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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1974)
Page 4 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1974 Nixon committee studies ‘Big Brother’ PEANUTS By Charles M. PEANUTS WASHINGTON <A>> _ Presi dent Nixon has instructed his new right to privacy committee to con centrate its study on the federal government’s “big brother” prob lem rather than on industry prac tices, officials said Wednesday. According to officials present at the Cabinet level group’s first meeting Tuesday, Nixon said that while there are problems in priv ate sector collection data on in- Merrie Melodies and Looney Tunes By TED BORISKIE The rumors have been floating around for months that the Texas World Speedway is going to be the site of a rock festival this summer. It looks like the rock festival is only a rumor but there is a good possibility that the TWS will be the site of the Second Annual Willie Nelson Fourth of July Pic nic to be held July 4-5-6. The people at TWS are saying that nothing is definite but the promoters say that the whole thing is in the bag and will defi nitely come off. The proposed festival is tenta tively featuring many of the same performers who appeared at last year’s fete at Dripping Springs. Willie Nelson and Leon Russell are scheduled to emcee the thing with performers as diverse as John Prine (whom I consider to be the best songwriter around to day) and Ray Price (whom I con sider to be the most useless per former around today) slated as possibly appearing. I can only hope this year’s pro moters use a bit more careful planning than did the people be hind last year’s hopelessly mis managed affair. Water and sanitation facilities are grossly inadequate at TWS to hold such a picnic at this time and parking could also develop in to a real problem. Electrical cap abilities will have to be strength ened to prevent a recurrence of the blackout of last year. In addition, TWS was built to house crowds for only a day. It remains to be seen what will happen when several thousand people try to spend three or four nights on the premises. On the positive side, I have been assured by the promoters that none of these problems will arise this year. It looks like the picnic is being planned much more extensively than last year’s which was saved only by the good graces of the performers themselves. Many who appeared last year had to undergo great personal hassle and performed only because they wanted the festival to be a suc cess. Invited to perform this year are Jerry Jeff Walker, Michael Murphey, Commander Cody and the Lost Planet Airmen, Doug iSahm, Kinky Freidman, Roger Miller, Bill Monroe, Ernest Tubbs, Kris Kristofferson and Rita Cool- idge. Also, Waylon Jennings, Billy Joe Shaver, Johnny Rodriguez, Charlie Rich, Lefty Friezell, Tom T. Hall, Jim & Jesse, Roy Acuff, Red Stegall and Sammie Smith. It should be noted that nothing is definite about the festival, es pecially who will perform. With all the financial difficulties TWS has been having lately, a concert of this type should provide a means of turning a profit at the ill-fated track. All those desiring more information on the festival should write: Fourth of July Picnic Box 9500 College Station, Texas 77840 Further developments on the festival will be noted in future editions of this column. Local photographers compete in Camera Committee Salon Sports, animals and fashion have something in common when the Camera Committee sponsors the TAMU Salon, a cash award ing contest for outstanding color and black and white photographs. Salon’s purpose is to encourage collegiate amateur photographers and it is open to members of photo associations sponsored by univer sities and colleges. Photography instructors and professionals are not eligible. The Salon, is viewed annually by over 30,000 people. Student and faculty amateur photograph ers must submit their entries by 5 p. m. on April 10. Visitors are welcome to sit in on the judging, April 13 at 9 a. m. “Best of Show” photos will re ceive a $50 cash prize, ribbon and a trophy. Runners-up will also re ceive ribbons and trophies. First, second and third place ribbons will be awarded in each of the 14 cat egories. The categories prints will be classified in are pictorial, land scape, nature, still life, human interest, sports, news, experimen tal, fashion, advertising and por traitures. Winning photos will be exhibited for two weeks. Information and Salon bro chures are available from the Camera Committee. bulletin board TONIGHT SHEET AND TRAP CLUB will meet in Room 404 of the Rudder Tower at 7 :30 p.m. JUNIOR CLASS COUNCIL will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 229 of thee MSC Tower. mation. RADIO COMMITTEE will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Rooms L and M of the Student Programs Office. SATURDAY MOBILITY IMPAIRED AGS will organize at 7 p.m. in Room 311 of the YMCA for the removal of structural barriers to disabled students. All students are Embrey’s Jewelry We Specialize In A&grie Ring’s. Diamonds Set— Sizing 1 — Reoxidizing— All types watch/jewelry Repair Aggie Charge Accounts 9-5:30 846-5816 and food and meet at the divelocker at 10:30 a.m. For more information, call Gary Sartor, 693-3136, or Donna Cox, 846-7032. MONDAY SOCIETY OF WOMEN ENGINEERS will meet at 6 p.m. in Room 6 of the Zachry 6 p.m. Engineering Center have a tasting party at 7:30 p.m. in the home of Mary Ann Cain, 1110 Merry Oaks in College Station. Hus bands are invited. MIKE MISTOVICH BUSINESS MACHINES * Royal and SCM Typewriters * Victor, Unicom & Casio Print ing Calculators * Hand Calculators Sales, Service & Rentals 909 S. Main 822-6000 dividuals, “let’s not all dump on industry, let’s worry about the big brother problem.” In announcing formation of the 11-member committee headed by Vice President Gerald R. Ford, Nixon referred in a nationwide address to the potential abuses in private and government data col lection procedures. But in convening the commit tee’s initial meeting, officials re ported that the President concen trated on government practices, declaring that federal agencies now collect too much data on in dividuals including information “that the government ought not to know.” They said he suggested that the panel’s first order of business should be cataloguing the types of information gathered by the government and finding out whether its collection is justified. Nixon apparently offered no specifics on types of information to which he was referring, but did express interest in safeguarding criminal investigative files. Officials reported that Nixon strongly voiced his opinion that criminal arrest and conviction records must be accessible to var ious law enforcement agencies. But, they said, he insisted that “there ought to be the strictest security on raw data collected by the FBI because it includes third and fourth-hand hearsay.” According to those present, Nixon described the question of the right to privacy as “spongy,” and recommended that the com mittee concentrate its work on specifically defined areas. Panel members agreed to report back in a week with suggestions for study. Within the next several weeks, the vice president is expected to appoint an executive director to oversee a staff drawn from vari ous government agencies. Nixon said in his radio speech Saturday that he wanted the com mittee, within four months, to be gin to come up with recommenda tions for executive orders, regula tions, and legislation to protect individuals’ right to privacy. HZS, SIR, I \ REALIZE THAT I CAUSED A PlSTl/RBANCE IN CLASS... I 6UESS I UAS SORT OF UPSET ,o\ I HAVE THE FEELING THAT I'M GETTING DUM&ER EVERS' PAS'...! PON'T EVEN EXPECT TO GET ANS' SMARTER... J l'P BE SATISFIED JUST TO SLOlU P0a)N MV DI/M0N&! P en a ptball BATTALION CLASSIFIED WANT AD RATES One day 5e per word 1 word each additional day HELP WANTED FOR RENT OFFICIAL NOTICE WORK WANTED 4a per Minimum cha inimum charge—75e Classified Display $1.00 per column inch each insertion Apply in person. Pizza Hut, 2610 Texas Avenue, Bryan. 354t4 DEADLINE 3 p.m. day before publication FOR SALE 1972 Pinto Station Wagon. Radio, heater, air conditioning, 2000 cc engine, excellent condition, 845-6040. 353t3 Girls 26 inch bicycle, very goi Call 846-5695 after 5 :30 weekdi >od condition. Corvair 1965 air-conditioned, excellent condition, 20 mpg. 693-3136. 356t5 Sell your used air conditioner to White’s Auto Store or trade on new Catalina home RN needed full time on 11 to 7 shift. Shift dif ferential plus mileage. Call or come to Grimes Memo rial Hospital 210 S. Judson St. Navasota, Texas 77868 or 825-6585. Ask for Mrs. Winkelmann Director of Nurses or Mr. Fraley Ad ministrator. appliances. 308tfn 1972 Pinto Station Wagon. Radio, heater, air conditioning, 2000 cc engine, excellent condition, 845-6040. 353t3 For university couple or individual in graduate college. Furnished two bedroom, air conditioned apartment. Roomy, reason able, fenced back yard. 822-6668. 355t3 Official notices must arrive in the l of Student Publications before deadli 1 p. m. Office Ine of of the day preceding publication. For this coming Spring, try a nni do, blow-dry style. Lady Fair Beiuljii Townshire Shopping Center. Near A&M, one bedroom newly decorated house, fenced yard. 846-4465. 354tfn Two bedroom furnished house, corner lot. References required. Couple only. Call 823- 2607. 353t4 Private bedroom in nice area. Close to campus. Kitchen, washer, and dryer priv- iledges. To female student. 845-1041 or 846-0908 after 5. 353t4 SPRING AWARD SCHOLARSHIPS Application forms for the Spring Awards Program may be obtained from the Student Financial Aid Office, Room 303, YMCA Building, until March 31, 1974. All applica tions must be filed with the Student Finan cial Aid Office by not later than 5 :00 p. m. April 1, 1974. Late applications will not bo accepted. 354tl7 Professional typist. IBM Close to campus. 846-0634. Texas A&M University, February 13, 1974 Office of the Dean of Admissions and Apartments for rent, good for two boys. part of utilities paid. Call 846-5132 or 846-6124. $45 a piece. Furnished, part To be eligible to purchase the Texas A&M University ring, an undergraduate student must have at least one academic year in J.i.Hin residence and credit for year ninety-five (95) Two bedroom furnished mobile home. Six miles from campus Hwy. 30. Couples only. Call 846-1865. semester hours. The hours passed at the riod 4, 1974 may be used in satisfying this ninety-five hour requirement. Students preliminary grade report period on March 4, 1974 may be used in BUY BRAND NAME STEREO EQUIP MENT in factory sealed cartons. Fully guaranteed right here in College Sta tion at super discount prices. No rip off and no gimmicks. Call Creed 846-8329 between 5 and 7. 346tl4 FOR SALE OR RENT 1971 MGB, excellent condition, 27 m $2600, 846-7433. pg, 5t4 BELAIR PARK 2201 Leonard Rd. 822-2326 or 822-2421 Rentals or purchases Large Lots .From $29.50 Used Coldspot, Sears air-conditioner, 110 93-31 volt, % horsepower motor. Call 693-3671. 354tfn SPECIAL NOTICE BROADMOOR APTS. 2 Bedroom, 1 bath, central air & heat, panelled, carpeted & draped, close to school, University Shop ping Center, & Medical Center. $145. unfurnished. $165 furnish ed. All bills paid including cable. 1503 Broadmoor 846-1297 or 846-2737 S17tfn Camera equipment, Pentax, 135mm, many ries for: Maymia-Sekor, Yashici accesso les for: Maymia Pentax Complete darkroom with m301 enlarger. Contact Ri 845-2241 between 8 and 5. asfuca, durst King 3-B trombone, accessories. Like new. Call Hank, 845-4650. 354t4 USED CARS Not The Largest Stock But The Best For Less Low Overhead See Us Before You Buy NEWMAN MOTORS 505 S. Texas Bryan 822-4824 342tfn Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTbR COMPANY, INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 67tfn reqt this regulation may now ith the Ring Clerk. Coke Building. She, irn, will check all records to determine eligibility. Orders for these rings will qualifying under this regulation may n leave their names with the Ring Clerk, Room Seven, Richard Coke Building. She, ren, in turn, will check ail records to determir ring eligibility. Orders for these rings will be taken by the Ring Clerk starting March 16, 1974, and continuing through May 3, 1974. The rings will be returned to the Registrar’s Office for delivery on or before June 14, 1974. The Ring Clerk is on duty from 8:00 a. m. to 12:00 noon and 1 :00 p. m. to 4:00 p. m., Monday through Friday of each week. Edwin H. Cooper, Dean Admissions and Records Carolyn Wells, Ring Clerk 346tfn Furnitim Strippinf Antiques U e sprintd a pPoin' Thor ^ntoni jjonon qiiarte: during -pho rnt inf? ^ a nd po or con Thoi court c oach, him in a'ceii 1 gon, tl jeuken man Thorn probat s easor The gparse AMITY, Inc, of Bra 1103 W. 25th 10% Discount To Aggi: on Stripping Marc I). Luther 7 1 3/ 822-7717 Bryan, Texas 77801 Typing done, reasontble theses and dissertation rata. Mrs. Typing. Experienced, fut, ittutit kinds. 822-0544. Experienced typing, electric, ceu 46-6561. Full time typing. Call 823-77211! 3838. LOST WANTED TO BUY Lost gray, black and silver fie collie. REWARD. Frances, 822-7’il Mobile home sp umpus. Couples ace for rent 6 miles from only. Call 846-1866. 315tfn Carl Bussell’s old gold. IAMOND ROOM, 846-4708. FOR BEST RESULTS TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES. One and 2 bedroom furnished apartments. Ready for occupancy. 1% miles south of campus. Lake for fishing. Washateria on grounds. Country atmosphere. Call D. R. Cain Co., 823-0934 or after 5, 846-3408 or 822-6135. 166tfn Leopard hound dog Name: Snicker, lei tially blue. Reward. 823-7448. 346111 Montclair. Name: og, vicinity Jtnfl Snicker, left eji TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 Redmond Terrace Drugs Phone 846-1113 1402 Hwy. 6-South College Station, Texas Prescriptions, Etc. Charge Accounts Invited Free Delivery SOSOLIK'S TV & RADIO SERVICE INC. Authorized Zenith Sales and Services 713 S. MAIN 822-2133 SOUTHGATE VILLAGE APARTMENTS Family size apartments with lots of closet space. Individually controlled refrigerated air. Cable TV connections. Complete laundry facilities. ALL UTILITIES PAID One, two, three & four bedroom apart ments from $104.00. Some available now. Married students welcome. Barcelona ki\i.u oinc i HowonNFOKsunn 134 Luther (off old hwy. 6 so., C. S.) Rental Office 846-3702 ONE MONTH RENT FREE COME SEE OUR SPACIOUS FLATS AND STUDIOS • 1, 2, 3 BEDROOM • CARPET • ALL ELECTRIC KITCHENS • RECREATION ROOMS • SWIMMING POOLS • SHUTTLE BUS SERVICE Convenient Locations To Campus Hurry so you can have preference as to available locations and color schemes TRINITY GARDEN DUPLEXES Like Home Living 2 bedroom - IV2 baths - carpet - drapes central heat and air - electric kitchen - range, refrigerator - dishwasher - disposal - washer dryer attachments in garage, fenced back yard — pet accepted. 846-3988 1712 Trinity Place College Station, Texas 1 mile from campus Volleyball Court & Swimming Pool Recreation & Club Ro« AU Utilities & TV Cable paid Now Available 1 Bedroom, 1 baths 2 Bedrooms, V/-> baths 2 Bedrooms, 2 baths FAMILY AND SECTIONS. STUDE! invited and may call Mike Gagnee at 846-1898 after 7 p.m. for more infor- SCUBA CLUB will have a weight making party at Lake Somerville. Bring lead Tanglewood South 411 Hwy. 30 846-2026 Monaco Apts. 306 Redmond 846-2509 neering WILDLIFE SCIENCE WIVES CLUB will party at 7:30 p.m. in 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms (Studios) 10 Floor Plans (650 to 1360 sq. ft.) Washer - Dryer Connections Shuttlebus 24 hour Security 1600 Southwest Parkway —EVERYDAY- OPEN 7:30 a.m. - 5:3flpt Mon. Thru Sat, Brake Shoes 4,6i (2 Wheels) exchange Alternators 18.95 exchan Starters - Generators from 14.95 exchange Most any part for most American and some Foreign cars at dealer pri« Your Lawnboy Dealer “We accept BankAmericard - Mastered Except on Prestone Joe Faulk Auto Parts -Private club & pool for odujti -Rec. hall & pool for familfes Picnic tables & Bar-B-Cue pits ng 2fs, drive* d utilities • les -Ponds for fishing -Paved streets, driveways & patios -Undergro -Planned communit ity activi Rentals Available 2001 Beck Street