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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1974)
Page 4 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1974 Tornadoes twist through Texas in destruction dance (AP) — Tornadoes swirled through north and central portions of Texas Wednesday in a dance of destruction that left heavy material damage and at least one person in jured. At Georgetown in South Central Texas, a tornado touched down about 7 p.m. two miles south of the Georgetown Airport. Authorities said there was minor damage to Georgetown residences but damage was estimated at several hundred thousand dollars at the airport. There were no injuries. Jim Boutwell, airport manager, said the twister totally destroyed two large hangers and partially damaged another. The substantial damage to two twin-engine planes and several smaller planes had caused the high damage estimate, he said. At Lindfay, four miles west of Gainesville in North Texas, the Gainesville Fire Department evacuated about ten homes as Elm Creek overflowed during the even ing. The flooding followed in the wake of two tornadoes which swept into the Gainesville area in Cooke County Wednesday afternoon caus ing damage estimated at between $75,000 and $100,000 and injuring one person. Authorities said the injured per son was an elderly woman from the Valley View suburb where one of the twisters hit. She was buried under the debris of her home. Re scuers took her to a hospital. The second twister hit about 30 minutes later, around 5 p.m., hit ting homes in the southern section of town. The Red Cross said that five homes suffered major damage and twelve sustained minor damage. Most of the damaged homes were on Lindsay St. where the second tornado hit. Officials said a roof from a house was blown into the high school, but students were in another part of the building and no injuries were re ported. The turbulent weather was sparked by a cold front rolling east ward across the state. The National Weather Service said thunders torms and other violent weather would prevail over portions of North Central Texas. Early in the evening the Weather Service issued a tornado watch for portions of North Central and Northeast Texas. The tornado watch included the following counties: Thunderstorms developed before the front, which stretched from the Panhandle to the Big Bend area, as warm, moist air billowed in from the south. The Department of Public Safety said a severe thunderstorm with winds up to 80 miles an hour and heavy rain hit an area south of Wax- ahachie Wednesday morning. Temperatures Wednesday ranged from the mid 40’s in Far West Texas to the low 80 s along the Coastal Plain. Forecasters said showers and thunderstorms will develop over all of the state as the cold front rolls east. Skies are expected to be cloudy while cool temperatures will spread throughout the western half of the state behind the front. Wind warnings were issued for many lakes in east Texas. Learn your lessons as a Christmas gift VENTURA CARIOCA ELDORADO Keepsake engagement dia monds have perfect color, cut and clarity. Choose from our beautiful holiday selection. EMBREYS JEWELRY LAY-AWAY NOW for CHRISTMAS Northgate 846-5816 : enlarged to show detail. Trade-Mark Reg. HOUSTON (AP) — Would you like to have a $115,000 Christmas gift of 10 lessons in swimming from Olympic champion Mark Spitz? That is one of a series of lessons being offered at prices ranging from $230 to $565,000 by a Houston spe cialty store, Sakowitz, in its Christ mas catalogue released Wednesday. The $565,000 price tag is for les sons in how to make odds, with Jimmy “The Greek” Snyder. For an additional $87,500, all handicaps for a year can be purchased. The $230 is for bull riding or bronc bustin’ lessons. Astronaut Walter Cunningham is available for lessons at $65,000 on how to fly a spacecraft. Other offerings include lessons on piano, Peter Duchin, $3,750; tennis, John Newcombe, $8,650; skiing, Jean Claude Killy, $4,325; conversation, Truman Capote, $3,000, and dancing, Mitzi Gaynor, $10,600. As the ultimate gift in total know ledge, the entire package of lessons from 16 experts is being offered at $825,000. f Campus briefs ) Fiscal office expands An extension of the Fiscal Department is scheduled to open Monday on the first floor of the Rudder Center. This extension will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, including the lunch hour, to cash checks and take care of fee payments. There will be two cashiers to help the students. The new office will be able to assist students who have previously been unable to get to the Coke Building office. Fiscal Department officials hope that this extension will help to alleviate the long lines in the present office. Any questions pertaining to fees should be directed to the Coke Build ing Office. Gubernatorial candidate speaks Sherry Smith, the Socialist Workers Party gubernatorial candidate, will present a talk tonight at 8 p.m. in room 302 of the Rudder Tower. The candidate is sponsored by the TAMU Civil Liberties Union. Smith has taken many controversial campaign stands this year. She has also been highly involved in the women’s liberation movement. The gubernatorial candidate will speak on “Socialists and Civil Liber ties.” Filing for Freshman offices begins Freshmen may file for positions from Oct. 31 to Nov. 7, 8 a.m. till 5 p.m. in the Student Programs Office in the MSC. There are positions for five senators and freshman class officers. Stu dents must not be on scholastic probation to be eligible. Elections will be held Nov. 14. For further information contact Susan Warren at 845-3051 (SC office) or 693-4545 (home). Sophomores throw 50’s dance The sophomore class is throwing a 50’s dance Saturday night from 8 to 12:30, after the Arkansas game, in DeWare Field House. Everyone is to come drdssed up “nifty fifties’’ style. There will be a contest for the best dressed couple. Music will be hosted by Dave Kelly of KTAM radio. There will also be a jitterbug contest. 50% DISCOUNT SO COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION SHOW AND SALE Large Inventory of Hand-made Navajo, Zuni, Hopi, Santa Domingo INDIAN JEWELRY, Discounted at 50% of Actual List Price. at HOLIDAY INN S. 1503 Texas Ave., C. S. ALL JEWELRY IS GUARANTEED Repairs will be made, no charge at our Trading Post. n NOV. 1-3 C 11 am-8 pm ^ in. 12 pm-6 pm dANQUET ROOM Any Jewelry Bought at this Sale may Be Exchanged Dollar for Dollar for any Indian Jewelry at 44 Trading Post, 5011 4th St., N. W., Albuquerque, New Mexico, or at broker: ARROW TRADING CO. 165 S. Guadalupe San Marcos, Texas BANKAMERICARD & MASTER CHARGE ACCEPTED Sbisa Hall, Duncan Hall & Commons Meal Schedule Week Beginning November 3 Thry November 9 Master Menu No. 5 Tex \ ’Coffee. Milk ’Asst - Dry Cereal •Chilled Peaches 'Fried Eggs 'Link Sausages •Blueberry Hotcakes •Toast - Oleo ’Grape Jelly. Strawberry A Peach Preserves •Bacon SUNDAY BREAKFAST tirape Drink. Tang Grapefruit Hj Pmeepple Grapefruit Jwc* H Tea Coke Spot# ENTREES AND SOUPS 1 ’Seafood Platter (Stuffed Crab (1) Fried Whiting (2 oz ). and Sec ! Shrimp (2 ea.) w/cocktail sauce & tartar sauce VEGETABLES AND FRUITS •Green Peas w/onion sauce •French Fned Potatoes Turnip Greens w/ham base DINNER SALADS. RELISHES. DRESSINGS Fruit Salad •Cola Slaw Strawberry Jallo w/pear halves Whipped Grape JeKo Parian Tossed Salad. Cottage Cheese A Itafcan To matoes DESSERTS AMO BREADS Open ice Creem Bar Peach Cnep Fruit Ftoet Parted •Hot RoNe Oleo BEVERAGES •Iced Tm. HOI Tea Cotta* MotOa T«ij ■ Grape Dnnk. Grapefruit JuK» Spr* Cm H Pmfc Lemonade Frut Punch Praipp* ■ Dressing French. 1.000 Island Bleu Cheese. Relishes Mustard. Cataup. Salad Dresamg. Tartar Sauce Fruit; Tropical Fruit Grapetrurt Juice 1 SUPPER NO EVENING MEAL Tomato Juice. Coffee. Milk Cream of Wheal Grape. Strawberry. & Plum Jelly Ass t. Dry Cereal Scrambled Eggs Hash Brown Potatoes Hoi Biscuils-Oleo *2 Orange Muffins Pan Fried Bacon Broiled Ham MONDAY BREAKFAST 3 Continental Breakfast Glazed Doughnuts Orange Muffins Pecan RoUs White Bread Raisin Bread 4 Fned Eggs Toest-Oteo Broked Hem Syrup-Motcekee Pineapple Ju*ce Gupekul Juca Gripi ■ Drinx Cda Spme Mo< Cnocata* | 1 ENTREES AND SOUPS *Frito Pie 6 oz. end Seconds •Beet Baron over Rice 4 oz. and Seconds (Fresh) VEGETABLES AND FRUITS French Fned Potatoes •Buttered Rice •Steamed Spinach w/Ham Base DINNER SALADS. RELISHES, DRESSINGS •Red Cherry JeNo w/Bananaa Marinated Vegetable Salad Pineapple Snooky Salad Pear and Grated Cheese Tossed Salad. Cottage Cheese. A I taken To matoes DESSERTS AMO BREADS •Benana Nut Cake Cherry Cake toe Cream •Bread-CMeo Butlerecoktfi PudcAng Orange JeBo Parfait w/Appla Nuggets BEVERAGES 'Grape Punch iced Tea Hot Tm C4t« « H Chouutale Tang Grape Onnk. Qnpttvl ■ Juice sprue Cola Pmh lomonsM Fr* ■ Punch Pioeoppie Grapefru* An i - 'Beef and Vegetable Soup-Crackers s ‘Gnlled Cheese Sandwich ! ‘Sliced Chicken Sandwich Ham Salad Sandwich •Frito chips-Potato chips French Fned Potatoes Dressings French Oil A Vinegar 1,000 Island •Rekahes Pickle Reksh. Salad Dressing. Mus tard. Catsup •Lettuce Salad Fruit Diced Pears ■Who*- Wh—t Whrto Stood j ’Barbecued Sliced Beef 3-1/2oz-and No Sec- Chicken Tetrezinni 6 oz and Seconds •Ranch Style Beans •Potato Salad Italian Green Beans SUPPER Molded Fruit Float Salad Carrot. Celery Stick. Radish Salad Ume Jeko w/Fruit Cocktail Boiled Egg A Freen Omon Fruited Rice Salad Carrot and Radish Salad ’Green Salad. Cottage Cheese A 1 taken To matoes • ’Piquant Dressing—Meyoneise Apple Pie ‘Black Bottom Pie Blueberry P»a ‘Bread ‘Oleo iced Tea Mw. Coftee FrmArtfi * It ■ Mi* ChoocMte Tang GripaDnrAGr»ttZ ■ Juk» Spnta Cola. Pma lomomdi P.neappto Grape*0*1 A*ce Chocwaw ■ lowtai Mak j| Dressings French. 1.000 Island. Freen Gob dess Fruit Diced Peers 'Grapefruit Juice. Coffee. Milk ‘Ass't Dry Cereals •Grape.Strawberry, and Plum Jelly •Orange Muffins Pan Fned Bacon *2 Scrambled Eggs Hash Brown Potatoes Hot Biscuits-Oteo Sausage Patties TUESDAY BREAKFAST 3 Continental Breakfast Giazod Doughnuts Orange Muffins Pecan Rots Whd# Breed 4 Fned Egge French Toeal Syrup ToeerOkoo I'.rXKM J-.C. ■ Hot Coco- Cat V«i \ 1 ENTREES AND SOUPS •Grilled Chopped Steak w/Gravy i ea and Sec onds ’Spaghetti and Meat Sauce A Sec VEGETABLES AND FRUITS ’Mashed Potatoes Glazed Carrots ’Cut Green Beans w/Ham Base and Granu lated Onions DINNER SALADS. RfUSMCS DRESSINGS Waldorf Salad Sliced Pineapple A Cottage Cheese Orange JeBo w/Frurt Cocktail Raspberry and Black Cherry Jeko Jewels •Tossed Salad Combination Salad. Cottage Cheese A Italian Tomatoes DESSERTS AMO SMEAOS Sugar Cookies "Apple Brown Betty f*oe PudcBng *»/Cherry Nuggets and Jubtee Top •Bread BEVERAGES •cac 'aa Grape FVvh Hot Tm CxAa W H Cocoa Tang Grapetnai Aaca CoN S#rs ■ F>in*i ^omonade Fruk Punch Pnoatpa ■ Grapoku* -Ance f •Beef and Rice Soup-Crackers •Pullman Ham Sandwich ’Grilled Cheese Sandwich i Tuna Salad Sandwich ‘Potato ctvps—Frito chips Dressings 'French. Bleu Cheese. 1.000 Island Relishes Pickle Reksh Mustard. Catsup Salad Dressing Lettuce Salad Fruit: Peach Chunks •Whole Wheat Whrte A Rye Bread ’Grilled T-Bone Steak Au Jus ? Chili and Macaroni 4 oz and 3 oz Sec * Baked Potato Blackeyed Peas w/Salt Pork •Whole Kernel Com SUPPER Molded Apple Salad Lime Jeko Pad ait w/Pmeappie Chunks on Top Macaroni Salad Mexican Salad Jaiapeno Peppers ’Green Salad. Cottage Cheese. A (taken To matoes •German Chocolate Cake WhNe Cake w/Strewberry Kang •Oleo ’CrecAers •Dinner Ro»s •Punch ‘Mak Cone# Hot Tas Mot Cocoa I T or v Gr^*aku.i Juce Com Spnta Pr* ■ lemonade Fruit FVxh PmeappN-GrsYV K Ju*ce Chocolate and loot at M* Lettuce. Tomatoes Relishes Salad Dressing. Catsup *1.000 Is land. French. Bleu Cheese Fruit: Peach Chunks *Tang. Coffee. Milk i -AssT Dry Cereal ’Grape. Strawberry, and Peach Preserves ’Jelly Fritters Ham *2. Quick Qoffee Cake Sausage Links WEDNESDAY BREAKFAST 3 Continental Breakfast Glazed Doughnuts Coffee Cake Jelly Fritters Ftaisin and White Bread 4 Fned Egge Scrambled Eggs Hotoakea-Syrup Toast Sausage Links Pineapple Juice Grape Dunk. GnpaW 1 Juice Hot Chocolate. CoM SpnM ENTREES AND SOUPS •Pizza 4 oz A Seconds ’Veal Curry 4 oz over Rice A Seconds VEGETABLES AND FRUITS ’Baked Pork and Beans •Snowflake Rice ’Buttered Squash DINNER SALADS. RELISHES. DREUINGS 'Ume and Orange Layered Jeilo Cherry Jallo w/SkOed Peaches Red A White Coleslaw Stuffed Celery and Radish Salad Tossed Salad. Cottage Cheese. A Italian To matoes DESSERTS AMO BREADS Peer Cobbler Cake w/Rum Sauce •Strawberry Cobbler ’Breed •Tapioca w/Blueberry Nuggets •Oleo BEVERAGES ‘O'ange Punch Grape Punch. MolCdCM | ’Gnlled Cheese Sandwich Chicken Salad Sandwich •Beef A Vegetable Soup—Crackers • Pastrami Sandwich *Fnto chips—Potato chips Dressing French. Blue Cheese. 1.000 Island •Lettuce Salad Relishes Mustard. Catsup. Salad Dressing. Pickles Fruit Pineapple Chunks •Rye, White, and Whole Wheat Bread Lemonade Pmeapple GrapefruH Aaca 1 *Ham Steak 5 oz. No Seconds w/Ham Gravy Molokai Steak 5 oz and Seconds ’Mashed Potato •Green Peas w/Granulated Onions Fluffy Rice SUPPER Applesauce Whipped Grape Jallo Banana Nut Salad Cardinal Salad Ambrosia Salad •Combination Salad. Cottage Cheese A Italian Tomatoes Fruit Float Parfait •Bavarian Creem Pie w/Graham Cruet Chocolate Pi#-Grahem Cruet Strawberry Whip A Chki Pie Hot Dinner RoNt Breed Oleo •Iced Tea ‘Muk Cofiee, Mot Tea. Hot Co* 1 Tang. Grapefruit Juice. Cola. Sprit. M H Lemonade Fruit Punch, PmseppM-GdpBN ■ Juice Chocolate Lowfat M* Hamburgers ; Hot Dogs Chili Fhto ch*>s Potato chips Dressings. ’French. 1.000 Island. Bleu Cheese Relishes: Mustard. Salad Dressing. Chopped Onions, Catsup Fruit Pineapple Chunks Hamburger Buns Hot Dog Buns •Pineapple Juice, Coffee. Milk j ‘AssT Dry Cereal ’Oatmeal ‘Grape. Slrawberry, A Peach Preserves ; *1. Peach Coffee Cake Sausage Patties '2 Jelly Fritters Pan Fried Bacon THURSDAY BREAKFAST 3. Continental Breakfast Glazed Doughnuts Coflee Cake Cherry Strudel Rolls Raisin and White Bread 4 Fned Eggs Scrambled Eggs Hotcakes. Syrup Toast Pen Fned Bacon Pineapple Juice. Grape Dnnk GrapefruUua 1 Hot Chocolate Cda. Spme ENTREES AND SOUPS •Beef Pie w/Biscuit Topping 4 oz and Seconds ’Hof Tamales w/Chili 2 ea and Seconds VEGETABLES AND FRUITS •Taler Tots Buttered Carrots •Buttered Green Beans w/Ham Base Spanish Rice DINNER SALADS. RELISHES. DRESSINGS •Cherry Jeilo w/Pear Halves Under-the-Sea Salad Sliced Beel A Onion Carrifruil Salad Tossed Salad. Cottage Cheese. A Italian To matoes DESSERTS AND SNEADS Chocolate Tart Lemon Meringue Tart •Braad-Oleo •Vanina Pudding w/Raspberry Nuggets BEVERAGES ‘Iced Tea. Grape Punch. Mol Tea. Co(lai.Hoi 1 Cocoa. Tang. Grapefruit Juice, Cole. S{*l 1 Pink Lemonade. Fruit Punch. Pmaippe 1 Grapefruit Juice •Beef and Noodle Soup-Crackers •Grilled Cheese Sandwich •Corned Beef Sandwich •Potato chips-Frito chips Dressings French. 1.000 Island. Green God dess Fruit: Mixed Fruit ‘Chopped Lettuce •Relishes Mustard. Salad Dressing. Pickle Relish •Whole Wheat. Rye. White Breed •Roast Turkey j i ’Giblet Gravy ’Cornbread Dressing •Cranberry Sauce r Lima Beans w/Ham Chunks A Sec •Buttered English Peas w/Gran Onions •Candied Sweet Potatoes Buttered Golden Aulumn Corn SUPPER Molded Apple Nugget Salad Lemon Jeilo w/Fruit Cocktail Whipped Raspberry Jeilo Parfait w/Cottage Cheese Marinated Vegetable Salad ’Combination Salad. Cottage Cheese A Italian Tomatoes Apple Crumble •Chocolate Chip Cookies Pineapple Cake Ice Cream •Hot Rolls Oleo •Fruit Punch ‘Milk. Coffee. Hot Tee. HdCo* Tang Grape Drink. Grapefruit Juce Spa Cola. Pink Lemonade P.neeppte-GrapihF Juice Lowtat and Chocolate MJk Hamburgers % Chili Frito chips Potato chips Dressings 'French. 1.000 Island. Bleu Cheese Fruit Mixed Fruit Lettuce. Tomato jRelishes Mustard. Salad Dressing. Chopped ■Onion. Catsup Hamburger Buns Hoi Dog Buns 'Tanq. Coffee. Milk •Grape Jelly Strawberry A Peach Preserves •Ass't. Dry Cereals ’ ‘Fresh Fruit •1 Scrambled Eggs Pan Fried Bacon Toast Oleo *2 Doughnuts Broiled Ham FRIDAY BREAKFAST 3. Continental Breakfast Glazed Doughnuts Cherry Struedel Rolls Nut Rolls White A Raisin Bread 4 Fried Eggs French Toast Broiled Ham Pineapple Juice, Grape Drink. GnpaM Juice. Hot Chocdate. Cda. Sprite ENTREES AND SOUPS ’Breaded Shnmp 6 ea and No Sec Cocktail Sauce Fned Liver A Onions 4 oz and Sec V VEGETABLES AND FRUITS .» *Tri Tatars •Buttered Mixed Vegetables Club Spinach DINNER SALADS. RELISHES. DRESSINGS Cherry Jeilo w/Miniature Marshmallows •Fruit Slaw Lemon A Raspberry Jeilo Jewels Molded Orange A Carrot Salad Tossed Salad. Cottage Cheese A Italian To matoes DESSERTS AND BREADS ’Coconut Cake Spice Cake Peach Fruit Float ‘White Bread Oleo Lemon Pudding Parfail BEVERAGES ‘Iced Tea. Orange Punch. Hot Tea.CoflM.ttt Cocoa. Tang. Grapefruit Juice. Cola. Sprtt Pink Lemonade. Fruit Punch. Pineeppk- ‘Green Pea Soup—Crackers •Roast Beef Sandwich ’Grilled Cheese Sandwich .< Tuna Salad Sandwich •Frito chips-Potato chips Dressings: French. Oil A Vinegar. 1.000 Island •Relishes Mustard. Salad Dressing. Pickle Re lish. Catsup. Tartar Sauce Lettuce Salad Fruit: Tropical Fruit ‘Whole Wheat Bread ‘While Bread 1 'Breaded Pork Chops 2 ea A No Sec. •Cream Gravy Braised Beef and Noodles 4 oz and Sec •French Fned Potatoes Scalloped Corn ‘Broccoli Buttered SUPPER Lime Jeilo w/Sliced Pineapple •Green Onion, Celery. Radish Salad Three Bean Salad •Lettuce Salad. Cottage Cheese. A Italian To matoes Apncot Pie Coconut Pie •Hot RoUs ‘Oleo •French Bavarian Cream Pie •Pink Lemonade. Fruit Punch. •Milk. Coffee.ho! Tea Hot Cocoa Tang. Grape Dnnk. GrapiM Hamburgers (Commons Only) Hot Dogs (Commons Only) Chili Frito chips-Potato chips Dressings Salad Dressing. French. Bleu Cheese. Relishes Chopped Onions. Mustard. Catsup. Salad Dressing Lettuce-Sliced Tomatoes Fruit Tropical Fruit Hoi Doq Buns Hamburger Buns Juice Sprite. Cola Pmeappie-Grapefn.' Juice Lowfat and Chocolate Milk •Tang. Coffee. Milk Z *Ass"t Dry Cereals ’Grape Jelly. Strawberry and Peach Preserves *1 Cherry Strudel Rolls Ham "2 Scrambled Eggs Link Sausage Toast-Oleo SATURDAY BREAKFAST 3. Fried Eggs Hotcakes-Syrup Grape Drink. Pineapple Juice. Grapelnrt Juice. Hot Chocolate. Cda, Spnte ENTREES AND SOUPS ’Chicken Fned Steak 3 oz ■Cream Gravy Barbecue Beel on Bun 4 oz and Seconds VEGETABLES AND FRUITS ‘Whole Green Beans w/Gran. Onions and Ham Base •Lyonaise Potatoes Buttered Squash DINNER SALADS, RELISHES. DRESSINGS Lime Jeilo Parfait Macaroni Salad Deviled Eggs ’Lettuce A Celery Salad Cottage Cheese A Italian Tomatoes DESSERTS AND BREADS Orange Nut Cookies ’Cherry Pudding Open Ice Cream Bar ‘Bread-Oleo BEVERAGES ‘Iced Tea. Tang, Hot Tea. Coftee, Hot Cocci Grapefruit Juice. Cola Sprite. Pink Lemonade Fruit Punch. Pineapple-Grapetruit Juice Dressings: ‘French. 1.000 Island. Bleu Cheese •Roast Beef and Gravy 3-1/2 oz No Sec. ft' Frankfurters w/Chili 2 ea A Sec •Snowflake Buttered Potatoes •Buttered Carrots Potato Salad SUPPER Celery. Carrot, and Radish Salad Yum Yum Salad Pear A Apricot Salad Raspberry Parfait Salad •Tossed Salad. Cottage Cheese. A Italian To matoes •Lemon Cake Chocolate Cake Hot Dog Buns •Bread—Oleo •Iced Tea. 'Milk. Hoi Tea. Coflee. HotCocca Grapefruit Juice. Cola Sprit*, Pink Lemonade Dressings French. 1.000 Island. ‘Green God- Relishes: Pickle Refish, Mustard. Catsup Diced Onions All items served at Sbisa and Commons ’Items served at Ouncan Hall Breakfast and 2 served m opposite wings of Duncan Hall Due to limited equipment it is impossible to serve the same breakfast vanetiesm both wings at one lime. The inpeti Ouse i ingres (x) in The a mocr lean Pai \V for S for An TEX 1st James VVrigl No R Chari Janie: Haro! 4th Dick Rav 1 5th Alan Mike 6th Carl Olin 7th 8th Don; Bob The five ca fice of Leagu pi- IC ne ec lis Tl ce P rui lisl rec n& P<* ne cr« foi pc ar ya te ll;* ca cr te- of la P"