haskell Monroe, Dean of Faculties, and is de signed to eliminate the burden of paper work on deans and department heads. The students will also have a voice on faculty evaluation procedures by com pleting professor evaluation question naires. Many colleges participated in the last evaluation procedure by allowing Student Government questionnaires to be distri buted to their classes. Other colleges used their own questionnaires. The biggest problem during the last evaluation stemmed from the lack of man power needed to distribute the evaluation packets, J.H. Marsh, committee chairman, said. Marsh also stressed that the committee worries about ambiguous words like superior, excellent, good, acceptable and average. Presently, no evaluation forms are com pleted, he said. Letters of recommendation are used in stead. The old evaluation form consists of an Individual Faculty Member’s Annual Re port (Form 3) and a Staff Achievement Re cord (Form 4). Form 3 asked the faculty member to make suggestions on his own work, obsta cles encountered, what type of oppor tunities that he desired the university to provide and to record activities that were the most significant to him. Some significant activities that Form 3 listed for comment were: relationships to students and student activities,- research projects undertaken and completed, pro ductivity and creativity, professional ac tivities and responsibilities outside of the university, community and public rela tions, honors and distinctions received, administrative and committee activities and assignments. Form 4 was to be completed by the de partment heads on each faculty member. This form included such questions as: per sonal data, comparison against other faculty members, contributions to faculty groups, basis of the record, faculty member’s achievements and departmental recom mendations for promotion and and tenure. Corps-civilian split produced new system The system of. electing living-area senators grew out of the Corps-civilian split some years ago. Civilian living-area senators reduced the amount of Corps in fluence on S.G. If present trends continue, living-area senators coidd eventually be elected almost entirely from off-campus, Dunn said. The Senate has previously approved amendments which provided for the elec tion of senators entirely by college. But the student body has failed to ratify such amendments in student referendums. Dunn blamed those defeats on civilian fear that the Corps would take over all Se nate positions. “I personally feel that the majority of students don’t feel that way anymore,’ Dunn said. “I would say that the split bet ween the Corps and civilians isn’t as great as it used to be.” S.G. could become Student Association. Another proposal would change the S.G. name to something similar to the Student Association, said Duane Thompson, stu dent vice president of rules and regula tions. Index AGS SCORE victory over Texas. Page 9. CHAIRMANSHIPS FOR MSG committees will be selected soon. Page 4. LYNN ASHBY, Houston Post columnist presented his views on the election year. Page 2. THE FORECAST for Wed nesday is increasing cloudiness, continued warm with gusting winds from the south. Mostly cloudy with scattered showers is expected Thursday. High today 81; low tonight 57; high Thurs day 78. S.G. is a recommending body and can take no direct action of its own. The name change would make that more apparent to students, Dunn said. S.G. operations would not be changed, he said, but attitudes towards S.G. would. A third proposal would move freshman class elections to the first week in October. Currently those elections are after mid semester grade reports are released, about Oct. 30. The Oct. 1 election date would allow freshmen earlier representation in the Se nate and would give freshman officers more time to work together, Thompson said. Proposed amendments also include a number of wording changes. These involve areas either not covered or not applied in the present constitution, Dunn said. Constitution intent not changed Such amendments don’t really change the intent of the constitution,’ he said. Dunn said he didn’t anticipate having a large number of students at the conven tion. “From personal observations, I know it’s not the greatest issue on the tip of peoples’ tongues,” he said. Bryan to offer College Station new utility deal The Bryan City Council voted in a closed session yesterday to arrange a meeting with College Station to try to reach an agree ment on the utility contract. Bryan City Manager Lou Odle said he and Mayor Lloyd Joyce will meet with the city managers and key staff members of each city to discuss their differences on the contract. Odle said Bryan wants 30 days to negotiate on the contract. The College Station City Council voted Thursday to reject Bryan’s proposed con tract and gave Bryan officials 14 days to submit a new proposal containing competi tive rates and terms. At least one College Station councilman had been reluctant to grant even 14 days. A closed meeting of the College Station City Council is scheduled for 5 p.m. today at City Hall. Loc^I man’s Senate bid focuses on economics )0 mile diploma How far do you walk in 4 years pical undergraduate at Texas A&M bbout 1,000 miles to get his diploma, sis a conservative estimate based on a eight-semester schedule and 124 hours, the minimum required to ate. figure includes the distance bet- classroom buildings, with one mile :ek included for stairways and library ions. jors with more than 124 hours walk More accurate estimation of the distance would include the necessary detours around construction sites, the pre registration runaround, and refueling stops at the Memorial Student Center. The accompanying chart measures the mapped distance in feet between build- BUILDINGS 1. ACADEMIC 2. AGRICULTURE 3. AGRONOMY 4. ARCHITECTURE 5. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 6. CHEMISTRY 7. CIVIL ENGINEERING 8. DATA PROCESSING CENTER ings. All distances should be multiplied by a correctional factor of 1.5, which partially adjusts for walls and other obstructions. Compute your own distance generously, and intermpt y'our parents with it the next time they begin to sing the classic, “In my day we had to walk . . . .” 9. ENGINEERING 10. FRANCIS HALL 11. G. ROLLIE WHITE COLISEUM 12. GEOSCIENCES 13. HARRINGTON EDUCATION CENTER ANNEX 14. reed McDonald 15. MILITARY SCIENCES 16. NAGLE HALL 17. OCEANOGRAPHY AND METEOROLOGY 18. PHYSICS 19. PLANT SCIENCES 20. SC OATES HALL 21. SOIL SCIENCE 22. SPECIAL SERVICES 23. ZACHRY ENGINEERING CENTER By ROD SPEER Contributor Phil Gramm says he has the answer to inflation, unemployment, poverty and the energy crisis. With this, a good public rela tions campaign and the backing of the small Texas businessman, he hopes to upset U.S. Senator Lloyd Bentsen’s bid for re-election in the May Democratic primary. Dr. William Philip Gramm is a 33-year- old Texas A&M economics professor who has averaged two speeches daily since last spring to business and civic groups in Texas and throughout the country. No matter what group he talks to, the theme is basi cally the same—the government should ba lance its budget and cut down, if not elimi nate, regulation of private industry. “I’m trying to educate, he said. “These people (his audiences) are ignorant. That’s too strong. Strike that word. They have good instincts, but lack reinforcement. They’re told what makes sense in a house hold doesn t apply to government. That’s just bullshit.” Gramm told a Chamber of Commerce regional conference: “No individual can spend more than he earns or more than he can borrow, but for him to borrow, some one else must earn and save. ” He contends this applies to business and to state and local government, but not to the federal government, which can print the money it spends. wage laws, wants the federal budget ba lanced, opposes national health insurance, is anti-busing, opposes wage-and-price controls and would like to scrap the poverty program. However, in the definitive sense, a lib eral is one who supports the freedom of the individual from arbitrary restraint, and Gramm is definitely in that category. He pulls no punches in criticizing government policy, especially regulatory commissions and government spending. Gramm prefers the tag “fiscal conservative, ’ one who wants the government to spend only as much money as it collects in taxes. There are enough people who have been impressed with Gramm (he categorizes them as small businessmen) to give him financial backing for his Senate candidacy, which he formally announced on Oct. 8. Through the end of 1975, according to a financial statement filed with the Federal Election Commission last week, Gramm had raised $90,000 from an estimated one thousand contributors. (Besides Gramm, other Democrats run ning for Bentsen’s Senate seat are Hugh Wilson of Port Arthur, Alfonso Veloz, a Houston banker, and Leon Dugi, a Cuero service station attendant. On the Republi can side, there are U.S. Congressman Alan Steelman of Dallas, Louis Leman, a Hous ton engineer-executive, and Hugh Sweeney, a Houston tennis tournament promoter.) Gramm has taken a leave-of-absence from teaching and opened up a small office below TJ’s cocktail lounge across from the A&M campus on Texas Avenue. Gramm is his own campaign manager, indicative of the small paid staff he has working for his election. . See Gramm, page 3. “The occurrence of inflation, like the occurrence of pre gnancy, is dependent upon numerous factors but has only one cause.” “As I tell my Aggies in language they understand perfectly, the occurrence of in flation, like the occurrence of pregnancy, is dependent upon numerous factors but has only one cause. Inflation results when the demand for goods and services grows at a more rapid rate than the supply of goods and services can grow.” By spending printed money, the feds drive the demand past the supply, forcing higher prices, he said. “The federal gov ernment is the only cause of inflation, and government edict cannot override the laws of economics. In the common usage of the word, Gramm would be branded a conservative. He supports the oil depletion allowance, would like to do away with the minimum m mrmft senate seat