Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1975)
-0* Page 4 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 20. 1975 ■ □□□■aBdQDCIB ■ ■■BQ BnBDQBBBBBQB SALES • SERVICE RENTALS D/ef shrimp? Scientists study Cholesterol cycle Studied sea-floor mining A new consumer product, diet shrimp (or rather low cholesterol Stretch your decorating and gift dollars ORANGE TAG Brazos Valley Art Gallery 3211 So. Texas Ave. ORIGINAL ART WORK HANDMADE ITEMS AGGIES . . . DON'T DELAY! Order Your Boots Now For Future Delivery - Small Payment Wi’l Do \ OUR BOOTS MADE TO ORDER Convenient Lay-A-Way Plan ONLY $100.00 A PAIR We Also Have Spurs & Chains Economy Shoe Repair & Boot Co. 109 E. Commerce San Antonio, Texas 78205 — Ca '.<-0047 shrimp) is a possibility, say TAMU scientists. Dr. B. F. Cobb, III, an animal scientist, is investigating the molt ing cycle of the sbrimp to find a period when cholesterol levels are lower than at other times. “Shrimp is similar to insects in that they require cholesterol to synthesize the hormones needed for the molting process,” Cobb said. “The synthesizing is similar to a vitamin-like action,” he said. “The shrimp has to build up these mate rials, including cholesterol, so that it can produce a new shell. ” After the new shell is produced, the cholesterol level of the shrimp would possibly be at its lowest. “Unfortunately, until now, there has been a wide variation in mea surement of cholesterol because of variation in analyses or biological phenomenon like shrimp diet or molting cycles,” Cobb said. “What we re going to do is come up with the procedure that gives the best, most reliable data. “The research will give us infor mation for human nutrition as well as insight into the chemical makeup of shrimp,” Cobb said. ‘‘High cholesterol keeps some people from eating shrimp even though the evi dence linking the ingestion of cholesterol danger to humans is controversial. “As a matter of fact, the Japanese who eat tremendous amounts of shellfish exhibit a very low choles terol level, ” he said. Mass-transit report examines new ideas 10 Rules for the 0RP Investor RULE 5: Terminal costs are a more important consideration than initial costs. CONFIRM Total cost = Initial cost + continual cost + terminal cost. Test: Get a divorce. RULE 6: Let the government subsidize your investment. CONFIRM: A corporate stock earning $10 pays $7 to the owner who then Test: must pay the government $2. Invest via TSA, Deferred Comp, Keogh of IRA. RULE 7: Money begats Money CONFIRM: Ask your banker for a loan when you don’t need it. Test: Ask your banker for a loan when you DO need it. For clarification of these and other rules for investing, attend the FREE UNIVERSITY Investment Course this fall taught byd. BLAKELY, Money Doctor. Plague kills NW Texas prairie dogs t—c—r—c—I- I I SHluefarmnet £ m/iloifrrKn / ffe/wiC'€& 1706 Texas Ave. Sunnyland Center 822-7488 Please call Margaret Ann Lifetime Resident of Bryan-College Station 822-7488 Positions available: Secretary — fire & casualty experience, secret ary, secretary-receptionist, bookkeeper, cooks, waitresses, waiters and warehouseman. MODERN FURNITURE RENTALS Makes you feel at home . . . instantly! Make your choice in the newest furniture rental showroom in the Brazos Valley Area . . . single pieces or complete apartment. All are available in your favorite style and color. Furnish a one-bedroom apart ment from $29.00 a month (plus sales tax) ■ 100 per cent of payments apply to purchase. Opening at 1816 Ponderosa Dr. in early August. NEEDMORE — Authorities have confirmed that bubonic plague — the feared Black Death of the Middle Ages — is the cause of a prairie dog die-off at the Muleshoe National Wildlife Refuge in North west Texas. Bert Blair Jr., manager of the re fuge northwest of Lubbock near the Texas-New Mexico border, said fleas taken from some of the prairie dog holes were sent to the U. S. Pub lic Health Service in Fort Collins, Colo. Blair said the Public Health Ser vice confirmed the fleas had bubonic plague. The disease is usu ally transmitted by fleas, he said. Blair said he was unsure how many prairie dogs had died so far from the disease, but that some of the animals had survived. He said about 40 to 50 acres of the 5,800- acre refuge has been closed off to the public for the rest of the sum mer. And, he said visitors to the refuge were being advised of the situation and warned to stay away from in fected areas. Blair said entire prairie dog “towns” were wiped out. “On a hot day, you can usually drive through and see the prairie dogs out feeding in their towns. When you drive through and don’t see any of them, you know some thing is wrong, ” he said. At least two prairie dog towns survived the epidemic, Blair said. He said officials have placed chemicals in the affected prairie dog holes to kill the disease and the germs which cause it. He said the animals usually die in the holes where they live. The Office of Technology As sessment and the Technology As sessment Board, chaired by Rep. Olin E. Teague D-Tex., has re leased a report on new mass-transit ideas. The report specifically examines three new technologies. Grouped under the common heading of Au tomated Guideway Transit, two of them are already being used in air ports and for recreational purposes. Shuttle-Loop Transit works like a horizontal elevator shuttling back and forth on a single rail. It can also operate in a loop moving around a closed path singly or in units. Personal Rapid Transit is re stricted to systems with small vehi cles carrying from one to six passen gers. Under computer control, veh icles switch at intersections to find the shortest uncongested path from origin to destination. Test-track prototypes have been built in Europe and Japan. Group Rapid Transit serves groups of people with similar origins and destinations. The principal dif ference between the group-transit and shuttle-loop systems is that the former tends to have shorter inter vals between vehicles. The study revealed that new solu tions to mass transit technology has lagged due to a failure to devise ef fective ways to introduce mass transit into the cities. The office said more information is needed from local communities on the effect of these systems. In formation on the effect on land use, quality of service, equipment and reliability, safety, security from crime and vandalism for both pas sengers and system, aesthetic im pacts and the strain on labor mar kets in needed. In identifying policy alternatives for Congressional consideration, the OTA assessment outlined prop osals by which federal funds might be channeled to better define the problems and needs of new transit systems. A&M oceanographers, meteorol ogists, biochemists, and statisticians go to sea tomorrow to study mining sites on the Pacific Ocean floor. They are to conduct an environ mental study of the ocean floor near Hawaii. In just a few months com mercial firms plant to begin mining fields of manganese nodules. Mining experts recently esti mated that $279 million in platinum, $130 million in man ganese, $12 million in gold, $26 million in palladium, $8 million in iridium and $400,000 in silver were found with other metals in nodules lying on a single 3,000-foot deep plateau that supports the Hawaiian Islands. TAMU entered the project be cause the Federal government in sisted on a Deep Ocean Mining En vironmental Study (DOMES) be fore mining. DOMES is a $3 million project designed to identify potential marine environmental impact prob lems from commercial mining of deep ocean manganese nodules. The TAMU group along with re searchers from the Universities of Washington and Hawaii are scheduled to leave from Seattle aboard the research vessel “Oceanographer” to conduct physi cal, chemical and biological oceanographic studies south and east of Hawaii. They are due in Honolulu Sept. 11. One of the TAMU group. Dr. Sayed El-Sayed, said it is now illegal for any country to do anything to the ocean or ocean floor without an eii vironmental impact study. “Probably much of the mining will have to be done with a vacuum and dredge which means a huge plume of bottom material will he dumped into the water (from the surface) to settle out,” he said. ^ . ; “We will take samples now and set up current levels of marine life and contamination,” El-Sayed said, “Then next year, March through December, we will return to de termine the effects of the discharge on the marine populations at the mining sites. Food Services honors retirees Seven members of the A&M De l partment of Food Services will be! honored at a retirement ceremomf Friday at 3:30 p.m. in PenistonB Cafeteria. I Those to be honored in-l elude: Riley W. Tarver of Bryan, aB cook at Sbisa Hall for 29 years; WiM lie Jackson of Bryan who served 23 ■ yearsasaeook WillieJ- Valenta,Sr.l of Bryan who retires with 19 years as H a cook; Mrs. Ella J. Kenchka olB Somerv ille was a baker for 14 years; I Frank J. Nemec of Bryan was a sec-1 urity guard for nine years; Mrs.J Viola Williams of Anderson senedl six years as a baker, and Mrs. RtithL S. Hunt, a hostess in the Tower Din-P ing facility for two years. WANT AD RATES One day 10c per word Minimum charge — $1.00 Classified Display $1.50 per column inch each insertion ALL classified ads must be pre-paid. DEADLINE 3 p.m. day before publication BATTALION CLASSIFIED FOR SALE OR RENT HELP WANTED WORK WANTED i OFFICAL NOTICE THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degree Name: Towel 1, Delliert Clayton Degree: Doctor of Education in Industrial Education Dissertation: THE DEYELOPM ENT AND VALIDA TION OF AN INSTRUMENT FOR ASSESSING AUTO MECHANICS AT THE SECONDARY LEVEL. Time: August 21, 1975 at 8-10:00 n.m. Place: Room 623 in the Harrington Center George W. Ktm/.e Dean of the Graduate College BELAIR Mobile Home Park 5 minutes from campus Swimming: pool, TV cable, all city utilities, lanre lots. 822-2326 or 822-2421 Get the Best for Less 394tfn ?^SSS8SSS^^£a®5SgSSS5S5^SSSE3SSS55 INSTRUCTION Piano Lessons in South Knoll area. Call 823-8970 or 693-4212. 131(3 Two 10-speed hikes, AMF Scorcher. Almost new. Best oiler. 845-9448. 132t! Bryan, large two 3-bedroom furnished apartments. Quiet, utilities furnished except electricity. Reasona ble rent. 822-5311, 822-1078. 13112 WELCOME BACK AGGIES!!! Bud Sparks ’74 invites you to Nifty Thrifty Collectables, 2504 South College, Bryan, 822-1293. Used furniture, antiques, collectables. Limited desk supply. 13216 Pasture for horses a\ ailable Sept. 1. 810 a head per month. Care and feeding provided. Call Jerry Needham at 845-2611 between 8 and 5 and leave name and phone number. 132t2 Someone with good credit to assume low ba lance on nearly new Lowrey Organ to be picked up in this area. Auto Rhythm, Hawaiian Guitar, Banjo, Mandolin, One Finger Chords, Piano, and all the extras. Call Mr. Wills person-to- person collect, 817-738-5651. 13112 Bring your bikes to White’s Auto Store, College Station, your oldest and most dependable store, for parts, repair or trade and prices you like. Has the following openings: Laborers Manager-Trainees Bookkeepers Part-Time Sales Clerk Accounts Receivable Clerk AND OF COURSE: Numerous other positions 822-7308 2008 Texas Ave. Plantation Shopping Center Typing all kind,. Absolutely lowest rates in to»« 693-3512. 127,: Typing Experienced, fast, accurate. All kindi. 8E 0544. m Full time typing. Symbols Call 823-7723. JOB OPPORTUNITIES NEEDED IMMEDIATELY— Responsible individual to place ixisters on bulletin Ixjurds on routine Ixisis lor maga/ine com|xtny. Commission receiv ed on ev er> sub scription credited to you. No personal selling involved. Contact: Daniel G. Koncaba, Area Manager, F. O Box 560, San Marcos, TX 78666. Phone: 512/392- 6424. 132tl ,ya. Xvj.'.wj-S For employment information at Texas A&M University dial 845-4444 24 hoursa day. Equal Employment Opportunity through Affirmative Action. Texas A&M University Opening for registered nurse, geriatrics, day shift, good salary. Cidl after 6 p.m. 836-2987 call during (lav 836- 6611. Request dilector of nurses. 132tl AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 Ha i/e you tried the new RAMAOA BARBER SALON? owned & operated by Troy Causey Roffier products for men. 846-8811 ext. 104 CITADEL 104 PUasant THE CITADEL NORTH <01 Uk« Sit,It 846-3856 V and 7 bedroom furnished or un furnished, with or without bills paid. Opportunity for. college seniors; large cor|x>ration has 2 openings for local oflice. Individuals applying for positions should he in their senior year and mar ried with managerial ability, ambition, and show progress for age. In requesting ixtrsonul interview. Glenn Thomas personnel manager 846-7716 AVON Has Openings in this area. Customers waiting to be served. Call 846-8224 Part time — earn while you leant. This applies both wap to your college education and your future after college. Call James Cauble, 846-5058 for interview. 127tfn SPECIAL NOTICE Student barber wanted for 9 months out of yea: time. Call 846-5616. r, part 130t4 Experienced fire and casualty insurance policy writer. Pay commensurate with experience. 846-1731. 129t5 Walnut Antique Bed, Oak Antique Carved Bed, Dressers, Pies ales, Oak Curved Table, Oak Rockers & Chairs, Victrolu, Maple Table, Butter Chum, Or nate Oak Sewing Machine, End Tables, Iron Beds. 608 South Bryan. 131(3 J Progr hnani undei profei r msc A Cafeteria lew and Better Than Ever. You Will Be Pleased With These Carefully Prepared and Taste Tempting Foods. Each Daily Special Only $1.39 Plus Tax. “Open Daily” Dining: 11 AM to 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM to 7 PM Snack Bar 7 a.m. — 7 p.m. SOSOLIKS Horse pasture and stalls. 846-7015. TV & RADIO SERVICE INC. Zenith Sales and Services TV Rental 713 S. MAIN BRYAN 822-2133 Pinfeather Acres, mobile homes for rent, 822-2627. 81tfn Applications are now being taken for waitress posi tions, full or part time. Please inquire in person, Efficiency apartment, furnished. Bills paid, $95 month ly. Contact David Beal, 822-4518, State Apart- 2712 S. Texas Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cara Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HAL8ELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-81X1 67tfn MONDAY EVENING SPECIAL Salisbury Steak with Mushroom Gravy Whipped Potatoes Your Choice of One Vegetable Roll or Corn Bread and Butter Coffee or Tea TUESDAY EVENING WEDNESDAY 1 SPECIAL Mexican Fiesta EVENING SPECIAL Dinner Chicken Fried Beef Two Cheese and Steak w/cream Onion Enchiladas Gravy w/chili Whipped Potatoes and Mexican Rice Choice of one other Patio Style Pinto Beans Vegetable Tostadas Roll or Corn Bread and Butter Coffee or Tea One Corn Bread and Butter Coffee or Tea B APARTMENT PLACEMENT SERVICE 3200 South College 823-7506 1800 Texas Ave. Nursing personnel needed for full time employment — RN’s and LVN’s. All shifts. Contact: Bryan Hospital 1305 Memorial Drive Administration Office The Student Finance Center Office in the Memorial Student Center, Room 217 will be closed Friday, August 29, 1975, from 8:00 to 5:00 lor auditing purposes. 128t6 Battalion Classified Call 845-2611 Select Your Roommates Now And Reserve the Apt. of Your Choice for the Summer or Fall Semester this is living . . . this is We Will Show You a Selection of Apartments in the B-CS Area. THURSDAY EVENING SPECIAL Italian Candle Light Spaghetti Dinner SERVED WITH SPICED MEAT BALLS AND SAUCE Parmesan Cheese - Tossed Green Salad Choice of Salad Dressing - Hot Garlic Bread Tea or Coffee Our Services Free to You Tlantation Oahs fh • j INDIVIDUAL HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING ! bankAmericard Ann Abbe 693-3555 Cynthia Jensen 846-2131 Murray Sebesta 846-3060 Sue Pitts 846-1924 Joan Bowling 693-4663 J. Glenn-Broker 24 HOUR SECUTIRY FREE COUNTERFEIT MONEY. Each evening from 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. any person who purchases food totaling $5.00 or more will receive a free enlarged reproduction of a REPUBLIC OF TEXAS FIVE DOLLAR BILL The doux cbene ALL UTILITIES PAID FRIDAY EVENING SPECIAL BREADED FISH FILET w/TARTAR SAUCE Cole Slaw Hush Puppies Choice of one vegetable Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee SATURDAY NOON and EVENING SPECIAL “Yankee Pot Roast Texas Style” Tossed Salad Choice of one vegetable Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee 1-2-3 Bedrooms | All Electric Appliances Individual Heat & Air • Sauna Baths •Lighted Tennis Courts SUNDAY SPECIAL NOON and EVENING ROAST TURKEY DINNER Served with Cranberry Sauce Cornbread Dressing Roll or Corn Bread - Butter - Coffee or Tea Giblet Gravy And your choice of any One vegetable • Pools 24 Hour Security 0Men 4 Women's Exercise Rooms • All Utilities Paid "FREE TENNIS LESSONS' CLUB MANSARD HOUSE ■“Quality First”| 846-3741 11401 FM 2818 (WEST LOOP) COLLEGE STATION, BEHIND THE NEW K MART