Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1975)
Car club to hold jifH/itfcT event Saturday TheTexas A&M Sjx)i ts Car Club, now ia its eighth year of racing, in vites all comers to an autocross event Sunday, Oct. 19. Registration 1 begins at 8 a. m. on lot 60 (near Kyle Field). Racing begins at noon and spec tators are welcome. Fees for enter ing cars are $3.50 for members and $4.50 for non-members. Trophies will be awarded. For more informa tion call Bob at 693-8140. In the picture below, Lee Sikes rounds a tight turn in one of last year’s A&M autocross series events. i q *w IF YOU’VE GOT THE TIME, WE’VE GOT THE BEER. GIG BRAZOS BEVERAGES 1804 Pinfeather 822-3623 li n a The SILVER FAWN Gift 6 §flop TURQUOISE & STERLING SILVER DO-IT-YOURSELF: Sterling Silver Beads Turquoise Nuggets Cones Hooks & Eyes Shell Heshei Liquid Silves Tiger Tail Cord FED MART SHOPPING CENTER - SUITE 404 COLLEGE STATION 846-7877 BAMBOO BLINDS 3’, 6’ & 8’ $4.99 & UP INDIA IMPORTS Tops and Pants INDIA nn BEDSPREADS $4.99 and up Shop our everyday low prices! Pier 11muits 3200 TEXAS AVE. Across from El Chico 822-7600 BUYING PAGES IN THE AGGIELAND 76 FOR ORGANIZATIONS AND CLUBS In an attempt to set precedent concerning the conflict of recognized versus unrecognized organizations and clubs, The Aggieland 76 is requiring organizations and clubs desiring to be represented in the book BE RECOG NIZED BY THE UNIVERSITY. Even if an unrecognized organization or club has bought pages in past Aggielands, if they want to be in cluded this year the organization or club must go through the recognition procedures established by the university. An organization or club wanting to become recog nized can do so at the Student Programs Office, second floor of the MSC. The Aggieland will accept no organization or club for contracting space after Nov. 10, 1975. All previously recognized organizations and clubs plus those applying for recognition have until Nov. 10 to contract space. After Nov. 10 there will be no further space sold in the book and no exceptions will be made. If any questions develop call Student Publications at 845-2611, ask for Debbie Stallings or Gary Baldasari. oatmeal By TONY GALLUCCI Battalion Sports Editor I’m not so sure whether an Aggie (farmer) should like a Horned Frog or not. They tear up the fields. Nasty little holes in the ground. A calf that steps in one could lose an ankle. But then again, they eat up a lot of ants and other obnoxious bugs. 4 CU likewise. 4 hex re likelx to improx e a hit ox er their record setting negatixe 58 xards rushing last xear hut their outstanding passing crew could feed a lot of secondary people. Enough, perhaps, to set an interception record. They may he highly ranked in passing nationally, but name me a passing team that is highly-ranked. Aha, can’t go through the line or keep others from doing the same so get rid of the hall, as fast as possible. 1'he game won t he so fast, though. Remember, every time there is an incompletion the clock stops. The Froggies finished up with 10 yards total offense last year. I don’t think they’ll be lucky enough this time. Zero yards total offense woidd go a long way towards putting the Ags back in the lead in total defense for the nation. Kind ofcancel out Tech, if you will. Besides, Coach Bellard can only carry 48-players on the trip. That’s quite a few less than the number of players Darrell Royal used in that good ole 82-14 (or so) shellacking last year. The shellac is still there. TCU is definitely a bottom ten candidate if they’re not still there. I haven’t looked in so long. I won t he afraid to say it, thex’re not worth a d—n, (that s -ar-, xou can t he too careful with Christian schools). I in tired of trxing to predict scores. I did a super job picking the Illinois game, but the next week I was 30 points high and then 30 points low the next. So from nowon I’ll predict what I d like the score to he. This week Id like to see us xvin 105-0. If were 30 points high OR low then 1 11 still he satisfied. My writer, David Walker (he’s not the quarterback), agrees. He says, “I predict a margin of at least 51 points and expect TCU not to show up for the second half. 4 hex 11 change the name ol the school to fit a popular sax ing and the third commandment. 4 he new name' 4'GIS (4 hank goodness it s Snndax' Get. 19, 1975, ADA, (after dem aggies'. I he Ags II he thank ing the Froggies too. Cot to keep the sabbath holex 6-Olex. Cheeseborough wins gold in competition Oilers up for Skins Associated Press HOUSTON — The Houston Oil ers defeated Washington 24-13 in a pre-season game but they won’t be anticipating any easy time Sunday when the two teams meet for the second time this year in the As trodome. THE BATTALION FRIDAY, OCT 17, 1975 Page 5 This time it’s for real and the Red skins will have a couple of key players, Diron Talbert and Larry Blown, in uniform. They were on the injury list for Houston’s pre season victory. “What we did in pre-season means absolutely nothing as far as Sunday s game is concerned," Oiler Coach O. A. “Bum Phillips said. “George Allen has the most experi enced team in pro football and they don’t make mistakes. Everything you get off the Redskins, you have to earn, they just don’t give you any thing." Both teams will enter the game with 3-1 records and running one behind the division leaders. Washington trails unbeaten Dallas and Cincinnati leads the Oilers. Invite the bunch ... Mix a great, big bucket full of Open House Punch! Serves 32... tastes like a super cocktail! Greatest drink ever invented! Mix a batch in advance, add ice and 7UP at the last minute... serve the crowd right out of the bucket! Smooth ’n delicious. Wow! Recipe: One fifth Southern Comfort 3 quarts 7UP 6 oz. fresh lemon juice One 6-oz. can frozen orange juice One 6-oz. can frozen lemonade Chill ingredients. Mix in bucket, adding 7UP last. Add a few drops red food coloring (optional); stir lightly. Add ice, orange, lemon slices. Looks and tastes great/ You know it’s got to be good... when it's made with Southern Comfort SOUTHERN COMFORT CORPORATION, 100 PROOF LIQUEUR. ST. LOUIS. MO. 63132 Associated Press MEXICO CITY — Chandra Cheeseborough, a 16-year-old schoolgirl and the baby of the U.S. team, streaked to a Pan American Games record in the women s 200-meter dash and sparked an American revival in these events, which continued to he a comedy — or tragedy — of errors. Just as it’s happened so often in these confused hemispheric celeb rations of sports, there was massive confusion after Miss Cheese- borough, from Jacksonville, Fla., had edged her fast-closing team mate, Pamela Jiles of New Orleans. The judges awarded the medals in reverse order, the gold to Miss Jiles and the silver to Miss Cheeseborough. Both girls appeared bewildered after the presentation, sought an explanation from the judges and later swapped medals. Miss Cheeseborough, on the in side, got off to a fast start, but just held on against the lithe Miss Jiles, who won the 100 earlier in the week. Miss Jiles, on the outside, almost made up a one-stride deficit in the last few yards. To the naked eye, it appeared the two girls hit the tape in a dead heat. Electronic devices and photos separated them, how ever, and clearly showed Miss Cheeseborough the winner with a time of 22.77 seconds. Miss Jiles was caught in 22.81, also better than the record 23.05 she set in the trials. The women’s 200-meter victory was one of six acquired early in the day by the United States and al lowed the usuallx-dominant Ameri cans finally to tie the surprising Cu bans in the scramble for gold med als. INTRAMURALS MONDAY S GAMES Fish: Sq. 5 vs A-l, 5:10, D-l; 1-1 vs Sq. 10, 5:10, D-2; B-2 vs Sq. 7, 5:10, D-3; Sq. 6 vs D-2, 5:10, D-5; F-2 vs Sq. 8, 5:10, D-6. Independent: Sigma Phi Epsilon vs Phi Sigma Beta, 5:10, K-l; Saints vs Over The Hill Gang, 5:10, K-2; Ob livion Express vs Quarter Pound ers, 5:10, ETV; Pete I vs Bobcats, 6:10, ETV; Nailers vs ACC, 6:10, D-l; 2% vs BMP, 6;10, D-2; Thun dering Hero vs Briarwood North, 6:10, D-5; Wesley White vs Old College Main, 6:10, D-6; Wesley Maroon vs Brenham, 6:10, K-2. Recreation: Bee. & Parks vs D-Gary, 6:10, D-4. Co-Rec: Colonels vs R&P, 5:10, H-l; MSCABIF vsTreehouse, 5:10, H-2; Casa I vs Turkey II, 6:10, H-l. FLAG FOOTBALL Military: F-l vs Sq. 13, 30-6; D-2 vs F-2, 28-0; B-l vs D-l, 19-12; Sq. 11 vs Sq. 3, 14-6; Sq. 6 vs W-Band, 24-13; M-l vs Sq. 9, 33-0; Sq. 8 vs C-l, 13-12; Sq. 2 vs Sq. 4, 2-0. Civilian: Melnnis \s Hart, 44-0: Moses xs Purxear, 31-8: Utux xs Dunn, 7-6: Crocker x ; s Schumacher, 14-0: Aston x s Milner, 53-0: Laxv x s Legett, 6-0: Dax is-Garx x s Walton, 13-6: Hotard xs Moore, 28-6. Recreation: Ag Eco. x s Flounders, 34-0: War Chickens x s Dunn No. 2, 18-6. Women: Colonels x s Cruder s Gant, 6-0: Hughes I x s BSU No. 2, 12-0: Mosher x s BAG, 1-0: Keathlex x s Fowler, 7-6. Women: Colonels vs Cruder s Gang, 64); Hughes I vs BSU No. 2, 12-0; Mosher vs BAG, 1-0; Keathlex vs Fowler, 7-6. THE GREATEST SANDWICH The greatest sandwiches in the Southwest are served from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. each day Monday through Friday on floor 11M, Conference Tower. The greatness of these sand wiches is no accident. There are several types of meats and you can select your choice and mix or match any three pieces for your sandwich on the bread of your choice. Two of the several types of bread are sour dough and baked fresh daily in our Duncan bakery. Further, these breads are prepared without shortening for the diet conscious guest. For the greatest taste tempting delight just make your sandwich exactly like you want it and pop it into one of the handy micro-wave ovens. This wonderful sandwich and a bowl of soup for only $1.50 plus tax will place you on cloud 11M. We agree this is a bit of a long story, but it is difficult to stop talking about our tasty sandwiches. Open Sunday 11:00 A.M>. -1:30 P.M. for regular meal only. “QUALITY FIRST” FAREWELL COLUMBUS SALE Select Group of Levi's® , Lee® /, Wrangler® and Other Famous Maker SHIRTS & JEANS $4.88 Select Group of Famous Maker JACKETS $7.88 Very Famous Maker Men's & Young Men's CASUAL SPORTSWEAR Ya OFF Select Group of Men's & Young Men's SPORT SHIRTS Ya OFF H0VJS6 Of AUSTIN: Highland Mall/Westgate Mall/Northcross Mall/Campus Store, 2100 Guadalupe/Downtown Store, 412 Congress. SAN ANTONIO: Southpark Mall/5115 Fredericksburg/4124 Blanco/834 S.W Military/907 South WW White/Central Park Mall/Wonderland Shopping Center. CORPUS CHRISTI: Padre Staples Mall/ Portairs Shopping Center. BRYAN: Manor East Mall. KILLEEN: Mid Town Mall. WACO: Westview Village. NEW BRAUNFELS: Walnut Square Shopping Center. BROWNSVILLE: Amigoland Mall. VICTORIA: Town Plaza Mall. McALLEN: El Centro Shopping Center. ALICE: La Villita Shopping Center. PASADENA: 2215 Southmore. TEMPLE: Town & Country Mall/4401 S. Gen. Bruce Dr. AND SOON, NEW STORE IN: Del Rio. Next year you could be on scholarship. An Air Force ROTC 2-year scholarship. Which not only pays your tuition, but also gives you $100 a month allowance. And picks up the tab for your books and lab fees, as well. And after college, you’ll receive a commission in the Air Force...go on to further, specialized training...and get started as an Air Force officer. There’ll be travel, responsibility, and a lot of other benefits. But it all starts right the Air Force ROTC. Things will look look us up. No obligation, of course. FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: LT. COL. JOE BERGSTAD RM. 209 TRIGON, PHONE 845-7611 Put it all together in Air Force ROTC.