Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1975)
i n c lj/'a i i /-\u. i i >• THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1975 ■ W $6,500 handed out T X X I XXX X JLJL JL Clubs get bookstore profits The excess profits of the Memorial Student Center bookstore are distributed annually among recognized student organizations by the Student Organizations Board. The 11 staff member-, three student-board combs through organizational requests to allot the funds. Clubs must be registered at the Director of Student Affairs Office, room 216E, MSC to be eligible for fund ing from the profits. “Response to the allocations range from anger to joy,” said Carolyn Adair, director of student activities. The allocations were released Wednesday. Also listed are organizations receiving funding from the administration. Former Students Association and the Development Office Parent’s Funds. BOOKSTORE PROFIT ALLOCATIONS 1975-76 RECREATIONAL CLl’BS S 5,462.01) 1. Bass Club 350. (X) 2. Flying Club SIX).00 3. Modern Dance Club 300.00 -1. Motorcycle Club 255. (X) 5. 1\ E. Majors Club .300.00 6. Pistol Club 300.00 7. Sailing Club 750. (X) S. Scuba Club 5(X).(W) 9. Snow Ski Club 700. (H) 10. Speleological Societx 125.00 li. Sports Car Club 400.00 12. Water Ski Cluh 350.00 13. Wheelmen Club 120.00 RESERVE 212.00 IOTA I 5,462.00 GENERAL HONOR AND SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS 8 2,160.00 1. Alpha Lambda Delta KXMX) 2. Alpha Pi Mu 90.00 3. Alpha Zeta 75.00 4. Beta Alpha Psi 40.(X) 5. Gap Ami Gowit 210.00 6. Alpha Zeta Chapter of CWENS 250.IX) 7. Circb K 120.00 S. Omega Phi Alpha 250. (X) 9. Fsi Chi 75.(X) 10. Sigma Delta Chi 85. (X) 11. Sigma lota Epsilon 75.(X) 12. I'psilon Pi Epsilon 75.00 13. Pi Mu Epsilon 90.00 14. Mn Chi 75.00 15. Pin Sigma 90.00 RESERVE. TOTAL . MILITARY ORGANIZATIONS •S 5,140.(X) I. Bobbins Aero 300. (X) 2. Cadet Headquarters 500.00 3. Boss Volunteers 2,(XX),00 4. Hi lie Team 2,340.<H) TOTAI . . GENERAL STL DENT ORGANIZATIONS S 556. (X) 1 Phi 120. IX) 2. Women s Awareness Workshop 250.00 3. Students lor Hes|M)nsible Expression 126.00 1 Young Republicans 60.00 TOTAI 11. Pun American Student Association 12. Korean Students Association 13. Yenezualan Students Association 14. Association Cid>anu I'niversitaria Intemacionul TOTAL ACADEMIC ORGANIZATIONS COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE 1. Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow 2. Agricultural Council ■3. Agricultural Economics & Sociology Graduates 4. Agronomy Society 5. American Fisheries Society 6. American Societs of Agricultural Engineers 7. Collegiate FFA Chapter H. Dairy Science Cluh 9. Floriculture - Ornamental Horticulture Cluh 10. Food Science 6t Technology 11. Texas A&M Forestry Cluh 12. Range Cluh 1.3. Recreation and Parks Cluh 14. Saddle & Sirloin Cluh 15. TAMU Chapter, Soil Conservation Society 16. TAMU Collegiate Horsemen's Association RESERVE TOTA1 .300. (X) 25. (X) 50.00 25. (X) .. .2,0S5.(X) SIO.OOO.OO 4,(XX).(X) 75.00 KX).(X) 25.00 150.00 50. IX) 2<X).(X) 400.00 225.(X) 5fX).00 100.00 2(X).(X) 175,(X> 2(X).(X) 1,200.IK) 50.(X) 250.00 HK).(X) 4,<XX).00 COLLEGE OF SCIENCE 1. Chemistry Cluh 2. Association Graduate Wildlife & Fisheries Scientists .3. Texas A&M Marine Biology Association 4. Wildlife Biology Association 5. TAMU Premedical - Predental Society 6. TAMU Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society 7. Entomology Graduate Student Organf/ation S. TAMU Society of Microbiology TOTAI COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE 1. American Veterinary Medical Association 2. Pre-Vet Societs TOTAI RESERVE TOTAL $ S90.IX) KX).(X) 150. (X) 105. (X) 100.00 70.00 KX).tX) 105.(X) 160.00 S90.IX) $ 575. IK) 550.00 25.tX) 575. (X) 650. (X) .SlO.tXHUX) ADMINISTRATIVE FUNDING 36,463.00 COLLEGE OF ARCHITECTURE & ENMRONMENTAL DESIGNS H7().(X) 1. ASC/A1A 2. ASC/AIA Ecofair 3. American Society of Landscai*; Architecture 4. Graduate Planning Societs 5. Student Architectural Council 6. CAE1) Student News 150.00 175(H) 125.00 350. (H) 20.00 50.00 TOTAI STO.OO INTERNATIONAL STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS 1. Arab Student Orpini/ation 2. Bangladesh Societs 3. Chinese Student Association 4. Formosans Cluh 5. I long KottfC Cluh 6. India Association 7. International Students Association •V Iranian Students Association 9. Muslim Students Association 10. Pakfstan Student Association S 2,OSS. 00 50. (H) 30. (X) 100.00 40.00 50. (H) 1(H).00 1,175.00 50.00 40.00 50.00 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 1. Accounting Society 2. Association for Computing Machinery 3. Finance Association I. Marketing Society 5. Educational Psychology Student Organization 6. Real Estate Society 7. Management Society TOTAI COLLEGE OF EDUCATION 1. Industrial Education .Society 2. Student Education Association TOTAI COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING 1. AIAA 2. American Institute of Industrial Engineers 3. American Nuclear Society 4. American Society ol Civil Engineers 5. American Society of Mechanical Engineers 6. Associated General Contractors 7. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers S. Student Chapter - Institute of Trallic Engineers 9. National Association of Bioengineers 10. Petroleum Engineering Cluh 11. Society of Women Engineers 12. Engineering Technology Society TOTAI COLLEGE OF GEOSCIENCES 1. Geological Society of TAM l 2. American Meteorological Society 3. Oceanography Graduate Council TOTAI COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS 1. English Graduate Student Association 2. Arts Student Council 3. H»e Sociology Club TOTAI S 660.00 140.00 KH).(H) 125.00. 17().(X) 50.00 25. (K) 50.00 . . .660.00 S 300.(X) 200.00 100.00 .30<).<H) S 1,335.00 100.00 125.(H) 150.00 1(H).(H) 1(H). (H) KH).(H) 125.00 80.00 SIMM) 150.00 125.00 KXMX) .. .1,335. (X) $ 1(X).(X) KX).(X) 150(H) 150.(X) .. . 4(H).(H) S 320 (H) KX).(X) 1(H).00 120(H) . . .320. (X) 1. Cadet Awards & Trophies 850. <X) 2. Aggie Band 1,650. IX) 3. Singing Cadets 10,263. IX) 4. RHA 1. lOO.OO 5. Student V 1,200.00 6. Graduate Student Council 9IX).1X) 7. Debate Team 2, SIX).IX) S. I'niversity Apartment Council 1,4(X).(H) 9. Aggie Players 3,91XUX) 10. ReveiHe 550.00 11. Bon lire 1,550.00 12. All I’niversity Calendar 2,400.IX> 13. Fish Drill Team 1.9IXMX) 14. Parsons Mounted Cavalry ITXKMX) 15. Yell Leaders I.IIXUX) TOTAL FORMER STUDENT ASSOCIATION ALLO- CATIONS (Available January 1) 8 7.5IX).00 1. Cat let Awards and Trophies 250.IX) 2. Aggie Baud 1,250.00 3. Singing Cadets I.IXXUX) 4. Kish Drill Team SIHI.OO 5. Parsons Mounted Cavalry SIX). IK) Texas instruments CALCULATOR SALE PLEASE CHECK BOX FOR CALCULATOR (S) ORDERED Add s 2. 00 for handling to below prices ^4 □ SR 10. . . $ 39.95 « □ SR 16. . . $ 44.95 □ 2550 $ 37.95 $113.95 □ □ 5050. SR-50 $74.95 SR-51 -$11 3.95 PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED: Ol <0-237-59^0 ~ Pa. residents add A -tLi JrA ALi AA 6% sales tax WAREHOUSE 227 W BEAVER AVE STATE COLLEGE.PA 16801 10DAY with certified check only ETzs BankAmericard n*fa»nr fou ■clast paynunt m Bsmw 15blocks Cast of TEXAS AVI., on COULTER) WEEKLY SCHEDULE BUS SCHEDULE SUNDAY 9:30 am Bible Studv 11:00 am Worship Service 9:08 . . . Cain Athletic Dorm 4:30 pm College Choir 9:10 . . . Keathley-Fowler (rear) 5:30 pm College Supper 9:11 . . . Crocker-Moore (rear) 6:00 pm Bible Study 9:12 . . . Schumacher-Walton 7:00 pm Evening Worship Service (Houston St.) WEDNESDAY 9:13 . . . Milner 5:30 pm Church Supper 9:14 . . . Corps Dorms (Archway) 7:15 pm Prayer Service 9:15 . . . Krueger-Dunn 8:30 pm College Rap SPECIAL EVENTS Septemher 7 Noon Bullet 12 noon September I 1 "Adopt a Student Da\ Noon Meal with a (’I'lircli liunilv September 2S - Trutli S.lSa.m. worship sen iee TOTAI 3,5(K).(M) SPORTS CU BS 3,HX).(X) TOTAI, ALLOCATION fi.MXMM) RESER\ E ........ ; WX).(X) TOTAL 7,5<XMX> DEVELOPMENT OFFICE PARENTS FUND S fi,5(XI.(K) KXI.IXI KXMX) KX).(X) KXMX) KXMX) KXMX) KXMX) KXMX) KXMX) KXMX) KXMX) KXMX) l.iXXMK) S(XMM) 3(X).(X) KXMX) 1.5(X).()0 3,7(X).(X) 1.2(X).(XI . . .l.rXKMX) .. ,6.5(XMX) 1. Aggie Band 2. Siin^ng Cadets 3. RHA ). Stmleiit Y 5. Graduate Student Council 6. Dehate Team 7. I’niversity .\|xirtnient Council S. Aggie Players ». Bonfire K). Fish Drill Team 11. Parsons Mounted Gas airs 12. Yell I a* asters 13. Recreational Organizations 11 General Honor & Sers iee Organizations 15. Military 16. Internatismal 17. Acaslemic ADMINISTRATIVE FI NDING RESERVE TOTAI yjUcTKetigie-^BaMuiin BUSINESS COLLEGE Inquire About Our Term Starting Sept. 16 Phone 822-6423 or 822-2368 Carrillo’s trial adjourned fupTnamba Eddie Dominguez 66 Joe Arciniega 74 Greg Price % MM1 H you want the real thing, not frozen or canned . . We call H “Mexican Food Supreme '' Dallas location-. 3071 Northwest Hwy. 352-857C Associated Press AUSTIN — Texas’ 31 senator- jurors adjourned District Judge O.P. Carrillo’s impeachment trial Wednesday until Sept. 29 after re jecting a motion to prohibit Atty. Gen. John Hill from taking part in the trial. One of Carrillo’s lawyers, Arthur Mitchell, protested that Hill had a “conflict of interest” in that he is spearheading a task force to clean up Duval County. ”1 want to remove the suspicion that this man’s (Carrillo’s) scalp is going to be put on somebody’s belt, Mitchell told the Senate. He added, “I want to divorce the criminal investigation task force down there from the impeachment proceedings up here. Senator-jurors defeated Mitch ell’s motion, 23-7. Moments later, they agreed to ad journ in order to avoid a conflict with Carrillo’s federal tax-evasion case in Corpus Christi next Mon day. Mitchell also filed a 200-page answer to the 10 impeachment charges against Carrillo. Sen. Lloyd Doggett, D-Austin, will keep a daily check on the fed eral court proceedings beginning Sept. 29 and, if necessary, will ask for daily recesses of the court of im peachment until the federal trial is and Carrillo’s lawyers over are ready to resume. Sen. Don Adams, D-Jasper, said he understood senators would be paid the usual $30 a day in expense money during the period of ad journment. Carrillo, 51, was impeached by the House Aug. 4-5 on 10 of 11 arti cles accusing him of trying to enrich himself and his friends at the pub lic’s expense in Duval County. His court district includes Duval, Jim Hogg and Starr Counties. He was suspended from office as a re sult of the impeachment. It will take a two-thirds vote of the senators present to convict Carrillo and remove him permanently from the bench. Prior to the adjournment, senators rejected proposals to close final deliberations to the public and to ban all cameras from the Senate chamber that has become a cour troom. Although the Senate Administra tion Committee approved a prop osal to deliberate in secret after final arguments, the full Senate reversed that decision with a 22-9 vote. The motion to ban cameras to “eliminate possible distractions’ failed, 18-12. Proposals to make senators sub ject to contempt of court for violat ing the “gag rule” and to permit senators to disqualify themselves from voting on an article also were defeated. Prosecutor Terry Doyle argued unsuccessfully before the administ ration committee again to abolish a rule requiring him to prove charges against Carrillo “beyond a reasona ble doubt." He said such a requirement is unprecedented in impeachment trials in this country. Special counsel Leon Jaworski told Doyle, a former Port Arthur House member, “If I were in your position, I would want the highest burden (of proof). If you really have a case, you have nothing to worry about.” This 620 carat diamond is now on display at the Diamond Room along with our exclusive collection of ideally proportioned cut diamonds. This one of a kind treasure will be available for your viewing from Wed. September 7 through Wed. September 11. < / / ^Carl Bussells X/Diamoiid Room MEMBER AMERICAN OEM SOCIETY ( Aq3 ) 3731 E. 29 Town & Country Center 846-4708 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TOWN HALL SERIES proudly presents PERFORMANCE ONE BLOOD, SWEAT, and TEARS plus GENE COTTON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1975 — 8:00 pm G. ROLLIE WHITE COLISEUM A&M STUDENT NON STUDENT-DATE GENERAL PUBLIC GENERAL ADMISSION FREE with Ticket 3.00 4.00 RESERVED S4.00 - 4.50 4.00 - 4.50 6.00 - 6.50 A MAXIMUM OF FOUR GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS MAY BE OBTAINED BY PRESENTATION OF AN ID AND ACTIVITY CARD FOR EACH TICKET REQUESTED A&M STUDENT PRIORITY PERIOD EXTENDS FROM 9am SEPTEMBER 1 THRU 4pm SEPTEMBER 5 GENERAL TICKET SALES BEGIN 9 am. SEPTEMBER 8 TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE AT THE MSC BOX OFFICE ON THE FIRST FLOOR OF RUDDER TOWEF(9-4 MONDAY-FRlDAY. 845-2916 ALL SEASON TICKETS FOR PERFORMANCE ONE WILL BE HONORED •Y*nvC' SORRY, NO CAMERAS OR RECORDING EQUIPMENT WILL BE ALLOWED. V—* /tep Into the m/C Circle & /' , TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TOWN HALL proudly presents a season of Special Entertainment UNIVERSITY VARIETY SERIES Four Exceptional Shows at ONE LOW PRICE PRESERVATION HALL JAZZ BAND Tuesday, September 23, Rudder Auditorium The pioneers of jazz return to Texas A&M. These six accomplished musicians play a tradition in music which they helped to create — jazz — the happy music that evolved in the unique culture of New Orleans, where Preservation Hall stands. Listen; you’ll be pleasantly surprised. THE ROYAL SHAKESPEARE COMPANY Monday, October 20, 1975, Rudder Auditorium The Royal Shakespeare Company brings Shakespeare to life, revealing his penetrating insight into human nature by recreating his comedies, tragedies, and histories. The Royal Shakespeare succeeds in transforming any stage into the unique world of Shakespeare and its audiences into fellow inhabitants. UP WITH PEOPLE Thursday, February 5, 1976, Rudder Auditorium On September 1, 1975, Up With People will have launched a special year of performances meant to coincide with the Bicentennial and to celebrate the diversity, promise, and human spirit of this nation. This timely show will be a kaleidoscope of traditional and contemporary music and dance, to be performed by an enthusiastically acclaimed troupe of students from many countries as well as all 50 states. “1776” Monday, February 16, 1976, Rudder Auditorium The familiar tale of the men who made the American Revolution is joyously retold in the Broadway musical, “1776”, exposing both the wit and wisdom of the founding fathers. Another very timely show appropriate to our nation's bicentennial. Join in the celebration! Season ticket prices for the University Variety Series are: A&M Student with Activity Card $10.00 Non-student Date $10.00 General Public $18.50 Mail orders should be addressed to Texas A&M University, Memorial Student Center Box Office, P.O. Box 5718, College Station, Texas 77844. The Box Office is located on the first floor of the Rudder Tower, telephone: 845-2916. Office hours are from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. (including noon hour) Monday through Friday. Get your season tickets NOW! UNIVERSITY VARIETY SERIES Season Tickets at $ TOTAL Please Print: Name Street Phone Preferred Location , 1975 Balcony Orchestra City Please check appropriate box: State- A&M Student w/activity card □ Non A&M Student Date □ General Public n Mail orders to: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY, MEMORIAL STUDENT CENTER BOX OFFICE, P.O. BOX 5718, COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77844. If you wish your tickets mailed, please enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. If no envelope is enclosed, your tickets will be held at the Box Office for pick-up prior to the first performance. Checks should be made payable to Texas A&M University-Town Hall.