Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1974)
Page 4 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1974 Foreigners need working permits BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES Une day 5c per word 4<t per word each additional day Minimum charge—75c Classified Display $1.00 per column inch 2<*h insertion SPECIAL NOTICE FOR SALE ROOMMATE WANTED HELP WANTED Mr. Businessman : inventory in high, dr ;h resident mai witl Call 822-6618 overflow ighted lockers No key deposit. you y, and lighted rs. No key depos by 2206 Finfeath Foreign students seeking summer employment will have to obtain permission from the Immigration and Naturalization Service rather than from school officials, an nounced Immigration Commis sioner Leonard Chapman. The decision to withhold author ity from school officials to act on foreign student requests for sum mer work permission was intended to protect summer job opportunities for American youth, including Viet nam veterans and members of minority groups. Chapman also said that the De partment of State was consulted by the Immigration and Naturalization Service prior to the decision to limit foreign student employment Ex pressed the view that there is an dep er. 374tl4 Modernistic glass chess set. From Kentucky. 822-4950. Handmade. 390t3 FOR RENT important foreign policy benefit to pi^ Y U^^^GRA^A^ N ° W the United States from the presence of young foreigners studying in this country who later take home with them not only academic knowledge gained here, but also greater know- , ledge of this country. Foreign stu dents in need of employment, how ever, may continue to apply to the Service for work permission at any time. “In balancing the labor market impact against the foreign relations aspects, I have concluded that pro tection of job opportunities for young Americans, including minor ity youth and Vietnam veterans, is the paramount consideration at this time,” he concluded. •oom mobile home for summer. Everything furnished. Two bedro u'yt] included. Space for horses 390t5 AN NOUNCEMENTS AT THE STUDENT FINANCE CENTER ROOM 217 M.S.C. 8-4 MONDAY THRU FRIDAY. 387t8 No use driving and hunting — just see Cowan’s White Auto Store, North Gate. We have it: auto parts, home appliances, bikes and repair, home needs and lawn mowers. 229tfn Male roommate wanted for next fall and pring. Two bedroom apartment. 823- 380. 390t3 For full part time employment ftij jmmer wherever you are. Call SiWIJI you fter 3 p.m. for appointment and intervin. Two bedroom house. Close. $T5/month. No bills. Call 846-3681 after 5. 387t4 3«( Full blooded English setter needs good home. Male, 18 months old. Call 846-2748. 889t6 Senior EE wants male roommate for sum- Contact James Eke, Monaco mer semester. II, apt. 224. TEACHERS WANTED. Entire Wat Midwest and South. Southwest Tesckm Agency, 1303 Central Avenue, N. E. At buquerque, NM 87106. Bonded, Liceiunl nd Member NATA. "Our 28th .year." 3tt! Member NATA. uricK, tnree oearoom, z oaii CA-CH, $150 month plus deposit. carpe 823-4977. 390t8 or paid. 846-5132 after 6. ties tfn Store your extras for the summer with Adams Transfer and Storage Co., East nth. 846-2977. 385U2 Gate, $6.00 and up per mon Datsun 2-402, air, automatic, li 000. $3500. Steel radials, 846-0563. 1971. 32,- 389t7 Spirit filled Christian girl roommate for fall. Share of rent $86 monthly. 845-7591. 387t4 Private first above average and experi resume to Box W. grade teacher. Must It ienced. Stti or, or part of, summe bedroom furnished, air conditioned rt of. One apart ment. Two blocks from civilian quad. Rent negotiable. Prefer couple or single 846-9710 after 5. Prefer couple or single student. ! 890t5 rat by ANDY ANDERSON has been moving AGGIES for 14 years with U-HAUL lowest ites and best equipment. Call or come 2010 South College, Bryan, 822-3546. 384U2 1966 VW, good transportation. $550. 7270, 693-4297, 388t3 gold. carat diamond solitaire, size 7, yellow- id. Call 822-1923. Wedding ring set. 388t4 Attention married couple: one bedroom, furnished apartment to sub-let for the summer. Close to campus. 846-9044. 388t8 Aggielands for high schools may be picked up in the Student Publications Of fice. Rom 216, Reed McDonald Building, 8-5. 380tfn Second, Ap guar Pt. 2, C.S. 387t4 10 close x 50 Mobile home, 2 bedroom, to campus. Asking $2660. arpeted, 46-21 Three bedroom trailer, summer only. $160 per month plus telephone. 693-4859. 388t4 One and two bedroom apartments, CA- H. 415 College Main, 846-6444. 384t8 Sparkey Hardee (Continued from page 1) ing help. Since that ad was run, I’ve found those people have got ten better treatment from man agement.” “Now I understand there’s a ‘verbal memo’ out to have no more written memos,” Hardee added. In discussing his opponents, Hardee said they both had con ceded the student vote to him. “In this concession they said the student vote was unimportant because they claim the students won’t vote. I have greater con fidence in that fightin’ Aggie spirit and the young adults of A&M. “I have supported students; I have a close relationship with many of them, regardless of my opponents’ attitudes. The student community is young, vital, con cerned and active. I understand the frustration they feel with their present elected officials.” Hardee runs Sparkey’s Pizza Parlor in College Station. He said he has been in real estate and ini surance ventures as well as his oil industry work. “An A&M student should damn well be appointed to the TAMU System Board of Directors,” Hardee said. “Who is more qual ified than a student who pays fees and taxes ? Most students are better qualified than some of the people on the Board now.” “There’s nothing personal about my campaign. I’m just trying to get principles and voting records out in the open. I’m not a politi cian. I’m a man for the people. Sparkey Hardee cares enough to give you alternatives on all is sues. Joyce and Presnal deny that they have conceded the student vote and they deny saying it is unimportant.—Ed. VARSITY APARTMENTS Walking Distance From Campus. 2 bdrm. Unfurnished Apt. 100 Jersey C.S. From $77.50 up 846-5563 369tfn AGGIES GOING HOME FOR THE SUMMER? RESERVE A LOCKER AT U-STOW-N-GO NOW. The first and last months^ rent will hold your space. Call 822-6618 Remember: IT’S CHEAPER TO STOW THAN TOW. 371t24 846-2162. 386t5 Packing cartons for sale, fer and Storage, East Gate. sale, Adams Trans- 885tl2 OFFICIAL NOTICE Official notices must arrive in the Office of Student Publications before deadline of 1 p. m. of the day preceding publication. SOUTHGATE VILLAGE APARTMENTS Family size apartments with lots of closet space. Individually controlled refrigerated air. Cable TV connections. Complete laundry facilities. ALL UTILITIES PAID One, two, three & four bedroom apart ments from $104.00. Some available now. Married students welcome. 134 Luther (off old hwy. 6 so., C. S.) Rental Office 846-3702 Apply in person. Pizza Hut, Bryan. JfiU Summer 846-9264. help needed for hay haulii WANTED TO BUY Texas A&M University, February 13, 1974 Office of the Dean of Admissions and Records Used refrigerator-freezer, after 6. Call 693-2717 390t5 To be eligible to purchase the Texas A&M University must have at least one residence and credit fo Need tickets for graduation commence- imei ment. Will pay reasonable price. Call 693- ng, at le I ci rs. rra de tiase the ndergradu 389t2 BROADMOOR APTS. 2 Bedroom, 1 bath, central air & heat, panelled, carpeted & draped, close to school, University Shop ping Center, & Medical Center. $145. unfurnished. $165 furnish ed. All bills paid including cable. 1503 Broadmoor 846-1297 or 846-2737 317tfn Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 57tfn ergraduate student academic year in r ninety-two (92) semester hours. The hours passed at the preliminary grade report period on March 4, 1974 may be used in satisfying this ninety-two hour requirement. Students qualifying under this regulation may now leave their names with the Ring Clerk, Room Seven, Richard Coke Building. She, in turn, will check all records to determine ring eligibility. Orders for these rings will be taken by the Ring Clerk starting March 15, 1974, and continuing through May 3, Ifc rr "~* — = " be returned to the FUTURE CPA’s Learn How to prepare for the CPA Exam BECKER CPA REVIEW COURSE Call Collect 713/223-8936 STUDENTS Free Furnished Apartment For Weekend or parttime work during Summer MEN Construction Work GIRLS Child Care 846-7414 F 381U Alcoa subsidiary has openings for sua.! r d< in Dallas 241-3671 mer work. Fo l&f 1 . jj tin 452-2758 or '45 342-4665 ; Ft. Worth ad and take home. ry has openings I details call main numttnll Houston 526-3020; Ait U 2-4691 ; San Antonin B 8886. Clip <rJ 3» WORK WANTED full time, exotic danwn, for exotic dam 1974. The rings will be returned to Registrar’s Office for delivery on or befor Willi do typing. Call 823-4579 after 5 p.m. and all day Saturday. 387t4 Part time < good pay, top wages Waitresses. Must apply in person, 4 p.m. 846-3450, Zipper Lounge or Mon li 4 823-7804. 3M 1 ictl ■ «l’ti : June 14, 1974. from 8:00 a. m. rery on or Deiore The Ring Clerk is on duty and he King I to 12:00 each week. a. m. to 12:00 noon ami 1:00 00 p. m., Monday through Friday AVON Needs part-time help in this area. Call 846-8224 Admissions am Carolyn Wells, Ring Clerk joper, nd Rei 846tfn LOST Gray-blue men’s suit coat, wool worsted. REWARD. Call 846-3885. 389t5 JOB OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE OR RENT Mobile home space for rent 6 miles from smpus. Couples onlj Call 846-1866. 315tfn Nixon lawyer ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES. Ou urnished apar IVa miles sou Washateri; 5. One and 2 bedroom furnished apartments. Read)' for occupancy. 1% miles south of or occupancy, jake for fiahi try atmosphere. 823-0934 or after 6, 846-3408 mg. washal Country atmosphere. Call D. R. C pus. grounds. Jain Co., 822-6135. 166tfn BEUAIR . Mobile Home Park. Foi* privacy and nice living 2201 Leonard Rd. 822-2326 or 822-2421 Rental or Rental Purchase 334tfn (Continued from page 1) cific participation at any point in the impeachment proceedings would be made by Chairman Ro dino and he could be overruled by majority vote of the committee. The amendment by Rep. Rob ert McClory, R-Ill., for live cov erage of any impeachment -pro- tation of an initial summary of possible impeachment evidence to the committee next week will not be open to the public. He refused to speculate on how soon expanded evidence presen tation meetings in the following weeks wifi become open. Presidential counselor Dean ceeding o£>en to the pu^fc "was Burch told newsmen earlier that quickly approved with little de- the White House would have no bate. objection to live television cov- But Rodino said staff presen- erage of the proceedings. PEANUTS By Charles M. Schvriz PEANUTS DOES HE MIND SETTING OLD ? &}? 1: TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY For employment information at Texas A&M University Call 846-4444 24 hours a day Equal Employment Opportunity through Affirmative Action. 333t3 Furniture Stripping Antiques AMITY, Inc. of Bryan 1103 W. 25th 10% Discount To Aggies on Stripping Marc D. Luther 713/822-7717 Bryan, Texas 77801 RN needed to work relief on 4-12 or 1M 1 • hour plus shift dit 1 shift. Salary $4 sidents. per hour plus sh el pay for out of coustj I ferential plus trav Co ight Memorial Hospital, Caldwell, Tern collect 713-667-3245. 3I«tll re: nil or call >ay for out I ntact Ms. Janice Smith, Gooi I full time waitress. Good tips I Part or Casa Chapultepec Restaurant, 1315 Souttl Texas Avenue, Bryan. 3'ltfi Man woman, full or parttime wort I Hours can be arranged to your schedolt I til 2 or 3 or nights or weekends. Applj! 36'lfi 2 or 8 or nights or weekend in person, Whataburger Drive-In. Typing theses and 693-4483. done, reasonable rates dissertations. Mrs. Whitmo Can do -■’tmore. 291tfn Typing. iSxpe: kinds. 822-0544. ■rienced, fast, accurate. All 233tfn Full time typing. 3838. Call 823-7723 or 823- 267tfn FOR BEST RESULTS TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED SOSOLIKS TV & RADIO SERVICE INC. Authorized Zenith Sales and Services 713 S. MAIN 822-2133 Redmond Terrace Drugs Phone 846-1113 1402 Hwy. 6-South College Station, Texas Prescriptions, Etc. Charge Accounts Invited Free Delivery RN needed full time on 11 to 7 shift. Shift dif ferential plus mileage. Call or come to Grimes Memo rial Hospital 210 S. Judson St. Navasota, Texas 77M or 825-6585. Ask for Mrs. Winkelmann Director of Nurses or Mr, Fraley Ad ministrator. DIFF variei a “be ! tion \ Shag but il CHILD CARE AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 GOING OUT T T 7 LET US BE YOUR BABYSITTER Even Friday & Saturday Night ' p. m. to 1:30 a. m. Call For Information 822-2620 or 822-4972 229tfn casua vacui shag anotl traffi I Loop; make tical traff i nishij wear sider= TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED NO, HE IT DOESN'T DOTWEf? HIM ... IN FACT, HE SAYS HE FEELS 6KEAT... HE SAYS THATONCE YOU'RE OVER THE HILL, YOU BESlN TO PICK DP SP££P 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms (Studios) 10 Floor Plans (650 to 1360 sq. ft.) Washer - Dryer Connections Shuttlebus 24 hour Security WE HAVE SUMMER RATES 1600 Southwest Parkway Phone: 846-5767 GENERAL ELECTRIC TRINITY GARDEN DUPLEXES Like Home Living 2 bedroom - IV2 baths - carpet - drapes central heat and air - electric kitchen - range, refrigerator - dishwasher - disposal - washer dryer attachments in garage, fenced back yard — pet accepted. 846-3988 1712 Trinity Place College Station, Texas SAINT THOMAS” EPISCOPAL CHAPEL AND STUDENT CENTER 906 Jersey Street (Southern Boundary of Campus) Telephone: 846-1726 Sunday, 8, 9:30, & 11 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. Tuesday, Canterbury Eucarist and Supper, 6:30 p. m. Thursday, Holy Eucharist and Breakfast, 6:30 a. m. Daily, 5:30 p. m- Evening Prayer The Rev. James Moore, Chaplain. The Rev. Wm. R. Oxley, Rector COUNTRY STYLE LIVING AT— The Oaks aparfments were built for people who insist on the very best. A totally unique and exciting way of Life is afforded by a completely new concept in garden apartments—locat- ’ ed on a private wooded lake-—coun try living at a convenient location. HWY. 2818 at industrial Park (713) 822-7650. SUMMER HELP COLLEGE STUDENTS OAK FOREST Mobile Home Park “THE LUXURY MOBILE HOME COMMUNITY” IVz miles from A&M Clubhouse Swimming Pools Laundromat Concrete Pads with Tiedowns Large Concrete Patios with Sidewalks Playground It costs no more to live in the finest. Krenek Tap Road, Off Hwy. 6 South 846-3857 or 846-2680 Loops They in ge a plu and c other: plush Our s tures ter v of ex see! We have a number of summer openings available in production assembly of mobile homes. Excellent opportu nity to earn plenty of money for next school team. Guaranteed base rate plus incentive pay with no limit as to how much you can earn. This summer program can be an initial step for you into our management training program after graduation. We’re located just 20 minutes south of College Station in Navasota. To apply contact Production Manager at 825-7501. r lbe J BAR J Ranch Summer Camp Boys & Girls Is now taking applications for Summer Counselors and Instructors Trampoline - Swimming - Archcry Tennis - Sailing - Rifle - Canoeing Baton - Gymnastics - Guitar Room-Board & Salary-Days Oft For Information Write, J BAR J Ranch Rt. 3 Scaly, Texas 77474 WILLOW OAKS APARTMENTS COME LIVE WITH US — SHORT TERM LEASES FOR SUMMER IN OUR — 1 B/R Furn. Efficiency Apts. For Singles — All Elec. Kitchens • Dishwasher • Disposal. — Ind. Heating & Cooling, Patios or Balconies Garden & Townhouse Apts. Private Patios, Covered Parking All Elec. Kitchens, Attic Storage 5 Laundry Areas — 2 pools Excellent Maintenance Security Patrol 3902 E. 29th Bryan 846-7996 SGOtfn Schult Mobile Home Corporation Subsidiary of Inland Steele Company Navasota, Texas ' -EVERYDAY- OPEN 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m, Mon. Thru Sat. Brake Shoes 4.60 (2 Wheels) exchange Alternators 18.95 exchange Starters - Generators from 14.95 exchange Most any part Tor most American and some Foreign cars at dealer price Your Lawnboy Dealer “We accept BankAmericard - Mastercharge” Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25 822-1669 Giving Better Service For 28 Years In Bryan T R A V I S H O U s E li'snice BUS SERVICE TO i FROM ASM CAMPUS Welcome Studenfs Children Pets From Dishwasher & garbage disp. All elec, kitchens 2 swimming pools 2 laundry rooms Covered parking All bills pd. inc. TV cable Students Special *140 57.40 Ph. 846-6111 505 HWY. 30 COLLEGE STA., TEX. < mo: