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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1975)
Page 2 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1975 SOTA gears programs to ‘left-out’ older group Editor: In Wednesday’s Battalion, Ar- dath Clifton questioned the “fare” for the older student on campus. Ms. Clifton is not an enigma. She is one of many hundreds (1000 women and more than 700 veterans at the undergraduate level). With a great deal of help from Toby Rives in Student Affairs, SGTA (Students Older Than Aver- jlllggggj age) was formed last spring and lias been recognized officially by the University. The group welcomes women, men, undergraduate and graduate students who consider themselves a bit out of step with the 18-21 year-old atmosphere on cam pus. SOTA meets on alternate Tues days from 12-2 as classes allow in the Social Room of the M.S.C. These are brown-bag lunch affairs with short programs aimed toward the older students. The next meeting is Sept. 30. For further information contact the Office of Student Affairs, Room 108 YMCA, or call 845-1741. AN AFTCRN00N ABOUT AIM AGOlU ACO AFUM\£ APbeS AA816U AlOMb ARTiCHOKC AV£Mue. "ARiM\£" ASK£b ALB£R,t At>PiP05(7VM AfVTlST) "ARC ALFRCb'5 ANT6ATGRS ARPUM08 ALRGAUY?" FOP,faCT thckU I JUST A NtUJ BATCH OF tSIATY POST CAfUSS; UJAMMA Buy OMfc? 'ABSOLUTeLY 1 ' AFFmeU AfYABlt ARNie," ANU AUBWRABlY ARRftYfcD I " ** A V—1 " Al RdC?T Ab ARlM\e ARRW/eb AT ALFR£t>S ARRRT^e/MT, AfM ALLIGATOR (ARTHUR), ARRAYED AROUMU.AM ARCH ASR£D/’ARC ANT6ATGR5 Acidic?" "AYe", ANSoeReU aRnic. "ARGhU ADfA\TT£D ARTHUR. "ARe AMTIDOTGS AVA1LABL&?" ' "AasOLL)T£L.Y!" AGAIA) ANSlAiCRCD ARfM\e."AFT£.R AIM AFTCRHOoaJ Acquiring acidic ANTfeATCR ABPIC", ATTCSTCD ARTHUR, “ANTIDOTdS ARC ABUADAAIT Alb! IF PuPPerS ftlN UPSET YCUR 5TOHW PRCTTy STORT.en? NOW THCN , HOW IAANY .ui^cstss. TmTs Vnu rOllMT Cbe Battalion Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the editor or of the writer of the article and are not necessarily those of the university administration or the Board of Directors. The Battalion is a non-profit, self-supporting enterprise operated by students as a university and community newspaper. Editorial policy is determined by the editor. The Battalion, a student newspaper at Texas A&M, is published in College Station, Texas, daily except Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and holiday periods, September through May, and once a week during summer school. Mail subscripKons are $5.00 per semester; $9.50 per school year; $10 50 per full year. All subscriptions subject to 5% sales tax. Advertising rate furnished on request. Address: The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station Texas 77843. Photo by Bob Kings berry, contributor Lot nearly empty Lot 7, the one between the Cyclotron and the Reed McDonald Building and across the street from Zachry was con verted from an off-campus student park ing lot to a faculty-staff lot. Robert Mel- cher, vice-president of student affairs of fice, said that 65 or 70 spots will be re turned to students today. WHY PON'T WE All 6ET T06ETHER, AND RAISE A RUCKUS?THEVKE EASYTO RAISE...ALL HOU HAVE TO 00 IS SHOUT, AND THEY 6R0W 1 Aggietoons Brad Foster route LUCKY YOU DIDN'T GO TO THAT PARTY LAST (MIGHT ) l5SF*c! PA/ctfu! PTY \ACHIf06 HEAD AND HANDV AbuR HCAD I UIMDCRSTAN^ BUT WHAT RAPPefYjeb b TO YOUR HAND? J UNIVERSITY V/ ,v \y LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor should not exceed 300 words and are subject to being cut to that length or less if longer. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit such letters and does not guarantee to publish any letter. Each letter must be signed, show the address of the writer and list a telephone number for verification. Address correspondence to Listen Up, The Battalion, Room 217, Services Building, College Station, Texas 77843. The Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for reproduction of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in the paper and local news of spontaneous origin published herein. Right of reproduction of all other matter herein are also reserved Copyright (c) 1975, The Battalion Second-Class postage paid at College Station, Texas. MEMBER The Associated Press, Texas Press Association Editor Janies Breedlove Assistant Editor Roxie Hear.i Members of the Student Publications Board are: Bob G. Rogers, Chairman; Dr. Gary Halter; Dr. John Hanna; Roger P. Miller; Dr. Clinton A. Phillips, Jeff Dunn, Tom Dawsey, and Jerri Ward. Director of Student Publications: Gael L. Cooper. Represented nationally by National Educational Advertising Services, Inc., New York City, Chicago and Los Angeles. City Editor Steve Gray Campus Editor Karla Mouritsen Special Section Editor Sandy Russo Sports Editor Tony Gallucci Photography Director Jack Holm HONDA TUNE-UP SPECIAL All 4 cyl. $12.00 450-500 cc Twin $10.00 All Other Twin Cyl. $7.50 Single cyl. $4.50 Mini-Bikes $3.00 Plus Parts at Regular Low Prices FOR DO-IT-YOURSELF TUNE-UPS All Spark Plugs 75c each All Points $2.00 Honda Oil Filters $1.39 All Oil & Chain Spray 15% Off 15% OFF ACCESSORIES IN STOCK SAVE MONEY ... ASK ABOUT OUR USED PARTS! Sale Good Through October 4th BIKE INSURANCE AVAILABLE mmm Emblem v for Texas A&M University A WREATH signifying unity of purpose and dedication A STAR standing for the Lone Star State and the nation A&M, strong and bold to symbolize strength and resolve All bound together in dignified respect for those who have gone before and as inspiration for those yet to come NOW AVAILABLE IN DURABLE VINYL DECALS for windows and bumpers GET YOURS NOW ©1975 B L SALES • P. O. 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