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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1973)
Page 4 College Station, Texas Wednesday, October 24, 1{?73 THE BATTALION Texas Residents Claim Numerous UFO Sightings ASSOCIATED PRESS Unidentified flying objects, the occurrence of some accompanied by strange phenomena, were sighted at widespread points in Texas again Monday night. Some observers were airline pilots, and one was an astronomy laboratory instructor. Residents in the east Dallas suburbs of Mesquite and Balch Springs reported seeing green flashing lighs over the community in telephone calls to the police dispatchers. In the same vicinity, a larger Discrimination Of Males Trial Scheduled WASHINGTON <A>) _ The Su preme Court agreed Tuesday to consider for the first time a sex discrimination case brought by a man. The case involves Florida tax advantages given only to wid ows. The court will hear arguments this winter on a challenge by Mi ami widow Mel Kahn to the state’s $500 real estate tax exemption for widows. In several decisions last term, the court showed a sensitivity to women’s rights and to discrimina tion based on sex. Florida Atty. Gen. Robert L. could justify its aid for widows by demonstrating statistically that women heads of households suffer greater economic ills than their male counterparts. Kahn’s attorney countered that as property owners, widows and widowers should be entitled to the same treatment. In other, action, the court re fused to interfere with contempt of court fines assessed against two newsmen who reported on a public hearing in violation of a concededly illegal gag order. The two newsmen, Larry Dick inson of the Baton-Rouge, La., State-Ttimes and Gibbs Adams of the Baton Rouge Morning Advo cate, argued that their $300 fines should be rescinded because the U. S. District Court order against publishing accounts of the hear ing was so obviously illegal that it could be ignored. The U. S. Circuit Court in New Orleans agreed that the order by U. S. District Court Judge E. Gor don West was indeed illegal but refued to lift the contempt find ing. West claimed that newspaper accounts of the hearing could prejudice a future state criminal proceeding, but the newmen’s lawyers said such considerations would hold “freedom of the press as we know it . . . hostage to the fertile imagination of Judges.” Bulletin Board TONIGHT SOUTH LOUISIANA HOMETOWN CLUB will meet at 7 :30 p. m. at the main desk of the Memorial Student Center by the bookstore. For additional information call Jim Lacy at 845-3894. SCIENCE FICTION—FREE U will meet following the showing of “1984” in Room 502 of the MSC Tower at 8 p. m. ALPHA LAMDA will meet at 6 :30 p. m. in Room 404 of the Tower. Karen Swit zer, counselor for the Fowler, Keathley, Hughes complex, will be the guest speaker. A&M BRIDE CLUB will meet at 7:30 p. m. in Room 203 of the MSC. BILLARDS COMMITTEE ORGANIZA TIONAL MEETING will be at 7:30 p. m. in Room 701-B of the Tower. CZECH CLUB will meet at 7:30 p. m. in Rom 504 of the Rudder Conference Center Travel opportunities in Czech oslovakia will be discussed. TEXAS A&M SPORTS CAR CLUB will meet at 7 :30 p. m. in the Mimosa Room of Old College Station City Hall, 101 Church St. MEXICAN-AMERICAN STUDENT OR GANIZATION will meet at 8 p. m. in Room 402 of the MSC Tower. Every one interested is welcome to attend. TAMU SAILING CLUB will meet at 7 :30 p. m. in the MSC. The room number will be posted on the door of the main entrance. WOMEN’S AWARENESS WORKSHOP AND BLACK AWARENESS COMMIT TEE will hold a panel discussion on “The Black Woman and the Liberations Movements” at 7 :30 p. m. in Room 308 of the MSC Tower. Everyone is wel comed to attend. OFF CAMPUS SOPHOMORES interested in serving on the Sophomore Council should contact Mike Alford at 845-1779 or Robin Coppedge at 845-1679. CAMPUS PLANNING COMMITTEE will meet at 7:30 p. m. in Room E of the Student Programs Office. All interested persons are invited to attend. FAIR HOUSING COMMITTEE will meet at 5 p. m. in the Student Government Office. PRE-MEDICAL. PRE-DENTAL SOCI ETY will hear representatives from the Southwestern Medical School In Room 100 of the Chemistry Building at 7 :30 p.m. AG. ECO. CLUB will hear John Feilke speak at 7:30 p.m. in the Plants Sci ences Building. AIR FORCE STUDENT WIVES CLUB will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Kenneth Baker, 1214 Neal Pickett. FT. BEND COUNTY HOMETOWN CLUB will meet in Room 404 of the Rudder Tower at 8 p.m. CZECH CLUB will meet at 7:30 p.m. in Room 504 of the Rudder Tower. Travel opportunities in Czechoslovakia this summer will be discussed. THURSDAY ALICE AREA HOMETOWN CLUB will meet at 7:30 p. m. in Room 502 of the MSC Tower. FOOD SCIENCE CLUB will meet at 7:30 in Room 701-B of the Tower. LAREDO HOMETOWN CLUB will meet at 7:30 p. m. around the bell in the Academic Building. TAMU YR’S will meet at 7 p. m. in Rooms N and O of the Student Pro grams Office. SATURDAY AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF INDUS TRIAL ENGINEERS will hold its an nual fall picnic at Williamson Park at 5 p- m. after the Baylor game. Ad mission will be 50 cents for members and guests, $1.50 for public. UFO and a smaller version re portedly bore red and green lights and moved in an easterly direc tion. Just 30 miles to the west in Fort Worth, an astronomy in structor and about 15 students looked to the heavens and saw an object they estimated to be moving at about 4,000 miles per hour. “The object had a neutral, dull-white color with an amber tinge,” said Larry Brown, an astoronomy lab instructor who was holding a class at the Texas Christian University observatory. He and the students estimated its altitude at more than 50,000 feet. “The object did not look like anything I had ever seen before,” Brown said. “It is out of the realm of our understanding of physical or natural phenomena. I have nothing to associate it with.” At the air traffic control tower at San Antonio’s International Airport, radar operator Jim Stephens spotted a bright object about 2:20 a.m. Stephens said the object ap peared to have wings on both sides and a red light on top which finally seemed to flicker out, said Stephens who inspected the object through binoculars. While it was flying approxi mately two miles west of the air port tower, the object was viewed by pilots flying Braniff Inter national and Eastern Airline planes. Unlike reports from Brown- wood, neither airport nor area police agencies reported com munications or electrical inter ference during the sightings in San Antonio. Radio Station KEAN reported transmitter fluc tuations when the mysterious "THE B/ I obj ects glowed in the sky souji, | west of town. A reported crash of a M WASHIN( was related by residents of gjHaders deci away Lake south of El p Js iihead with : They said the object appeared. l ea( * to ^ >r ' crass across the internatio[i l ®® aC ^ ment border in the mountains ® ent *'° re ‘ e Mexico. Watergate Anther such object alle^.judge- then moved down to low altitsjft and hovered near the spot start the first cracked up, they said, ^° re Nixons Tpes, and s jjiue at leas Depend on SKAGGS ALBERTSONS for the most complete departments in town HALLOWEEN TOYS MOVABLE SPRING TOYS cmai. mm BRACK’S CANDIES 70 INDIVIDUAL PACKAGES 0 FOR TRICK OR TREAT iVr 'A HALLOWEEN ACROBATS SQUEEZE THE BUTTON IN AND OUT, WATCH THE WITCH FLIP AND TWIRL. Q !«> HALLOWEEN STROLLERS "--ML PUT ON A SLIGHT INCLINE TO WATCH THEM STROLL DOWN PUMPKIN LANE § A PUMPKIN BULB PRESS THE SPRING ON BOTTOM PUMPKIN FACE WILL LIGHT UP BATTERY NOT INCLUDED POP-UP PUMPKIN PULL KNOB AND ITS SQUEALS AS BLACK CAT POPS UP -■V;. HALLOWEEN ■CANDLES! SKULLS -_SCARECROWS - ETC TO MONSTER MAKE-UP CANDY KISSES 200 INDIVIDUAL CANDY TREATS HALLOWEEN PLAYMATES MADE WITH LANOLIN - NON TOXIC HALLOWEEN SKELETON HALLOWEEN MASKS s? TO TRICK OR TREAT! BAGS TWCK-THMfc HEAVY BAG WITH HANDLE brach£ [0 “GLOWS IN THE DARK PARTY Decorations. 0NE 16"-TWO-7“-FOUR 6' * C- “ i ^ ® c c 60 /; 0.'*' v: INCHES ' \ ) ,1 HIGH to play with TO DECORATE TO TRICK OR TREAT WITH 0 LONG MAW A ^ PUMPKIN FACE SPARKLER PUSH THE PLUNGER-WATCH [THE EYES AND MOUTH SPARKLE \ HALLOWEEN COSTUMES I JACK 0’ LANTERN 0 SHOP EARLY WHILE ASSORTMENT IS COMPLETE LARGE SIZE WITH CARRYING HANDLE $ INFLATABLE SCARECROW TO TO DECORATE OR PLAY WITH. TO TRICK OR TREAT WITH. v 'HALLOWEEN SPOOKY LIGHT HALLOWEEN MASK-EYES ■ 111111111.11111111111111111111 4, CLACKING TEETH SKULL 0 HALLOWEEN SPOOKY HORN 0 A PERFECT DISGUISE AT TRICK OR TREAT TIME PENLITE BATTERY NOT INCLUDED SQUEEZE MY HEAD .....■■■•Mjaai iinillMMIIIIillllli BOO AND SHRIEK