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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1974)
Page 4 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1974 Batt News Summary BATTALION CLASSIFIED State By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AUSTIN —The trial of Earl Dean Collins, charged with tak ing historic documents from the Texas Supreme Court building, was rescheduled Monday for Feb. 2. Collins, 40, was custodian of the 3rd Court of Civil Appeals here. A Supreme Court clerk discov ered Aug. 8 that files containing 1,853 records were missing from a storage area in a basement room. Most of the records were found behind an air-conditioning unit. The documents dealt with the period from 1840 to 1892. Ariyoshi said 92 per cent of the state’s service station operators have agreed to comply with the voluntary plan. The state proposal is called “Caspian.” It will be publicized by a $25,000 advertising cam paign. The plan was created by the state's energy task force. WASHINGTON—Oil executives told Congress the energy crisis was not contrived by the petro leum industry but was caused by low natural-gas prices and envi ronmental concern. The executives testified before a Senate subcom mittee investigating the severity of the energy crisis. The hearing opened with Sen. Abraham A. Ribicoff, D-Conn., accusing the oil industry of “cheating the American public.” International PARIS—The French franc, set loose in a float Saturday, slump ed on foreign exchange markets. The price of gold soared a com mon reaction in times of mone tary uncertainty. The United States dollar, meanwhile, rose in value in the European exchanges. It bought 5.35-5.37 francs on the Paris financial market where tourist dollars are traded. WANT AD RATES One day 5 c per word 4c per word each additional day Minimum charge—75c Classified Display $1.00 per column inch each insertion FOR SALE WORK WANTED 1963 Chrysler. Good looking, clean. One owner. $350. Call 846-4101. 334tfn Twin waterbeds with frame and liners. $40 each. 823-0266. 334t4 National PINE RIDGE, S. D. — The struggle for tribal control of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, site of the 71-day siege of Wound ed Knee, moves to the polls Tues day amid police predictions of possible violence. Twelve candidates were on the primary election ballot for presi dent of the Oglawa Sioux Tribe, including incumbent Richard Wil son and American Indian Move ment leader Russell Means. Means, 33, Qorcupine, S.D., was a leader of the takeover. He and others are on trial in St. Paul, Minn., for their role in the siege. Wilson, 39, a plumber before winning the head office on the reservation, is an avowed op ponent of AIM. Campus Briefs Symphonic band auditions A house you can live with payments to match. Call about this 3/2/2 in special neighborhood. Fire place, fenced yard, and other extras. INGLE REAL ESTATE 822-0824 or Claudia Ingle 846-2820 Furniture Stripping Antiques AMITY, Inc. of Bryan 1103 W. 25th 10% Discount To Aggies on Stripping Marc D. Luther 713/822-7717 f Bryan, Texas 77801 315tfn Let White's Auto Store, College Station, serve you with your hardware and plumb ing needs. North Gate. 231tfn 14 x 64, 3 bedroom mobile home, good condition. 822-4157. 333t3 Typing done, reasonable rates. Can do theses and dissertations. Mrs. Whitm 693-4483. University Symphonic Band au dition candidates will meet Wed nesday. Director Joe McMullen said stu dents who signed up earlier should be at the E. V. Adams Band Hall at 12 noon. Auditions for the new TAMU musical organization will begin Thursday. Rehearsals and activities will begin this semester. Open to any A&M student, the symphonic band is separate from any other TAMU musical group. Nine f end tab! as heaters, assorted chairs, stools s and other household goods, co ton samples. Call 846-8341. 333t5 LOST REWARD for star sapphire ring with five stones. Personal value means more than cost. Appreciate if found I 845-3898. Keathley 411. please return. 334t4 Refrigerator rentals Refrigerators are available for rent through Friday, 3-5 p.m. in the basement of the old health center, says Larry McRoberts, campus projects chairman. A semester rental fee of $31 dollars includes a $10 deposit on damage. LOST Ladies Diamond Watch REWARD 823-0912 332t4 Class rings delivery WASHINGTON — Herbert L. Porter, the former Nixon re-elec tion committee official who ad mitted lying under oath to remain “a team player,” was charged with making false statements to the FBI. The charge carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $10,000 fine. Porter, 35, had been prepared to plead guil ty, his lawyer said, but the case was put off, perhaps for a week, by the illness of the judge as signed to the case. Senior students who ordered class rings for delivery on Jan. 22 may pick them up at the ring clerk’s desk in the Coke Building. Carolyn Wells, new Association of Former Students ring clerk, said the shipment arrived early. Her office will remain open from 8-5 p.m., except during the noon hour, for ring distribution. Students expecting their class rings may pick them up Monday through Friday, according to Ms. Wells. Redmond Terrace Drugs Phone 846-1113 1402 Hwy. 6-South College Station, Texas Prescriptions, Etc. Charge Accounts Invited Free Delivery Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting Free Estimates HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. — 823-8111 57tfn FOR SALE OR RENT Singing cadet openings HONOLULU—A statewide gas oline rationing plan similar to one used in Oregon will go into effect in Hawaii Feb. 4. Acting Gov. George Ariyoshi says drivers with even-numbered license plates can buy fuel on even-numbered days and those with odd-numbered plates can purchase gasoline on the other days. Service stations will be open Monday through Friday and driv ers will be allowed to fill up only if their tanks are at least half- empty. Students started auditioning Monday for openings in the Sing ing Cadets. Tryouts continue through Fri day at the all-male glee club prac tice hall, 119 G. Rollie White Coli seum. Students should report to Director Robert L. Boone between 2 and 4:30 p.m. Auditions will be for 10 open ings. Working with Boone and pianist-accompanist Mrs. June Biering, each auditioning student is asked to sight read a piece of music and sing a number. SOSOLIK'S TV & RADIO SERVICE INC. Authorized Zenith Sales and Services 713 S. MAIN 822-2133 BELAIR^ PARK 2201 Leonard Rd. 822-2326 or 822-2421 Rentals or purchases Large Lots From $29.50 Frank Kahan—822-2421 334tfn Community support The Bryan-College Station Chamber of Commerce has pre sented its annual $1,000 unre stricted educational grant to Pres ident Jack K. Williams. The annual award was begun by the Chamber of Commerce in 1964, according to Mann. He said the award is made to the univer sity in a show of support by the business and professional com munity in Bryan-College Station for educational activities. “These funds will be used for projects not covered by state funds,” Dr. Williams noted. “We highly appreciate this expression of faith by the business and pro fessional community in our work here at Texas A&M.” SOUTHGATE VILLAGE APARTMENTS Family size apartments with lots of closet space. Individually controlled refrigerated air. Cable TV connections. Complete laundry facilities. ALL UTILITIES PAID One, two, three & four bedroom apart ments from $104.00. Some available now. Married students welcome. 134 Luther (off old hwy. 6 so., C. S.) Rental Office 846-3702 ROOMMATE WANTED Male graduate student to take % two bedroom apartment. 716 North Main No. 7 for i/j rent ($62.50) and bills. 333t5 Need male roommate for bright new garage apartment. No cooking facility, near campus $50 call L at 693-4207. 333t5 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 pent house 1 Located at Plantation Oaks Apts, above the leasing office. Now has their own disc jockey to play your records by request. LADIES (UNESCORTED)—ALL DRINKS HALF PRICE—ALL OF THE TIME. NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL Through February ON ALL BRANDS VXoo<><>. X Loi Ve A cxy Monday All Collins .. Tuesday All Vodka Drinks Wednesday All Scotch Drinks NpY. = Po.vk.lfJ'S -tO PV-a»j-\rccA:,oij TRY IT — Thursday All Bourbon Drinks WE HOPE YOU WILL LIKE I r .... 75c - 75c .... 75c — 75c SOUTHWEST VILLAGE Apartments One & two bedroom apartments, also two bedroom studios. Four different color combinations. Recreation rooms. Swimming - , Sauna, Tennis. 846-1931 1101 Southwest Parkway College Station 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms (Studios) 10 Floor Plans (650 to 1360 sq. ft.) Washer - Dryer Connections Shuttlebus 24 hour Security 1600 Southwest Parkway Phone: 846-5767 GENERAL ELECTRIC This is Living. Club) Swimming Men's ir Women's Sauna and Exercise Room 1201 Hwy. 30 College Station (713) 846-8361 COUNTRY STYLE LIVING AT— •fife The Oaks apartments were built for people who insist on the very best. A totally unique and exciting way of Life is afforded by a completely new concept in garden apartments—locqt- ’ed on a private wooded lake-—coun try living at a convenient location. HWY. 2818 at industrial Park 1713) 822-7650. HELP WANTED GARAGE SALE Ladies’ Hair Beauty Salon. Townshire Shopping Center. Welcomes Linda Williams to its staff. Linda is from Beaumont and is experienced in glow styling and young hair fashions. For appointment. 822-1711. : Urive-in now taking applications. GARAGE SALE — LEAVDiG; ate opening as nighttime fry cook. COUNTRY — BARGAINS GAUti in person. 104 East University. This Friday 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.. Sit; 334t8 to 6 p.m., Sunday 10 a.m. to 8 n>i Inlow CS. Sonic Drive-in now taki Immediate Apply Typing. Call 845-2451. Ask for Kathy. 62tfn Looking for aggressive part-time salesr • work campus for local firm. Call Fri 823-0939. to work campu Davis or Joel King. man ank 834t2 FOR RENT Registered Nurse position available mental health nursing. You will w closely with professional staff in a com- 823-2607. munity oriented program, active in service program. Please contact Mrs. Klintwork 822-7326 Central Brazos Two bedroom furnished house, «■ wilT work lot. References required. Couple otli Health Center. One bedroom furnished house, Valley Mental 1st. Two students or married couplet 83315 2142. Whitmore. 291tfn Typing - fast, expert - proposals, theses. 846-6196 after 6:30 and week-ends. 281tfn TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY For employment information at Texas A&M University Call 846-4444 24 hours a day Equal Employment Opportunity through Affirmative Action. Room in boarding house has 2 na*, $450 a semester. 823-0266. 8568 after 5 p. m. for rent CiUj i One bedroom apartment fumishsi.; tlemen only. Water pair. 155 I > ; M93.6046 One bedroom. Completely refci apartment. $80 monthly. Call ffli s, stools. Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All >ods, cot- kinds. 822-0544. 233tfn Experienced typing, electric, near campus. 846-6651. 209tfn Full time typing. Call 823-7723 or 823- 3838. 267tfn SPECIAL NOTICE ATTENTION MAY GRADUATES Orders for Graduation Announcements will be taken beginning Jan. 21, 1974 — February 22, 1974 at the Student Finance Office, Room 217, MSC, 8:00 - 4:00 Mon - Fri. 333U9 Registered Nurses, LVN’s, and Lap Technicians, X-ray experience helpful, needed at T. L. Goodnight Memo rial Hospital in Caldwell, Tex. Shift deferential plus mileage. Contact G. F. Clemmons Administrator or Mrs. J. Mize, Director of Nursing 502 N. Stone or Call collect 713-567-3362. 1 Bdrm unfurnished $145; fc nished $170. Furnished apt ment has all new furniture I eluding butcher block tablesi chrome frames. 2 bdrm. wfe nished $165. New shag, disp® and dishwasher. All apartratr, have extra large rooms, stoi lockers, covered parking swimming pool. Tropicana Apartments 2701 Kent, Bryan 822-9055 Two bedroom mobll General housework and help with elder ly man. Two local references required. Hours and work days flexible. Call 846- 8341. 33315 PENT HOUSE I Cocktail waitress wanted. 846-9384. 8S2tfn years, $60.00 per pise Bryan or College i Western Motel. 846-5757. or couple to place on your lot or in Bryan or Colla <• home, onr tr nth. relisbk isi . % RN needed full time on 11 to 7 shift. Shift dif ferential plus mileage. Call or come to Grimes Memo rial Hospital 210 S. Judson St. Navasota, Texas 77868 or 825-6585. Ask for Mrs. Winkelmann Director of Nurses or Mr. Fraley Ad ministrator. FAIRWAY APTS. The same familiar “fail way" at the “NEW” Fa: way Apartments. NEij carpeting, NEW panelk; NEW heated pool, NEl furniture, NEW gasgril and NEW managemei:/ More lieable area for yJ dollar. Call or see Mrs.Tnfl ly East, Apt. 1-B, 8224!Ka Apartment, private entrance, edfe university, air conditioned 84 6-8202. Ora TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED Special rates for college studratt bedroom fully pletely furnished. re st carpeted. $110 Call 822-1426 -EVERYDAY- OPEN 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Mon. Thru Sat. Brake Shoes 4.10 (2 Wheels) exchange Alternators 18.95 exchange Starters - Generators from 14.95 exchange Most any part for most American and some Foreign cars at dealer price Your Lawnboy Dealer “We accept BankAmericard - Mastercharge” Except on Prestone Joe Faulk Auto Parts 220 E. 25 822-1669 Giving Better Service For 28 Years In Bryan Apartments for rent, good for tm $45 a piec paid. \ piec Call Furnished, psrt of nt®| 846-5182 or 846-5124. artment, billl plid Line bedroom apartment, approximately three miles from 822-0827. fit? Two bedroom furnished mobile Six miles from campus Hwy. SO. CoS > only. Call 846-1866. ID Three bedroom, 1% bath, brick, ft dint eum rge fenced yari ctiona in double garage. CH, refriiW and linoleu rig room, shag rug, denandkitf m, be. Large fenced nections in double garage. CH, refripn air. Near the university. $215, not 846-8341. : room, shag rug, ( bedrooms are hardwood ft ard, washer and drr« d Large two bedroom furnished apirtw dining room, sitting room. Utilitls j 1 nished except electricity. $100. (8-I or 822-1078. One bedroom duplex. Nicely fortif pine panelling throughout. $75 a not pan. 122. New furnished 2 bedroom house int# try on East bypass to Aggie couple to farm life that will stay at least 2 pi Someone that will be able to feed a if need arises. $160 a month, $60 dep) only water furnished. No children orl 846-4669. Barcelona ki si ai nn k i \<m ort \ i ok sm ( nos 1 mile from campus Volleyball Court & Swimming Pool Recreation & Club Rooms AH Utilities & TV Cable paid Now Available 1 Bedroom, 1 baths 2 Bedrooms, XVa baths 2 Bedrooms, 2 baths FAMILY AND STUDENT SECTIONS. BROADMOOR 2 Bedroom, 1 bath, central air! heat, panelled, carpeted & drapi close to school, University Sho| ping Center, & Medical Cento $145. unfurnished. $165 fu ed. All bills paid including cabl 1503 Broadmoor 846-1297 or 846-2737 Mobile home space for rent 6 miles u campus. Couples only. Call 846-1885 ATTENTION MARRIED COUPLES.® and 2 bedroom furnished apartment!. for occupancy. 1% miles south of Lake for fishing. Washaterla on gro- Country atmosphere. Call D. R. Cain ’ 823-0934 or after 5, 846-3408 or 822-8' 181 TRINITY GARDEN DUPLEXES Like Home Living 2 bedroom - IV2 baths - carpet - drapes central heat and air - electric kitchen - range, refrigerator - dishwasher disposal - washer dryer attachments in garage, fenced back yard — pet accepted. 846-3988 1712 Trinity Place College Station, Texas HICKORY HILLS MOBILEJIOIIIIE PARK V; Private club & pool for adults —(tec. hall & pool for families —Picnic tables A Bar-6-Cue pits —Ponds for fishing —Paved streets, driveways A patios —Underground utilities -Planned community activities Rentals Available 2001 Beck Street 822-6912