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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1975)
' thi “ high, •'ces will physical functions controlled by mind THE BATTALION Page 5 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1975 •rices i Associated Press not 1 DALLAS — A Dallas |ychologist believes man may have , ■ .an inherent mental ability to control lsl, y lias the most minute physical structure, V lses l le i'(l pehiding his brain. ( e ^sionoi|l Dr. Frances Moss Mayo is doing ° u 1 “e re-Btensive research with sensitive . jidevices which detect and monitor 1 ( theater.activities as the heart rate, K 'jced oil t 0 Ibrain waves, fingertip temperatures ’ lower tliar [ami muscle tensions and can relav set hy the I. lucin S coin]. I j d to control 1 them to the mind that can control them. In an interview Wednesday, she said, “Through the use of the equipment, people are becoming aware of tensions their bodies are taking on, and of their ability to con trol or change this.” The psychologist said the impor tant thing about relaxing and meditating is making all possible in formation available to the subject. »en to nise 1 is set on (lie 1 his earlier end to eor,. — andfi e ~ n Mini "dis, during oil would lie 1 ■ 50 a barrel Allen Academy is opening an additional section in each grade of the middle school (grades 6-8). Limited vacancies in other grades (K-12) ths, the cei|. oi h out dial a tax system I profits and ‘is, Fordhas 5-day extern If you are looking for a private school for your son or daughter to improve his or her academic achievement, write or call Director of Admissions The Allen Academy Box 953/ Bryan, Tx. 77801 (713) 823-0066 ce of having s, even at a 1 price con- ■vers predic- -controlled iingly accep! e is noasstir- acE tion is nent" ve. )F TIRES s — Phil Gibson, CLU can take the uncertainty out of your financial planning. Phil Gibson is a Chartered Life Underwriter offering financial services in the areas of tax-shelters, retirement programs, personal estate planning, business and employee plans. The proper coordination of life insurance, fixed and variable annuitiesi and mutual fundsi can take the uncertainty out of your financial planning. i(Through Jefferson-Pilot Equity Sales, Inc.) 3200 S. College 822-1559 .taffewson SHnaara It’s so sad to give up summer’s growth of hair — even for the corps. Senior RAlph Gholson I’lioto by Pam Wbigham Correspondent seems to communicate this as J. M. Smith completes styling of the “C.T. look. Sleeping sickness moves to Dallas Associated Press HOUSTON - Area health officials added three more persons Wed nesday to their list of people sns- pected of having St. Louis en cephalitis (SLE), bringing to 14 the number of suspected victims. There have been nine confirmed cases of the sleeping sickness virus since Aug. 27. All but two of the confirmed cases have recovered. Two hospitalized victims were re ported ready to be released. City Healty Director Dr. Albert G. Randall said more than 160 resi dents in the general area east of downtown had been tested for the virus. Randall said there was no cause for alarm about the SLE outbreak. He said progress is being made by the Harris County Mosquito Con trol District to eliminate the mos quitoes that transmit the disease to humans and also the birds from which the mosquitoes get SLE. Health authorities will meet again Monday to discuss the SLE outbreak, the first to occur here since 1964 when 32 persons died and more than 750 were thought to have the disease. Meanwhile, in Dallas, public health officials report three con firmed cases and one suspected case of encephalitis. However, two of the confirmed cases are believed to have been contracted outside the Dallas area. Dallas police threaten walkout Public health officials said the first case was a 28-year-old woman, who became ill while visiting Ar kansas. The second case was a man who had been visiting Houston where the disease had broken out. He became ill and returned to Dal las, where the disease was diag nosed. Dallas health director Dr. Lowell Berry said city crews have been or dered to step up spraying in the areas where standing water is preva lent. Associated Press DALLAS - Members of the Dal las Police Association say they will turn in their badges,and walk out if Lt. Charles Burnley, president of the organization, is suspended or fined because of a letter critical of Councilwoman Lucy Patterson. Burnley came under attack from the council for describing Mrs. Pat terson “as the policeman s adver sary and accusing her of holding prejudices against police officers “which grows too deep. The council has ordered City Manager George Schrader to meet with Burnley to discuss the matter and report hack to the council as soon as possible. Sgt. Michael Evers said, “I would call members of the Irving Police Association militant. Sgt. Travis Hall said, “I would call it more of being aware. The city council approved a $19.26 million budget last week hut didn’t provide for any new police personnel. Evers said the action will “force us to do what we have to do to get to the people.” He said there would he no strike, hut that other steps were possible. Hall said, “They know we can use the courts. We dropped a suit against them because the city can pay out all the taxpayers money it wants. We woidd run out of monex first.” Bullock persists Burnley said, “Apparently they (the council) don’t think city employes have any civil rights. Everyone has the right to criticize public officials, everyone. Al Lipscomb, director of the South Dallas Information Center, and Fred Bell, a director of the Black Panther Party, appeared be fore the council Monday and de manded that Burnley he indefi nitely suspended or that he resign. The police association voted 157-16 to hack Burnley and “to he sure if any action is taken we make sure our rights are preserved. In nearby Irving, two police sergeants have been voicing some strong opinions on the need for more department personnel. In Corsicana, police and firemen will proceed with lawsuits to force the city to use collective bargaining in 1975 contract disputes. A collective bargaining ordi nance, approved by voters in April 1974, was repealed in a special elec tion Tuesday by a vote of 894-604. The legal action involves only this year’s contract talks and will not af fect future negotiations. The police and firemen filed the lawsuits when contract talks failed to solve a dis pute over 1975 salaries. tern Virtu For'n Car Parts * 1 INCORPORATED BRYAN-COLLEGE STATION’S ONLY FOREIGN CAR PARTS HOUSE 1 : GIRLING LUCAS BOSCH SPARK plugs HH'unnuL Plims I 1 CASTR0L OIL KENDALL OIL LARGE STOCK OF PARTS IN STOCK AND OVERNIGHT SERVICE FOR ALL OTHERS PARTS FOR ALL FOREIGN CARS Owned & Operated by George Hollwedel, Class of 70 RIDGECREST SHOPPING CENTER 3517 TEXAS • 846-7793 ^ ON $10.00 ^ ^*4/ SIH1 HUM ^ RAMADA INN BARBER SALON Franchised Roffler Shop MEN’S HAIRCUTS $2.75 LAYER & RAZOR HAIRSTYLES FOR MEN & WOMEN For Appointment: 846-8811 ext. 104 Open 9:00 - 9:00 Mon.-Sat. 410 TEXAS AVE. COLLEGE STATION SHARE THE RIDE WITH US THIS WEEKEND AND GET ON TO A GOOD THING Us means Greyhound, and a lot of your fellow students who are already on to a good thing. You leave when you like. Travel comfortably. Arrive refreshed and on time. You'll save money, too, over the increased air fares. Share the ride with us on weekends. Holidays. Anytime. Go Greyhound. GREYHOUND SERVICE ONE ROUND- YOU CAN YOU TO WAY TRIP LEAVE ARRIVE Houston $ 5.05 $ 9.60 12:30 p.m. 2:45 p.m. Austin 6.50 12.35 3:00 p.m. 6:35 p.m. Dallas-Ft. Worth 8.65 16.45 3:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Waco 4.75 9.05 3:00 p.m. 5:15 p.m. Baton Rouge, 23.60 44.85 9:00 a.m. 8:05 p.m. Ld. Ask your agent about additional departures and return trips SAM ENL0E '63 1300 Texas Ave. Greyhounds * in touch * ■with America 823-8071 822-2111 #G0 GREYHOUND ...and leave the driving to us Associated Press AUSTIN — “Bullock’s Raiders” have taken on a new look and vow to stay on the job until all $55 million in delinquent sales taxes have been collected or written off. “We are going to cover the whole state in two weeks, and then do it again and again until we are satisfied we have collected them or they are uncollectible, said Arthur Vance, an assistant to Comptroller Boh Bul lock . Vance said Wednesday that three teams, each consisting of a lawyer and a tax expert, have been set up to make raids and seize property of businesses that have not remitted sales taxes to the state. The job has intensified. About 15 raiders are working full time to work the list down, Vance said. If a business has gone bankrupt, the task force, headed by former Asst. Atty. Gen. Benny Sarrett, will try to recover the taxes from the receiver, he said. OLD TIME PHOTOS WHILE YOU WAIT” Different costumes that fit over your street clothes take you back in time. Antique style frames available. MANOR EAST MALL TEXAS AT VILLA MARIA Powerful world of fash /0/U Love Pierced Earrings? Buy a pair and we’ll pierce your ears at NO EXTRA CHARGE! A trained specialist from Wells will be in our Jewelry Department, at the mall and will pierce your ears when you purchase a pair of 24K gold ball earrings for just $9.95. FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY SEPTEMBER 12th and 13th FRIDAY 10 am to 8:30 pm' SATURDAY 10 am to 6 pm If you love Pierced Ears, then hesitate no longer. While you wait, see our dazzling collection by Wells. Fine Jewelry MANOR EAST MALL TEXAS AVE. AT VILLA MARIA FVO/VDERFUl WORLD OF FAS///^