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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1975)
Page 4 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1975 BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day 10c per word FOR SALE Minimum charge—$1.00 . Classified Display Hand-made turquoise jewelry. After 6, 846-6557. 61t6 $1.50 per column inch ; each insertion —■— DEADLINE P? TTIVT 1 3 p.m. day before publication r WXV A FOR RENT SPECIAL NOTICE The City Barber Shop of Tom Dodson Bryan. op proudly ai at their sh innounces the association op, 107 South Main, 61t2 ATTENTION MAY GRADUATES You may begin ordering graduation announcements January 20-February 21, at the Student Finance Center, Room 217, Memorial Student Center, Monday thru Friday, 8:00-4:00. 59t20 EUROPE — ISRAEL — AFRICA — ASIA Travel discounts year-round. Student Air Travel Agency, Inc. 5299 Roswell Rd. Atlanta, Ca. 30342, 252-3433. 58tl6 Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY. INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 57tfn FOR SALE OR RENT BEUAIR Mobile Home Park 5 minutes from campus Swimming pool, TV cable, all city utilities, large lots, from $29.50 822-2326 or 822-2421 Get the Best for Less 394t TRAVIS HOUSE APTS. * Spacious 1 & 2 bedroom * Furnished or unfurnished * All utilities paid * Swimming pools * 2 laundries * Play yard * Shuttle bus service * From $155 505 Hwy. 30 846-6111 40tfn BROADMOOR APTS. 2 Bedroom, 1 bath, central air & heat, panelled, carpeted & draped, close to school. University Shopping Center, & Medical Center, $155. unfurnished. $175 furnished. All bills paid including cable. 1503 Broadmoor 846-1297 or 846-2737 HELP WANTED Delivery work Bryan/C. S., Huntsville, Madisonville, Caldwell. 20-22 hours per week. Call 846-0769 after 6 p.m. 61t2 Park time work to suit your schedule, $2 hour, 846-4701. 61t2 Dept, of Modern Languages, TAMU needs work study student for language lab, 15 hours a week to be arranged. 845-2124. 61t3 Two bedroom house, fenced yard, one car garage with washer and dryer connections, unfurnished, within bik ing distance to TAMU. Jacob Beal Real Estate, 823-5469. 59t8 Apartment for rent for 2. $45 a piece, 846-5132. lOtfn OFFICIAL NOTICE Official notices must arrive in the Office of Student Publications before deadline of 1 p. m. of the day preced ing publication. OFFICIAL NOTICE TO STUDENTS In the past, certain information has been made public by Texas A&M University as a service to students, families and other interested individuals. Horse pasture and stalls, 846-7015. HELP WANTED Glen Oak Mobile Home Park Private, Country Living For Rent: Mobile Homes, Mobile Home Spaces 6 miles from campus on Hwy. 30 Call after 5, 846-1865 FOR SALE SHAMROCK VILLAGE APTS. one bedroom furnished utilities and cable paid convenient to shopping center 3 miles from TAMU 823-8041 846-3687 RN needed full time on 11 to 7 shift. Shift dif ferential plus mileage. Call or come to Grimes Memo rial Hospital 210 S. Judson St. Navasota, Texas 77868 or 825-6585. Ask for Mrs. Winkelmann Director of Nurses or Mr. Fraley Ad ministrator. 308tfn No use driving and hunting — Just see Cowan’s White Auto Store, North Gate.. We have \ti auto parts, hor bikes and repair, home mowers. Semi-furnished garage apartment, utilities 822-3567. paid. 58tfn me appliances, eds and lawn 229tfn 1967 Opal station wagon, $250. Call 845-7110. 62t4 Backpacking tent, excellent condition, lightweight, 2-man, nylon. Call 846-3134, 6-7 p.m. $26 62t2 2 bedroom duplex near Crockett School, unfurnished, no bills paid, $100; 1 bedroom furnished, all bills paid apartment, $135; 2 bedroom furnished, all hills paid/ $160. 401 Cooner, C. S. No pets. 846-74 14, 59t4 1971 Audi. 100-LS, automatic, excellent condition, 28 mpg, new tires. Evenings 822-7691; 845-2228. 62t4 Male Keefhound cross puppy, 8 weeks old, $5. 846-5574 or 846-1348. 62t3 *63 Fairlane, dependable, new tires, $275. '72 Charter mobile home, 14x60, take over payments and some equity. 65 Honda 160, needs repair, $75. Call 822-6682. 62t4 One bedroom furnished apartment. All bills paid. Acme Realty, 822-6571. 52tl5 12x60 mobile home, 2 bedroom, utility room, stove and refrigerator. 589-2727. 59t4 ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES. One and 2 bed room furnished apartments. Ready for occupancy. 1 'A miles south of campus. Lake for fishing. Washateria on grounds. Country atmosphere. Call D. R. Cain Co., 823-0934 or after 5, 846-3059 or 822-6135. 166tfn AVON Needs part-time help in this area. Call 816-8224 Under the “Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974,” the following directory information may be made public unless the student desires to withhold all or any portion of it: Student’s name, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in offi- cially recognized activities and sports, dates of atten dance, degrees and awards received, and the most re cent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student. Any student wishing to withhold any or all of this infor mation should fill out, in person, the appropriate form, available to graduate students at the Graduate College and to undergraduate students at the Registrar’s Office, no later than 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, February 4, 1975. oper. Admissions and Records Texas A&M University WORK WANTED Full time typing. Symbols. Call 823-7723. Typing done, i sertations. Mrs. reasonable rates. Can do theses and dis sertations. Mrs. Whitmore. 693-4483. 291tfn MANSARD HOUSE Needs waitresses and waiters and also cocktail waitress Apply in person 1401 Farm Rd. 2818 (Located behind K-Mart in Doux Chene Apts.) 62t8 ROOMMATE WANTED FEMALE ROOMMATE toshare studio apartment, $65 month, Doux Chene Apt. 313. 59t4 Roommate wanted to share apartment. Call 846-1291. 60t3 WANTED ’69 Mustang 351,air, good clean car. 846-8642 after 5. 62tl Large bedroom, nicely furnished, carpeted, private bath, entrance, CA-H, bills paid, pay $90/month for 2; Beautician needed. Pruitts Beauty Shop, Redmond Ter- $75 for 1. Call 846-0454 or 845-2124, ext. 29. 61t6 race - APP'v in person. 60t3 Faculty member to exchange houses for the summer with Canal Zone resident. 3 bedroom, air-conditioned, duplex and use of car. Write Smith, Box 9235, C. S., Tx. 77840 62t3 '71 two bedroom mobile home, 12x55, washer, dryer, 823-8613. 59t8 Mobile home, 12x48 Contempori ’72. Air, heat, washer, furnished, storage shed, $3995. -822-9297 58t5 1963 Ford, $375. Recently repaired, very clean, new tires, low mileage. Phone 693-2198. 60t3 ’69 Corvette Stingray Ragtop, 427, 3 duces, headers, power steering, air, AM-FM, 4-speed, needs minor re pairs. Take over payments. $2,410. 822-1626 after 4:30. 60t4 Two bedroom mobile home 3 miles SW of university, AC, carport, couples only. Call 846-4214 after 6 p.m. 58t5 Camper Storage. 17 foot and above, $10 monthly. Below 17 foot, $5 monthly. Yearly rates available. Will consider other types of recreational vehicles. 115 Royal St., Bryan, Tx. 59t4 Efficiency apartments, $85. Bills paid, furnished. Con tact David Beal, 822-4518. 54tfn Now taking applications for cooks — fountain — and carhops. Sonic Drive-In, 104 E. University. 58t5 WANT MORE OUT OF LIFE? A little extra money can mean a lot of extra living! Earn extra income as a neigh borhood Amway Distributor of nationally known pro ducts. For appointment call 846-7381. 59t24 2 bedroom apartments, $90, Bryan. Appliances fur nished. Jacob Beal Agency, 823-5469 54Hn this is living . . this Tlantatio Oaks SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE INC. Zenith Sales and Services TV Rental 713 S. MAIN BRYAN 822-2133 A&M SHUTTLE SERVICE STUDENT RATES | PLAY AREA (FOR CHILDREN) I CLUB (Penthouse I) SAUNA BATHA & EXERCISE ROOMS I RECREATION CENTER (Athletic Equip I Avail. Free) CABLE TV LAUNDRIES SUN DECKS (Overlooking Swimming pools) PARTY ROOMS LOUNGE AREA (With TV) LIGHTED TENNIS COURTS "OUR PLACE" JThe New Phase 111 ISnack Bar & Billards /' BASKETBALL COURT VOLLEYBALL COURT INDIVIDUAL HEATING & AI R CONDITIONING! 24 HOUR SECURITY ALL UTILITIES] PAID COVERED PARKING ALLELECTRIC APPLIANCES SOUTHGATE VILLAGE APARTMENTS Family size apartments with lots of closet space. Individually controlled refrigerated air. Cable TV connections. Complete laundry facilities. ALL UTILITIES PAID One, two, three & four bedroom apart ments from $104.00. Some available now. Married students welcome. 134 Luther (off old hwy. 6 so., C. S.) Rental Office 846-3702 SOUTHWEST VILLAGE APARTMENTS “ALL NEW” FURNISHED - UNFURNISHED 1 & 2 BEDROOMS - 2 BEDROOM STUDIOS H0TP0INT ALL ELECTRIC KITCHENS INDIVIDUAL HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING CONTROLS SWIMMING POOL - SAUNA BATH ALL UTILITIES PAID - CABLE TV 1101 Southwest Pkwy. 846-1931 College Station NOW OPENING PHASEHI & , IV APARTMENTS STARTING AT S139& UP 12 3 BEDROOMS FURNISHED & UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS Office open 9-7, Sunday 2-6. Will show Apts, after hours by appointment. 1201 HWY 30 COLLEGE STATION I * / i S> < 846-8561 TRINITY GARDEN DUPLEXES Like Home Living 2 bedroom -!)/<> baths - carpet - drapes central heat and air - electric kitchen - rang-e, refrigerator - dishwasher - disposal - washer dryer attachments in garage, fenced back yard — pet accepted. 846-3988 1712 Trinity Place College Station, Texas SveigfKborty adtoiee. Come visit us at Briarwood. We love it here and we think you will too. Briarwood has been carefully designed to insure you the very best in apartment living. Only five minutes from Texas A&M, Briarwood offers you tennis courts, sauna baths & exercise rooms, your own Club (Penthouse I), Cable TV, sun decks, ■ ^ wall-to-wall carpeting, modern kitchens, ^^^^24-hour security, all utilities paid, / xV s and there’s more. Come see! can 693-2933 Here your friends # are your qelghfeor^^ 1201 Highway 30 College Station No new taxes required in Texas for four years Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds. 822-0544. 233tfn Typing, reasonable rates. Can do theses and disserta tions. 846-4960. 59t59 AUSTIN (AP) — Gov. Dolph Briscoe said Thursday he thinks the state can escape any new or addi tional taxes for the next four years. “We should live within the cur rent tax structure,” Briscoe told a Capitol news conference. “I am not in favor of changing. ” Briscoe said he was “absolutely, unalterably locked in his position against any new taxes for the next two years. He said he would veto any appropriation by the new legis lature that would cause higher levies. Furthermore, he told newsmen, the thinks there will be no need of new or added taxes for the two years following “barring a real slowdown in the economy.” He said the extensive legislative program he recommended to legis lators Wednesday, if adopted in full, would still leave about $60 million of the estimated $1 billion plus surplus at the end of this business period, Aug. 31, 1977. If revenue estimates turn down ward because of economic condi tions, then he will lower his money demands, Briscoe said. The governor said it was no over- sight that his Wednesday speech to the legislature did not concern proposed constitutional revision and utilities regulation. “My position remains the same as I have stated in the past, he said. On utilities regulation he said “basically I think local self govern ment is best. I would not automati cally do anything to remove author ity from local government of the state. Certainly we need regulation where there is none now, such as in rural telephone rates. He said he would prefer to see utility regula tion remain with an existing agency, such as the Railroad Commission, instead of creating a new agency. He said he would prefer that this legislature consider one or more ar ticles of the constitution for revision rather than call a new constitutional convention. However, if the legisla ture cannot agree “I think we are all agreed the next convent should be a citizens convention. Briscoe stressed several times that he thought powers of the Coor dinating Board should he strengthened to eliminate the pres ent competition between the board and the individual state college boards. “I’m not satsified with the results we are getting with our money spent now in higher education, he said. “I think the Coordinating Board should have veto powerover regents.” Briscoe said, “If all the money that is spent now by colleges on lobbying here in Austin for ap propriations could he spent on the schools, it would he a substantial amount. ” Briscoe said he had talked with Sen. Lloyd Bentsen, D-Tex, about the possibility of a presidential primary in Texas and would be talk ing with him again. “I am not ready yet to say Ire- commend any certain type but we are studying it and 1 will make a statement on that as soon as possi ble,” he said. Lingerie show therapy for male senior citizens MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Three curvy young models paraded in filmy lingerie before the male resi dents of the Fair Oaks Convalescent and Nursing Home. The home s social service worker, Joyce Cristen, called the stag night Wednesday part of “total patient care. She said the home frequently gets flyers saying “sex isn’t dead after 60.” Statuesque Paula, one of the models, wore a revealing garment she called an “evening gown. She strutted over to Frank, one of the home residents who had arrived early for a front-row seat. Frank exp lained that he has eye problems. Professionally managed by Multi-Management 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apartments, washer-dryer connections, recreation facilities. Semester leases Phone: 846-5767 1600 Southwest Pky. General Electric “You dance all night,” Frank told Paula. Another resident, seated in a wheel chair, looked up from the television magazine he was reading and asked a model, “Don’t you get cold? He shook his head, a what s-the-world-coming-to shake, and returned to his magazine. The men sipped near-beer while the models changed for the dancing portion of the 40-minute show. Rita, wearing transparent white underparents and a fish-net top that wouldn’t hold a trout, danced over to the man reading his magazine He stole his second look of the night and again returned to his reading. Some of the men were embarras sed and a few were nearly speech less. But after the show, Franksaid he’d seen better in his 70 years. “You ought to go to Hollywood, where they really have the shows, he told other residents of the home. “This ain’t spit in the bucket form) money. Hell, out there they really strip. ’ Td>F Jmmrnm mmmm SIGMA PHI EPSILON ANNOUNCES ITS RUSH FOR THE SPRING SEMESTER Monday, Jan. 27 & Wednesday, Jan. 29 For information on times and places call 846-9758 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 Embrey’s Jewelry We Specialize In A#grie Rings. Diamonds Set— Sizing— Reoxidizing— AH types watch/jewelry Repair Aggie Charge Accounts 9-5:30 846-5816 FOR BEST RESULTS TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED FROM HERBERT BARRETT fl Time For BftCH THE ONLY ORGANIZATION OF ITS KIND IN THE UNITED STATES SAMUEL BARON, flute ROBERT BLOOM, oboe NORMAN FARROW, bass-bar/fone BERNARD GREENHOUSE, cello LOIS MARSHALL, soprano SETH McGOY, tenor CHARLES TREGER, violin HELEN WATTS,confra/ro YEHUDI WYNER,p/ano TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY - TOWN HALL OPERA & PERFORMING ARTS SOCIETY (OPAS) RUDDER CENTER AUDITORIUM FEBRUARY 5, 1975 - 8:00 P.M. Tickets & Information - MSC - 845-2916