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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1973)
;:r c ^c„ (( ^,c^o. i defense B1 defense, le-Grapefruit Juice inch, Iced Tea, Hot Te*, colate, Tang, Grape Drink,( ce. Sprite, •Cola, Pink Len e-Grapefruit Juice, 'Milk . Low Fat Milk at Commoia Jltry 250.4 yards a game, ■is its work cut out when Tt as’ power machine larches onto Kyle Field lading the conference in of- Hnse with a hefty 427.2 Irds per game average, pxas owns the No. 2 de- jnse in the conference ■hile the Aggies are the lague s offense. Personally escorted by Dr. Elias Thermos, your tour features include: round trip air fare via KLM 747 Jumbo jet from Houston, sightseeing, lectures, deluxe hotels, continental breakfasts and much more. MAY 29 - JUNE 17, 1974 First Class Deluxe — 21 Days $1,295’ Economy — 21 Days from $995* Optional 7 Day Aegean Island Cruise — June 17 -24 on Sun Line's Famous Stella Solaris from $260 GREEK SUMMER STUDY MAY 29 - JUNE 24, 1974 College Credit Available 27 DAYS $1,095’ Ed Simonini GREECE ALA CARTE: Air only - Houston - Athens - Houston $485 plus 5% Service & Taxes. KK AGES ich. Iced Tea, Hot Te», •late. Tang, Grape Drink.Gru e. Sprite. Cola, Pink Leaceu -Grapefruit Juice •Milk, Fruit Punch, Hot In ot Chocolate, Tang, Gn« apefruit Juice, Sprite, tok. colatc and Low Fat Milk»: made, Pineapple-Grapelreit ROME Personally conducted by Mrs. Toby Schreiber, Dean of Women, Texas A&M University $449 Dec.22-30 or Dec.29-Jan.6 per person all taxes & tips included Exclusively for students, faculty and staff of Texas A&M University and immediate families. ice, Grape Drink, PmeippK- Juice, Hot Cocoa, HoiTei e, Sprite Pat Thomas James Daniels Jackie Williams Tim Gray ik, Pineapple-Grapefruit , Hot Tea, Tang, Coke,' Coffee, Grapefruit Juice, Optimism in Store for A&M Basketball tot Tea, Coffee, HotChotti# ►e Drink, Grapefruit Juict a. Pink Lemonade, 'Fruit ?npple-Grapefruit Juice, KC nd Low Fat Milk at Cora® 1 <, Pineapple-Grapefruit Jw Hot Tea, Coke, Sprite IGES Iced Tea, Tang, Pine*^ trice, Hot Cocoa, Hot To. , Coffee Play Opens Here Against Houston Baptist College Nov. 30 Your Roman Holiday includes: round trip jet air fare from Dallas, deluxe hotel, continental breakfasts, sight seeing and many other features. Special meal options available. RESERVATION DEADLINE NOVEMBER 25 By BARRY DONNELLY For the 1973 version of the Lggie basketball team, the sea- on will be one of optimism. The Aggies lost two valuable tarters in Mario Brown and Jeff Iverhouse, but there is much re- urning talent to take up the lack. There will be several re- urning players with considerable :i!k, Coffee, Hot Tea, But mg, Grape Drink, GrapeW , Cola, Pink Lemonade, Pj» ruit Juice, •Chocolate MA Milk at Commons Tang, Hot Cocoa. Hot Td Pineapple-Grapefruit LGES Tea, Coffee, Hot Chocoii! Drink, Grapefruit Juice, Pink Lemonade, Fruit >ple-Grapefruit Juice 'Milk, Iced Tea, HotTei, Tang, Grape Drink, Gdl* •rite, Cola, Pink Lemons pefruit Juice, Chocolate Fat Milk at Commons Pineapple-Grapefruit Jui^ t Tea, Coke, Sprite 2ES :ed Tea, Hot Tea, Hot Grapefruit Juice, Piifr it Juice, Pink Lemonade, c, Fruit Punch, Hot Tea, Tang, Grape Drink, :e, Pineapple-Grapefruit ola, Chocolate & Low F>t WITHOUT NOTICE FROM SUPPLIERS. Shelby Metcalf playing time plus quality trans fers and recruits. The hubs of the team will be lettermen Mike Floyd and Randy Knowles. Floyd will be the court leader for the Aggies and Knowles will be counted on to provide the same outstanding scoring punch as last season. Cedric Joseph will be relied upon heavily to provide the solid post man play the Aggie’s tandem post offense demands. Jerry Mercer, another returning letterman who started several games last year, teams with Joseph to give the Aggies two formidable post men. The team will receive help from several other returnees. Webb Williams, Dale Donaldson, Charlie Jenkins, C. W. Guthrie and Joe Arciniega give the Aggies expe rience, and can be counted on to battle for starting positions. The Aggies will need help from the redshirts, transfers and re cruits, also. They expect to get it from several quality players. John Thornton, a 6-6 San Antonio Junior College transfer, will be counted on to step in and make a large contribution to the team. Leroy Baerwald from New Braun fels and Mike Johnson from Aus tin High in Chicago, Ill., are two of the quality recruits the Aggies will have this season, and both could see considerable playing time. There are also other fine recruits and redshirts available for the upcoming season. Ray Roberts, Steve Chambers and 6-11 Bruce Ott are redshirts of whom the coaches expect great things. The 1973 Southwest Conference race will be a close one with all of the teams in the league im proved. There are fewer big name players in the conference this year, but the overall teams are stronger. The coaches feel that if all the pieces fall together for the Aggies, they will be right up there battling for the title with the best of the other teams. So the 1973 season will be one of optimism. The team as always will be exciting to watch with several returning players and a bunch of new quality talent. If all this comes together well, the Aggies will he a team hard to beat. 1973-74 Basketball Schedule Nov. 30, Houston Baptist Col lege, College Station; Dec. 3, Southwest Texas State, College Station; Dec. 6, Tarleton State College, College Station; Dec. 10, Stephen F. Austin, College Sta tion; Dec. 19, Virginia Common wealth, Richmond, Va.; Dec. 21- 22, Marshall Invitational, (George Washington, Northwestern, Mar shall), Huntington, W. Va.; Dec. 28-29, Pan American Classic, (Pan American, Oklahoma Chris tian, Tulsa), Edinburg, Tex.; Jan. 4-5, Bluebonnet Classic, (Houston, Denver, Florida State), Houston, Tex.; Jan. 8, Southwestern, Col lege Station; Jan. 15, *8MU, Col lege Station. Jan. 19, :i: TCU, Fort Worth; Jan. 22, *Texas Tech, Lubbock; Jan. 26, *Rice, College Station; Jan. 29, *Texas, Austin; Feb. 2, *Baylor, Waco; Feb. 5, *Arkan- sas, College Station; Feb. 9, *TCU, College Station; Feb. 12, *SMU, Dallas; Feb. 16, *Texas Tech, College Station; Feb. 19, *Rice, Houston; Feb. 23, *Texas, College Station; Feb. 26, *Baylor, College Station; Mar. 2, * Arkan sas, Fayetteville. All home games start at 7:30 p.m. Asterisk indicates Southwest Conference Games. FOR BEST RESULTS TRY BATTALION CLASSIFIED There Is Still Time Have That Special Christmas Gift Custom Made By Carl Bussell at the DIAMOND ROOM Diamonds, Other Gems and Gold Are Combined To Your Specifications On The Premises. ^N^Carl Bussells \/Diamond Room 3731 E 29th — Town & Country Center — 846-4708 A place happy to eat. The Tokyo Steak House is a place happy to eat The menu is traditional, the atmosphere authentic, the service polite, the food terrific. In the Teppan Yaki (iron grill) room, your choice of steak, shrimp, or chicken (plus bean sprouts, onions, zucchini and mushrooms) are cooked right on your table. Chef Toshio is a master of the Japanese cooking ceremony which makes cooking an adventure and eating a delight. There are chopsticks for purists, forks for those with hardy appetites and fortune cookies for everyone. Come as you are —but come hungry and in the mood to have a relaxing, happy dinner. TOKYO STEAK HOUSE Townshire/Texas Avenue/Bryan for reservations call 822-1301 AMSTERDAM LONDON COMPLETE PACKAGE FROM $470 Dec.26- Jan.4 or Dec. 26- Jan.3 Your Amsterdam-London package includes: round trip jet air fare from Houston via KLM 747, deluxe hotels, theater tickets, some meals and a variety of specialties. OR CREATE YOUR OWN TOUR! Dec.23-Jan.11 Air Fare Only HOUSTON-AMSTERDAM-HOUSTON $ 353 Please send me additional information: (Please check) GREECE Directed by Dr. Elias Thermos □ Winter Holiday: Dec. 26-Jan. 8 □ Spring Holiday: March 8-16 □ Greece in Depth: May 29-June 17 □ Optional Aegean Island Cruise □ Greek Summer Studies Program: May 29-June 24 BEVERLEY BRALEY TOURS, TRAVEL MEMORIAL STUDENT CENTER TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY P.O.BOX 5628 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 (713) 846-3773 Date. ROME Directed by Dean Toby Schreiber □ Roman Holiday: Dec. 22-30 or Dec. 29-Jan. 6 Exclusively for students, faculty and staff of Texas A&M University and their immediate families. LON DO N - AMST E R D AM D London-Amsterdam Package: Dec. 26-Jan. 4 or Dec. 26-Jan. 3 □ Or Create Your Own Tour: Dec. 23-Jan. 11 Name-