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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1975)
Page 8 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1975 WANT AD RATES BATTALION CLASSIFIED Who me, sir? A nonreg? One day . 10c per wor ROOMMATE WANTED 1 Minimum charge—$1.00 Classified Display $1.50 per column inch each insertion DEADLINE 3 p.m. day before publication SPECIAL NOTICE EVERYONE Invited To Attend Iliis Unusual Shop — "Collectors Square," 608 South Bryan, EVERY THING For Collectors, Decorators, Treasure Hun ters, Flea Marketers, Garage Sellers, Rockhounds Hobbyists. Antiques, Carnival & Depression Class Silver, Pewter, Brass, Tinware, China, Crystal 1,000 & 1 Iron Collectibilia, Rocks, Agate, Geodes Crocks, Bottles, Books, Iron Beds, Plows, Wagon Wheels. . 115t3 THE PLASTER NOOK is now open Come by and visit 2010 S. College BROADMOOR APARTMENTS 2 Bedroom, 1 bath, central air & heat, panelled, carpeted & & draped, close to school, University Shopping Center, & Medical Center, $155. unfur nished. $175 furnished. All bills paid including cable, or $130 unfurnished, $150 furnished including water and cable. 1503 Broadmoor 846-1297 or 846-2737 NEED $3,000 THIS SUMMER? Subd. of Alcoa has openings for students returning to hometowns. Call Main Number in: Dallas 241-3671 Ft. Worth 460-8886 San Antonio 342-4655 Austin 452-2758 Houston 526-3029 Pasadena 473-1688 ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES. One and 2 bedrcwm furnished apartments. Ready for occupancy. 1*A miles south of campus. Lake for fishing. Washateria on grounds. Country atmosphere. Call D. R. Cain Co., 823-0934 or after 5, 846-3059 or 822-6135. 166tfh Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALfiELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC.. Dodge Sales and SerYice Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 57tfn 1 bedroom apartment, furnished, all bills paid. Acme Realty, 822-6571. 105tfn Furnished mobile home for summer, a/c, two bedroom, $150 month, pleasant country location, 10 minutes south of campus off Wellborn Road. Call 845-2226 after 7 p. m., ask for Rod Speer. 116t4 One room efficiency with bath. First summer session only. Cheap, $60 plus utilities. John or Mike, 846-0510. 116t3 PART TIME CASHIER 2 nights a week and alternate Saturdays. Apply Thursday and SfetsSL 1 ' starr Fur " lture - Female Roommate for summer only. $80 rent plus bills. House, CA, own bedroom. Close to campus. 846-2536 (Leslie & Molly) 115t3 MALE ROOMMATE For Rummer or fall. 1 bedroom apart ment, air conditioning, $60 month. 3 blocks off campus. Clean, non-smoker preferred. i 846-6692 Need roommate both summer sessions, Now! Old Col lege Main. 846-3674. 116t2 Female roommate for summer and fell. One bedroom furnished, $92.50 per month. All bills paid. Call any time, 846-1896. H5t3 By KEN STROEBEL Staff Writer Bam! Bam! Bam! “Come in.” “Sir, Cadet Stroebel reporting as or dered, sir.” “Oh, Mr. Stroebel. Come in. At ease. Havachair.” “Yessir. Thank you.” “As you know, you’ll be graduating in a matter of days and regardless of whether you signed a contract or not, there’s going to be a delay before you go on active duty. And, well, what do you think about becoming a nonreg?” “A nonreg, sir? I mean, isn’t there a better way?” “The dropouts have all the jobs.” “A . . . nonreg ...” “Well, the Air Force has a program to teach you how to become civilized, kinda like the recivilization program of the returning POWs.” “.. .. nonreg? . “Might give you something to do for the duration. What do you say, Mr. Stroebel?” Aggies call or see Andy Anderson to help save money on your moves. U-Haul has moved Aggies since 1960. Cheapest rates, best service. 2010 S. College, 822-3546. Apartment to sublet for summer. 2 bedroom, furnished, good location for college students. Around J200. Call 846-1534. 116t3 Apartments for summer and fall. 1 and 2 bedroom ar rangements. All bills paid, furnished, no pets. Scholars Inn, 846-3050, 846-7414. 116t3 2 bedroom apartments. $115 unfurnished; $130 fur nished. Gas and water paid, near campus, no pets, 846-7414, 846-3050. 116t,' Workers needed for registra tion for first term summer ses-j sion on June 2nd. Contact;! Dave Worley, Room 7A Coke Building. 114t7l WORK WANTED -••V Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds. 822- 0544. 233tfn Full time typing. Symbols. Call 823-7723. 392tfh Will do typing, weekends. Call 823-4579 after 5 and on 117tl 3-C Corral, waiters or waitresses, also need line work ers, 5-10 p.m. Apply in person. Across from Bryan High on Barak Lane. 114t4 EUROPE -ISRAEL-AFRICA-ASIA- SOUTH AMERICA Travel discounts year round. Student Air Travel Agency, Inc. 4228 First Avenue, Tucker, Ga. 30084 (404) 934-6662. 108tll 3-4 bedroom house, two baths, May 27 thru Aug. 15. Large yard, good location. $250per month plus utilities. Central air. Call evenings, 846-9339. 115t3 One or two people*to work 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mon.-Frii Also one or two to work weekends and two or thfee nights a week. Sales or cashier experience helpful. Apply' in person only, Whataburger, Bryan or College Station. 67tfh AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-805 summer. 846-7381 after 3. PERSONALS To the “PERSON” that took the tie downs off my bike at the Printing Center — I hope your Mother has better luck with her next litter than she had with you. netz Finfeather Acres, mobile homes for rent, 822-2627. 81tfn 3 bedroom mobile home in Oak Forest Park, 846-1688. 108tfn Apartments near campus, $100 up, 846-0692. 113t8 For full or part time employment wherever you are this ^Married only, lor both. For appointment call 109tl2 JOB OPPORTUNITIES nonr—Sir?” “Clyde, you wanna step in here a moment? “I want you to meet your nonreg instructor, Stroebel.” “Howdy, Stroebel is my name.” “Ah, Mr. Stroebel, I hadn’t meant that literally. This is Clyde. Since he’ll be working closely with you as your civilizor, I think you need to establish a less formal working relationship.” “Yessir, you’re right, sir. Clyde, what does your mother (All you?” “What does my-are you jivin’ me, man?” “Say again?” “Are you jivin’ me?” “No, I-I didn’t think I was standing that close.” “Mr. Stroebel, Clyde is his first name.” “Oh, I see, sir. How convenient.” “Mr. Stroebel, why don’t you bring Apartment for rent for 2 $45 apiece, 846-5132. lOtfh FOR SALE OR RENT I , FOR RENT TRAVIS HOUSE APTS. 1 & 2 Bedroom 6 week and 3 month summer leases available now. 505 Hwy. 30 846-6111 BELAIR Mobile Home Park 5 minutes from campus Swimming po< utilities, Ian ;es ol, TV cable, ail city lots. Special for Students FREE LOT FOR HORSES 822-2326 or 822-2421 Get the Best for Less 394tfn SUMMER JOB - 1975, Just printed. 1000’s of en tries. A must for all job searchers who are serious about finding summer employment. Mail $5.95 to American Research Ltd. 499 Hamilton Ave. Palo Alto, Calif. 94304 115(6 Men’s Seiko Watch in weight room at G. Rollie White. Sizable reward of fered. If found, call Joe at 846-5694. 115t3 FOR SALE medication 6 year old male Australian shepherd. Blue merle with tail (gray, black spots with white tail). 846-6065 or number on tag collect. Reward. Dog requires special 114t5 GARAGE SALE SATURDAY & SUNDAY Aquarium, clothes, lawn edger — lots more! Everything must go! 506-B Dogwood, C.S. 846-1145 117t) FOUND Small black dog. California rabies tag. Near Hensel Park. Call 846-8730. 117t2 JOB OPPORTUNITIES THINK BUFFALO THE MSC CAFETERIA WITH ALE YOUNG CHIEFi AND INDtANNPRINCESSES TO (fREAT POW WOW. ORDER ROfyST BUFFALO AND BE INITIATED IN THE ROYAL ORDEl OF BUFFALO HUNTERS. THIS IS REAL BUFFALO ... NO BULL. ALL WHO PASS THE TEST WILL BE PRESENTED WITH N INDIAN HEADBAND. Veciat, Because of tho'g«^it interest of our ctlstomers to have a taste (if the past, BuffaJ will bAserytrtl aganN^nsspring and summer. It isJhe_pjmiion' , <d'many that til IndianAyly/d a good tliTn]?vvoing with the feuffareSTThenVare manyother tasf items on the menu each nmal, but no jnatfer what you desire stampede to tlu\ MSC Cafeteria. 'i / !.<■ EACH EVENING 4:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. “Quality First” me your AFRNWAP 36-10 from my office.” “Yessir.” “Hey, man, you gotta be kiddin’ me, man. You expect me to lay some heavy jive on this dude?” “Look, Clyde, you must remember he’s been a zip for a year. It’s not something you get over quickly. Tell you what: Why don’t you just stand by and I’ll work with him some and then I’ll call you when he’s more advanced.” “Right on, brother.” “Ah, Mr. Stroebel. Just set it over here. Clyde had to step out for a min ute. We here in Air Science thought we’d go ahead and issue you your AFRNWAP 36-10 so you could start practicing being a nomeg.” “Thirty-six dash ten? I’m not famil iar with that, Sir.” “Well, this is your Air Force Regu lation Nonregulation Wearing Apparel Parcel. The Air Force has put together some things that will at least make you look like a nonreg. Let’s see what we have here. ‘Shirt; Tee, Men’s, Cotton, Dirty, 1 ea.’ There, try that on. Mr. Stroebel, you’re putting it on back wards.” “Yessir. What else is in there?” “Well, let’s see. ‘Bottoms; Bell, Jeans, Blue, Faded, Grass-stained, 1 pr.’ Hm. Wonder why there’s quotation marks around ‘grass-stained’...” “These are going to need some work, Sir. They’re low water. Need a crease pretty badly. And these cables at the bottom will have to go, sir. I’ll have to sew the pockets shut, too. Why look at how much these will have to be taken in at the bottom of the legs, sir. No wonder the economy’s messed up. The tailors must be making a killing.” “Here’s your ‘Sandals; Back, Wet, 1 pr.’ ” “How quaint, sir: They’re like the ‘go-aheads’ the POWs used. Well, at least there’s not much to shine, sir. Although doing the brass may be a problem.” “Is that all, sir? I mean, no belt? No buckle? No socks? Or-or boot bands?” “Apparently not.” “Don’t I get a copy of the Mani- festoV' “Hm. I suppose that will come lat er. By the way, have you been studying your AFM 42-60?” "Conversational Nonreg, sir? Yessir. Let’s see, ‘Hey, man, what’s happening, man?’ ” “Good . . .” “Um, um, ‘Farm out, man.’ ” “ 'Far out.’ Go on.” “Uh, ‘Right arm, brother.’ ” '68 Firebird. 512 First St. No. 4, C.S. $495. 116t2 69 Chevrolet Impala, good condition, air and power, $850, 823-0665. 116t2 SOUTHGATE VILLAGE APARTMENTS Family size apartments with lots of closet space. Individually controlled refrigerated air. Cable TV connections. Complete laundry facilities. ALL UTILITIES PAID One, two, three & four bedroom apart ments from $104.00. Some available now. Married students welcome. 134 Luther (off old hwy. 6 so., C. S.) Rental Office 846-3702 “ ‘Right on' ‘Right on,'...” “Uh, ‘Outta mind, man.’ ” “No, no! ‘Outta sight,’ not ‘outta mind.’ Well, you’ll have plenty of time to work on it at home.” “Don’t wanna go home, sir.” “Oh? Why not?” “Too many nonregs. Dead ele phants everywhere.” “But what about your family?” “Sleaziest outfit I ever saw. No whistle jock, no drill, no call to quar ters, no quadding, nobody knows what the uniform is-I always end up chang ing clothes three or four times, sir. Disgusting. Sir, is there something wrong?” “Ah-, no, no-tell me more.” “Well, sir, all the people, there’s so many of them I don’t know and so many of them know me and I feel so sleazy when I don’t whip out that I don’t even go downtown anymore.” “What do you do?” “I usually send my sister on a de tail.” “No, at home.” “Oh, I give her sophomore privi leges at home.” “No, I mean what do you do at home?” “Oh, I run a lot, sir. Study my stan dard. Work on my tennis shoes.” “You polish your tennis shoes?” “Yessir. Doesn’t. .. everyone?" “What are some of these other things that happen to you at home?” “Well, sir, once I went to see my high school football team play and a fight broke out on the field and I start ed whooping and was halfway over the fence and onto the field before they caught me.” “And?” “And there was the water fight 1 tried to have with the neighbors. Only they didn’t catch on.” “What else?” “Then there’s the time I was show ing groad flicks up on the side of our neighbors’ house.” “What happened?” “Well, that’s another thing, sir. See, nobody ever explained to me that a cop isn’t the same thing as an OD...” “What are you leading up to Mr. Stroebel?” “To be honest, sir, I-I just don’t think I can handle it. I just couldn’t live like that.” “Don’t think you can-Come, now, Mr. Stroebel!” “Yessir.” “Why, wasn’t it your outfit that stole Bevo?” “Yessir, but-it. . . it’s not the same thing, sir.” “Come on, Mr. Stroebel! You aren’t going to mess your class around, are you? Aren’t you willing to give it an old Army try?” “1 guess I could handle a short hitch, sir. Where do 1 sign?” “Good. And it might be a good place to start if you started growing a beard.” “But sir, if God had intended for us to have hair on our faces, he would have put it there.” “Mr. Stroebel, He did put it there.” “Oh. Yessir.” CITADEL 104 Pleasant THE CITADEL NORTH 401 Lk« Stnat 846-3856 1 and 2 bedroom furnished or un furnished, with or without bills paid. 1972 Honda 350 SL, 6500 miles, $600, 846-6957. 116t3 Lhasa Apso puppies. Registered. Good watchdogs. Small, average weight 14 pounds. House of Poodles. 3011 S. College Ave. 822-6250. 10516 62 Chevy must sell, best offer. Call 846-8532 after 5. 115t3 '73 Suzuki TS 185, excellent condition, $425. 846-1403 after 6. 117tl Kawasaki 900, 3 headers, $60. 1 year old. 845-3797. ' 117t2 » va > 0 For employment information at Texas A&M University dial 845-4444 24 hours a day. Equal Employment Opportunity through Affirmative Action. Texas A&M University • Spacious 1-2-3 bedroom apartments • Tennis courts • Sauna baths and exercise rooms • Club (Pent House I) • Cable TV • Wall to Wall carpeting • 24-hour security • All utilities paid • 2 minutes from Texas A&M • From $155 ; Call 693-3014 693-2933 1201 Highway 30 College Station Bring your bikes to White’s Auto Store, College Station, your oldest and most dependable store, for parts, repair or trade and prices you like. HELP WANTED AVON Has Openings in this area. Customers waiting to be served. Call 846-8224 \ OLD COLLEGE MAIN APTS. | 4302 COLLEGE MAIN, BRYAN jj SUMMER RATES h ★DEPOSITS PAID TO SUMMER STUDENTS ON S THE DAY OF DEPARTURE 91 tin Furnished 2 bedroom mobile home on wooded 3 acres near Texas A&M. $125 plus utilities, no pets. 846-8051, 822-5530. 113tfh RN needed full time on 11 to 7 shift. Shift dif ferential plus mileage. Call or come to Grimes Memo rial Hospital 210 S. Judson St. Navasota, Texas 77868 or 825-6585. Ask for Mrs. Winkelmann Director of Nurses or Mr. Fraley Ad ministrator. 308tfn Great opportunity for Maggie or Aggie wives to make a good income now and begin a career as a Real Estate ^1 Associate. Full or part time. Call 846-3796 for informa- 0 tion, A&M Realty. 110t9 i ROOMMATE WANTED ★ FAMILIES WELCOME ★ CENTRAL HEAT & AIR (INDIVIDUAL UNITS) ★TOTAL ELECTRIC KITCHENS ★ ALL UTILITIES PAID ★ 1 & 2 BDRM. FURN & UNFURN. ★ 3 LAUNDRIES ★WALKING DISTANCE TO CAMPUS, CHURCHES & SHOPPING CENTERS ★SWIMMING POOL ★ LOCATED CLOSE TO N0RTHGATE ★ 2 BDRM. STUDIOS Wanted: Female Roommate 2 bedroom studio, $77 month. All household goods furnished. Transportation to university if needed. Call 845-6411, ext. 53 between 8 and 5. ir SECURITY ★ FAST DEPENDABLE MAINTENANCE 846-2089 Walk to campus. 2 bedroom partially furnished apai ments. Call 846-0384. I05t; *t30 Cocktail waitresses needed. Mansard House. Apply in person, 693-2200. 112tfn Female roommate, move in immediately. 845-6367 for more information. 117tl LUXURY APARTMENTS FOR LEASE, Summer only. Furnished 2 bedroom, carpeted, townhouse type with complete built-in RCA whirlpool all gas kitchen includ ing dishwasher, disposal and 14 ft. no frost refrigerator. Individual central air and heat. Located on a heavily wooded lot within walking distance to university. $175 per month plus utilities, no pets, 846-8051 after 5 or all day weekends. 97t4 SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE INC. Zenith Sales and Services TV Rental 13 S. MAIN BRYAN 822-2133 TRINITY GARDEN DUPLEXES Like Home Living 2 bedroom - l 1 /^ baths - carpet - drapes central heat and- air - electric kitchen - range, refrigerator - dishwasher - disposal - washer dryer attachments in garage, fenced K back yard — pet accepted. 846-3988 1712 Trinity Place College Station, Texas FRENCH QUARTER APTS 601 NORTH CROSS, COLLEGE STATION ADULTS ONLY (ALL UTILITIES PAID) TAOS * 2 LAUNDRIES SUMMER RATES ★ DEPOSITS PAID TO SUMMER STUDENTS THE DAY OF DEPARTURE * CENTRAL HEAT f & AIR 1 A limited number of units will be completed for summer and fall occupancy. Anderson Street (off JerseyA next to Scandia 846-8711 ★ 1 & 2 BDRM. FURN. & UNFURN. ★ TOTAL ELECTRIC KITCHENS ★ SWIMMING POOL ★ LOCATED CLOSE TO NORTHGATE 846-8981 ★ SECURITY * FAST DEPENDABLE MAINTENANCE