Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1975)
RED DELICIOUS APPLES WASHINGTON I EXTRA FANCY I lU R l GOLD DEL. APPLES ^ s f h cy. .... 10fo R $ 1 TEXAS RUBY RED TEXAS VALENCIA JUICY GRAPEFRUIT 5 for '1 ORANGES 12 for $ 1 CALIFORNIA FRESH CRISP AVOCADOS 4 for'1 CELERY S talk29^ CALIFORNIA MINEOLA FRESH FLORIDA TANGERINES lb 35* CORN ^low 3 ears 55< CALIFORNIA TANGY FLORIDA RED LEMONS b 2 aS t ' 69 c POTATOES lb 17^ FRESH GREEN IDAHO BAKING SIZE RUSSET CABBAGE lb. 15* POTATOES lb 17* FRESH CRISP IDAHO ALL-PURPOSE RUSSET CARROTS 2ba l £ 49' POTATOES. . ba l £ 59‘ 99' BONELESS U.S.D.A. CHOICE HEAVY SWISS STEAK lb. ENGLISH CUT U.S. D.A. CHOICE HEAVY BONELESS ROASTlbI 29 FOR BARBECUE U.S.D.A. CHOICE HEAVY LEAN RIBS lb 69' BUDGEt BEEF RIB STEAK LB 85* ARMOUR'S CORNED BEEF BRISKET lb l 39 NEUHOFF'S PURE PORK SAUSAGE CUDAHY BAR S BRAND SLICED BACON 2 LB., ,PKG. , 1 LB. ■ . BAG RATH HICKORY SMOKED SLICED BACON RATH HICKORY SMOKED SLICED BACON MIRACURE SLICED 1 LB. PKG. ARMOUR'S BACON V 9 MEAT 12 OZ. PKG. CUDAHY WIENERS 65' NEUHOFF EXTRA LEAN SLICED PICNICS lb 69' SMOKED HAM HOCKS lb 59' COOKED FREY HAM , 2 ozl 79 GRADE"A”FRYER BREASTS u 85* GRADE"A"FRYER THIGHS l B 79' GRADE"A"FRYER DRUMSTICKS lb 79* GRADE“A"FRYER WINGS lb 59' GRADE"A"TURKEY BREASTS l b 98* GRADE"A"TURKEYS HINDQUARTERS lb 49' GRADE"A"TURKEY WINGS lb 49' JEWEL SHORTENING 28 42 OZ. CAN 1 Limit 1 with coupon & $7.50 purchase ormore. Good only at Lewis & Coker & Kmart Foods. Expires 2-19-75. 5 LB. BAG PILLSBURY FLOUR 78* Limit 1 with coupon. One coupon per family. Good only at Lewis & Coker & Kmart Foods. Expires 3-19-75. HELLMAN’S MAYONNAISE QT. JAR Limit 1 with coupon. One coupon per family. Good only at Lewis & Coker & Kmart Foods. Expires 3-19-75. PILLSBURY LAYER CAKE MIX 2 BOXES Limit 2 with coupon. One - ' coupon per family. Good only at Lewis & Coker & Kmart , Foods. Expires 3-19-75. SAVE “ 60* With This LCoupon Tj- ALL PURPOSE BISQUICK 87* 40 OZ. BOX Limit 1 with coupon. One coupon per family. Good only 20* at Lewis & Coker & Kmart With This Foods. Expires 3-19-75. icouponl CHIFFON SOFT MARGARINE 73* 1 LB. TUB Limit 1 with coupon. One coupon per family. Good only at Lewis & Coker & Kmart Foods. Expires 3-19-75. INSTANT POTATOES HUNGRY JACK 2 LB. BOX Limit 1 with coupon. One coupon per family. Good only at Lewis & Coker & Kmart Foods. Expires 3-19-75. MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE Limit 1 with coupon. One coupon per family. Good only at Lewis & Coker & Kmart Foods. Expires 3-19-75. AUNT JEMIMA'S WAFFLES limit 1 with coupon. One coupon per family. Good only at Lewis & Coker & Kmart Foods. Expires 3-19-75. 15 OZ. PKG. CHEERIOS CEREAL 69* Limit 1 with coupon. One coupon per family. Good only at Lewis & Coker & Kmart Foods. Expires 3-19-75. WILSON'S MOR LUNCHEON MEAT 67* 12 OZ. CAN Limit 1 with coupon. One coupon per family. Good only at Lewis & Coker & Kmart Foods. Expires 3-19-75. BETTY CROCKER TUNA HELPERS 98* 2 BOXES Limit 2 with coupon. One coupon per family. Good only at Lewis & Coker & Kmart Foods. Expires 3-19-75. CELESTE DELUXE PIZZA Limit 1 with coupon. One' coupon per family. Good only at Lewis & Coker & Kmart Foods. Expires 3-19-75. VANILLA WAFERS Limit 1 with coupon. One coupon per family. Good only at Lewis & Coker & Kmart Foods. Expires 3-19-75. HEFTY TRASH BAGS 1 58 Limit 1 with coupon. One coupon per f Good only at Lewis & Coker & Kmart Foods. Expires 3-19-75. - J. , i'. ;; ASST'D. GELATIN JELL-O FLAVORS with coupon. One coupon per family. Good only at Lewis & Coker & Kmart Foods. Expires 3-19-75. SNOWY BLEACH Limit 1 with coupon. One coupon per family. Good only at Lewis & Coker & Kmart Foods. Expires 3-19-75. GREEN APPLE PIE 19 i JOHNSTON’S FROZEN 40 OZ. Limit 1 with coupon. On coupon per family. Good only at Lewis & Coker & Kmart Foods. Expires 3-19-75. Limit 3 with coupon. One coupon per family. Good only at Lewis & Coker & Kmart Foods. Expires 3-19-75. JOHNSON'S KLEAN'N SHINE Limit 1 with coupon. One coupon per family. Good only at Lewis & Coker & Kmart Foods. Expires 3-19-75. GLORY RUG CLEANER 24 OZ. CAN Limit 1 with coupon. One coupon per family. Good only at Lewis & Coker & Kmart Foods. Expires 3-19-75. r- 2700 SOUTH TEXAS AVE STORE HOUR? DAILY 9:00 TO 9:00 SUNDAY 10:00 TO 6:00 Specials In This Ad Good March 13, Thru March 1>, 1*75. Limit Rights ftaserved THE BATTALION Page 9 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1975 Gl speaker free choice economist Economist Gordon Tullock con tinues the Great Issues Series Thursday at 8 p.m. in the Rudder Center Theater. Tullock will outline the socio economic views of crime and lead up to the much talked about paradox — capital punishment, need or evil. Tullock is considered one of the most outstanding figures on the economics of crime. Presently a pro fessor of Economics and Free Choice at Virginia Polytechnic In stitute Center for Study of Public Choice, he received his law degree at the University of Chicago and has studied at several of the foremost universities. While serving in the United States Foreign Services he studied Chinese and related fields in Southeast Asia. Presently he is the editor of the journal “Public Choice”. Admission is free toTullock’s exp loration of choices in combating crime. Appointment of colonel, deputy set Joseph M. Chandler of San An tonio and Bill J. Helwig of Miles have been named to top student command posts in the 1975-76 Coips of Cadets. Chandler will be cadet colonel of the corps. Helwig will be deputy commander. They assume the posts May 10 at Final Review. Appointments were announced by Col. Thomas R. Parsons, com mandant, with approval of TAM U President Jack K. Williams. Seniors serve as the Corps’ offic ers. Juniors serve as cadet non commissioned officers. The Aggie Corps provides a “leadership lab” for ROTC cadets and students who elect not to enter commissioning programs but desire the experi ence. Helwig is in the latter category, said Col. Parsons. He will he the first drills and ceremonies cadet to hold top corps rank. Chandler and Helwig will suc ceed Rickey Gray of Dallas and Granville “G 11 Lasseter of Mid land, respectively. Chandler, a junior zoology major, is corps sergeant major this year. An Army contract cadet, he is member of the Ross Volunteers arid com manded the Fish Drill Team. Helwig is operations sergeant on the Corps staff this year. An agricul tural economics major, he is also a Ross volunteer. Traffic Panel motion restricts second permits The University Traffic panel pas sed a motion March 5 to eliminate duplicate parking permits. The motion will be sent to Dr. John Koldus, vice president for stu dent services, as the panel’s re commendation for the 1975-76 veh icle regulations. The motion was prompted by vio lations of duplicate permit regula tions and the difficulty of enforce ment. Also discussed was the possibility of converting a picnic area by Throckmorton St. into a parking area for special events. TAMU Press state art series receives money A gift of $75,000 to the new Texas A&M University Press has made possible a series of art books inter preting the various regions ofTexas. Joe H. Moore, immediate past president of TAM U s Association of Former Students, and his wife Betty made the contribution. Frank H. Wardlaw, Texas A&M University Press director, said the first book in the Joe and Betty Moore Texas Art Series will be by Mondel Rogers from Sweetwater. He has made a series of paintings of more than 50 great ranches of the Texas High Plains. His book will be published in 1976. The second book in the Moore Series, to be published in 1977, will be an inteipretation of the Texas Panhandle by Austin artist Michael Frary. The text of the Panhandle book will be written by Loula Grace Erdman of Amarillo. Proceeds from the sale of all books published in the Joe and Betty Moore Texas Art Series will go back into a revolving fund from which future books in the series will be published.