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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1975)
Aggies still unlisted Page 12 THE BATTALIOI, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12,IDi Indiana maintains strangle hold on first place / (AP) — UCLA jumped into sec ond place in The Associated Press college basketball poll Monday, trading fourth place with Maryland, while Indiana finished a perfect regular season and maintained its hold on the top spot. The Hoosiers, headed for the Na tional Collegiate Athletic Associa tion playoffs with a 29-0 season re cord after their 94- 7 9 Big Ten Con ference victory Saturday over Michigan State, received all 37 first-place votes for 740 points from the nation-wide panel of sports writers and sports broadcasters. UCLA’s Bruins, winners of the Pacific-8 Conference with their 72-68 victory Saturday over South ern California, head into the NCAA playoffs with a 23-3 record. They will be shooting for their 10th na tional championship in 12 years, in cluding a string of seven in a row that was ended by North Carolina State last year. The Bruins jumped from fourth to second with 603 points while Louisville, 24-2, main tained third with 575 and Maryland, an 87-85 loser to N.C. State in the Atlantic Coast Conference playoffs, fell to fourth with 474. The next two teams held their positions. No. 5 Marquette, 22-3 with 437 points, and No. 6 Ken tucky with a 22-4 record and 424 points. North Carolina, which beat N.C. state 70-66 in the ACC playoff title game, rocketed to seventh from 12th. The Tar Heels, 21-7, received 282 points. Arizona State, 23-3 and Western Athletic Conference champ follow ing a 107-92 romp over Arizona, re ceived 280 points and moved up one notch to eighth, trading places with N.C. State, 22-6, which received 250 points. The Wolfpack, after fail ing to gain a berth in the NCAA playoffs which they won last year, voted to turn down invitations to any other tournament. Ninth is Alabama, which slipped from seventh, receiving 229 points after suffering a 76-70 upset loss to Auburn. Topping the Second Ten is Penn sylvania, down one place. Notre Dame didn’t play but still jumped to 12th from 16th, followed by South ern Cal, down one from a week ago, Clemson, Oregon State and Rut gers. Texas El-Paso, Cincinnati and Centenary are tied for 17th, and Pan American is 20th. I College Basketball Poll By The Associated Press The Top Twenty, with first-place votes in parai eses. season records and total points. PointstabtiW on basis of 20-18-16-14-12-10-9-8 etc: Cincinnati and Centenary were new entries this week, replacing Arizona, 19th a week ago, and Creighton, which tumbled all the way from 13th. 1. Indiana (37) 2 UCLA 3. Louisville 4. Maryland 5. Marquette 6. Kentucky 7. N. Carolina 8. Arizona St. 9 N. C. St. 10. Alabama 11. Penn 12. Notre Dame 13. S Calif. 14 Clemson tt******* * *****?MPl***J!t%*****♦ 1 1 — * 4 4 American or Pi mento Family Pack ^4 ' FRYERS 38 SLICED PICNICS .59* sausage CREAM CHEESE eiU 8 P ; ! l49 ?'*4>***4tt***4e**** «• TOP ROUND STEAK Su'ifl Profen Heavy Beef boneless $ 4^ 2 O it I*® * . . "" • i v PORK CHOPS aMttm 2 breJd PtrHom A 2 Itt portim wiih backs 2 tinqs , plus pilats. Family Pack. Assorted cuts NtUHOFF's * CHEESE , Kraft sliced ind. wrapped mm % 12 P k 9- y ^ ^ NEUHOFF'S H au meat\ FRANKS SMOKED PICNICS GORTON'S FROFFN FISHSTICK 'GROUND BEEF 11 r Family Pack M V 11 II loin PORK CHOPS 138 0KEP PORK CHOPS I 6 ’ Center Cut Hormel's Center Cut Sunshine CRACKERS Xrispy M ^ i ib. box. *fy HAM HOCKS ** CURE SI i YOU'RE IN CLOVER WITH THESE4 444 44 15. Oreuon St. 16. Rutgeri 17. Ten El-Paso tir Cincinnati tie Centenary 20 Pan Ainer. 29-0 II 23- } « 24- 2 S3 22-i I* 22-1 « 22- 4 (!( 21- 7 iS 23- 3 i» 22- 6 a 22- 4 ii! 23- 4 II 1M I IS. 7 I II-IO I 17-10 I 22-6 I 2M 1 21- 5 1 25-4 II 22- 2 2 Others receiving votes, listed ilphsbttidlT Arizona, Auliurn. Boston College, Central Mdia Creighton. Drake. Funnan, Kansas, USaD(. w phis St . Michigan, Middle Tennessee Si, Nmli Las Vegas. New Mesico St. Oregon, Soulkit linois, Stetson, Synacuse, Tennessee, Tem *44 Utah St Rice gets split with Bearcats ptl/jsr §[?[i(BD/f\[L§ F10UR i M00R-RING FROZEN ONION RINGS .1 Ib. pkq. [Cold vStiPAiy Enrk*?S!.9pur ^Smoked Low Fat II Bonnie Baker gal ctn. l hea vy beef ^ bone in h LIPTON'S TEA 100 bags ^49 MACKEREL * Sweepstakes ^ jack IS oz. can . 5 ^ BRIQUETS * Steakhouse BREAD Bonnie Baker 1V 2 lb iHlsH Loal I 1 1 BtL * 4 *4# ****_****’****** t Old Milwaukee 6 Pack Btl. BEER J09 COKES or DR. PEPPER Quantity Rijhtt BEANS C:z. ‘1 cans | GREEN GIANT NIBIET CORN 4% 12 * dl cans 9 ■ HUNTSVILLE, Tex. (AP) Bice catcher Randy Lampreck drove in all six runs for a 6-2 0») victory over Sam Houston State in the second game of a college baseball doubleheader Tuesday after Sam Houston won the opener 5-0. Ron Kainer hurled a three-hitter to shutout the Owls in the opener Sammy Monteau drove in three runs for SHS to support Kainers pitching performance. Liunprecht’s bases loaded double in the sixth inning and a three-nm home run in the ninth inning gave Rice the victory in the nigjtop Rice now is 9-6 for the season and Sam Houston is 12-6. :00* Cl ii I I ii::::::;::: fi Oglesby fills track spot at Lubbock son, tt his fu year a ! "I hitter, he h Frank an ear first 1 He’ll their LUBBOCK (AP) — Texas Ted Athletic Director J.T. King an nounced Tuesday that Gerald Corky Oglesby has been named in' terim track coach at the school due to the illness of Coach Vernon Hill iard. Oglesby’s appointment was ap proved Monday by the Texas Ted Athletic Council. Oglesby has been an assistant basketball coach at Texas Tech since 1969 and has been head crosscoun try coach the past two years. Hilliard was hospitalized overthe past weekend with an apparent heart attack. 4 A ,b - Charcoal . JU bas'f™ 6-btl. ctn. CHUM SALMON Honey Bov $449 . . 16 oz. can . 1 GOLDEN CORN 4 4 4 Plus Deposit Limit 3 with $5 Purchase Green Giant cream style 17 ozi US*I Texas Ruby Red cans 1 *<*w**4**4* -trlCsi'JIt#*** OLD-TimC VALUE/! UUOnDERFUL HEW GIFT/ UJITH S&H GREED STflmPS SHOP AT PIGGLV WIGGLY. far earS ** ka paaefa. aceorSmp *> far parehata aaet far fa a! far FriaaSp HflN NNmH Shn PlfiGIY WIGGLY STAMP DIVIDEND Rrtn EE , DISCOUNT HCAITN IISTBHNE * BEAUTY AIDS. stStSS - ■SKi-saj-jrar LISTERINE ANTISEPTIC 100 ct. btl. list H 2i . BAYER ASPIRIN PHIUIPS MILK OF MAGNESIA ferV /T quality farm fresh produce’ GRAPEFRUIT ^ 5 99 ORANGES 19 RUSSETS 1S'99 Sunshine » ^ HYDR0X COOKIES 1 ^” 9“ * French 's £ A > BIACK PEPPER. ?«:»». .0“* Peanut butter . ./««z.^. 79*, Armour 5* Off Label g g\ I CORN BEEF HASH. is ». can .69*1 WOW ITS c FW r TO C LEAKN -WORDS (sfyanie ^BtSwii - Dictionary VOLUME three. California Fancy Temple Ib. Economy Pack Potatoes volume O^HARDCOVER] NOW ON SALE cyOLUMES BORDENS SOUR PEL APPLES.r 4 ;rV3" } 89* CELERY.^.... 'GREEN ONIONS tu 29 4 RADISHES «»»* r YAMS . PEARS ’ *' jauA CABBAGE ^ loJL 1 Double fisH Green Stamps everij Tuesdaij with^ZSOor more purchase. PIGCIY WKGIYS PRICING POLICY ...Once i ctn tr ptdttje g pncemaikset, we ntl raise it's price. ...When are are forcel fa increase a price. Hems an aur sheWes marked at a later price arl he seU af the later price. ...When te reduce a price, the stack on the sheires tt he reduced and said at the later price. ...Whan a can or package contains mere than one price, ^eu pay the later price. Shop PtGGLY WIGGLY and WIN. Luggage Carriers Custom made *18 50 to *80 00 SPECIALLY MADE FOR FOREIGN CARS, COMPACT CARS. VW BUSES AND CAMPERS. ALLOW 2 DAYS AT LEAST FOR ASSEMBLY. 846-0171 Tjuptnamhi ,s® [ THESE PRICES GOOD THURS., FRI V & SAT., MARCH 13, 14, IS, 1975 4 FINE STORES TO SERVE YOU * 4300 TEXAS AYE. * 3516 TEXAS AVE. * 200 E. 24th ST. * #9 Redmond Terrace COLLEGE STATION BRYAN TEXAS ' Eddie Dominguez ’66 Joe Arciniega 74 Greg Price HatiMi If you want the real thing, not frozen or canned ... We call It "Mexican Food Supreme.” Dallas location: f3071 Northwest Hwy./. ! 352-8570