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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1974)
THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1974 Page 7 Identification, punishment part of streaker strategy E By CLIFF LEWIS Thursday night an angry crowd np &of students migrated from the po- t lice station to President Jack nJlMyilliams’ house demanding to - 5 -!iivknow what would happen to any j*' 8 A«to| streakers apprehended during the repair,night. “No one was supposed to be H °rae, Ki apprehended,” said John J. Kol- 7^' dus, assistant vice president for 5:3<) ’^tudent services. Many uniformed and plainsclothed policemen as well as university officials were on the scene of the “streak-in” for the purpose of identifying streakers only, said Koldus. Those that were identified will be placed on conduct probation in a posi tion explained by Koldus’ state ment elsewhere on page 1. Charles Powell, dean of men, described the situation in detail. “I was too optimistic to think the streak-in would happen, but when the crowd gathered, I knew it would. When a crowd gathers, rea son goes out the window and I sit on the edge of my seat. In crowd control, there can be no quick reactions to set anything off, and we can’t grab or chal lenge anyone. We had, around the perimeter of the crowd, people to identify any streakers, if possi ble.” University Police O. L. Luther had two photographers on the scene who took four or five pic tures of the streakers, according to Cliff Walstein, head of the Photographic and Visual Aids Laboratory. “But that method of identifica tion wasn’t too successful,” said Luther. One incident occurred during the night that Koldus referred to as a “fluke.” He said that “a streaker on a bicycle fell off his bike, knocking a policeman to the ground. He landed literally in the policeman’s arms.” Powell said of the incident, “We weren’t out to catch him, but once you’ve got him, what do you do with him ? He didn’t have any identification on him, of course; so he was brought to the police station, identified, and released.” Although at least 12 other streakers have been identified to date, said Powell, he knows of no others that were apprehended that night. Three others were apprehended, according to Luther. “A couple were brought in by Ron Blatch- ley’s boys,” he said. A man in shorts was “grabbed” out of the crowd in front of the police station by “a man in a white shirt,” stated a student in a letter to the editor of the Batt March 29. He resisted and was taken inside in a necklock, the letter said. Two Battalion report ers saw the man taken into the parUimei i s your st). ;4 M-kends. ,i : >'e-In. )H 1-27 at IS ; antation time mi sage. 0 is Men 5. 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T ' xas rab » re ' 1 .4 ” 88 WHITE ONIONS ^ la, 9 e it. 18 * ^ BANANAS; M0<fc TURNIPS C3llfomia ^ top !b - IS ^ ^ LEMONS .. ..... 12 % 88 < © CARROTS us ' ,c *.... 2 .J a l b s 28 w - >lETTUCt^lLs v » * - 12 88%J Russett Potatoes^ Economy Pack 1 ' ’ sliced tx,^0NTE - crushed - chunks PINEAPPLE 3 'Ll* austex SPAGHETTI MEATBALLS «300 ISoz. can if DETERGENT ery ? nl White M . - Liquid Btl. POLISH w r”„“. d „7,*“r ?X\ 7-0/.. Can .78 fabacher BEER 6-Pack Cans Double fi&H Green Stamps every Tuesday wrtfi^Z^or more purchase. COKES & DR PEPPER & THESE PRICES EFFECTIVE TJJURS.. FR|„ SAT., APRIL 4, S, 6, 1974 4 FINE STORES TO SERVE YOU * 4300 TEXAS AVE. * 3516 TEXAS AVE * 200 E. 24th ST ft *9 Redmond Terrace COLLEGE STATION BRYAN TEXAS Quantity Rights Resawed police station. The arresting officer’s name was John St. Claire. He said that he recognized the person as hav ing been a streaker earlier, “and he wasn’t about to come with me.” St. Claire said that it was de cided in a meeting at 9 that night that it would be useful to appre hend streakers for identification, as long as the police did not go into a crowd to get them. His lieutenant and other higher offi cials attended that meeting, he said. Neither Koldus, Powell, nor Ron Blachley, Powell’s assistant, said they knew of any meeting where it was decided that anyone should be apprehended. The streakers identified are be ing punished, Dean Powell said, because streaking causes problems such as those seen in the mob that night. Many people were in jured by the rapid movements of the crowd, he said, and also the university’s image is being hurt. “We can’t pick out which laws to ignore and which to enforce,” he said. “Many of us aren’t per sonally offended by streaking and many of the students are just having fun. But it’s hard for them to see both sides of the fence, because they’ve never been on this side of the fence.” bulletin board TONIGHT BEAUMONT HOMETOWN CLUB will meet in Room 607 of the Rudder Tower at 7 :30 p.m. TRAVEL COMMITTEE will meet in the Council Conference Room of the Stu dent Programs Office at 8 p.m. to program travel trips. GRADUATE LECTURE will feature Wil liam Hobby at 7:30 p.m. in Room 302 of the Rudder Center. FILM APPRECIATION COURSE will present Tatowierung in Room 601 of the Rudder Tower at 7:30 p.m. CAP & GOWN will meet at 8:30 p.m. in Room 601 of the Rudder Tower. PAN AMERICAN STUDENT ASSOCIA TION will meet in Room 504 of the Rudder Tower at 6:30 p.m. COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDI CINE will feature Richard Hall in Room 316 of the Veterinary Medical Sciences Building at noon. THURSDAY FLYING CLUB will meet in Room 229 of the Chemistry Building at 8 p.m. PANHANDLE HOMETOWN CLUB will meet in Room 501 of the MSC Tower at 8 p.m. FENCING CLUB will meet in G. Rollie White Coliseum at 7 p.m. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING will pre sent Ray Kliewer, a marine design en gineer, at 10 a.m. in Room 203 of the Zachry Engineering Center. The film, “Arctic Beachhead,” will be shown. MIDLAND AREA HOMETOWN CLUB will meet at 8 p.m. in Room 510 of the Rudder Tower. ST. THOMAS’ CHAPEL, 906 Jersey, will have a rummage sale from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING WIVES CLUB will meet at 7 :30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Darrell Gimlin, 1215 King Arthur Circle, College Station. DEPARTMENTS OF BIOLOGY AND ENTOMOLOGY will present Dr. Rudi- t Wehner at 3:30 p.m. in Room 102 neering Center. ge: of Zachry Engineering WOMEN’S AWARENESS WORKSHOP will hear Dr. Ethel Ashworth-Tsutsu speak on women in science at 8:30 p.m. in Room 402 of the Rudder Tower. RIO GRANDE HOMETOWN CLUB will meet at 6 :30 p.m. at Sparkey’s Pizza. The smartest gift you can give the grad Give them Speidel Idents. They have earned a special reward. Speidel Idents are the most fashionable way to say “well done” to your favorite Grad. Choose from 36 contemporary styles. Yellow, white sterling and stainless steel. $4.95 to $19.95. Embrey’s Jewelry “The Friendly Store” ©0RE40 f h \ l BBB I 846-5816 North Gate