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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1975)
' age 4 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, OCT. 10, 1975 Sparky Anderson takes potshots ! Associated Press BOSTON — While Manager Darrell Johnson and his Boston Red Sox waited placidly for Friday’s ar rival of the Cincinnati Reds, con- rroversy swirled around Sparky An derson and his national League champions. Anderson has been firing off shots in a psychological World Series war, shots aimed at the unusual delivery — he calls it a balk move — of Luis Fiant, Boston’s ace pitcher and star ter in Saturday’s opening game. On Thursday in Cincinnati, he took a swipe at the news media fol lowing reports he had sent films of Tiant’s delivery to league officials. And Anderson was the target of a missile from one of his own aces. Left-hander Fred Norman expres sed bitterness over being bumped from the Red’s pitching rotation in favor of Jack Billingham. The slump-ridden right-hander will start Sunday’s second game of the Series in Boston s Fenway Park, with its ominous left field wall. Johnson did a bit ofbumping, too. In a susprise move, he named left hander Bill Lee to start Sunday’s second game and moved right hander Rick Wise back to a third- game start Tuesday night in Cincin nati. Anderson, assailing the writers for the second time in a week, was clearly annoyed over the Tiant film story which appeared Wednesday in the Boston Globe. He called it “a total lie” and threatened to lock out the writers in the future. “Either the truth comes out or everything stops,” he snapped. Both Tiant and Johnson appeared unperturbed by the sudden frenzy over Tiant’s herky-jerky move: “He can say what he wants. I don’t let it bother me, Tiant said of Anderson. “I’m not going to change — 1 not after all these years. I’ve been 11 years in the major leagues and I’ve never had a balk called on me. “I come to three or four stops on the way down. If they call it, they call it. I never pitched in the Na tional League. Then reserve catcher Bob Montgomery ambled by. “Hey Luis! ’ he shouted. “They can’t call a balk if nobody’s on first base. ” “That’s right, Monty,” Tiant re plied. “And nobody ever stole first base on me.” And Johnson observed: “They have the same rules for both leagues. The National League um pires must know them as well as the umpires in our league. This talk about the balk doesn’t faze me a bit.” Dick Butler, the American League supervisor of umpires, was unavailable for comment regarding the sudden attention paid to Tiant’s motion. iiTP&WD opens deer hunt areas J By LEE ROY LESCHPER Battalion Staff Writer Almost 150,000 acres on six Texas ■wildlife management areas will be 11 4-Viio roll - [opened to deer hunters this fall. The l* JTexas Parks and Wildlife Depart- Ag; Jment will select a limited number of f\i|hunters by lottery for the hunts. ' i The annual hunts are designed to control deer populations on six state management areas. The six areas I jjare Black Gap Area, 100,000 acres y [jin Brewster County, fifty-five miles south of Marathon; Sierra Diablo l,i ! ,=Area, 7,791 acres in Culberson .sCounty 32 miles northwest of Van Horn; Chaparral Area, 15,200 acres eight miles west of Artesia Wells in Dimmitt and La Salle Counties; Engeling Area, 10,941 acres 20 miles northwest of Palestine in An derson County, Gene Howe Area, 5,821 acres six miles east of Cana dian in Hemphill County; and Kerr Area, 6,493 acres eleven miles west of Hunt in Kerr County. Hunters for the areas will be selected by public drawing Oct. 23, at the Parks and Wildlife Depart ment’s state headquarters in Austin. Applicants have until 5 p.m., Oct. 20, to get their application forms to •r Bubba Bean closes in on Aggie rushing record. 3P333A 311 UNIVERSITY• NORTH GATE Call ahead for faster service 846-1713 under new management BRING THIS COUPON SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS3SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! $1.00 OFF ANY GIANT PIZZA *1 sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Southern Comfort® tastes delicious right out of the bottle! ■£U-LUjJjJjjj that s why it makes Mixed n. ,—^ Drinks taste • .Z SIX' Me tie. SOUTH CRM* COMrOWT*?-- better! great with: toft Cola* Bitter Lemon jl Tonic*orange juice ~y Squirt... even milk ilM[ni3j You know it's got to be good. . . when it's made with Southern Comfort 9 SOUTHERN COMFORT CORPORATION. 100 PROOF LIQUEUR. ST. LOUIS. MO. 63132 the department office, John H. Reagan Building, Austin. Local hunters can pick up appli cation forms for the hunts at the Parks and Wildlife office at 3825 Old College Road in Bryan. Hunters may apply for one hunt individually or in groups of up to four, but all members of a group must be in cluded on the same application. Applicants must be at least 12 years old and those under 17 years must be accompanied on the hunt by a parent or some person over 21 who will be responsible for his conduct during the hunt. By State Law no person who re ceived a permit for any manage ment area hunt during 1974 is eligi ble to receive a permit for a 1975 hunt. If a hunter who received a 1974 permit applies for one of this year’s hunts, his application will be invalidated or will be removed from his application form if he applied as part of a group. Dates for the hunts are: Black Gap, Nov. 29-Dec. 8; Sierra Diablo, Nov. 29-Dec. 4; Chaparral, Nov. 15-16 and 21-24, Nov. 28-Dec. 1, RAY B0MNSKIE BODY SHOP 409 Burnett Bryan 823-7219 FREE ESTIMATES! WE DO INSURANCE WORK TOO. and Dec. 5-8; Engeling, Nov. 15-18 and 21-24, Nov. 28-Dec. 1, and Dec. 5-8; Gene Howe, Nov. 22-23, and 29-30, and Dec. 6-7; and Kerr, Nov. 15-Dec. 1. Several state management areas will also be open for squirrel, quail, dove, and waterfowl hunting during the fall. Information on these hunts can be obtained from the Parks and Wildlife Department or the de partment office in Bryan. '“fupTnamka 111* Eddie Dominguez '66 Joe Arciniega '74 Greg Price 51 maiiMni IHTiaMI If you //ant the real thing, not frozen or canned . . We call it ‘'Mexican Food Supreme.*' Dallas location; < 3071 Northwest Hwy. 352-8570 AGGIES! Douglas * Jewelry offers Student ID Discounts! 15% off of *50°° or more 10% off of under *50°° CASH PURCHASE ONLY 212 N. MAIN 822-3119 DOWNTOWN BRYAN BUYING PAGES IN THE AGGIELAND ’76 FOR ORGANIZATIONS AND CLUBS In an attempt to set precedent concerning the conflict of recognized versus unrecognized organizations and clubs, The Aggieland ’76 is requiring organizations and clubs desiring to be represented in the book BE RECOG NIZED BY THE UNIVERSITY. Even if an unrecognized organization or club has bought pages in past Aggielands, if they want to be in cluded this year the organization or club must go through the recognition procedures established by the university. An organization or club wanting to become recog nized can do so at the Student Programs Office, second floor of the MSC. The Aggieland will accept no organization or club for contracting space after Nov. 10, 1975. All previously recognized organizations and clubs plus those applying for recognition have until Nov. 10 to contract space. After Nov. 10 there will be no further space sold in the book and no exceptions will be made. If any questions develop call Student Publications at 845-2611, ask for Debbie Stallings or Gary Baldasari. But Fred Fleig, his counterpart in the National League, said the umps would be watching three things. “The first is the slow, step-by- step drop of his hands ...” Fleig said. “Second, his rhythm in the way he drops his hands has to be constant and, after the way every body in the American League com plained, he’s been okay there. Third, if he throws to first, he’d bet ter look like he stepped to first be fore he threw. DRIVE CAREFULLY “SAVE A BUNDLE” Remember the old, Cash and Carry, money saving trick? Buy a pizza at the Krueger-Dunn Snack Bar and eat it there or take it anywhere you wish. Prices are right, and the pizzas are great. Before Thanksgiving Special Hamburger Pizza 1.29 Sausage Pizza. ......1,29 Pepperoni Pizza $1.29 OPEN Monday thru Friday 11:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. Saturday & Sunday 4:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. “QUALITY FIRST” BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day 10c per word Minimum charge—$1.00 Classified Display $1.50 per column inch each insertion ALL classified ads must be pre-paid. DEADLINE 3 p.m. day before publication OFFICAL NOTICE THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Green, Katherine Anne Degree: Ph.D. in Oceanography Dissertation: SIMULATION OF THE PELAGIC ECOSYSTEM OF THE ROSS SEA, ANTARCTI CA: A TIME VARYING COMPARTMENTAL MODEL. Time: October 21, 1975 at 3:00 p.m. Place: Room 1203 in the Oceanography/Meteorology Bldg. George W. Kunze Dean of the Graduate College SPECIAL NOTICE S8S33833888S8338S3888383S383 BELAIR Mobile Home Park 5 minutes from campus Swimming pool, TV cable, all city utilities, large lots, • ' 822-2326 or 822-2421 Get the Best for Less 394tfn FOR SALE Hilltop Lakes, 2 lots for sale, 1 near lake. Club ak hunting privileges. 864-8338, Houston, Texas after5J p.m. Dodge Tradesman van 1968, good tires, good condition talk price. 822-1886 after 6 . 822-2323 day. 15* HELP WANTED FOR RENT 1 bedroom furnished garage apartment. Near 29th St. and Coulter Dr. in Bryan. $135 a month. No bills paid. Available immediately. Call 822-3823 or 822- 1154, ask for Elaine or leave message. RNs join your professional organiza tion now. Contact district 30 membership committee. 846-9096 TUNE-UPS & MINOR REPAIRS AT YOUR HOME OR OFFICE Datsun + Toyota # VW MOBILE METRIC MECHANIC 846-8213 Class of ’65 ’ 17t20 Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodge Sides and Sen ice Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — S23-K111 (''nritislied, one bedroom apartment, S125 Available mid-October S22-4(K«v 22t5 Large garage sale Sat. & Sun.: Entire wardrobe female clothing sizes 7-9, Girl’s bicycle — $10, 4 rugs and pads, bookcase, radio/alarm, sheets, towels, pillows, 2 roll-away beds, portable typewriter, couch and much more. All inexpensive. 402 Timber St. C.S. 846- ,5598. 24U Has the following openings: Clerk Typist Secretaries plus shorthand Clerk M an age r-Train ee Assistant Manager Salesman (salary’ plus cxmimission) Aid-Trainee Laborers Carpenter AND OF COURSE: Numerous other positions 822-7308 2008 Texas Ave. Plantation Shopping Center $100 WEEKLY possible mailing circu lars for firm I represent. Send self ad dressed stamped envelope: Mary Ann Davis, Dept. T.M., 3922 Mariam Rd. Temple, TX 76501. PERSONALS STA-250 stereo receiver. Excellent FM 50W/Channel. Two months old. New, $336. Sell, $236. Two SQ Quadrophonic decoders. 846-3545 Thorens TD160C manual turntable with base and dust cover. Excellent condition, $1$5 or best offer. 846- 4571. 23t2 BEER DRINKERS. For Sale: 16 gal. Beer Tapper, 22t.': 3-GCorral. Waiters or waitresses, 5-10 p.m., 3 days! week or schedule is workable. 846-2033, Larry Law less. MR. GATTi’S. Part time and lull time help wuilfll Apply in |>ersoit between 1-5 p.m Part time hea\ \ equipment operators, S46-5I12, S23- 8515 2JU WORK WANTED MEN! — WOMEN! JOBS ON SHIPS! American. Foreign. No experience required. Excellent pay.' Worldwide travel. Summer job or career. Sehd $3.00 for information. SEAFAX, Dept. K-3 Box 2049, Port Angeles, Washington 98362. ist? excellent condition, $100. 693-9932. J Full time typing. Symbols. Call 823-7723. 3926 Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. Alf kinds. 822- No use dri\ ing and hunting — just see Cowan's White Auto Store, North Gate. We ha\e it: auto jiarts, home appliances, hikes and repair, home needs and lawn mowers. VW Squareback ’69, rebuilt engine, AM-FM radio, clean, $1200. VW Beetle ’64, rebuilt engine. Sporty, good work car, $400. 846-3995. 19t5 Parents need two tickets, Baylor game. D.D. Wero 845-5164. 2413 Battalion Classified Call 845-2611 W.T.A. SERVICES Fully qualified staff for ALL TYPING NEEDS at competitive rates. 846-7779 779-3077 (after 5:00) HOUSEWIVES STUDENTS! We need full-time or pert-time employees to work 5 days a week. Cashiers and counter work. 10a.m. ^il 3p.m. 11 a.m.'til 5 p.m. 3 p.m.'til 8 p.m. 5 p.m. 'til 10 p.m. If you need a job and want to work wa will arran«a tha hours to fit your schedult. Must ba naat and dapandatda. Apply in person only, if possible 9:30 a.m.'til 11:00 a.m. Hourly wage is negotiable. WHATABURGER Bryan 1101 Texas College Station 105 Dominik SOSOLIK'S TV & RADIO SERVICE INC. Zenith Sales and Services TV Rental 713 S. MAIN BRYAN 822-2133 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 Have you tried the hew RAMADA BARBER SALON? owned & operated by Troy Causey Roffler products for men. 846-8811 ext. 104 G.A.F. 440 POCKET 110 CAMERA 24" 2700 South Texas Avenue