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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1974)
Owners looking for leisure in closing of clothing store Page 4 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1974 WANT AD RATES BATTALION CLASSIFIED !v By JACK HODGES Staff Writer Two longtime business estab lishments of Bryan-College Station, A. M. Waldrop and Beverley Braley clothing stores, are going out of bus iness. A. M. Waldrop and Company, in business here since before the turn of the century, will close its store in downtown Bryan as well as the one on University Drive at Northgate. Here for 29 years, Beverley Braley will be closed out in January or be fore. "We want to concentrate all of our efforts on the Tours-Travel business and I would like to go into retire ment so^p, Ralph S. Braley, hus band of Beverley Braley said. A. M. Wiildrop company owner, 67 year-old Allister Waldropsaid, *T want to retire to do a little sailing, play tennis, go camping and ride bicycles with my wife. ” A. M. Waldrop was founded in 1896 and the first store was on Main Street in Bryan close to the present locations. The store was founded under a partnership and was called Parks and Waldrop. In 1910 the store became A. M. Waldrop and Co. when Parks decided to go into the furniture business. After A. M. Waldrop Sr. died in 1936, his son, Allister Jr. took over the operations of the College Sta tion store founded in 1927 and the downtown store where it is pres ently located. “There weren t many stores there then and we were one of the first, Waldrop said. "The business has been good ever since we had opened and now that my son is get ting out of law school in May, I will retire,” Waldrop said. The store on University Drive will be sold to the University Book store. They will probably knock out the wall and expand the operation. Waldrop said. The last day of the close out sale at the downtown store was last week. “I am delighted to go into retire ment but will miss all of the loyal patrons,” Waldrop said. One day 10c per word Minimum charge—$1.00 Classified Display $1.50 per column inch each insertion DEADLINE 3 p. m. day before publication FOR SALE HELP WANTED OFFICIAL NOTICE 1974 mobile home, small equity, pick up payments, 822-2503 . 43t6 1966 Honda 450. $450, negotiable. 846-3091 43t5 SPECIAL NOTICE Back issues 846-9893. of Playboy Magazines. Phone 24tfn K ltfe Examiner says note concealed DALLAS (AP) — The Dallas County associate medical examiner charged Tuesday that a suicide note written by a Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. executive was con cealed from authorities. The suicide note came to light Monday in San Antonio. It attacked high Southwestern Bell employes and told how they sought to influ ence politicians. It was written by T. O. Gravitt, 51, head of all the Bell operations in Texas. He took his life by carbon monoxide poisoning more than a month ago. The note also com plained bitterly of the line of ques tioning by Bell investigators who in terrogated him. Dr. Vincent DiMaio, the as sociate medical examiner who per formed the autopsy on Gravitt, said the suicide note has been turned over to the Dallas County Medical Examiner’s Office. The San Antonio Express said that the Bell officials first tried to prevent the family from having the note, but turned it over to Gravitt s son at his insistence. DiMaio said officials also re quested samples of Gravitt’s hand writing to compare it with that of the note. Meanwhile, Sen. Ron Glower, D-Garland, said he had dispatched the staff of his Texas Senate Con sumer Affairs subcommittee to San Antonio hunting witnesses for a new round of hearings. SOUTHGATE VILLAGE APARTMENTS Family size apartments with lots of closet space. Individually controlled refrigerated air. Cable TV connections. Complete laundry facilities. ALL UTILITIES PAID One, two, three & four bedroom apart ments from $104.00. Some available now. Married students welcoma. 134 Luther (off old hwy. 6 so., C. S.) Rental Office 846-3702 MOBILE HOME OUTLET Sales and Service Two Locations: S. Texas & Hwy. 30 693-2929 N. Texas & Hwy. 21 822-9140 Why rent when you can buy for less? OAK FOREST Mabile Home Park ‘THE LUXURY MOBILE HOME COMMUNITY” IVz miles from A&M Clubhouse Swimming Pools Laundromat Concrete Pads with Tiedowns Large Concrete Patios with Sidewalks Playground It costs no more to live in the finest. Krenek Tap Road, Off Hwy. 6 South 846-3857 or 846-2680 ARMY SURPLUS THINK BONFIRE Check Us for Your Bonfire Equipment Work Gloves Shoulder Pads 39c pair 29c BARGAINLAND 1809 So. College 822-2210 Bryan 4119 Honda 350 CL. Honda 175 CB. Excellent condition. Will sacrifice. 846-5615. 36tf'n FOR SALE OR RENT BEUAK Mobile Home Park] 6 minutes from campus Swimming pool, TV cable, all city utilities, large lots, from $29.50 822-2326 or 822-2421 Get the Best for Less 394tfn RN needed full time on 11 to 7 shift. Shift dif ferential plus mileage. Call or come to Grimes Memo rial Hospital 210 S. Judson St. Navasota, Texas 77868 or 825-6585. Ask for Mrs. Winkelmann Director of Nurses or Mr. Fraley Ad ministrator. Official notices must arrive in the < Publications before deadline ofl p.m ofthedaypn ing publication. B FOR RENT "Collectors Square" 608 South Bryan St. Bryan, Texas Open Tubs. Thru Sat. Every Weak Antiques, Collectibles, Wood Stoves, Furniture, Iron Pots, Crockery, Glassware, Old Mine & Railroad Stock Certificates, Woodcut Print Pictures (1800's), Old Bot ties, Glass Top Dated Fruit Jars, Camel-Back Trunk, Foot Pedal Sewing Machine, Plows, Spurs, Branding Irons, Mineral, Crystal, Geode, & Rock Specimens & Cut Slabs, Onyx Figurines. ‘The Place With Atmosphere, That Has Items With Experience" Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY. INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 57tfn TRAVIS HOUSE APTS. Spacious 1 & 2 bedroom Furnished or unfurnished All utilities paid Swimming pools 2 laundries Play yard Shuttle bus service From $155 505 Hwy. 30 846-6116 40tfn AVON Needs part-time help in this area. Call 846-8224 86Vtfn Men or women, full or port time. $2 hour shirt. No evperience necessary. Hours arranged to suit you. Part time 10-3 or 5-10 weekends. Apply in person to man ager. We also need management trainees. Salary open Apply in person to owner. Whataburger, Bryan or C. S. 40Btfh WANTED Hair Removal Specialist by Electrolysis '822-2711, 710 Nall Lane. 'MILLIE", 35tl2 Going out of business Wellhead oil controls called inane by critic Sewing machines repaired. All makes. Experienced, fast, reasonable. P. D. Gandy, 846-5626. 32tl6 BROADMOOR APTS. 2 Bedroom, 1 bath, central air & heat, panelled, carpeted & draped, close to school. University Shopping Center, & Medical Center, $155. unfurnished. $175 furnished. All bills paid including cable. FOR SALE 1503 Broadmoor 846-1297 or 846-2737 Any M.S. or Ph.D. in Nuclear-Mechanical-Chemical Engineers. Very Important Positions Availa ble. Please Contact Immediately. Call Collect 214-233-7990 Dr. Carolyn Custer 45t4 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF ADMISSIONS AND RECORDS To be eligible to purchase the Texas A&M ri undergraduate student must have at least o residence and credit for at least ninety-two(92)a hours. A year in residence may consist of ll spring semester or one of the above and a hi session (both the first and second terms), passed at the preliminary grade report period cm tober 21, 1974 may be used in satisfying this ni hour requirement. Students qualifying under tbs m iation should leave their names with the ringdeAiq seven, Richard Coke building. Hm should be dootpi to October 21st in order for all records to bed determine ring eligibility. Students alre ninetytwo (92) completed hours on recordn any time. Graduate students are eligible tooi proof (receipt) that they have filed forg tiers for mid semester will be taken by then starting October 24, 1974, and will continue4 December 6, 1974. All rings must be paidfcrc when the order is placed. Students will save til will bring grade reports along when ready toon Students who tail to leave their names in advanctvi asked to return later to allow times for r checked The rings are due to arrive at theF Office on January 28, 1975. Ail rings ordered, re of whether on October 24, 1974 or Decembers, U will arrive at the same time. The ring clerk is from 8 a in. to 12 noon and 1 p.m. to5p.rn.ofea Monday through Friday. However, inorderforra to be checked, orders must be placed prior to (p during this ordering period. We hope this inf will be helpful and extend our congratulations. Edwin H Cooper, Dean Admissions and Records Carolyn Wells, Ring Clerk 846- r records tod THE GRADUATE CXJLLECE Final Examination for the Doctoral I Name Armstrong. Howard Wayne Degree Ph D. in Zoology Dissertation. A SURVEY OF THE HEL PARASITES OF THE FAMILY MACROlft] FROM THE GULF OF MEXICO AN BEAN SEA THE1R SYSTEMAT1CS, I wi >/«>(»< .i < m;raphi< u iMPUCifl Time November 21, 1974 at 2 00 p.m. Place Room 131 in the E. M Center. BiologjcalSc Bldg George W. knn/e Dean of the Graduate College Need riders to Chicago. H46-6975, Suzanne. Thanksgiving. 845-4611. 45t4 THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degrrt Name Ketcbersid. Chesley Arthur Degree Doctor of Philosophy in Wildlife and Fistai Di Need 6 tickets to Texas game Bill White. 636 S Center, Grand Prairie. Tx. 39t8 2 Isedroom hoti 693-4442. * to 3 acres, near campus. Call 46t2 ssertation IIERPETOFAUNA OF TO BIOCEOCRAPHIC TRANSECTS IN EASTtt MEXICO. Time: November 26. 1974 at 9:00 a.m. Place Room 211 in the Nagle Bldg. George W. Ktinze Dean of the Graduate College HOUSTON (AP) — An indepen dent oil operator said Tuesday it ap parently is good politics, and bad statesmanship, to oppose reasona ble pricing of natural gas. George P. Mitchell, president of the Texas Independent Producers & Royalty Owners Association, said the logic of maintaining wellhead price controls is inane. Mitchell made his remarks in a statement prepared as a response to recent remarks by Rep. John E. Moss, D-Calif., and an economic- impact report prepared for Moss by the Library of Congress. The report said in part there is little evidence increased prices woidd boost natural gas production as advocates of deregulation con tend. It also contended consumers could pay up to $75.6 million extra for natural gas through 1980 if price controls were removed. “Even though the price of natural gas will rise, we believe the incre mental supplies of natural gas will he less costly to consumers than the cost of alternate supplies of other fuels which will he required to offset the effects of deepening gas shor tage, Mitchell said. One of the obvi ous intentions of the $75.6 million estimate is to frighten consumers, Mitchell said. "But an often unrecognized and unstated fact is that the wellhead price of gas is only a fraction, often in the range of a sixth to an eighth, of the burner tip price paid by con sumers in many major cities, Mitchell said. “Therefore, substantial increases in the wellhead price would be re flected in relatively small percent tage increases for the consumer. In many circumstances, a consumer’s cost would rise less than a third even if the wellhead price were tripled. Such would be the case, he said, because transportation and dis tribution, not the gas itself, com prise the major costs. “Rep. Moss and his Library of Congress failed to give this perspec tive on consumer costs, Mitchell said. Mitchell said the report recog nized that natural gas is under- priced in interstate commerce when cbmpared with other fuels on the basis of energy equivalent. 5-string banjos from $99 95 up at Lange Music Co. 1410 Texas Avenue Bryan 822-2334 4215 JOB OPPORTUNITIES Glen Oak Mobile Home Park Private, Country Living For Rent: Mobile Homes, Mobile Home Spaces 6 miles from campus on Hwy, 30 Call after 5, 846-1865 1971 Firebird, 350-2 barrel, power steering, automatic, air. radio, good rubber. Limefire green. Beautiful shape. 846-7179 after 7:15 p in. $2,000 firm. Serious inquiries only please. 45t4 ‘ Nicely furnished 1 bedroom duple throughout. $75 month. 846-5122. pine paneling 24 tfn Baby crib, matt res carrier. 693-4606. stroller, uls car rooftop luggage 45t2 2 bedroom apartment, appliances furnished. Will rent to couple or students under $100. 2 bedroom home in C. S. with yard, fireplace and diningroom. Within walking distance ofTAMU. 3 bedroom furnished brick home on old Hearne road. CH-CA and 5 acres. 1 bedroom fur nished home within bicycling distance ofTAMU. Room, for hbrses. $75. Jacob Beal Agency, 823-5469. 46t7 TEXAS A AM UNIVERSITY For employment information at Texas A&M University Call 845-4444 24 hours a day Equal Employment Opportunity througrh Affirmative Action. 406tfn THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degrtt Name: Metcalf. Jr Shelby Robinson Degree: Ph D in Recreation and Resource* Dnt^ ment Dissertation AN INVESTIGATION OF VARIABLE| AFFE< I l\«. < ROWD BEHAVIOR ATI KETBALL GAMES IN THE SOITHWR [ CONFERENCE. Time. Novemlier 22. 1974 at 1:00p.m. Place Room 114B in the Goodwin Hall George W ku nze Dean of the Graduate College Bring: your bikes to White’s Auto Store, Collegre Station—your oldest and most de pendable store—for parts, repair, or trade and prices you like. 230tfn 71 Honda CB-450. 309 Boyett. Apt B, $575. 46t3 ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES. One ami 2 bed- room furnished apartments. Ready for occupancy. IVfc miles south of campus. Lake for f ishing. VVashateria on grounds. Country atmosphere. Call D. R Cain Co., 823-0934 or after 5, 846-3059 or 822-6135. 166tfn SPEND THE SUMMER IN THE MOUNTAINS OF NEW MEXICO WORKING AS A CAMP COUNSELOR! THE GRADUATE COLLEGE Final Examination for the Doctoral Degrtt Name Kan. Ruinachundru Ran Degree Ph 1) in Poultn Science Dissertation: EGG QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE AS INFLUENCED BY RESTRICTED FEE& INC OF COMMERCIAL CAGED LAYERS Time November 25. 1974 at 130 p in, yf Place: Room 201 in the Agricultural Bldg George W. Ktinze Dean of the Graduate College ROOMMATE WANTED 1970 Yamaha Eudtir 846-7524. 1175. Good condition. Call after six. 46t2 One bedroom furnished apartment, close to campus, hills paid, available Dec. 16, $85 per month. 822-1669 from 8 to 5. 45t5 Like new, contemporary love seat. Yellow, green and blue upholstery, $60. 846-4172 after 5 p.m. 46t3 Apartment for rent for 2. $45 a piece, 846-5132. lOtfn 5 tickets to Texas game. 846-8191. HELP WANTED Youth Golf Clubs, age 9-13. Wilson. No. ] irons, hag, excellent condition, 693-4238. vood. 3579 4413 7 foot Caldwell weed shredder i 822-3980 after 5 p. m. i good condition. Call 1) TV technician, part or full time. 2) Part tin TV' helper. 822-4862. ■ radio- 39tfn Girls apply now: Sharon Daniel, Camp Director Lubbock Council of Camp Fire Girls Box 5630 Lubbock, Texas 79417 4 5f6 Need roommate for spring. $65/monthly. Call 693-2761. WORK WANTED Will do typing. Call 823-4579 after 5 p.m Saturdays. .md alldt Earn Spring money, work b< hometown. 693-4140. •tween semesters in PETS Experienced typist 846-8333 accurate reasoul ni 12x60 two bedroom, furnished, mobile home CA-CH, after 5 p.m. 846-3336. 45t4 Full time typing. Symbols. Call 823-7723. Earn money now or between ‘ are. Call 846-7381. -wherever you 41116 FREE cute kittens to good home. 846-7220. Typing done, reasonable rates. Can do theses aid4 sertations. Mrs. Whitmore. 693-4483. 29iti HARRY DISHMAN MAZDA next to College Station Water Tower STATE INSPECTION STATION opens 7:30—Everybody Welcome AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8061 SOSOLIK'S TV & RADIO SERVICE INC. Zenith Sales and Services TV Rental 713 S. MAIN BRYAN 822-2133 LOST Male Irish setter. Please call 845-2011 or 846-1942 after 5. Large Reward. 45t4 Have roto-tiller, 846-1164 TRINITY GARDEN DUPLEXES Like Home Living 2 bedroom - IV2 baths - carpet - drapes central heat and air - electric kitchen - range, refrigerator - dishwasher - disposal - washer dryer attachments in garage, fenced back yard — pet accepted. 846-3988 1712 Trinity Place College Station, Texas COUNTRY STYLE LIVING AT— CALL NOW TO RESERVE YOUR APARTMENT FOR THE SPRING SEMESTER APARTMENT SELECTORS 3200 S. College Ave. 823-7506 FREE SERVICE TO YOU Jenny Pitts Donna Brunton Don Whitney Evenings 1-535-7395 823-8531 845-2774 846-2131 846-3420 The Oaks apartments were built for people who insist on the very best A totally unique and exciting way of Life is afforded by a completely new concept in garden apartments—locat ed on a private wooded lake—coun try living at a convenient location. *v?s- HWY. 2818 at industrial Par^ (713) 822-7650. the doux chgne THE ULTIMATE IN APARTMENT CHATEUX Recreation Center (Athletic Equip. Available Free) Free cCable T.V. Laundry Rooms 24-Hour Security All Utilities Paid Play Area for Children 1-2-3 Bedrooms furnished & unfurnished All electric appliances Individual Heat & air Club (Mansard House) Lighted Tennis Courts Baskt & Volleyball Courts Men & Women Exercise Rooms Sauna Baths A&M Shuttle Service Pools Party Room Lounge Area (with T.V.) 846-3741 \jLZJ office open between 9-6 Mon. - Fri., Sunday 2-5 1401 FM 2818 (West Loop) College Station Behind The New K-mart INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: Come with us to a Day Away from the A&M Campus. We are going to Washing ton on Brazos Park Nov. 23, 1974. Free lunch will be provided. Sign up at the Baptist Student Center 302 Old College Main or call 846-6411 by Friday 22. WILLOW OAKS APARTMENTS (Planfaikm/^^ I , Zn RASKFTRAII Oa/ts COME LIVE WITH US — — 1 B/R Furn. Efficiency Apts. For Singles — All Elec. Kitchens • Dishwasher • Disposal. — Ind. Heating & Cooling, Patios or Balconies BASKETBALL COURT VOLLEYBALL COURT INDIVIDUAL HEATING & Al R CONDITIONING 24 HOUR SECURITY ALL UTILITIES PAID COVERED PARKING ALLELECTRIC APPLIANCES Garden & Townhouse Apts. Private Patios, Covered Parking — All Elec. Kitchens, Attic Storage — 5 Laundry Areas — 2 pools — Excellent Maintenance — Security Patrol 3902 E. 29th Bryan 846-7996 SBOtfn