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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1974)
THE BATTALION THURSDAY, MARCH 2&, 1974 Pag© 7 . Ad by Bob Bell r here I Stand the views of Bob Bell candidate for mayor of College Station lONING: Zoning as a concept for orderly and con trolled growth of a city is good. However, RANDOM RE-ZONING which disrupts or spoils established neighborhoods is not good. Long range growth pat terns and organized developments by companies or individuals should consider existing and established conditions before seeking changes in zoning. If other alternatives exist, I would not look with favor on “random re-zoning” that would disrupt existing neighborhoods. Long range planning for urban development, busi ness growth, adequate transportation and related matters must be provided by city government and those parties which will be the actual development. In this manner there is a more orderly growth pat tern and less “random re-zoning.” His son, Matthew, attends College Station Public Kinder garten and his son, Michael, attends French’s Wee Aggie- land School. Vote for Bob Bell for mayor of College Station, Tuesday, April 2, 1974. Advertisement published in compliance with Texas Election Code Article 14.10 (B). Student Publications Dept., Published, The Battalion, College Station, Texas. April 4th Is the last day. Starts Fri. April 5th. “FUNNY CAR SUMMER". Ini«i»iat»» lift*.:’* '—' nmisni Clint ...all it takes is a little Confidence. m g%. AUKMmtn ||1 MMMTimS JL including Best Picture Best Actor i U.S. rights stressed Candidate for Vice President of Academic Affairs Jeff Dunn bases his campaign on his experience as a senator and affiliation with the Academic Affairs committee. Dunn, a sophomore economics major, said he was in favor of a choice of professors program and Jeff Dunn class schedules. “I’m also for academic freedom . . . consisting of all rights guar anteed to all students on the basis we are legal adults,” said Dunn. “This includes my total support for the Student Bill of Rights and all other rights given by the U. S. Constitution.” OPTIONAL FEES. “Students should pay as few fees as possi ble,” said Dunn, “and certain op tional fees would cause undue hardships on students. I oppose such optional fees if they cause market increases to students.” PROFESSOR EVALUATIONS. “I’m for going through with publi cation of these evaluations and giving students choice of profes sors” said Dunn. He continued saying that such a publication should include the students’ evalu ation of the professors plus the professor’s evaluation of himself and what is expected in his classes. LIQUOR ON-CAMPUS. “Drinking is a personal matter for each individual to decide. As long as the rights of non-drinkers are not in jeopardy I am in favor of possession and sale on-campus,” said Dunn. SG SALARIES. Dunn opposed paid positions in Student Govern ment and felt persons in executive offices should be periodically re viewed by the Senate. PUNISHMENT. “Each case has to be reviewed individually,” continued Dunn. “Students should be treated as legal adults in all cases under due process of law.” COED DORMS. Dunn said he was in favor and willing to work for coed housing if the students were interested and the idea was feasible. ACADEMIC COUNCIL. “Pm in favor of students being repre sented on that council with a vote,” said Dunn. SHUTTLE BUS. “I’m in favor of a mass transit system,” said Dunn, adding that at this point in time the shuttle bus needed to be subsidized by Student Service Fees. Favors prof choice Despite her freshman standing. Shannon Walker feels she is qualified for the position of Vice President of Academic Affairs. “I am acquainted with the problems on campus and the needs of the students,” said Walker. “I am presently a senator and con sider myself to have enough knowledge in the subject of aca- in order to have a schedule that works best for them. OPTIONAL FEES. “Pm in fa vor of optional fees if it benefits the majority of the people, but I am not yet convinced that op tional athletic fees and optional laundry is the best way,” said Walker. PROFESSOR EVALUATION. Student Government executive of ficers should not be paid because there are already enough bene fits without pay. PUNISHMENT. “There should be an established maximum pen alty, but each case should be re viewed individually before punish ment is set,” said Walker. COED DORMS. Floor to floor WILLIAM PETLR BLATTVS THE EXORCIST (v, i,Jb,WILLIAM FRIEDKIN i ; I I'M & •&*>. 0 l ;■ From Warner Bros. | CINEMA II 846-6714 Interstate’s All Seats 2.50 UNIVERSITY SQUARE SHOPPING CENTER ORIGINAL UNCUT Mon. - Fri.—5:00 - 7:20 - 9:40 Sat. - Sun.—2:40 - 5:00 - 7:20 - 9:40 10 ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS. demic affairs.” The political science major has put student choice of professors, classes and published evaluations on the top of her campaign list. “We’re the only major school without it (choice of professors),” said Walker. She continued to say that people should have the op portunity to choose class times Shannon Walker Pd. Pol. Ad. ★ ★ ★ ★ VOTE FOR DR. O. M. HOLT Candidate for MAYOR, COLLEGE STATION Citizen College Station 25 Years Professor Texas A&M 20 Years Experience In City Government 6 Years Knowledge Of College Station Needs VOTE-HOLT-MAYOR TUESDAY, APRIL 2 Advertisement published in compliance with Texas Election Code Article 14.10 (B). Student Publica tions Dept., Publisher, The Battalion, College Station, Texas. Pd. Pol. Ad. by O. M. Holt Let us make your group or team jerseys to be proud of Custom Made . With Your Slogan or Decal Ask About Quantity Discounts. LOUPOTS books & britches Across from the Post Office “If I am elected I plan to try a pilot program the last two weeks of school in one of the colleges,” said Walker. She added that the survey would be one similar to Harvard’s and results would be published during the summer. LIQUOR ON-CAMPUS. “Pm for students being able to con sume liquor in dorm rooms, but I don’t like the policy as it is now,” said Walker. The sale of liquor on-campus needs more in vestigation, she said. SG SALARIES. Walker said coed housing would be ok and worthwhile to look into, said Walker. ACADEMIC COUNCIL. “Stu dents should have more than a token membership,” said Walker, “and the minimum membership should be all student leaders in ex-officio positions.” SHUTTLE BUS. Walker said the shuttle bus ought to be sub sidized through Student Services Fees, but she also felt more studies should be made on the matter. TIRE i heTigerfe 1 MiiiESI^gL-goHeml , The Tiger Unloaded at ED PILGER'S Corner Hwy. 6 & 30—College Station 846-8386 CLOSE OUT PLYCRON F78-14 black $13.86 Plus Fed. Tax $2.42 G78-15 black $15.77 Plus Fed. Tax $2.60 G78-15 w/w $18.66 Plus Fed. Tax $2.60 H78-15 w/w $21.14 Plus Fed. Tax $2.81 H-P F70-14 w/w $22.39 Plus Fed. Tax $2.61 BLEMISHED TIRES PACESETTER BELTED F78-14 black $22.01 Plus Fed. Tax $2.50 G78-14 black $24.05 Plus Fed. Tax $2.67 G78-15 w/w $27.14 Plus Fed. Tax $2.74 H78-15 w/w $28.69 Plus Fed. Tax $2.97 CUSHIOAIRE E78-14 black $18.67 Plus Fed. Tax $2.24 F78-14 black $19.70 Plus Fed. Tax $2.41 G78-14 black $19.72 Plus Fed. Tax $2.55 F78-14 w/w $21.23 Plus Fed. Tax $2.41 G78-14 w/w $22.78 Plus Fed. Tax $2.55 G78-15 w/w $23.29 Plus Fed. Tax $2.63 We Also Are A State Inspection Station Electronic Tune Up — Wheel Balance Occasionally We Have Gas COME BY AND SEE US IF YOU’RE PLAYING TENNIS WITH A HORNY BULL DON’T LET HIM CHARGE THE NET. The Montezuma Horny Bull:™ 1 oz. Montezuma Tequila. 5 oz. CONCENTRATED ORANGE BREAKFAST DRINK.Over ice. It's sensational, and that's no bull. ©1974. 80 Proof. Tequila. Barton Distillers Import Co., New York, New York. 15% OFF On Purchase of $50.00 or Over 10% OFF On Purchase of $50.00 or Less FOR YOU AGS WITH YOUR STUDENT I.D. Douglas Jewelry 212 N. Main Downtown Bryan 822-3119 mantezuma TEQXJIIuA. reanutWcaixery 813 OLD COLLEGE RD. 713/8469978 M COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 Featuring • Electronic Dance Floor. • The Bose Super Sound System. • Dancing Every Night From 9 p. m. • Monday — Drinks Poured Double For Single Price. • Tuesday — Bar Drinks 50c. • Wednesday — Ladies Night. • No Cover Sun. - Thurs. Only 50c Fri & Sat. • Happy Hour Mon. - Fri. 3-7 Sun. 7-12. And A BARREL OF PEANUTS THE AGGI ELAND REVUE A Talent Show Featuring A&M Students. Acts Range From Comedy and Dance To Vocal and Instrumental Music. Don't Miss It! FRIDAY, MARCH 29 8:00 P. M. Rudder Auditorium ADMISSION: $1.00 Adults .75 Children Under 12